A Slice of Orange


A Fantasy Life

June 27, 2008 by in category A Fantasy Life by Janet Cornelow tagged as ,

By Janet Quinn Cornelow

Oisten lives in the kingdom of Augeas where half the population are magical beings.

Magic is one of my favorite things to write about. When I started writing my witch book, I had two friends tell me I should look up the Wicken religion. My thought, was why? I didn’t want to write a story about the religion of witches, I wanted to write about magical beings.

My witch book is a light fantasy. My witch is a Bewitched type of witch. Haven’t you ever thought how nice it would be to blink your eyes or snap your fingers and have the house cleaned or your manuscript finished. It has crossed my mind, especially the house cleaning part. It beats nagging the kids.

Like anything in fantasy, magic has to have rules. The television series, Charmed, had rules that the sister’s had to follow. The major one was they couldn’t do magic for personal gain. So what good would magic be if you couldn’t use it to spoil yourself.

Deciding what your magical being can do is important. My witch, BreeAnna, has the power to move from spot to spot and change the size of objects. She also has the power to conjure up what she wants or needs. She is the fun type of magical creature with very strong powers.

The Ancient Ones of Augeas have different types of powers. Each one may have one or two magical abilities. Some can make themselves invisible. Others can move through space. Still others can read minds or cloud minds. None of them have the power to conjure.

The next fantasy I am going to write will have magical beings, but what powers they will have I haven’t decided. I know their technology will be run by magic rather than electricity or batteries. I am sure I will have several conversations about the possibilities with my youngest son, who is my expert when it comes to magic abilities.

Now all I need is the ability to zap up the manuscript.

Art work by Jasmine Tanner – http://veildandy.deviantart.com

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Online Classes

June 26, 2008 by in category Archives

As the school year was wrapping up, I started to focus on the area of my life that I had neglected during the turbulence of homework, tutoring, weekly meetings with my son’s teacher and the chaos of my changing day job responsibilities.

Deciding to renew my commitment to my goal of writing everyday but knowing that I was completely out of shape mentally, I turned to favorite motivational tool: online writing classes. Looking at the various classes offered, I found an intensive, one-on-one, online class.


Being a student at heart and knowing that I feel impelled to complete any and all homework assignment, even if it kills me, I knew the class would jump start my dead writing battery.

During the two week class, I could feel the rust flaking off my mental gears. Although I began to droop from physical exhaustion from my return to my late night writing schedule, I grew so excited to my long neglected story take shape.

At the end of the two week course, I had made more progress on my project than I had in the previous six months.

Tonight I decided to take another intense, two week online class. By the end of that class, assuming I am still functioning, I know I will be firmly upon my writing path.

Happy writing!!
Lori Pyne

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e-maginings Book Review: The War of Art

June 23, 2008 by in category Archives tagged as , , , ,

Title: The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles
Author: Steven Pressfield, author of The Legend of Bagger Vance
Author’s Website: http://www.stevenpressfield.com/
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing, 2002
ISBN: 0-446-69143-7
Available from Amazon.com.

I heard about this book in a blog post and decided it might be just what I needed. Lately I’ve been struggling to get the butt in the chair and actually write. I hate to use the dreaded words writer’s block, but getting through my previous WIP was like pulling teeth, one millimeter at a time. (Well, it wasn’t that painful, but you get the point.)

When I started to read, I was surprised to see that the Foreword was written by screen writing guru, Robert McKee, one of the last people I’d have expected to struggle with writer’s block. Somehow that alone was comforting to me.

The War of Art is divided into three sections. In the first he explores what keeps us from writing which he calls Resistance. Some of us think of it as the “little editor in our head”, that little voice that says, “Why bother? You’re not any good.” Or “You have better things to do.” Or it’s the impulse that compels us to clean out our closets before sitting down to write. Resistance is, according to Pressfield, both persistent and omnipresent. The only way to beat it is to become a Pro.

