I’ve always been a geek.
I got my first computer when the screen was black and the print orange. I was a member of an infamous BBS (bulletin board system) back in the day when I wrote a column for a computer magazine called “Sweet Savage Byte.”
I did podcasts on a video camera with a floppy disk that only allowed you to record a minute of time. I remember setting this up in a Borders bookstore in Hollywood. Yes, those were the days…
I’m also a huge James Bond fan.
And I love Covert Affairs with the fab heroine Annie Walker.
You put all that together and you get…Naked Sushi.
It’s also a story about facing the fear of rejection. We’ve all been there. Often that’s the reason we don’t finish a manuscript because we’re afraid of rejection. In Naked Sushi, Pepper O’Malley realizes with the help of the hero that’s what is keeping her from achieving her dream of becoming a spy. She poses as a naked sushi model to get the goods on her sleazy ex-boss with the hero FBI hottie getting in on the action in this excerpt from Naked Sushi.
Six days days until Naked Sushi, my Cosmo Red-Hot Read from Harlequin, is released! So here are two videos with an excerpt from my story. What’s wild is that we’ve gone from 60 seconds max in the early days of video to 6 seconds on Vine and 16 seconds on Instagram…
What’s fun is that the Vine video loops forever and you can take your time reading the sexy snippet. I found some hot music that adds to the fun atmos.
Pepper hits the digital stores on October 15th.
PS — the silky border that I used as a frame around my videos is a remnant from ornate kimono designed by a designer I met when I was taking kimono lessons from a Japanese sensei
Coming on October 15, 2013 from Cosmo Red-Hot Reads from Harlequin:
0 0 Read moreNAKED SUSHI is available for pre-order on Amazon!
Text Copyright © 2013 by Jina BacarrCover Art Copyright © 2013 by Harlequin Enterprises LimitedPermission to reproduce text granted by Harlequin Books S.A. Cover art used by arrangement with Harlequin Enterprises Limited. All rights reserved.® and â„¢ are trademarks owned by Harlequin Enterprises Limited or its affiliated companies, used under license. by Harlequin Enterprises Limited or its affiliated companies, used under license.â€Music:He’s So SexyDream Valley MusicComposer: Michael Stephen Decker Publisher: Shockwave-Sound.Com
Have you ever wandered down a dark street late at night, your high heels clicking loudly on the cobblestones, when you hear a second pair of footsteps behind you?
Is someone following you?
Heart thudding in your chest, you stop.
He stops.
Your pulse races…the hair on the back of your neck stands up.
He’s right behind you.
What do you do?
Run or fight?
If you haven’t experienced this scenario, I bet your heroine has.
“From my experience in the field, I know each fight is different and this enemy has his own agenda. Rape? Robbery? Could be, but I doubt it. They don’t operate this way when they want a woman. They act friendly, use pretty talk to pick up a girl, then knock her off her feet before she knows what’s happening to her.
I pull back, walk toward the rue de la Huchette, one step at a time, like all this is happening in slo-mo. As if the whole scene is a video game and someone else is at the controls, pressing the attack buttons and toggling my polygonal form to do what they want and I have no choice. Enemy contact. Kill’em. Kill’em. These words zap through my brain like a subliminal message from command center.
Keep going back. Left foot, right. My eyes scope out the environment. Stone buildings, windows shuttered. No escape. No one to hear the ruckus, the screams. The punks know that. They talk, egging each other on to see who’ll make the first move. Closer, closer they come, like maggots ready to feast on a warm corpse.
Not mine, you punks.”
I wrote from my first-hand experience when I constructed that scene. A similar incident had happened to me on that same street in Paris and I was lucky enough to get away. But I never forgot that fear pulsating through my veins. The icy chill that goes through you when you make that split decision that can determine whether or not you’re going to survive. Pulling up the emotions I felt that night helped me write the emotions of my heroine.
This scene went through my mind when I attended Dr. Debra Holland’s Workshop: Creating Fighting or Self-Defense Scenes at the RWA Anaheim 2012 Conference. Dr. Debra presented an outstanding workshop showing how to protect yourself as a woman and also how to put your heroine through her paces. She gave members from the audience the opportunity to experience what it feels like firsthand to be attacked by a stranger.
Here’s a video I put together from the workshop:
Dr. Debra Holland — www.drdebraholland.com — teaches a karate class at the American Martial Arts Academy located at1027 N. Harbor Blvd, Fullerton, CA 714 871-3898.
Check out their website for more information: www.KarateOC.com
AMAA has been teaching Women’s Self-Defense Classes for more than thirty years.
The gentlemen from the Academy who assisted Dr. Debra are: Steve Hopple and Adam Rigsby.
A special thank you to fellow OCC/RWA member Rob Preece for his assistance in presenting the workshop.
And thank you to Sarah Andre — www.sarahandre.com — who volunteered to experience her heroine’s fight scene up close and personal.
I highly recommend Dr. Debra Holland’s workshop.
Thank you, Dr. Debra!
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