What does a writer do between drafts of a story? Well, that depends.
I finished a first draft of my upcoming fourth story in my Shelter of Secrets series for Harlequin Romantic Suspense. It still needs some work, but it’s currently in the hands of my excellent beta reader.
So what am I doing while I’m waiting? I have another book under contract that I could begin, but for now I’m trying to play catch-up in some things I’ve been ignoring while I worked on that draft, and also attended the Romance Writers of America Conference.
I won’t get into what kinds of things they are, but they definitely needed to be worked on. Will I resolve them all now? Not hardly, but I hope to at least make a dent in them.
Meanwhile, I’m also making some preparations for Bouchercon, the mystery conference I’ll attend at the end of this month and beginning of September.
So how about you? Do you ever get a chance to take a break, however short, from your writing or your other kind of job? If so, how do you decide how to handle it?
I hope you’re more organized than I tend to be these days. But hey, I’m always amused when my interruptions come from my puppy!
Hope you all enjoy the last half of 2023. I intend to!
Happy 2023, everyone! Should it be happy for a writer? Well, that depends on what you’re writing and what you want to accomplish in the new year.
Me? Well, I’ll have three new books published this year: Undercover Cowboy Defender, part of my Shelter of Secrets series for Harlequin Romantic Suspense, Cry Wolf, my second Alaska Untamed mystery for Crooked Lane under my pseudonym Lark O. Jensen, and CSI Colton and the Pregnant Witness, part of the large Harlequin Colton series—this year, Colton NYC.
I’m currently working on edits for CSI Colton and the Pregnant Witness and Cry Wolf. Next will come a couple more books in Shelter of Secrets. And more? Well, my mind is always churning on ideas that I haven’t yet fleshed out. And I probably will with at least some of them.
And you? If you’re a writer, do you have this year planned? Are you working on something you’ve already sold or determined to publish independently? Even if you have a day job, I suspect your mind is also moving along similar paths to mine, figuring out what you’ll write when—and how much you can accomplish in 2023.
Do you plan over the long term? Weekly? Monthly? Or do you just see how things go?
And do you allow distractions to slow you down, at least a bit—like me? My 11-month-old puppy Roxie still has lots of energy and she knows how to get my attention to throw toys to fetch even while I’m writing. Or, she’ll attack our older dog Cari and they’ll run around the house growling in fun at each other, another distraction. What’s your most fun distraction?
And where do you want to be at the end of 2023 when you tell the world all you’ve accomplished this year? Me? I want to continue writing and playing with the dogs and coming up with even more ideas and following through with them. Oh, yes. I intend to enjoy 2023.
I am A Slice of Orange Author of the Month this month… and I feel honored.
It’s always such a delight to be recognized!
Yes, I’ve been at this for a while. As mentioned, I’ve had 57 books traditionally published, mostly romantic suspense and mystery. And I’m still going!
Also, I checked my list of blog posts for A Slice of Orange, and if I’m correct my first one was in 2007, fifteen years ago! And I still enjoy it.
So thank you all so much for having me here and reading my posts and seeing my comments about the joy and complications of writing, as well as my take on all the writing I’ve been up to for now, and for a while before.
Yay, A Slice of Orange!
It’s May 2022. And it’s quite a month for me. I’m having two books published!
They’re numbers 56 and 57, so I’ve been pretty fortunate in my writing. And one of them you might not recognize as mine.
Oh, really, you will. I’ve taken my first pseudonym, Lark O. Jensen. But it’s pretty obvious that Lark O. Jensen is me.
Lark is the author of BEAR WITNESS, my first Alaska Untamed Mystery. In it, naturalist Stacie Calder gives tours on a boat in Alaska, accompanied by her wonderful husky, Sasha. And one day Sasha’s amazing sense of smell discovers a dead body on the nearby shoreline—one of the passengers, who’d gone missing the day before. It’s a cozy mystery, so amateur sleuth Stacie has to figure out whodunnit to protect the boat’s captain and others who are considered suspects, including Stacie herself.
The other book is GUARDIAN K-9 ON CALL, the second in my Shelter of Secrets series for Harlequin Romantic Suspense. That shelter of secrets appears to the world like a special animal shelter that takes in pets in need, and hires homeless people to help out. But it’s even more special, since those supposedly homeless folks are actually there in a special protection program where they’re given new identities and new lives. And yes, people in charge in various ways get involved in love stories. This is romantic suspense, after all. And in GUARDIAN K-9 ON CALL, K-9 cop Maisie Murran helps veterinarian Dr. Kyle Kornel, who is wrongly accused of murder. And guess what. They become attracted to one another while trying to determine what really happened.
So… Happy May, everyone! And may you also have as fun a month as I’m having.
Yes, it’s December, the last month of the year. Where did the rest of the year go?
Have any of you started looking back? It’s early in December, yes, but it won’t be long before the new year starts.
What have you worked on this year? What have you accomplished? What haven’t you finished that you want to work on next year?
If you’re a writer, did you write what you set out to do? Did you come up with new ideas, and if so did you accomplish them, or at least start them?
If you’re a reader, did you read all the books you intended? Did you learn about new books or new authors you’d like to read, and if so have you read any of them?
In the rest of your life, did you have fun with family? Do you have more plans for the holiday season? Any ideas about next year?
Me? Well, I haven’t finished all I intended, but it’s been a good year for me. I had two new books published and have more to come in the next few years, some of which I’ve started writing and others I completed and am just waiting till their publication dates. I have a manuscript almost ready to send, and another one in which I’m part way through the first draft.
I had a good year in things besides writing. I saw family, had a fun Thanksgiving, made plans for some trips next year, and had fun with my husband and dog. We also lost one of our dogs, which is always so sad, but she was having health issues.
Next year? Well, I’ve started to consider it. How about you?
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Life is too short to make enemies of those we love.
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