As the holidays approach, our lives get busier. First there is Thanksgiving, and everyone is either cooking or going to someone’s house who is cooking. Then come the December holidays where there are more visits with friends and family, shopping for gifts, cards to be sent, holiday parties at work, at home, with friends, with family. Any way you look at, you’re going to have demands on your time that you don’t have the rest of the year. A lot of the free time you usually devote to writing might be allocated to preparing for the holidays, forcing you to be away from your computer. How is a writer to stay on track when all this is going on?
By scheduling your writing time and sticking to it.
This might involve a shift in your schedule. Maybe you have to get up an hour earlier each morning or write on your lunch hour or bring the Alpha Smart to the kids’ football games. Whatever it takes, you can make it happen.
Here are some suggestions for staying on track with your writing while getting through the holidays. (Note: This also works for the rest of the year!)
1. Set reasonable goals. I work full time, so during the week I have less energy to give to my writing; therefore, I set small page goals Monday through Friday, currently 4 pages a day. On Saturdays when I have more time and more energy, I write 10 pages. On Sundays I am off to give my brain a rest; however, Sundays can also be used to make up for lost time if I fall behind. Whatever your goals are, make them realistic and achievable. Impossible goals are failure waiting to happen.
2. Rearrange your schedule. I have discovered I do my better writing in the morning when I am fully rested, so I wake up an hour early during the week to accomplish my page goals for the day. Usually I achieve the whole 4 pages, but even if I only get 2 done in the morning, that leaves only 2 more to write in the evening. Goal achieved. (Another advantage to waking up very early is that the household is usually still asleep and the phone doesn’t ring!)
3. Prepare for events. If you know you are having twenty people for dinner on a day when you normally would write 6 pages, set a reasonable goal for that day. Maybe you can only write 3 pages that day, but since you have nothing scheduled for Sunday you can write the additional 3 that day, keeping you on track. Or maybe you get up really early and knock out the 6 pages at 5AM. Or maybe you assign those 6 pages to another day because there is no way you would get the writing done with this huge dinner to prepare. Do whatever works best for you, guilt-free, as long as you set the right goal and stick to it.
4. Set expectations with family. Make an announcement to your family that you are setting aside a certain time for writing. No one should disturb you during this time unless there is blood or fire involved. Sometimes our spouses and kids can unwittingly sabotage our efforts to write. Non-writers usually don’t understand that just because we are sitting at home, we are actually working. Sometimes a little grandstanding is required to get the point across, but most of the time your family wants you to be happy. Once they understand that this writing thing actually makes you happy, they will most likely try their best to help you achieve your goals.
5. Get enough rest. Waking up an hour early usually means you have to pay back that hour in sleep time. Maybe you need to go to bed an hour earlier at night. Record your favorite programs to watch later (maybe on that Sunday when you’re not writing) and hit the hay an hour earlier. Lack of sleep leads to irritability and poor health, and no one wants to be sick for the holidays!
6. Eat right. With all the holiday goodies around, it’s very tempting to let nutrition slide. However, in order to juggle the holidays along with writing and your normal life, you need all the energy you can get. Go ahead and have that pumpkin pie, just don’t forget the salad beforehand.
The holidays are meant to be a time of thanks for our blessings, of hope for the new year, not a time of stress and frustration. Set your writing goals so you can keep moving forward on your project even while the holidays are happening around you. Set those goals for success, not failure, even if it means you are writing less pages than you normally would. Enjoy your friends and family with the security of knowing that you are achieving your goals without taking away from the joy of the season. Preparation is the key.
Thanksgiving is a time to think about all the things for which we are thankful. I am thankful my job hasn’t gone bankrupt. I am thankful for my children and their spouses. I am thankful for Chewbaca, my dog, and Teddi, my cat, who keep my life interesting.
Most of all I am thankful that I can write, for without my storytelling, I would not be happy. I am really happy that I am finally getting back into the writing after hurting my back. The pain in my back I am not so thankful for.
For Thanksgiving we went to my son’s house. My daughter-in-law Jessi wanted to have the holiday in her new house. It is the first time in thirty-some years that I have not cooked dinner. It really seemed strange. On the plus side, I didn’t have to clean house. On the other side, I actually had to leave home and I had to bring food with me. I felt like I was moving out. Then Jessi didn’t have enough pans. I knew I should have taken my large pan to cook the potatoes.
She did an admirable job and got everything done only 15 minutes later than she wanted. She doesn’t cook, so she was worried she was going to poison someone. Her turkey was perfect, but I’m not sure she believed any of us. The potatoes were wonderful also. I couldn’t believe that they got eighteen people seated for dinner in their small house. One of the sofas went to the back so they could set up tables.
Then my sister and I got lost going home, again. I think I finally figured out where we went wrong. Neither of knew there was so much undeveloped land in
It was nice to not have to cook yesterday, but I really missed having turkey sandwiches today. I bought a turkey to cook over the weekend, but I think we will be waiting until Christmas for leftovers.
I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving.
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Hi everyone! Check out the exciting online classes offered by the
Orange County Chapter of RWA!