In part two, he talks about how to behave like a Pro. As our recent speaker, Bob Mayer, said , “apply the butt glue”. I know, easier said than done, but necessary nevertheless. Pressfield believes that the act of sitting down to work triggers progress:

“…one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would not otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favour all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance…”

In part three, he talks about inspiration and meditation and other tricks to help trigger your muse. I chuckled when he talked about all of the lucky charms he keeps in his work area. I don’t have any lucky objects, but I did copy the prayer to the muse he always recites before starting to work. It comes from the opening of T. E. Lawrence’s translation of Homer’s The Odyssey. I re-worded it a bit to:

“Divine Muse, goddess, daughter of Zeus, sustain for me this song of love.* Make this tale live for us in all its many dimensions, O Muse.”

* In this area you can add more specific information about your book, or if you’re not writing romance, change it to song of mystery or whatever genre you write in.

If you’re struggling with writer’s block or just looking for a little inspiration, I recommend this book to you. It helped me finish my story.

Linda Mac

Linda McLaughlin writes erotic romance for Amber Quill Press as Lyndi Lamont. Her next release will be Alliance: Cosmic Scandal, coming on June 29.

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Advice to Myself as a Newbie Author

June 22, 2008 by in category Archives tagged as ,

by Shauna Roberts

Today’s Guest: Farrah Rochon

A native of south Louisiana, Farrah Rochon’s debut novel, Deliver Me, garnered rave reviews. The second novel in her Holmes Brothers series, Release Me, was released in May 2008 by Dorchester Publishing. The third and final installment in the series, Rescue Me, will be released in June 2009. Farrah also has a Christmas novella, “A Change of Heart,” in the forthcoming holiday anthology The Holiday Inn (October 2008).

Farrah, if you could travel back in time to before you were first published, what advice would you give yourself?

I’ve had quite an education in the business of publishing since the release of my debut novel last spring, and there are a number of things I wish I’d known a year and a half ago. Here’s a list of the top five pieces of advice I would give the previously unpublished Farrah Rochon:

1. Be ready to promote, promote, promote. Not every writer who publishes with a New York house will get the royal treatment, but you’ll be expected to get a respectable sell-through, no matter what. Self-promotion will be a huge key to your eventual success.

2. Don’t be surprised when not everyone is as excited about your good news as you’d hope they would be. Remember that you cannot count on others for your happiness.

3. Keep your ears open for advice from those who have gone before you. You are lucky enough to belong to an organization of writers who share their wisdom freely. Listen when they discuss how to tactfully approach your editor about disagreements with her revisions and to deal with the other issues you will eventually encounter.

4. Take a class in time management. You’ll need it.

5. Remember to take a step back and enjoy this process. After all, you will be living your dream.


To learn more about Farrah, please visit her Website at http://www.FarrahRochon.com or her blog at http://FarrahRochon.blogspot.com.

Her books are available at brick-and-mortar bookstores as well as online from Amazon.com and Barnes & Noble.

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Writing Tip: Research Yields Glorious Inspiration

June 22, 2008 by in category Archives tagged as

Do you ever wonder why so many people want to be writers? There is the story telling aspect, of course. Throughout the ages bards have been some of the most sought after members of society. After all, there is no better way to forget you live in an age before deodorant was invented then to have someone tell a story and distract you.

In modern times, the storyteller is a hero(ine). Take me away from longest election cycle in the history of the world! I beg my favorite authors by buying books in stacks. I’m sure each of you have your own reasons.

But all of that is from the audience’s point of view. What is in it for the writer? Is it the glory? Maybe. Imagine seeing your name emblazoned on a book and archived in the Library of Congress. Even the IRS will forget who you are after you pass away but your books are archived in the Library of Congress!

Then there is the less academic reason: MAN CANDY.

Did you get caught raiding the internet for pictures of Gerard Butler? It’s research! Did your significant other do something really annoying just the other night and it’s bugging you? You can take comfort in the fact that the hero of your book would never do that. You might not be able to train your hubby, but you can edit your hero! And last but not least, lets not forget that once you combine research and photoshop the sky is the limit.

**Image caption: This is my friend Lillian Feisty who fell and broke her leg in three places on her first foray into the world of Roller Derby. See! Visual research is so much safer then the physical kind! This image is her in the emergency room (I wish I looked that great with a broken leg and no meds) photoshopped with the captain of international man candy, David Beckham. Get well soon Lil! Photoshop credit-Sabrina Brayden

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