A Slice of Orange


Neetu Malik: August Featured Author

August 21, 2022 by in category Featured Author of the Month tagged as , , ,
picture of Neetu Malik

Neetu Malik’s poetry is an expression of life’s rhythms and the beat of the human spirit. She draws upon diverse multicultural experiences and observations across three continents in which she has lived. She has contributed to The Australia Times Poetry Magazine, October Hill Magazine, Prachya Review, among others. Her poems have appeared in The Poetic Bond Anthology V and VI published by Willowdown Books, UK,  NY Literary Magazine’s Tears Anthology  and Poetic Imagination Anthology (Canada).

Her poem, “Soaring Flames”, was awarded First-Place by the NY Literary Magazine (2017). She has also been nominated for the Pushcart Prize, 2019 for her poem “Sacred Figs” published by Kallisto Gaia Press in their Ocotillo Review in May, 2018.

Neetu lives in Pennsylvania, USA.

You can find Neetu’s poetry in these volumes.

Hover on the cover for buy links. Click on the cover for more information.

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Writing the Romantic Novella

August 19, 2022 by in category Ages 2 Perfection Online Class, Online Classes tagged as , , , ,

Writing the Romantic Novella

Presented by: Catherine Chant

Date: September 12 – 23, 2022 (two week)

Pricing: A2P Member fee: $10

Non-A2P Member fee: $25 

About the Workshop:

In this workshop you will learn what a novella is, how it’s more than word count that separates it from a novel, and how to successfully craft one of your own. Lesson topics include: Scope and Pacing, Character Development, Conflict, Plot, and Format. At the end of the workshop, you will have a brief outline of a novella you can start working on this year, a list of prospective publishers to submit your work to, and some tips for self-publishing your novella at Amazon, if you prefer to go the indie route.

About the Presenter:

Catherine Chant is a Romance Writers of America (RWA) Golden Heart® finalist. She writes rock ‘n’ roll romantic fiction and stories with paranormal twists for young adults. Her young adult rock ‘n’ roll time travel series is available now at your favorite online bookseller and her popular workshop “Grow a Book: Turning Your Story Idea Into a Workable Plot” is now available as an ebook and audio book. She teaches several online workshops for writers throughout the year. You can learn more at her website: http://www.catherinechant.com

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Fan Service and Reader Engagement

August 18, 2022 by in category Ages 2 Perfection Online Class, Online Classes

Fan Service and Reader Engagement

Presented by:  Jen Graybeal

Date: September 10, 2022 10AM PT

Pricing: A2P Member fee: FREE

Non-A2P Member fee: $10

About the Workshop:

Easter eggs, Tik Toks, and Groups… Oh my! There’s much more to marketing than social media. In this session we will talk about the many ways to engage readers without exhausting yourself.

About the Presenter:

Jen Graybeal (she/her) is a book coach, freelance editor, and author cheerleader working exclusively with romance authors. Her encouraging feedback, creative approach to problem solving, and gently-applied tough love inspires clients to take their books and business to the next level. She has a degree in English, an ever-expanding TBR, and a furball assistant that is usually on her lap. Visit her website for client testimonials at www.jengraybeal.com or follow her on Instagram: @JenTheEditor.

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A Book About Macaroni and Cheese

August 15, 2022 by in category Writing tagged as , , , ,

So, I wrote a book about macaroni and cheese. It wasn’t something I ever planned to do, but like all happy accidents in life, I sure am glad it happened the way it did.  

While writing has always been a passion of mine, and a muscle that I frequently flex during my day job, it wasn’t until a daycare pick-up one fateful afternoon in 2019 that propelled me on the path of writing a children’s book.

One sunny afternoon, I picked the kiddos up from school and asked them what sounded good for dinner. They immediately responded with what I already knew they would say, “Mac and cheese, please, please, please”.  I turned the words over in my head the whole seven-minutes it took for us to get home.

I decided to give into their demands that day and make a box of macaroni and cheese, because it had been AT LEAST three days since they’d last had it [Insert parenting eye-roll].

I kid you not… In the time it took me to make a box of macaroni and cheese, I had scribbled out a children’s book.

I can still picture it in all its felt-tip marker and wide ruled notebook glory. I read it to my kids while they shoveled the orange noodles into their mouths; giving me nods of approval.

It didn’t come as a total surprise that a random lightening bolt of inspiration had struck me. After all, I’d been creative writing and plotting storylines on paper and in my head for years. I just had never guessed that it would come in the form of a children’s book, much less a children’s book about macaroni and cheese. Yet, here we are!

That’s the origin story of my book, which just celebrated its two-year birthday last month.

The absolute best part of having a book about macaroni and cheese is when I get a picture or Snapchat from my little Mac and Cheese Army out there. I had a friend reach out and tell me that her three-year-old accurately explained that they were having “elbow noodles” for dinner. These moments always serve as a good reminder to listen to those random lightening bolts of inspiration, especially since my little Mac and Cheese Army demands more. 

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Neetu Malik: August Featured Author

August 14, 2022 by in category Featured Author of the Month tagged as , , ,
picture of Neetu Malik

Neetu Malik’s poetry is an expression of life’s rhythms and the beat of the human spirit. She draws upon diverse multicultural experiences and observations across three continents in which she has lived. She has contributed to The Australia Times Poetry Magazine, October Hill Magazine, Prachya Review, among others. Her poems have appeared in The Poetic Bond Anthology V and VI published by Willowdown Books, UK,  NY Literary Magazine’s Tears Anthology  and Poetic Imagination Anthology (Canada).

Her poem, “Soaring Flames”, was awarded First-Place by the NY Literary Magazine (2017). She has also been nominated for the Pushcart Prize, 2019 for her poem “Sacred Figs” published by Kallisto Gaia Press in their Ocotillo Review in May, 2018.

Neetu lives in Pennsylvania, USA.

You can find Neetu’s poetry in these volumes.

Hover on the cover for buy links. Click on the cover for more information.

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