It happened on October first. Like a witch on her brooomstick, the crisp thrill of autumn swept through the air. Mmmruh! A cold gust, the rustle of leaves, my hair in my eyes – it all makes me just so darn giddy, on edge, pumped to be alive. I notice drops of mmmruh with rain-washed clarity.
As I pull out of the driveway, Ron runs out into the street to stop my car. Wait! Take the 110 – it has less traffic than the 5! He cared that much about saving me time on my commute. What a guy! And then the other night, that cute shuffle dance he did on the patio, all because he thought it would amuse our dog Robert – Mmmruh!
I look down at my slipper and notice the crude stitching and remember how I ripped my slipper and it kept falling off my foot as a result. I commented on this one time when I was visiting home, tripping over my damaged slipper as I walked through the house. So, my mom grabbed a needle and thread and fixed my slipper on the spot! While it was still on my foot! Mmmruh.
The nights are just perfect for curling up under the quilt with a good book about vampires or early America. Mmmruh!
In October, life is good, and fantasies are divine.
Geralyn is most excited that it is, once again, Giants season, though she is egregiously upset with the NFL for some of its dubious decisions so far this year. Geralyn appears in the award-winning internet short comedy film Daryl From OnCar and her short story “Jane Austen Meets the New York Giants†is published in the New York Times Bestselling anthology The Right Words at the Right Time, Volume 2.