Award winning author Alina K. Field earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English and German literature, but her true passion is the much happier world of romance fiction. Though her roots are in the Midwest, after six very, very, very cold years in Chicago, she moved to Southern California where she shares a midcentury home with two furry four-legged girls and keeps a dependable stash of lollipops for the munchkins in her life.
She is the author of several Regency romances, including the 2014 Book Buyer’s Best winner, Rosalyn’s Ring. She is hard at work on her next series of Regency romances, but loves to hear from readers!
In addition to Quarter Days, Alina’s quarterly column’s on A Slice of Orange, you can visit her at:
Well, I have a “new” book out this month—rather, a re-release of a book that was first published in 2018, and I was invited to participate in a chat this week on Writerspace for authors with new books out!
And it is rather new. The title and cover are both new, at least. It’s part of my K-9 Ranch Rescue series for Harlequin Romantic Suspense, and its original title was SECOND CHANCE SOLDIER. Now, it’s THE SOLDIER’S K-9 MISSION, and I love the new cover—because it’s got a couple of K-9s on it. They’re part of the story, so that works. But Harlequin is apparently republishing lots of books to emphasize the dogs in them. My other K-9 Ranch Rescue book TRAINED TO PROTECT was also republished recently with a new cover. The former one had a K-9 on it, but the new cover really emphasizes the dog and the fact he’s in a K-9 unit.
New books? Not exactly. But I love the new covers, and the one’s new title, thanks to the emphasis on the dogs! I suspect that the idea is to make sure readers know about the dogs in the books. Gee, I guess I’m not the only dog lover out there! I sure enjoy writing stories containing dogs and also reading others’ books with dogs in them.
Do you enjoy writing, or reading, books with dogs in them? Do you have any other themes that are your favorites?
Do you enjoy writing, or reading, books with dogs in them? Do you have any other themes that are your favorites?
Happy May.
Yes, I’m going to say it . . . I can’t believe it’s already May. The year is almost half over and I still have things from the first quarter I need to do.
Okay, so I’m going off course with this post and talk about a subject we as authors are guilty of not doing . . . self-care . . . wellness. I don’t know about you, but I am slowly moving back into society after three years of isolation. I still wear a mask. No judging. I happen to be highly allergic . . . grass, watermelon, horse hair, peanuts, cats, some dogs, dust…the list goes on. The other reason I’m still masked up, I’ve been undergoing some dental work and don’t want to catch anything before my next procedure..
Thanks to COVID, I have neglected myself. My beauty or maintenance regime has been very inconsistent. Prior to COVID, I went to the salon regularly. My hands, feet and hair were always on point. I worked out five days a week between 60 and 90 minutes per day.
As we are on the back end of the pandemic, I got a revelation. I need to take regular breaks. I also realized, haven’t been good about my self-care. I did a self-check and was shocked how easy it was for me fall back into some of my old habits. Not getting enough sleep was at the top of my list. When I don’t get enough rest, my thinking is cloudy and clear and my writing makes no sense.
So how am I going to resolve this? With baby steps.
First off, if I were to go all in with a major wellness change, I think I’d freak out. I really want to rest from all work for three consecutive days a month. Then I want to break the late night television binge. I have been hooked on Perry Mason reruns as well as the new HBO version. These two shows have kept up beyond my sleep time. The next thing, I want to do is gym five days a week for an hour per day. Third, I want to eliminate junk.
Believe it or not, the easiest thing on this list to do is eliminate junk food. Telling my body no to junk food was easy. Telling my body to go to bed earlier wasn’t. Here’s the weird part, my body clock still wants to get up at it’s designated time regardless of when I got into bed..
What does all of this have to do with self-care/wellness? If we don’t take care of ourselves, we can’t count on anyone else to do it for us. The main reason for self-care is to live better . . . get stronger . . . get healthy.
If you haven’t already, I challenge you to start a wellness plan and or journal. Pencil in three day breaks every quarter. Remember, on these breaks you aren’t allowed to do anything work related. Then I want you to adjust or evaluate your sleep schedule. I won’t ask how many are on a regular sleep schedule, because we’re writers. We write when the muse speaks, but let’s train the muse to visit us during the day so we don’t have to be up late..
Next on the list, cut back on the junk food. Do I really need to explain this to you? You know junk food isn’t the healthiest option. However, the occasional hamburger and fries sort of just hit the spot. If you aren’t working out, get a plan. Start out with a brisk walk a few times a week. Then add some strength training. Trust me on the strength training. You need all the strength you can get to set up your book tables at signing events.
These few changes will help you stay healthy and wise. Trust me, your brain will welcome the opportunity to recharge.
