Can I catch up with the months I haven’t posted here? Probably not. But I missed it—and hope you missed me!
In any case, I’ve been busy. With writing? Sure! And I still write in multiple genres, although that’s changed a little. But romantic suspense and mystery? Oh, yes.
As always, I keep on plotting. I’ve had two new books out this year, both for Harlequin Romantic Suspense. In August came Her Undercover Refuge, the first HRS book in my new Shelter of Secrets series. And yes, it includes dogs.
The Shelter of Secrets series is a spin-off from my K-9 Ranch Rescue series, since both take place in the fictional town of Chance, California. And I just received copies of a new edition of what had been the second in the K-9 Ranch Rescue series, Trained to Protect. Why is there a new edition? Harlequin is republishing some books that have dogs on the cover!
Then came Uncovering Colton’s Family Secret, the tenth in the Coltons of Grave Gulch series, which was published this month. No dogs, but I really enjoy all the intrigue and romance the wide-reaching Colton family gets into.
What’s next? Well, in May 2022 my next mystery, Bear Witness, an Alaska Untamed Mystery, will be published by Crooked Lane . . . under a pseudonym. I’ll be Lark O. Jensen then. It does include a dog as well as Alaskan wildlife, including—what else?—bears!
Also in May comes my next Shelter of Secrets romantic suspense story, Guardian K-9 On Call. Yes, a K-9 is involved.
I’ve been reading a lot, too. And I want to mention here one of the books I most recently read and really enjoyed, the first in Diane Kelly’s new cozy mystery series that starts this month: Getaway with Murder, from the Mountain Lodge Mysteries. You won’t be surprised that I’d already loved Diane’s work, especially her Paw Enforcement series, because it involved . . . what else? Dogs! And this new series is also really enjoyable, revolving around a mountain lodge that has just been taken over by the protagonist who’s gotten it refurbished and turned into a delightful place for people to visit, including special groups like yoga retreats. But who thought murders would occur there? Well, readers of Diane’s work, maybe…! A really entertaining read. And it features a cat… and includes a dog.
Do you get the impression I’m obsessed with dogs? Could be… I’m particularly obsessed with Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and always love it when my Cavalier Cari hangs out with me when I’m writing, or lies on my lap when I’m watching TV. We recently lost her big sister, Mystie, and I’ve started looking for a Cavalier puppy, so Cari will have canine company again.
So—how about you? Do you like to read, or write, or both, in multiple genres?
Do you like dogs?
Do you like A Slice of Orange? Must be, since you’re here. I certainly enjoy it, and appreciate the ability to blog at you!
Okay, writing books is my profession these days. My business. And I figure everyone reading this blog also enjoys books. That’s what A Slice of Orange is about.
I can always keep busy writing–yes, busyness. My mind keeps plotting away, even if it doesn’t need to. Ideas keep flashing into my brain and not letting go. Good thing my computer is usually nearby so I can at least start jotting down those ideas, and potentially flesh them out later. And I’ll also bet that a lot of the people reading A Slice of Orange can really identify with that, too.
Over the time of the pandemic I haven’t had many books published–just one so far, in February 2020. I’m used to more, but that’s okay. Things have changed a lot in many ways lately.
It’s especially okay since I will have two new books published later in 2021 and at least another two published in 2022! I always say I love to include dogs in my books, and I do that as much as I can, although sometimes I may think about dogs, and obey my own dogs while I’m writing, but not all of the books I’ve been writing lately can actually include dogs.
My upcoming books? Well, first will come Her Undercover Refuge, the first Harlequin Romantic Suspense book in my new Shelter of Secrets series–in August. And yes, it includes dogs.
Next will be Uncovering Colton’s Family Secret, the tenth in the Coltons of Grave Gulch series also for Harlequin Romantic Suspense, in October.
And then in February 2022, my next mystery, Bear Witness, an Alaska Untamed Mystery will be published by Crooked Lane… under a pseudonym. It does include a dog as well as Alaskan wildlife including–what else?–bears!