“The Purpose Driven Scene”
with Lynn Kerstan
January 11 to February 6, 2010
Enrollment Information at
COST: $20 for OCC members, $30 for non-members
If you have specific questions, email
Scenes are the building blocks of a novel. But while a scene is advancing the book’s story question, each scene is, in itself, a story in miniature.
This workshop focuses on how to develop a scene that is chock-full of character development, conflict, emotion, and—for the reader—a vivid sense of “being there.”
We begin with establishing the scene goal of the focal character, along with levels of motivation, emotional stakes, and expectations.
Then we consider the opposition, because there can never be a straight line from wanting to getting. How does the focal character deal with the antagonist, which might even be her own inadequacy or fear?
We explore why the character must meet with disaster in every scene. Failure means a new plan, or a change of goals. Success is worse, because it always leads to unexpected consequences.
WeÌll examine the initiating incident, scene openings, working with scene and sequel, character intimacy through focused POV, ways to create exciting scenes and settings, and how to draw the reader into the next chapter.
Above all, we’ll never lose sight of the most important element: translating events into feelings. Every scene, every “beat” in a scene, must evoke an emotion in the character that resonates in the emotions of the reader.
Lynn Kerstan, former college professor, folksinger, professional bridge player, and nun, is the author of nine Regency romances, seven historical romances, and three novellas. She is presently developing a paranormal series.
A five-time RITA Finalist (one win), she is regularly featured on awards lists. Since Romantic Times launched its “Top Picks” feature, every Kerstan novel has been a Top Pick. Two have been selected by Library Journal for its “Best Books of the Year” list (2002 and 2003), and Dangerous Passions was named to Booklist´s Top Ten Romances of 2005 list.
For many years a teacher of English literature and writing at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. and the University of San Diego, Kerstan now conducts popular-fiction workshops for writers groups and conferences. An Internet junkie, she can be found online at, blogging with Anne Stuart, Maggie Shayne, Patricia Potter, Tara Taylor Quinn, and Suzanne Forster.
Kerstan lives an exemplary life Coronado, California, where she plots her stories while riding her boogie board, walking on the beach, and watching Navy SEALs jog by.
She wrote two more Special Editions for Silhouette, but she preferred other kinds of fiction, so when she was asked if she would be interested in writing a Victorian mystery series for Berkley, she jumped at the chance to explore her love of mysteries. She contacted her brother-in-law in London and he found old, original London newspapers from the 1880s and a host of books on Victorian households. These books and newspapers were priceless guides to her understanding of the Victorian world of Inspector Witherspoon and Mrs. Jeffries.
In addition to writing the Mrs. Jeffries’ series, she has also written six Young Adult novels for Berkley under her maiden name, Cheryl Lanham. Emily and her family live in Southern California.
Enrollment Information at
COST: $20 for OCC members, $30 for non-members
Coming in February 2010–
“Fast Draft and Revision Hell†with Candace Havens
In the first two weeks you will learn a step-by-step process to help you finish your work in progress and in the second two weeks you learn how to polish your manuscript. Check out our full list of workshops.
Want to be notified personally two weeks before each class? Be sure
you’re signed up for our Online Class Notices Yahoo Group! Sign up at
the bottom of or send a blank
email to
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For Immediate Release
Harlequin launches digital-only publishing house
Carina Pressâ„¢ currently accepting submissions
Toronto, ON (November 9, 2009) – Harlequin Enterprises Limited, the global leader in series romance and one of the world’s leading publishers of women’s fiction, announced today the launch of Carina Press™,a digital-only publishing house that will operate independently of their traditional publishing businesses.
Carina Press is a digital-only publishing house whose eBooks will be sold direct to consumers through the Carina Press Web site and numerous third-party Web sites. Carina Press will publish a wide range of women’s fiction—from romance to erotica, science fiction to mystery, family sagas to choose your own adventures, horror to thriller and more, including every conceivable subgenre of these categories.
“As a digital-only publisher Carina Press is a natural extension to our business; it builds on our digital strength and leadership position. We expect to discover new authors and unique voices that may not be able to find homes in traditional publishing houses,†said Donna Hayes, CEO and Publisher of Harlequin Enterprises. “It definitely gives us greater flexibility in the type of editorial we can accept from authors and offer to readers. As well, we hope to reach a new group of readers with niche editorial.â€
Brent Lewis, Vice President Digital, is delighted to announce Angela James is joining Carina Press as Executive Editor. A veteran of the digital publishing industry, James is a well-known advocate for digital publishing. James has enjoyed a long and varied publishing career including senior editorial positions at digital-first publishers. “I have admired Harlequin’s digital initiatives for years, and have always thought of them as leaders in the digital arena, so I’m unbelievably excited to join the Carina Press team,†said James. “I believe Harlequin can bring digital publishing to the next level for both authors and readers.â€
Lewis added, “Angela has been a key player in growing the digital marketplace for romance. Her experience and insight is a tremendous benefit to the Carina Press team.â€
Carina Press is currently accepting submissions in all genres of commercial fiction. Carina Press will consider shorter length stories, genre novels between 50,000 to 100,000 words and longer and complex narratives of over 100,000 words. Carina Press will also acquire books that have been previously released in print form, but for which the author has either retained digital rights or had digital rights revert to them. All submissions should be sent to
Carina Press plans to launch in summer 2010 and will release new titles on a weekly basis. Between now and the launch, readers and writers can follow the progress of Carina Press via their blog.
