Updated and all sites tested…Compiled by Donna Caubarreaux….May be forwarded with credits.
Valley of the Sun Romance Writers
Deadline: September 1, 2011
Enter: 3-5-page synopsis and up to 25 pages of story (30 pages max). Entry or synopsis may be shorter, but neither may be longer than specified.
Music City Romance Writers
Received by September 1, 2011
First twenty-five pages.
Maryland Romance Writers
Received by September 1, 2011
Up to 20 pages of any scene that showcases your use of sensual tension, plus an unjudged 1-page set-up (optional).
Oklahoma RWA
Deadline: September 2, 2011
First thirty pages.
Chick Lit Writers of the World
Received by midnight: September 6, 2011
No more than five thousand words.
Missouri RWA
Received by September 9, 2011
Writer must submit up to the first 7000 words (approx 25-28 pages) of manuscript.
RWA New York City
Midnight: September 12, 2011
Fifteen pages maximum, brief synopsis (two pages maximum, not judged)
Donna Caubarreaux is a member of Coeur de Louisiane, Scriptscene Chapter, NOLA Stars, Heart of Louisiana, and EPIC. She received a RWA Service Award in 1997
0 0 Read moreUpdated and all sites tested…Compiled by Donna Caubarreaux….May be forwarded with credits.
EA = Electronic Format Available
EA/Non US = Electronic for Foreign Entries
EO = Electronic Only
MO = Members Only
U = Unpublished
P = Published
P/3 = Not published in three years
Pnr = Published, but not by RWA standards
PC = Not published in category selected
Put Your Heart In A Book
New Jersey Romance Writers
Deadline received Midnight July 1, 2011
Synopsis and First Chapter not to exceed thirty pages.
Dixie Kane Memorial Contest
South Louisiana Chapter of RWA
Deadline: July 15, 2011
First five pages plus one page single-spaced synopsis.
Heartbeat Romance Writing Contest (U – P)
Heart of Louisiana
Deadline: Snail Mail or Email – July 15, 2011
Query letter and first five pages
Heart of the West Contest
Utah RWA Chapter
EO Deadline: July 15, 2011
First twenty pages.
Indiana Golden Opportunity Contest
Indiana RWA
Received by July 15, 2011 – EO
Beginning and synopsis not to exceed thirty-five pages.
Four Seasons Contest
Windy City RWA Chapter
Deadline: August 1, 2011
Info not detailed on website
Golden Rose Contest (EO – U – P/3 – PNR)
Rose City Romance Writers
Deadline: August 1, 2011 – Midnight PST
Up to fifty pages max.
Where the Magic Begins Contest (EO – U – P/3)
Romance Writers Ink
Deadline: August 1, 2011
Entry consists of the first 25 pages of manuscript and a one-page single-spaced synopsis (unjudged).
Golden Pen Contest (EO)
Golden Network Chapter
Received by August 15, 2011
Entry shall include a synopsis (not to exceed ten pages) plus the first consecutive pages of the manuscript in one document, together totaling not more than fifty-five pages.
Laurel Wreath Contest (P)
Volusia County Romance Writers
Received no later than August 31, 2011
Copyright of 2010
Show Me the Spark!
Heartland Romance Writers
Deadline: August 31, 2011
Information is not on website as yet.
Reveal Your Inner Vixen
Maryland Romance Writers
Received by September 1, 2011
Up to 20 pages of any scene that showcases your use of sensual tension, plus an unjudged 1-page set-up (optional).
Check out Contests and Contest Winners on: http://contestdivas.blogspot.com/
Check out the Award Winning Romance Books on: http://awardwinningromances.blogspot.com/
Contest Alert-All the news on upcoming contests, plus Finalist & Winner listings, questions, etc. Sign up now! ContestAlert-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
Announcement only list: ContestDeadlines-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
For Published Authors: ContestAlertPublished-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
If you’re a Contest Judge, join: ContestsJudges-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
Donna Caubarreaux is a member of Coeur de Louisiane, Scriptscene Chapter, NOLA Stars, Heart of Louisiana, and EPIC. She received a RWA Service Award in 1997
0 0 Read moreUpdated and all sites tested…Compiled by Donna Caubarreaux….May be forwarded with credits.