I’m working on another Colton book for HRS which will be published in 2022, and there may be more books as well… info to come.
So… Yay! Yes, I’ve used this blog post to talk a lot about myself and my work, and my business and busyness. It’s all about me–but not entirely. I hope it gives other writers inspiration to leap on ideas, and encourages them to stay busy as well. Assuming they’re not already, which they probably are.
And I certainly wouldn’t mind if any of you pick up one or more of my upcoming books when available, and read them.
By the way, I’m really thrilled that I’m A Slice of Orange’s featured author this month!
Linda O. Johnston enjoys writing, romance, puzzles, and dogs.
A former lawyer, Linda is now a full-time writer and has published 52 books so far, including mysteries and romantic novels. More than twenty-five of them are romances for Harlequin, including Harlequin Romantic Suspense and Harlequin Nocturne. Her latest release is Colton First Responder for Harlequin Romantic Suspense.
She has also written several mystery series including. The Kendra Ballantyne Pet-Sitter Mysteries, which was a spin-off of the Pet Rescue Mysteries and The Superstition Mysteries. Pets, especially dogs, frequently show up in Linda’s novels
She is currently writing a lot of books for Harlequin. Three new Harlequin Romantic Suspense books will soon be released. The first up is Her Undercover Refuge in July 2021.
In addition to blogging for A Slice of Orange on the 6th of every month, Linda blogs at Killer Hobbies, Killer Characters, the Midnight Ink authors blog, and Writerspace.
Linda enjoys hearing from readers. Visit her website at or friend her on Facebook.
Okay, I’ll admit it. I have been getting a bit lonesome as the pandemic continues, even though it may be easing up a bit—depending on where you live.
I still see relatives and neighbors and a few friends—and my dogs, of course—but I miss going to writers’ meetings and seeing more friends in person.
Oh, I do attend some meetings on Zoom and get to literally see some of those people, but it’s not quite the same as getting together with them as I did in the old days. I belong to several writers’ organizations and their local chapters, including Romance Writers of America, and the Orange County and Los Angeles chapters, Sisters in Crime and the Sisters in Crime Los Angeles chapter, and Mystery Writers of America and the Los Angeles chapter.
In the old days, I attended a lot of monthly meetings and got to chat with members before and after, and to some extent during, those meetings. I learned what they were up to and told them what I was doing and just felt caught up. I sometimes attended even when I wasn’t too excited about the speakers or their topics, mostly just to get together with, and be supportive of, friends.
I also tended to attend a lot of writing conferences, like the RWA National Conference, Left Coast Crime, Malice Domestic and more, often several in a year. I was often a speaker, or a panel member, too.
Things are a bit different these days. And I wonder if they’ll ever return to anything like the past. Guess we’ll just have to see.
Meanwhile, I’m hanging out at home, but imagine me waving at you, saying hi, chatting about writing and the rest of life.
I enjoyed it before and hope to enjoy it again—but I never imagined it would disappear even for a while.
Okay, blogs are for bragging.
Well, maybe not. But that’s kind of what I’m doing here today. My second K-9 Ranch Rescue novel for Harlequin Romantic Suspense, Trained to Protect, is an October release.
It’s got romance. It’s got suspense. It’s got dogs. So it has to be good, right?
I definitely hope so.
Plus, it’s a milestone in several ways. I received recognition at this year’s Romance Writers of America Conference in Denver for my 25th published work with Harlequin. That included novellas. But this month I also receive, online, recognition that Trained to Protect is my 25th Harlequin novel. Plus, I’ve published 50 novels of all genres, including mysteries.
Okay, enough patting myself on the back—although it feels good. Let me just note that it’s hard to believe that this year is rushing by so quickly. I know they all do, of course, but the fact that it’s October already feels surprising. So . . . Boo! I won’t be blogging here again till after Halloween, so have a good, scary, chocolate-filled one!
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