by Kitty Bucholtz
My husband John and I are training to run a half marathon in the fall, 13 miles over hill and dale in Pasadena, California. Never done anything like it in my life. But we figured it would be a good way to lose weight and get in shape, and one of our friends suggested we do it together. A winning situation all the way around.
But on Day One of our “Couch to 5K†training in March of this year when we were to cycle running for 60 seconds, then walking for 90 seconds, I wanted to quit about 45 seconds into the 20-minute workout! I would have except John was there and I didn’t want him to see me quit. By the end of week two, I was huffing and puffing but it felt good.
Last weekend I flew to Austin, Texas, to attend the High Tension Workshop taught by Donald Maass. Barely an hour into the four-day workshop I had that beautiful ah-ha moment. Ah-ha, this is what I’ve been trying to do by instinct but without getting it right. By the end of the weekend, the lights were on, my toolbox was reorganized – some new tools, and some tools that I understood how to use better – and I was already chipping away at bits and chunks of my manuscript.
I cut out a murder because I realized I had actions in turmoil not actions in tension. I cut out the first scene of chapter one because I saw I was trying to introduce the heroine’s emotional state by showing her in turmoil not showing her emotions in conflict. Today I’m sitting here highlighting all the backstory in the first 30 pages so I can cut it from the story, move it to another document (you know we can’t just hit delete), and try to figure out what the reader needs to know and how I can provide that information in a better way. Already, the story is gaining strength. And it feels good.
John and I are on Week Seven of our marathon training with 27 weeks to go. We run for 25 minutes three times a week, then run for as long as we can on Saturday or Sunday morning. My body is getting stronger more quickly than I’d thought possible and twice this week I beat my best running times! But I haven’t lost a single pound. I’m trying to keep in mind that there is plenty of time to find success in all of my running goals; I can’t meet them all at once. Just think, I can run for 25 minutes without stopping now, but less than two months ago I could barely run for 60 seconds!
There are moments when I feel the writing process is taking too long and I’m not learning enough and I’m not applying enough of what I’ve learned. But Donald Maass gave me a much-needed shot in the arm last weekend. He assured us that we can do this, but it’s going to take a lot of work. Just like the marathon training. Sometimes you just have to look back and see how far you’ve come. Then remind yourself that it’s worth it.
Kitty Bucholtz writes romantic comedies because, well, she lives one! She wrote her first book in the NBC cafeteria, the second snowed in at a Reno hotel, and the third from a tiny apartment in Sydney. Even though she loves talking about, writing about, and teaching about writing, she’s pretty sure she knows at least three people who aren’t writers.
The Never-Ending Story
by Geralyn Ruane
He laughed as he walked through the front door.
I was in the kitchen looking for the bay leaves when I heard the screen door open, then the sound of him laughing. I knew he had to be laughing at one of the cats, but which one and what it was this time didn’t matter. The love of my life was laughing as he walked into the house . . . mmmruh!
This is the kind of life I want to live, one in which cats are part of the family and we laugh as we come home. Mmmruh! Do I have everything I want? No. I’m not the one who’s going to look into the Mirror of Erised and see nothing but myself. I think a lot of us are like that – always wanting more and more, even when we get what we want most.
I remember when I was young, I thought, If only we had Atari, I’d never be bored again! Well, guess what? We got Atari one Christmas, and indeed I dedicated hours of my life to Space Invaders, Pitfall! and Ms. Pac-Man. But those video games hardly made me happy for ever after. Lots of things got me down, despite the game cartidges and joysticks. Like the dog Dempsey. At least, that’s what I’ve called her in my head for about thirty years.
When I was a kid, I was waiting in our old Chevy while my mom ran into the supermarket when I noticed a small Toto-like dog climb out the window of a nearby car. I darted out of the station wagon, grabbed the dog, and proudly returned her to her family when they came back to the car. I felt like a real hero.
