I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I did with all of my sons, their spouses, my sister, and my granddaughter. My babies, the kitten and the dog, were worn out by the end of the day with all of the company.
The Enchanted Hawk is now up at Kindle. It is a fantasy romance.
Brylyn, of the Hawk Clan, is drawn into the intrigue surrounding Thom McGarrety, when his brother is to wed Anna from another domain. Brylyn faces the danger of the feonds, the humans who rule the area where her people used to live. They would see her and her people dead because they are shape-shifters.
When Anna’s family wants the McGarrety castle, Brylyn must trust her secret to Thom. Thom, believing that the shape-shifters are nothing but myth, must learn to believe in Brylyn and trust her to help save his life and his domain. Together, can they save the castle, unite their people and find lasting love?
Rob, my youngest, came over yesterday and helped me put up the Christmas tree. Count Rugen, the kitten, loves it. He has already knocked off a branch – it is a fake tree – , brought me an ornament, and pulled the bottom piece of garland across the room. It is going to be a year of repairing the Christmas tree.
I am not putting up as many decorations this year because of Count Rugen. The village is staying in its boxes. Many of the other decorations will also stay in their boxes. We are going heavy on wall hangings this year. Some of them have not been up in awhile. I figure Rugen can’t knock things off the wall as easily, though he will try.
I took Rob and his wife to the Bower’s Museum to see the Chinese Sand Warriors. It was well worth seeing if you want something to do over the holidays.
I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season.
0 0 Read moreI have put The Irish Countess up on Kindle. It has a new look thanks to Lex Valentine, an OCC member, who made the cover. It is really a sexy cover.
After the death of her husband, Countess Ciara MacCormack Fitzsimmons returns home to Ireland and the earl’s estate accompanied by her six-year-old son. There she meets Mick O’Hurlihey, the estate overseer, and falls in love for the first time in her life. However, being the countess keeps her from Mick.
Mick is smitten with Ciara the first time he sees her, but realizes that he can never lay claim to the Countess. Then danger stalks Ciara and her son and Mick risks his own life to keep theirs safe.
It is available at Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/The-Irish-Countess-ebook/dp/B005ZXEQGQ/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1319765168&sr=1-1
I have been writing, which is a good thing. I am working on A Chance for Love, which is a time-travel that I started awhile back. It is moving along quickly. I am on chapter 6 already. The hero is getting ready to tell the heroine that he is from the future which is always a fun scene to write. I wish I had more time to write but the classes I am teaching take up much of my time.
So do my two “toddlers.†My dog and my kitten love to interrupt everything that I do. The kitten doesn’t understand that the 90 pound dog is not a big cat and does not wrestle like a cat does. I keep waiting for the kitten to get smooshed. He has turned out to be the alpha male and terrorizes the dog. Then he also terrorizes the humans and has redecorated a great deal of the house. I have baby proofed my kitchen. It is already for my granddaughter when she learns to crawl. Of course, by the time she can reach the top cabinets that are also baby proofed, she’ll be old enough to not hurt herself. Rugen, the kitten, on the other hand, can reach them now and wants to get into them and knock everything out. If I could convince him that the stove is not a safe place when there is something cooking on it, I will have really accomplished something. I have to watch the stove at all moments because he keeps trying to set himself on fire.
0 0 Read moreI have been writing in the limited time I have with the classes I have been teaching. I put the fantasy story aside for the moment and dug out a historical time-travel that I started several years ago. I have to polish the beginning, but I have it all plotted out, so hopefully it will go along smoothly, or at least as smoothly as any book goes. This story includes a father and his son going back in time and ending up on a horse ranch where the heroine is in need of help since her father died. She is training horses for the Calvary and of course there are those who do not want her to succeed.
I put my fantasy short stories up at Kindle. They used to be Whiskey Shots, but now they are all together in one volume. The fun part about putting them up at Kindle was that I could include the illustrations I had done for them. They can be found at: http://www.amazon.com/Chronicles-of-Augeas-ebook/dp/B005MVAQ7O/ref=pd_rhf_p_t_1
They are called Chronicles of Augeas and are set in the city-state of Augeas. The city is a combination of those with magic and those without. Those without want to steal the magic or destroy it. They are also destroying the city and there are those who wish to stop them. There are six stories in all.
