Manuscript… completed.
Filed in pending like a treasure in a hope chest.
Praying I don’t end up an old maid: no agent, no publisher.
Living on standby.
Waiting for transport to book deal heaven or please…no, not the dreaded Depths of Sheol: REJECTION.
Watching the news for what’s flooding, raging or burning.
A wind-up toy falling off the edge.
A balloon losing air; out of control, and all over the place.
Waiting for Spring.
Hoping for agents, not pennies, from heaven.
Want to be a Weather Girl singing, “Hallelujah, it’s Raining Agents!”
Raining men: second choice.
See you next time on February 22nd.
Veronica Jorge
Manager, Educator, and former High School Social Studies teacher, Veronica credits her love of history to the potpourri of cultures that make up her own life and to her upbringing in diverse Brooklyn, New York. Her genres of choice are Historical Fiction where she always makes new discoveries and Children’s Picture Books because there are so many wonderful worlds yet to be imagined and visited. She currently resides in Macungie, PA.
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Can’t go to conference in NYC?
Take our online class: Agents/Editors: We Don’t Bite . . .Much†with editor Lynn Price instead.
June 13 – June 25, 2011 This is a two week class
Enrollment Information at
Cost: $10.00 for OCC members, $15 for non-members
If you have specific questions, email
Learn about the publishing business and the submission process from the agent’s/editor’s viewpoint. Lynn Price, editorial director for Behler Publications, is not only going to cover the basics of what to include in a cover letter, synopsis, biography and promotion plan, she’s also going to answer your questions about:
• What’s a Print On Demand publisher?
• Can a vanity press get my books on store shelves?
• What’s the advantage to going e-book?
• Should I care about distribution?
This fast-paced, two-week look at the publishing world will cover the whole enchilada so writers can become better at their craft and understand how the industry works.
The editorial director for a publishing firm that specializes in personal journey stories with socially relevant themes, Lynn Price is herself a published fiction and non-fiction author. Her reference book, The Writer’s Essential Tackle Box: Getting a Hook on the Publishing Industry, provides an “insider’s view geared to inform and educate writers as to how we work, why we work, and the pitfalls to avoid.” She also addresses many issues facing today’s writers with her lighthearted but very much to the point Behler Publications blog –
Enrollment Information at
COST: $10 for OCC members, $15 for non-members
Coming in July 2011– Breaking Things Down Into Threes with Beth Daniels
July 11 – August 6, 2011
Plots require organization– even those written by pantsers. Why? Because all storytelling requires a flow, a smooth transition from one scene to the next. Getting it doesn’t require an outline though. All it requires is a system – a system of thirds. This class is for writers at any point in their writing career from unpublished to midlist.
Check out our full list of workshop at
Want to be notified personally two weeks before each class? Be sure you’re signed up for our Online Class Notices Yahoo Group! Sign up at the bottom of or send a blank email to
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Trouble is coming…coming by land…coming by sea. Coming for you…and coming for me.
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