“Actually,†the mom said, “we left the window open on purpose because we’re trying to get rid of her. Do you want her?â€
My mom said No. After all, we already had Grady the big red dog and Pepsi the tabby cat. But I couldn’t stop dreaming about how cool it would have been if we’d adopted that little dog. I would have called her Dempsey.
So, if I made these dreams come true, I can make my evolving dreams happen, too. And so can you. Let’s not be people who see life as a series of challenges to overcome, a litany of problems to survive. This too shall pass sucks as a personal mantra.
Let’s live life on a never-ending kaleidoscope of dreams to pursue. Mmmruh!
Geralyn Ruane’s new favorite numbers are 18 and 1. She co-hosts the radio show Better Times After 50 on when she’s not drinking chocolate milk straight from the spoon or writing humorous women’s fiction. Her short story “Jane Austen Meets the New York Giants†is published in the New York Times Bestselling anthology The Right Words at the Right Time Volume 2.
I’ve come to the conclusion that there are too many writing events and not enough time! (Does time seem like a recurring theme in my Slice of Orange entries? I think I’m obsessed!) I recently returned from Malice Domestic in Crystal City, Virginia (near Washington) and the Mystery Lovers Festival in Oakmont, Pennsylvania (near Pittsburgh). The Romantic Times BookClub conference was held in Pittsburgh earlier in April, and I considered attending since I grew up in Pittsburgh, but couldn’t do all of them. By choosing Malice, I got to network with editors and publicity people from my mystery publisher, Berkley Prime Crime, plus see my agent and meet her new baby. However, I missed the L.A. Times Festival of Books, and I didn’t go to the Edgar Awards in New York, partly because I needed to get back here not only to write, but also because I was on a panel at the Palm Springs Book Fair last weekend. Of course going there meant I missed the Sisters in Crime meeting, and I also wound up not having time to attend the special Julia Quinn workshop held by the Los Angeles Chapter of RWA on Saturday.
Upcoming are BEA (Book Expo America) here in L.A., plus the American Library Association conference, also in this area. I’ll be in the Chicago area for a bridal shower for my future daughter-in-law (yay!) and it happens to coincide with the Printers Row Book Fair hosted by the Chicago Tribune, so I’ll have an opportunity to sign my newest (June release) Kendra Ballantyne, Pet-Sitter mystery there, DOUBLE DOG DARE. I’ll be back in time for the next OCC meeting.
I’m registered for the Romance Writers of America annual conference in San Francisco, and hope to actually attend despite all my other plans for this year. I don’t have time to go to Bouchercon or Thrillerfest, and I missed Left Coast Crime this year, too, although I’m considering going next year since it’ll be on the Big Island of Hawaii. I will, however, be giving a talk during the Kern County Library’s adult summer reading program, as well as another talk for the new East Valley Chapter of RWA. I’ve been enlisted for a panel at the West Hollywood Book Fair and am also scheduling authors for the Mystery Writers of America booth… only I may wind up missing it since that may be the weekend my older son gets married.
Did I mention I have a couple of book deadlines? I’ve already blogged here about how adorable –and time-consuming–my Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are these days, especially with the new puppy. Oh, and I’m still engaged in my “temporary†part-time law position…
Well, DOUBLE DOG DARE is about cloning. Maybe I can figure out a way to clone myself.
Linda O. Johnston
Linda O. Johnston is the author of 14 romance novels as well as the Kendra Ballantyne, Pet-Sitter mystery series from Berkley Prime Crime–and has 2 Silhouette Nocturnes upcoming!
By Diane Pershing
My son, Benjamin Russell Pershing, was born on October 1, 1975, and up until April 26, 2008, he was mine. I know, I know, he’s thirty-two and independent and doesn’t need my approval anymore—hasn’t from a very early age—and he’s successful and self-supporting and lives three thousand miles away. But still. He was mine. I carried him, nursed him, giggled with him, gave him hugs, encouraged his dreams, scolded him, supported him financially until he didn’t need that from me anymore. He was a pretty easy kid, came out of my womb with a kind of “Okay, I’m here, what’s next?†brightness. There were never any huge traumas with Ben, even when he had to have eye surgery at age three. And he took the breakup of my marriage to his dad and his dad’s subsequent death two years later in an appropriate manner—sadness and pain followed by recovery from sadness and pain in time. I got him a Big Brother after that, which helped somewhat. If he still shows some effects of growing up without a father, they are minor, and I know he will be a fine father to his own children, when they arrive.
