Tag: Neetu Malik

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Horizon by Neetu

November 26, 2019 by in category Poet's Day by Neetu Malik tagged as , ,

Hope, like the horizon
glimmers in the distance

my eyes grow weary
as I watch it burn
then cool in the twilight
each day until
darkness sweeps
over the edges and I can see
no more

only to repeat when I wake
from sleep

once again, clinging to
fine rays as they
emerge in luminous shades
above sleepy slopes
assuring me

there is no end
to Hope.

© Neetu Malik

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A Parting by Neetu

August 26, 2019 by in category Poet's Day by Neetu Malik tagged as , ,
hands with ashes
A Parting

I hold fragments
of you
in my ash-grazed hands
to put them 
in an urn

they sound like 
empty shells as I 
drop them one by one

the fullness 
in my heart leaves
no room for echoes

I know your footsteps
will never return.

© Neetu M

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Aware by Neetu

June 26, 2019 by in category Poet's Day by Neetu Malik tagged as , , , , ,



I carve words in the sand

I know the tide will rise

and wash them away

but I write them
until my hands are gritty
and the color of sand

I speak to the waves

I know they don’t hear
but I let the words roll out
of my mouth anyway
until they sound

like the waves

I listen to the wind

even when it is still

I can hear silence in the quiet

it utters words I wouldn’t
otherwise hear—they come
from within

© Neetu Malik

First published in TAT Poetry, December 2016

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May Featured Author: Neetu Malik

May 28, 2019 by in category Featured Author of the Month tagged as , , ,


Neetu Malik’s poetry is an expression of life’s rhythms and the beat of the human spirit. She draws upon diverse multicultural experiences and observations across three continents in which she has lived. She has contributed to The Australia Times Poetry Magazine, October Hill Magazine, Prachya Review, among others. Her poems have appeared in The Poetic Bond Anthology V and VI published by Willowdown Books, UK,  NY Literary Magazine’s Tears Anthology  and Poetic Imagination Anthology (Canada).

Her poem, “Soaring Flames”, was awarded First-Place by the NY Literary Magazine (2017). She has also been nominated for the Pushcart Prize, 2019 for her poem “Sacred Figs” published by Kallisto Gaia Press in their Ocotillo Review in May, 2018.

Neetu lives in Pennsylvania, USA.

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The Hereafter by Neetu

May 26, 2019 by in category Poet's Day by Neetu Malik tagged as , , , ,


The Hereafter


They say there are
two sides of the grave

one where grass grows green
trees bloom and decay, leaves fall
winter winds blow, then
life renews again

and you can walk and breathe
watch the sky and the streets
touch and be touched

the other side, I’m told, is evergreen
peaceful and sedate

is it the dead below the ground
that whisper such tales? Or is it
the living who search for grace

in their lush imagination
of a fertile eternity?

© Neetu

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