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October 5, 2015 by in category Pink Pad by Tracy Reed tagged as , , ,

I have been researching marketing ideas as I prepare to release my next couple of books. I’ve talked about my series The Alex Chronicles in past posts. As I prepare to launch the prequel and the first full-length book in the series, I’m thinking about the marketing plan. Ask any writer and they’ll tell you, writing the book was easy…promoting it is something altogether different.

I’m finishing up minor edits on Alex one and decided to start researching the follow up to Generational Curse, which means I’ve been reading, a lot. I got the first book in Pepper Winter’s series,  Indebted  for free and got hooked. It’s a romantic suspense with a lot of heat. Anyway, I wanted to know more about the series and visited her website and Pinterest page. What I found on Pinterest was rather intriguing. There seemed to be these cards or images with dialogue dropped on top. The images were meant to represent the hero and heroine of the series.

This marketing concept may not seem new to everyone, but to me, it was a brilliant way to market a book or anything for that matter. Use basic stock images that represent scenes, characters, locations, objects or whatever and drop dialogue on top. You can take it one step further and add an excerpt for a pin or blog post. It’s an easy way to grab readers attention on a book or series.


This simple idea really stuck with me, so I made a few Promo Cards for my books Generational Curse and The Good Girl. These promo cards come in handy. If I’m stuck or behind on posting on my blog, I post one of these cards along with an excerpt. Or if I’m running a special price on a book, these are great for posting about a special price without being too pushy. Plus, they’re perfect for my social media outlets. It’s a great way to get the word out for your book when you have limited space.

The good thing about this marketing idea, is all you need is a stock image and an excerpt or a couple of lines from your book. These are definitely my favorite digital marketing tool. If you want to go old school, print them and use as post cards or book markers. I also use mine for the home page flash on my website. The possibilities for use are unlimited.

Here are some of the promo cards I did for my books.



Tracy Reed


Fiction for Women Who Love God, Couture and Cute Guys
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