He was a bit of a referee in our household, as his older sister was less, shall we say, comfortable on this planet than he was, and was emotional and unhappy some of the time. Now she tells stories of teasing him and putting make-up on him and being generally nasty to him when they were younger (I had not an inkling of this, by the way, and I shudder to hear about it), and how Ben seemed to take it all good-naturedly. He has always loved his sister with a fierce loyalty and, trust me, she truly appreciates him today for that; they are very close.
As far as relationships go, Ben’s had his share of them, but I never got the sense that he was any kind of big player, picking up and discarding lovers all over the place. I could be wrong, of course, but then it’s not really my business, is it? Suffice it to say that he brought home a couple of different girls over the years, and while I liked them fine, I didn’t think they would do. It wasn’t about whether or not they were classically “good enough†for my son, but whether or not they would be the kind of women who would let him be Ben—quietly ambitious, hard-working, generous yet firm when necessary, a loyal friend (he has tons of guy and girl buddies)—or would they drain him, take his joy from him.
Then he brought Beth home and that was it. End of discussion as they say. I adore her, she adores me, my daughter adores her, she adores my daughter, all of us adore each other. She’s wonderful and warm and fun and bright and oh-so-pretty and she calls me mom. She is the right one, for sure, and so on April 26, I celebrated—along with 150 others—their wedding. But all day, prior to the actual time of the nuptials, the sadness and sense of loss were pretty huge for me. The old “A daughter is a daughter all her life but a son is a son till he takes a wife†or however that one goes syndrome. There I was, joining the gazillion moms before me, relinquishing my baby to another woman, and the feeling felt primal and ancient and kind of like a whole “sisterhood†thing. But you know what? After the vows were said, and in the middle of the best party I’ve ever been to, the feeling passed. It’s done, it’s over, I’m fine with it. I truly do have a new daughter and a whole new family who live on the East Coast and a reason to go back there more often. And when the babies come (soon, please), a lot more often. Come one, it doesn’t get much better than this, does it?
Here’s a pic of the bride and groom (Beth and Ben) in the center, surrounded by mom Diane and sister Morgan Rose. It was a simply lovely day, and I’m pleased to share it with you. And to all the moms who read this, Happy Mother’s Day. How very lucky we are!
Love, Diane
At the April board meeting, the appointments of our Orange Blossom co-editors were confirmed. I am looking forward to seeing their fresh new ideas on these pages in the coming months. Within the next day or two, OCC members should expect the May edition in their email box via the OCC Announcements loop.
More good news – we have a new blog editor! Laura Drake is an online class moderator–in-training, and has now joined the staff as contributor and editor of OCC’s blog, “A Slice of Orange†at (Thank you, Laura!) Are you interested in writing a monthly column? Great PR op! Please contact Laura at Laura also volunteered to create an informational flyer for guests and new members listing the services offered by our chapter. The flyers will be available through Membership Director Rowena Hacker at the May meeting.
Thanks to everyone who voted at the meeting and who sent in their proxy ballots, the restated bylaws passed unanimously at the April meeting. I know I speak for the entire chapter in expressing our gratitude to Past-Presidential Advisor Jann Audiss and Linda Prine (also one of our past presidents) for their hard work as Bylaws Chairs.
The Published Authors’ Workshop (PAW) can now sign up for the new PAW-chat loop at
And one final thanks to Ways & Means Director Deb Mullins, who has organized the WRITERPALOOZA raffle for the May and June meetings with some terrific prizes, including author critiques and books. Look for details at
– Sue Phillips
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#MeToo: Essays About How and Why This Happened, What It Means and How To Make Sure It Never Happens Again
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