Last night all I could think about was the deadline for this blog post. I had put it off all month. At the last minute I was hoping to write something inspirational for both readers and writers. While hope springs eternal, I found myself pondering – and pondering – what that perfect message should be.
If I’m going to be honest, I knew I wouldn’t come up with anything substantial because I have been distracted. When I’m distracted I usually sit down with a friend at a coffee shop and hash out whatever is on my mind until I’m back on track. Since I can’t do that you’re ‘it’, my friends in a virtual coffee shop. I’ll tell you what I’ve been doing while I’ve been locked down and pondering this post. We’ll start with the garden and move on from there.
Tomato plants. I haven’t actually thought about the tomatoes as much as I have been checking on them. Going outside every fifteen minutes is a nice break from staring at my blank computer screen or at my husband napping on the couch. No matter how often I check, though, the tomatoes still have not turned red and my husband still has not gone back to work.
My fabric stash. Over the last eight weeks I have knocked it down some. Here’s the count: five blouses, a quilt top, a fully-lined summer suit (1 dress that would have fit 15 years ago when I was 25 pounds lighter), and ten face masks. Here’s my question: is sewing my stash like a tree falling in the forest or is it like ‘build it and they will come’? I think it’s the latter. When the day comes to have dinner in a restaurant I will have lots to wear.
Work. Honestly, my brain has been mush when it comes to writing a new book. I have an idea but I couldn’t get it to gel, so I looked through my files and reread some of my early work. I had so much fun that I edited and published five novels from the 90s. I also published The Death of Me, a novella I wrote that morphed into a novel (Before Her Eyes). These two works are as different as they are similar. Some times pondering one thing will lead to another. The trick is not to ignore the ‘other’. Productivity: mission accomplished.
Finally, I’ve been pondering important things: the individual versus the greater good, the constitution and ‘guidelines’ as our lockdown stretches into yet another week, another month, another century. My heart is sad for those who are sick and who have died; my heart is breaking for my relatives and friends who are losing their livelihood, home and, well, everything they have worked hard for. I won’t tell you which side I’m on when it comes to hunkering down or opening up. I will only say that I realize that what I have been pondering all along is something readers and writers have always been inspired by: story. No matter what road we choose there will be stories at the end of it. We are writing them now.
These will be tales of tragedy and triumph; there will be something to laugh at and something to cry over. We will all see these events – and each other – differently. Eventually there will come a time when we put pondering aside so that we can sit with friends at a coffee shop, tell our stories, and hug each other when all is said and done.
Last month I posted here about the Corona virus and how it was affecting my life and writing. Well, guess what, everyone? Reading that post again now, I realize that what I described has become my new normal.
Oh, sure, I used to stay at home a lot and write. Not much different about that now. But I still don’t go out to my exercise classes, which remains fine with my dogs since they get more walks.
I plan in advance when I dare to go shopping for essentials like food, and then I plan the times to arrive at those stores to be when any lines will hopefully be short and I’ll be able to breathe at least somewhat through my mask.
Otherwise, I pretty much stay at home. And write. And wonder if I’ll ever really want to incorporate much of this into a novel someday. It is novel, of course. New, but extending. I never dreamed what’s going on today ever would. If I’d written about it in the past, people might have enjoyed the fiction—or not—but that’s what it would have been. And tomorrow? Will I include any or all of this in my writing? I’m still not sure.
Meanwhile, I hope to attend the meeting of the Orange County Chapter of Romance Writers of America this weekend—the way I’ve been attending such meetings for the past couple of months now, online, on Zoom. Not that non-techie me has completely figured out how to use Zoom. But I know enough to at least watch and listen.
And now? Well, I’m working on the final edits of the manuscript I was writing last month. I hope to send it to my editor soon. It’s another Harlequin Romantic Suspense book in one of my mini-series, and I’ve been having fun with it.
What else? Well, my husband and I used to go out at least once a week to see a movie in a theater. Now, we watch all movies or shows on TV. And my dogs have always been good about communicating with me, so having me around even more to give orders to seems to suit them just fine.
Okay, back to work now. Let’s see what I have to say here next month!
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La Noche Before Three Kings Day is a perfect holiday tale.
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