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Tari Lynn Jewett: Featured Author

November 7, 2022 by in category Charmed Writer by Tari Lynn Jewett, Featured Author of the Month tagged as , , , , , ,

Tari Lynn Jewett lives in Southern California with her husband of nearly thirty years (also known as Hunky Hubby). They have three amazing sons, a board game designer, a sound engineer and a musician, all who live nearby. For over fifteen years she wrote freelance for magazines and newspapers, wrote television commercials, radio spots, numerous press releases, and many, MANY PTA newsletters. As much as she loved writing those things, she always wanted to write fiction . . . and now she is.

She also believes in happily ever after . . . because she’s living hers.


Tari’s newest title is Love and Mud Puddles, available now for pre-order. The book will be released on November 30, 2022.

Hannah loves her accounting job, the condo that she purchased herself, and her best friend Melinda. What she doesn’t love is baking. To be fair, she’s never tried. But when her cousin shames her into bringing homemade cookies to the family Christmas Eve celebration, she begins a quest to make the perfect holiday cookie.
Paramedic Josh also occasionally teaches kids’ cookie baking classes at his family’s bakery. When a beautiful accountant mistakenly signs up for a children’s holiday baking class, he realizes immediately that she’s in the right place.
Can this local hero help to save Hannah’s Christmas? Or will it all go up in smoke?

Tari’s other Books


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#PLEASE SAY YES (#HermosafortheHolidays Book 1)

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Tari Lynn Jewett: Featured Author

November 1, 2022 by in category Featured Author of the Month tagged as , , , , , ,

Tari Lynn Jewett lives in Southern California with her husband of nearly thirty years (also known as Hunky Hubby). They have three amazing sons, a board game designer, a sound engineer and a musician, all who live nearby. For over fifteen years she wrote freelance for magazines and newspapers, wrote television commercials, radio spots, numerous press releases, and many, MANY PTA newsletters. As much as she loved writing those things, she always wanted to write fiction . . . and now she is.

She also believes in happily ever after . . . because she’s living hers.


Tari’s newest title is Love and Mud Puddles, available now for pre-order. The book will be released on November 30, 2022.

Hannah loves her accounting job, the condo that she purchased herself, and her best friend Melinda. What she doesn’t love is baking. To be fair, she’s never tried. But when her cousin shames her into bringing homemade cookies to the family Christmas Eve celebration, she begins a quest to make the perfect holiday cookie.
Paramedic Josh also occasionally teaches kids’ cookie baking classes at his family’s bakery. When a beautiful accountant mistakenly signs up for a children’s holiday baking class, he realizes immediately that she’s in the right place.
Can this local hero help to save Hannah’s Christmas? Or will it all go up in smoke?

Tari’s other Books


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#PLEASE SAY YES (#HermosafortheHolidays Book 1)

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Folk Around and Find Out

October 20, 2022 by in category Apples & Oranges by Marianne H. Donley, Spotlight tagged as , , , ,

★★NOW LIVE★★⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

Folk Around and Find Out, an all-new standalone contemporary romcom from New York Times bestselling author Penny Reid, is now LIVE on all platforms!

Grab your copy TODAY!

Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3MNXLNq
Amazon CA: https://amzn.to/3MI5PPE
Amazon AU: https://amzn.to/3DhhKB3
Audiobook: Coming Spring 2023

★ ★ BLURB ★ ★

He needs to get her out of his system. Just once…

Hank Weller doesn’t help people. He leaves that do-gooder nonsense to his best friend, Beau Winston. Hank does what he wants, when he wants, with whomever he wants—and Hank does not want to hire Charlotte Mitchell to be an exotic dancer at his club, The Pink Pony. Sure, he can’t help noticing the dips and curves of her, how shrewd, smart, and funny she is, the fire in her hazel eyes. He’s always noticed. She’d probably draw a crowd and entice the regulars. But after Charlotte’s messy, public divorce made Hank’s club out to be the culprit—and made her the single mother of four kids—he doesn’t need or want any additional bad press courtesy of Charlotte Mitchell. Or the distraction. Unfortunately for him, the town’s prettiest charity case doesn’t seem to understand the meaning of the words nopeno, and never.