The newest member of our household, Count Rugen, is growing by leaps and bounds. For six months he is huge and can get on top of everything. I have had to redecorate most of the surfaces. All of the breakables are now in the only bookcase he can’t reach. He now has a kitty condo which is a major redecoration of its own. It takes up a large amount of space. When he first got it two weeks ago, he could reach the ceiling beams if he stood on his hind legs. Now he can reach them sitting on his bottom.
I wish everyone a good month of writing.
0 0 Read moreI have added A Moment In Time to my backlist that is self-published on Kindle. This is a time-travel romance with pirates. Felicity is the captain of a pirate gang who lives on one of the small islands that makes up the Florida Keys. Eric is a present day Park Avenue attorney, who manages to fall off his father’s yacht and land on Felicity’s pirate ship. Eric falls for Felicity, but she doesn’t want to give up her captaincy for any man. However, there are those who would steal her captaincy and her life.
I have discovered that the first few weeks any book is up on Kindle, it sells few, but over time it picks up. Wild Honey has started to sell much better, though not as well as Debra Holland’s books.
I also put my children’s middle reader chapter book up on Kindle. I never could sell it, so I figured it was sitting here so I might as well see if it will sell on Kindle. The thing I find funny about children’s books is they are categorized as chapter books. Like books don’t have chapters. I actually had a student once ask me if I wrote chapter books or no chapter books. I’m not sure if children in elementary school realize adult books automatically come with chapters. To them it is a big deal to read a “chapter book.â€
My children’s book is called A Tea Party and is a historical time-travel about the Boston Tea Party. There are the two children, one in sixth grade and one in fifth grade, and the Theodora, the magic black cat who takes them to Boston. The problem with Theodora is that she is a cat and not really a proper supervisor for children. Her needs often come first and she forgets to tell the children certain important things. This leads to an adventure in one of the poorer parts of Boston and the children telling people information they shouldn’t. Theodora leaves them on their own more than once to go home and get some of Mom’s chocolate chip cookies. It is a fun book that hopefully makes history fun for the reader.
The thing I didn’t realize when I start the book was the Boston Tea Party was one of the most boring incidences in history. The colonists dressed up like Indians, boarded the ships while the soldiers watched, threw the tea into the sea, got out the brooms and cleaned up after themselves, then went off to the local pub for a brew. Try and make a book out of that. Linda Mac tells me it was a fun book and so did my sister’s granddaughter.
I had to have covers for both books. I didn’t own the cover for A Moment In Time and A Tea Party never had one. I had one of OCC’s new members make the covers for me. Lex Valentine does a really nice job and several members of my plot group have also hired her.
I hope to put more of my back list up on Kindle over the next couple of months. I look at it as “found†money. I have even put up some of my short stories. Even a little money is better than what the books and short stories were making.
1 0 Read moreI have decided to put Wild Honey up at Amazon on Kindle. I can do this myself since I own the e-book rights. The paperback is already there, but I have no way of checking if it is selling.
Debra Holland is the one who convinced me to do this and I have a chapter of her book, Wild Montana Sky, in the back of my book. She has a copy of the first chapter of Wild Honey in one of her books. A little advertising going on there.
I figure since I cannot sell the book again, I would post it myself. Debra has been doing well with hers. I am waiting for the formatted copy to come back in the next day or two so I can get it up.
If this works, I may put up my children’s book. Of course, I have to come up with a cover for it. I owned the cover for Wild Honey. I have found it is extremely hard to sell children’s books. Harder than adult books.
I have not done much writing. I have six classes I am teaching online at the moment and way too many papers to grade.
I also have become a grandmother, something I was beginning to think I would be too old to enjoy when it happened. My middle son Michael and his wife Jessi had Isabella Ruth three weeks ago. Of course I think she is the most wonderful thing in the world. In the looks department, she takes after her daddy. Irish genes can be really strong. However, she is a much better baby than he ever was. She is happy and sleeps at night.
She is contemplating the world.
Of course Chewbaca, my dog and my baby, is not quite certain what he thinks about her. When she started to cry the other day, he got very upset and wanted to examine her. I think he thought something was wrong and he needed to be involved in helping her.
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