A Slice of Orange


Things That Make Me Go Mmmruh!

December 7, 2008 by in category Archives tagged as

Gold, Frankincense and Mmmruh!

by Geralyn Ruane

‘Twas the month before Christmas
And all through the season
People on Earth
Abandoned all reason

The black march on Friday,
Yanked-back civil rights,
All the jobs lost,
The oil and the fights.

What the hell happened
To good will to all men?
If we don’t do it at Christmas
Then wherefore and when

Will people stop giving it up to the fear
And instead give their love
To the people right here?

On Equality, on Charity!
On the Tenacity to Cope!
On Tolerance! On Patience!
On Niceness and Hope!

To the top of our hearts
And our souls and our minds!
Live and let live, and keep trying to find

The kindness and caring
The strength and the love
Because it’s all about us
Not what’s below or above.

Though she makes her film debut in Daryl From OnCar, our winsome blogger adores the holiday movies Holiday (1938) and The Man in the Santa Clause Suit (1979) . Geralyn co-hosts the radio show Better Times After 50 on AdviceRadio.com and her short story “Jane Austen Meets the New York Giants” is published in the New York Times Bestselling anthology The Right Words at the Right Time, Volume 2.

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Writing Through the Holidays

December 6, 2008 by in category Pets, Romance & Lots of Suspense by Linda O. Johnston, Writing tagged as , ,

by Linda O. Johnston

Where will you be during this holiday season? What will you be doing?

I’ll be writing. Why? Well, it’s what I do. Plus, I have two different deadlines in January. Yes, I’m a glutton for punishment, and I also find it fun to change voices at different times of the day.

I’m also going away for a week to be with extended family. Thank heavens for laptop computers! Plus, I hope to have enough done to be able to hide in a corner and nod my head at conversations now and then as I edit.

I wish all of you an excellent holiday season, full of happiness and warmth with family… and, yes, also full of writing!

Linda O. Johnston is the author of 14 romance novels as well as the Kendra Ballantyne, Pet-Sitter mystery series from Berkley Prime Crime–and has 3 Silhouette Nocturnes and a Nocturne Bites upcoming!

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December 3, 2008 by in category Archives tagged as

By Dr. Debra Holland

At this time of year, magazines start running articles on dealing with holiday stress–a very worthwhile topic. These articles discuss simplifying the holidays and doing as much planning and work in advance–both useful for managing holiday stress. But my article is not going to be like the traditional ones you read in December.

I had an experience a few years that prompted me to write this blog, using my own situation as a teaching tool for stress management, both during the holiday time, and throughout the rest of the year.

On my way to a meeting in Hollywood, I received a call asking me why I wasn’t at the seminar I thought I was going to be teaching NEXT week. Fifty people had been waiting for me for 20 minutes, and the manager was IRATE!

Guess what my topic was? Stress Management.

I was horrified! I couldn’t believe I’d mixed up the date. I was also ashamed. It’s not like me to make mistakes like this. And, I hadn’t even studied the material I’d be presenting for four hours. Shaken, on the verge of tears, I called in to cancel my appearance at the meeting. Luckily there were others there who could take my place. I turned around and headed home to pick up the powerpoint program and the training and student manuals.

I called the irate manager (who by then had calmed down a bit) and profusely apologized. I told him I’d be there in about 45 minutes. I was a little relieved to learn they could move a part of their program that was supposed to come after my talk into the morning time, so they weren’t sitting around twiddling their thumbs and waiting for me.

I was also upset because this was only the second job I’d done for this consulting company, and I figured I’d just blown the opportunity for future work.

On the race back to my house, and then to the site, I knew I’d have to apply all the stress reduction techniques I was scheduled to teach my students, or I’d arrive at the hotel a frazzled mess, and have lost any credibility I had left. Plus, I knew I’d potentially alienated everyone who’d be listening to me, and I knew I’d have a lot of ground to regain–not something I’d be able to do if I was stressed and anxious.

Here’s what I did to decrease my stress level:

1. I began to take deep centering breaths. Centering breaths are when you breathe to the bottom of your lungs, pushing your belly out when you inhale, and pulling your belly in when you inhale.

2. I prayed. I knew I needed all the help I could get, so I asked for Divine guidance for the situation to turn out in a positive manner.

3. I began to list what I had control over and what I didn’t have control of.
I didn’t:
* Have control over going back in time and fixing my mistake.
* Have control over the traffic.
* Have control over what was happening at the hotel, and what the people involved currently were feeling or thinking about me.
* Have control over the fact that I hadn’t even glanced at the materials.

I did:
* Have control over my attitude–negative or positive thoughts.
* Have control over my body–taking deep breaths.
* Have control over remaining panicked or preparing myself to teach a class by deciding what to do, and how I could use what I already knew about the topic, along with what was in the actual program from my consulting company.

4. I focused on letting go of the circumstances I didn’t have control over, and concentrated on what I did have control over.

Letting go meant not dwelling on them, and especially not magnifying the negative situation by building up more fearful fantasies in my mind.