Charlotte Mitchell doesn’t much like Hank Weller. Once upon a time, she used to. Years ago, she liked him a whole heckofalot despite other folks in town labeling him as “eccentric” and “nonconformist,” which were polite southern alternatives to “filthy rich” and “self-centered douchebag.” Her opinion of him changed dramatically after he volunteered to be her date to junior prom and then promptly stood her up. They haven’t so much as acknowledged each other in over a decade. But a sudden family emergency means Charlotte needs access to Hank’s club ASAP.  Unfortunately for her, the narcissistic fancy-pants doesn’t seem to understand the meaning of the words helpgenerosity, and compassion.

But he’s about to find himself schooled. Charlotte is going to teach Hank a lesson once and for all about basic human decency, whether he likes it or not.

Spoiler alert. . . he likes it. ��

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Release Date and 365 Days of Apartment Living and Time with Milo

August 10, 2022 by in category Charmed Writer by Tari Lynn Jewett tagged as ,

Woo hoo! I’m so excited. Love and Mud Puddles will release on November 30th! And yes, there will be Christmas cookies, and holiday celebrations. I’ll be sharing some of my favorite Christmas cookie recipes, playing games and giving prizes in my facebook reader group Tari Lynn and Friends, and in my newsletter. I hope you’ll join us for the festivities. In the meantime, here’s the book blurb and cover to whet your appetite.

Hannah loves her accounting job, the condo that she purchased herself, and her best friend Melinda. What she doesn’t love is baking. To be fair, she’s never tried. But when her cousin shames her into bringing homemade cookies to the family Christmas Eve celebration, she begins a quest to make the perfect holiday cookie.Paramedic Josh also occasionally teaches kids’ cookie baking classes at his family’s bakery. When a beautiful accountant mistakenly signs up for a children’s holiday baking class, he realizes immediately that she’s in the right place.Can this local hero help to save Hannah’s Christmas? Or will it all go up in smoke?

And did I mention that I was moving…well we did, but not to Arizona, I mean all of our stuff is in Arizona, but I couldn’t leave the grandbaby yet. We decided to stay a year so that he doesn’t have to go to daycare, and will be able to go to preschool when he turns two, with my daughter-in-law who is a preschool teacher. So we rented an apartment for the next year…I haven’t lived in an apartment since my first apartment at 18 years old, which I lived in for 1 year, so…on to the next adventure. You can follow my posts 365 Days of Apartment Living and Time with Milo on Instagram if you’re interested!

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Love & Mud Puddles

March 9, 2022 by in category Writing tagged as , , ,

From the moment that Paul and I met, thirty-four years ago, our life has been a constant stream of planned and unplanned chaos, and the last year has been no exception. Since this time last year, we’ve had the joy of welcoming our beautiful grandson, Milo, I’ve had two total knee replacement surgeries, we’ve been making a slow move to our retirement home in Arizona, which will be complete in November, and preparing our current home to go on the market, a number of extended family situations that have been heartbreaking, and as you all know there’s been a pandemic.

With all that’s happened, good and challenging, I spent very little time at my desk working, but I did manage to write   one book this year, a holiday romcom titled Love & Mud Puddles. I’m excited to announce that I signed a contract with The Wild Rose Press, and Love & Mud Puddles will be released for the holidays this year.

This is not the book cover.

I had so much fun writing this Christmas cookie themed story about Hannah, a young woman who can’t bake, and is challenged to bring homemade Christmas cookies to her family Christmas Eve party. She and her best friend are on a mission to learn to make a fabulous holiday treat, and after several disastrous tries, they end up in a cookie baking class with an oh-so-cute instructor. Will Hannah learn to bake a fabulous cookie…or will they all go up in smoke? And why does the cute instructor always catch her in another disaster?

Mud Puddles are my name for my favorite double Chocolate Thumb Print cookies, and later this year I’ll share my recipe, and some of the other recipes that Hannah tries on her quest for the perfect holiday cookie. Actually, if you want it now, you can find it in my facebook group, Tari Lynn & Friends.

I’m pretty sure that for the rest of our marriage, Paul and I will continue with planned (and sometimes organized) and unplanned chaos, good, challenging and everything in between. In the meantime, I’m starting a new project, and I’m hoping to spend a little more time at my desk in 2022.

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