Published Beacon Contest (P)
First Coast Romance Writers
Postmarked by June 30, 2011
Copyright date of 2010
Donna Caubarreaux is a member of Coeur de Louisiane, Scriptscene Chapter, NOLA Stars, Heart of Louisiana, and Kiss of Death. She received a RWA Service Award in 1997
0 0 Read moreby Charlotte Carter
Throughout the year, I judge quite a few entries in unpublished writing contests. I’m thrilled when I find a really well written entry. I’ve been known – at least once – to give a perfect score. I’ve even referred one entrant to my agent.
But I dread finding mistakes that drive the score down. Hoping to help others learn what NOT to do, here are a few examples.
One author wrote wonderful, creative, original metaphors. They were great! Except there were too many, sometimes three on a page. I got a bad case of metaphor-itis and had to lower the score.
Actions cannot happen simultaneously. Try to picture what this character is doing: She stood and carried the baby as she followed the doctor down the hall. You cannot stand and carry and follow all at once. These actions should be in sequence. Standing, she lifted the baby into her arms and followed the doctor.
One author had clearly been told to use the 5 senses. Excellent idea. But not all in one paragraph and then totally forgotten throughout the rest of the manuscript. Weave the 5 senses into every scene so the reader shares the same experiences as the characters.
Dialogue is good. Dialogue by itself is not enough to tell an emotional story. It’s talking heads.
Read your entry carefully, slowly, aloud, or have someone else do it for you. Silly mistakes and typos can cost you points.
Commas are your friends. Or rather, properly used commas make your sentences understandable. Leave them out and the reader, or judge, has to continually backtrack. Commas used willy-nilly are just as confusing. Don’t guess. Get someone to help you.
You do not fool a judge by not starting a new page for a new chapter. We know you’re trying to squeeze every word into the limited number of pages that you are allowed. It doesn’t help.
Your synopsis, no matter how short, has to include the ending. Don’t make the judge — or an editor — guess how the story is going to come out.
Books that leave you smiling
from Love Inspired
Big Sky Reunion, available now
Big Sky Family, 11/2011
Updated and all sites tested…Compiled by Donna Caubarreaux….May be forwarded with credits.
EA = Electronic Format Available
EA/Non US = Electronic for Foreign Entries
EO = Electronic Only
MO = Members Only
U = Unpublished
P = Published
P/3 = Not published in three years
Pnr = Published, but not by RWA standards
PC = Not published in category selected
Bad Kitty II
Inland Valley RWA
Emailed or postmarked by May 1, 2011
First fifteen pages + one page synopsis (Kitties and/or Werewolfs)
Break-Up Contest
Alaska Romance Writers
Received by May 1, 2011
Enter break-up or dark moment scent, limit to ten pages, with up to three page set-up.
TARA Contest (u – P/3 – EA)
Tampa Area Romance Authors
Received by May 1, 2011
The first chapter, 4,000 words max (actual word count), including prologue if applicable.
Golden Claddaugh
Celtic Hearts romance Writers
Due by May 5, 2011
First thirty pages + up to five page synopsis.
Maggie Award for Published Authors (P)
Georgia Romance Writers
Deadline: May 8, 2011
Copyright of 2010
The Molly Contest (EO)
Heart of Denver Romance Writers
Received by May 15, 2011
First thirty pages (max) + five page (max) synopsis
Ignite the Flame
Central Ohio Fiction Writers
Postmarked by May 16, 2011 or Emailed by same date.
Entries should be 15 pages MAX, with an optional one-page, un-judged, set-up. (No synopsis) Entries should be the first meet or first reunion meeting of your hero and heroine.
Weta Nichols Writing Contest (U – EO)
Ozark Romance Authors
Received by May 16, 2011
First ten pages.
Donna Caubarreaux is a member of Coeur de Louisiane, Scriptscene Chapter, NOLA Stars, Heart of Louisiana, and Kiss of Death. She received a RWA Service Award in 1997
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A Slice of Orange is an affiliate with some of the booksellers listed on this website, including Barnes & Nobel, Books A Million, iBooks, Kobo, and Smashwords. This means A Slice of Orange may earn a small advertising fee from sales made through the links used on this website. There are reminders of these affiliate links on the pages for individual books.
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