By doing these four steps, I became more (although not completely) relaxed, and my mind started working on creative solutions. I was able to gear up my energy, knowing I had to go in and give the best teaching performance of my life. So when I arrived at the hotel, an hour and 15 minutes after I was supposed to have started my presentation, I was ready to hit my mark.

And I did.

What followed was an amazing experience, one that taught me more than I taught my class. I walked in, apologized publicly to the audience, and used my own example–what happened, all my reactions, and how I handled them–as the opening to the class. They were laughing and relating, and in five minutes, I knew I had them hooked. Even the manager (who’d greeted me politely, but had silently made it clear that he was mad) relaxed his stiff body language and joined in the laughter.

So I relaxed, too. I put the negative experience behind me, and rode the wave of laughter into a positive, energy-filled presentation. I was able to navigate through the material, maybe not the way I would have if I’d been prepared, but in a way that still worked. And we ended up having fun. They were a close-knit group with a sarcastic sense of humor, and that helped. We laughed a lot.

At the end, when we were discussing how to learn from our mistakes, I again used myself as an example. “One,” I said, “was that I’d learned to triple check future speaking engagement dates. But two, was that I have learned I can make a spectacular mistake, be VERY upset about it, yet meet the challenge and turn it around. How valuable is that to know about myself?” As I was speaking I could feel the positive boost I’d given to my self-esteem. I laughed and told the class, “I’ll have to fill out an evaluation form for myself.”

The class evaluations came back very positive, and my consulting company was very pleased.

What a lesson. (One I’d prefer not to have to learn again.) I’d stepped up to a challenge and mastered it. If I’d given up and avoided the situation, this experience would be forever branded in my consciousness as a shameful failure. But instead, I have a positive experience that I can always use to motivate myself when I’m confronted with a new challenge.

Since that time, I’ve given many trainings for that company and continue to have a positive (and lucrative) relationship with them.

So, as the holidays approach and you’re dealing with challenging situations, remember to take deep breaths, pray, decided what you have control over and what you don’t. Then release the anxiety about what you have no control over. Focus on the positive–especially love and gratitude for all the wonderful people and things you have in your life.

I hope your holidays are relaxed, filled with special family and friends, laughter, love, and joy.

Debra Holland received a master’s degree in Marriage, Family, and Child Therapy and Ph.D in Counseling Psychology from USC and is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. She is a one-time Golden Heart and a two-time GH finalist.
Dr. Debra is the author of a forthcoming book, Rules of Engagement: How to Have a Boundary Setting Conversation With a Difficult Person.
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A Fantasy Life

November 27, 2008 by in category A Fantasy Life by Janet Cornelow tagged as ,

By Janet Quinn Cornelow

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I hope all of you are enjoying the day with family and/or friends. This year my household is up to seven. My sister, my daughter-in-law and my youngest son’s girlfriend will be joining my sons and I. I get to cook the turkey. The two youngest cook most of the rest. I have been having holidays at my house forever and do not see someone else taking over, ever.

The picture is from my Augeas short story series. This one is titled “Berry Cake” and is part of Whiskey Shots Vol. 19 from Whiskey Creek Press. I have a new artist, so the pictures are a little different. In this picture, Lord Culain is asking the mouse for berry cake. As with all artists, she took some liberties because there wasn’t a mouse in the story, but Lord Culain did ask often for berry cake.

There has been no fantasy in my life lately. I suffered burnout judging the EPPIEs. It all seemed too much to do in such a short time with everything else in life. I laid on the couch weekend after weekend until I didn’t think I could read another word. In fact, I have hardly read anything since I finished the seven books. Reading for a contest is just not the same as reading for fun. The fact that you can’t stop because you aren’t going to get done in time, seems to make it into an ordeal. Especially when you have to read books you would never pick to read yourself. I did discover one new author that I will find her other books. As Linda Mac said, “Thank goodness for cable TV.” Now I find myself laying on the couch watching TV. It takes so little effort.

After Thanksgiving is over, I will have to force myself back into the chair and into the writing. Poor Sam is still in bed with Jubilee, though I haven’t heard any complaints from them.

Art work by Loki – http://loki-rei.deviantart.com

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Giving Thanks

November 25, 2008 by in category Archives tagged as

by Lori Pyne

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Beyond dining on comfort foods (what’s not to love about a meal with mashed potatoes and gravy as star players?), having a day centered around giving thanks speaks to my soul.

I have an embarrassment of riches for which I am thankful.

My husband and I laughed more than we cried this year.

My son greeted most days with a smile, enjoyed novel experiences, made new friends and achieved hard earned progress.

Friends shared my joys, comforted my pains, expanded my world, challenged my mind, enhanced my life, and listened while I vented.

My actively, supportive family shared the journey, celebrated achievements, expressed concerns, and loved us.

My husband received his teaching certificate and began the next stage of his new career. I am entertained nightly by his tales of the scams attempted by students, history according to his kids, and the various foibles of teaching.

While my job does not offer the same level of amusement, it gave me something precious. My boss allowed me to adjust my schedule so I could engage in a daily dialogue with my son’s teacher, aids and principal as we tackle the challenges he encountered.

Although few of my writing goals have been met, my desire to create my stories still burns bright.

For all of this and so much more, I give thanks.

For what are you thankful?

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