Here’s to a new healthy second half of the year.
A rumor began during the run of the 1970s TV show The Brady Bunch. It was that 36-year-old Florence Henderson and co-star, 16-year-old Barry Williams, who played the oldest son Greg, dated and had an affair. This shocking bit of scandal haunted Henderson long after the show ended.
At the time the show was airing, Henderson was a happily married mother of four. But she was forever associated with her role as Carol Brady.
Williams confessed that he admired Henderson and said during an interview that he fantasized about being with her. He admitted that he once took her on a date to discuss their mutual interest in music. At the end of the date, he fulfilled his dream of planting a kiss on her cheek.
Henderson opened up about her supposed date with the younger Williams, which had almost ruined her reputation, as it looked like she had an affair with a teenage boy.
Williams once told a radio station, “From the time that I met her, I had a great affinity for her and then an attraction to her. She’s played so many different roles in my life as a mother, as a professional, as a mentor and she was inspiring to me as well.”
In her book “Life Is Not a Stage,” Henderson recalled the moment she went out with Williams, noting that she would have done it with any older children if they had asked as she saw herself as a mentor.
Florence noted she understood Williams was entering adulthood, and she did not want to discourage him by turning him down. She saw his request as innocent.
The duo was driven on the date by Williams’ brother since he was too young to drive at the time. Henderson explained that the night was purely innocent, including the goodnight kiss, which was blown out of proportion.
The late actor noted she was aware of Williams’ crush on her and played her part to help him get past it. After leaving the show, both stars remained friends and shared a good bond. Henderson remained loved as the beloved Carol Brady until she died in 2016 at age 82.
“She knew the respect that people had for her character,” Lloyd Schwartz, son of program creator, Sherwood Schwartz, said to Variety. “Whenever anybody came up to her to say anything about the show, she was as warm as could be–I saw it a million times.”
Glynnis Campbell is a USA Today bestselling author of swashbuckling “medieval action-adventure romances,” mostly set in Scotland, with over two dozen books published in six languages. She loves to play medieval matchmaker, transporting readers to a place where the bold heroes have endearing flaws, the women are stronger than they look, the land is lush and untamed, and chivalry is alive and well!
Today we have the marvelous historical author Glynnis Campbell. We are going to chat about her latest medieval Scottish action-packed romance. Her stories will definitely keep you up all night!!
Jann: When you started your career, did you choose to write historical romance fiction or did the l genre choose you?
Glynnis: My interest in all things medieval started when I was a little girl, listening to my dad’s swashbuckling tales of King Arthur and Robin Hood. When I read my first historical romance, The Wolf and the Dove by Kathleen Woodiwiss, I was drawn once again into the world of knights and castles and noble deeds. So I think it was a mutual attraction!
Jann: Tell us about your writing career? When it all began and why historical fiction.
Glynnis: I started writing as soon as I could hold a pencil. My first works were poems, and I created a sort of medieval graphic novel when I was 12. At 16, after reading my first historical romance, I dabbled with writing my own, which eventually grew into a trilogy, The Knights of de Ware. I didn’t really think about publishing them until much later, and I sold them when I was 40.
Jann: Historical readers look for accuracy from the author. Do you have to research as much now as you did in the beginning of your career for each book?
Glynnis: I spent years doing research about medieval life, so by the time I started writing seriously, I had an easy job of world-building. I still do a lot of research on particular topics, because I like to change up characters’ professions and pastimes, and it keeps the writing fresh for me. But since I’m currently writing series books with spinoffs, the world is consistent and requires less time on research.
Jann: Your new trilogy, The Warrior Lairds of Rivenloch, makes its debut on May 2nd with book one—The Laird of Steel. How exciting. What inspired you to write this new trilogy?
Glynnis: My most popular trilogy is The Warrior Maids of Rivenloch. Even though I’ve branched out into other time periods and settings, Rivenloch remains a favorite for both me and my readers. I’ve already written a trilogy of The Warrior Daughters of Rivenloch, and in Book 3, Bride of Mist, we meet young Gellir and Merraid, who have become the hero and heroine of Laird of Steel, Book 1 of The Warrior Lairds of Rivenloch trilogy.
Jann: Your books are filled with action and romance, bold heroes and daring heroines. What adventures and conflicts do your main characters, “Grim Gellir” Cameliard of Rivenloch and Merraid of Darragh have to face? Would you share with us what their journey is about?
