Tag: Write Now Workshop Podcast

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When Your Life Depends On It by Kitty Bucholtz

April 9, 2020 by in category It's Worth It by Kitty Bucholtz, Writing tagged as , , , ,

I had the most interesting conversation this week with Brad Borkan. He co-authored the book, When Your Life Depends On It, about Antarctic explorers of the early 20th century. At first, I didn’t think I’d find this very interesting at all; I just wanted to interview him to talk about writing nonfiction.

But boy, was I wrong! Brad studied decision sciences and works during the day with a major software company understanding how businesses and people make decisions. He wrote his book as a study of how these explorers made so many life and death decisions – and stayed alive most of the time. And then he showed us how to apply those lessons to our own lives.

I think you’ll find this episode really interesting, just like I did! I hope you enjoy it. 😀

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Practical Help for Burnout by Kitty Bucholtz

April 9, 2019 by in category It's Worth It by Kitty Bucholtz tagged as , , ,

The episodes of WRITE NOW! Workshop Podcast where I’m talking about burnout are some of the most downloaded, so I can only assume it’s a topic people want to know more about. With that in mind, I interviewed a friend who is recovering from burnout and asked what advice she can give us.

Because Amanda lives in Sweden, she’s getting professional medical care, not just trying to make it through on her own like I have been. She shared so much valuable information, I had to break our interview into two episodes! Here are the YouTube versions, but you can also listen on your phone’s podcast app, or listen-only on my website.

Learning to Heal From Burnout, Part 1, with Amanda Hudson
Learning to Heal From Burnout, Part 2, with Amanda Hudson
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