Glynnis: As the son of a laird and possibly the greatest warrior in all Scotland, “Grim Gellir” Cameliard of Rivenloch lives for chivalry and assumes his wife will be chosen for him by the king. But when the king becomes friendly with the enemy, threatening to wed Gellir to a Sassenach, his loyalty is challenged. Can he find a Scottish bride before the king seals his fate?
Maidservant Merraid of Darragh has loved Gellir since she was a girl and has molded herself into the kind of warrior lass she thinks he wants in a wife. When she’s old enough to realize he could never wed a commoner, she gives up that dream. But she can’t bear to think of him in a loveless marriage, so she offers her services as his matchmaker. Of course, no one adores and respects Gellir as much as Merraid does, which leads them into a forbidden friends-to-lovers romance.
Their hidden passions eventually entangle them in a perilous royal conflict involving a runaway bride, a handcuffed bridegroom, a false confession, a clever disguise, a secret pregnancy, a road trip to Perth, and a sword fight in a real Highland uprising against the crown. When they have everything to lose, how will they choose between duty and desire?
Jann: Which character has the bigger arc? Why?
Glynnis: Merraid changes the most during the story. She begins as a humble maidservant with a crush on the heroic Gellir. Motivated by that affection, she trains to become like the other women in his clan—empowered, educated, and self-sufficient. After she realizes Gellir is out of her reach, she knows she must temper her love. In the end, it’s her growth as a fearless and loyal friend that turns her into a deserving heroine.
Jann: I see that Laird of Flint and Laird of Smoke are on the horizon. Can you give us a sneak peek? Is it possible that you might expand with additional books about The Warrior Lairds of Rivenloch?
Glynnis: I’ve already made a pretty big family tree, so there are more trilogies to come! Laird of Flint continues the thread of a story begun in Laird of Steel and follows the adventures of Gellir’s cousin, Hew du Lac. The hero of Laird of Smoke, Adam la Nuit, is another Rivenloch cousin who makes an appearance in Laird of Steel.
Jann: What do you want readers to come away with after reading your books?
Glynnis: I’d love for readers to feel they’ve been swept away in a romantic adventure, happily exhausted, yet eager for the next one to begin. I hope they feel like part of the Rivenloch clan!
Jann: Do you find yourself returning to certain themes in your stories? What? Why?
Glynnis: I think my favorite theme is something along the lines of “don’t judge a book by its cover” + “all men are created equal.” I like characters who are stronger/funnier/smarter than they look, and it’s especially enjoyable when they’re female. I also like to shine a light on the idea that even in a time period of stratified social status, a maidservant was just as worthy, just as deserving of respect, and just as human as a king.
Jann: Are there any words of inspiration on your computer, in your office or in your mind when you write?
Glynnis: I choose a new word of inspiration each year, and oftentimes I invent them! This year’s word is “Rejoyvenation,” which I have on a Post-It note above my desk. After a few rough years of lockdown and trying to write while the world was on fire, it’s a reminder to me to let go of deadline pressure and roadblocks and rediscover the joy of writing.
Jann: What’s the funniest (or sweetest or best or nicest) thing a fan ever said to you?
Glynnis: I was doing a book signing years ago, and I saw a young woman hugging my book to her chest, but sort of hanging back, as if she were afraid to come up to the table. I invited her forward, and her voice shook as she said, “You’re my favorite author. It’s an honor to meet you. Your books mean so much to me. Thank you for writing them.” As I was signing her book, I smiled and said, “Of course. It’s my pleasure. And what do YOU do for a living?” She replied, “I’m an ER nurse.” I dropped my pen and said, “You mean, while I’m writing stories, you’re out there saving lives? No, it’s MY honor to meet YOU.” I will never forget how meaningful that moment was—reminding me of who the REAL celebrities are.
Glynnis, thank you for sharing with us today. I totally agree with the young woman’s comment above, “thank you for writing them.” Your books bring enjoyment to so many readers. I’ve already ordered my copy of The Laird of Steel. The book cover is fabulous!! Best of luck with this new trilogy.
“Grim Gellir” Cameliard of Rivenloch lives for glory on the tournament field, and he may be the greatest warrior in all Scotland. As the son of a laird, he assumes his bride will be chosen for him as chivalry demands, and he doesn’t expect it to be a love match. But when the king threatens to wed him to the enemy, he is forced to question his loyalty and desperate to find a Scottish wife.
Merraid of Darragh, a spirited sword-wielding maidservant from Gellir’s past, can’t bear to see her childhood hero doomed to a loveless marriage, so she intervenes as his matchmaker. When none of the prospects seem worthy of him, she unwittingly finds herself swept up in a friends-to-lovers romance and a battle for his heart, and Gellir faces the one intrepid warrior he may not be able to conquer.
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