For full submission guidelines and more information on Carina Press please go to
About Harlequin Enterprises
Harlequin Enterprises Limited is the global leader in series romance and one of the world’s leading publishers of books for women, with titles issued worldwide in 28 languages and sold in 114 international markets. The company produces over 110 titles monthly in print and digital and publishes more than 1,100 authors from around the world. Harlequin Enterprises Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Torstar Corporation, a broadly based media company listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TS.B). Harlequin’s Web site is located at Harlequin has offices in 19 countries, including offices in Toronto, New York and London. For more information please visit or
For more information, please contact:
Malle Vallik
Director, Digital Content & Social Media
by Shauna Roberts
Today’s Guest: Karen White-Owens
Karen White-Owens was born in Detroit, Michigan, and resides in the Motor City with her husband of twenty years. She earned a bachelor’s degree in sociology and master’s of Library and Information Science from Wayne State University (Detroit). In addition to writing, she is a reference librarian at the Mount Clemens Public Library and devotes her free time to teaching essay writing to incoming freshman at Wayne State University. Her newest book is I Can Make You Love Me (Dafina). She is also the author of The Way You Aren’t, Now Until Forever, Love Changes Everything, Circles of Love, As Long As There Is Love, and You Are Loved.
If you could travel back in time to before you were first published, what advice would you give yourself?
Most people who know me are aware that I am a “Buffy the Vampire Slayer†extreme fan. “Buffy†was the only show that I watched from the first to the last episode. I must admit that I still mourn the end of the program. In honor of the show and my new release, I Can Make You Love Me, I decided that I would become Karen the Bad Decision Slayer.
Karen the Bad Decision Slayer
Karen returned home from an evening of patrolling the streets in search of new authors and slaying all supernatural evidence of bad choices and mistakes. In order to not wake her husband, Gary, Karen eased through the open bedroom window. She tiptoed across the room, dropped into a swivel chair at her desk, and flipped the page on the calendar to reveal the next day. Staring at the date, she gasped.
“I Can Make You Love Me is due out tomorrow,†Karen muttered to no one in particular. She took a quick gaze at her husband, concerned that she disturbed him. Sighing with relief, she relaxed.
Leaning back in her chair, Karen tossed her weapon, a pink Cross pen, on the desk and glared at the blank computer monitor. An image appeared on the dark screen: a figure creeping silently across the bedroom doorway, against the opposite wall. Despite the hooded black robe it wore, green, hanging skin and a long, upturned nose identified the creature as the demon of self-doubt. Sitting quietly, she watched the creature guardedly while slowly inching her hand to her weapon.
The entity drew closer at a stealthy, steady pace until it stood behind Karen.
She swiveled in her chair, grabbing the weapon as she kicked the demon in the gut. Grunting, it staggered backward, banged into the wall, and then righted itself. No more stealth. Now it rushed forward with a raised arm. The lamplight flashed bright on an eight-inch blade. A second kick to the stomach halted it. The creature collapsed on the floor.
With her pen posed high in the air, ready to strike, Karen hesitated. She lowered her arm to her side and gazed at the black-robed figure. That moment of indecision cost her. The demon’s claw-like nails swung at her legs, missing by inches. She jumped out of the way, gave the demon one final kick, and stabbed it with her weapon.
Bright, shiny aura shimmered over the creature. Self-doubt, eagerness to be published at all cost, and reviews oozed from its body and drifted into the air before slowly fading. Hissing and smoking, the demon dissolved into nothing, leaving behind the black robe. Karen kicked at the now-empty robe with her boot before tossing the garment into the hallway.
Weary from the battle, Karen dropped into her chair and swiveled around to face her desk. Her eye widened. “Whoa!â€
Karen kicked away from the smooth desktop surface, putting space between her and the work station. Purple tentacles with pink suction cups cradled the computer CPU as if it were a new infant. The monitor popped on. She watched helplessly as Windows started and began a session of My Computer. A folder titled Promotions opened, and each file was highlighted in blue. One by one the files disappeared from the folder and, she feared, from the hard drive.
“No!†she shouted, pushing the off button on the CPU. When her actions had no effect, she looked around frantically for a way to stop the creature. She dropped her weapon and accidentally knocked over a can of soda. “No! No! No!†Karen cried, righting the can and mopping up the liquid with a tissue.
The tissue dripped soda on the purple skin and ate into it like acid, creating a large orange open wound. Karen grabbed the can and poured the remaining contents onto the creature. Burning and hissing, it roared, crying out in pain, waving its appendage in the air. The monitor went blank. Karen took a quick glance in her husband’s direction. Gary muttered in his sleep and pulled the blanket around his chin.
Karen tossed the empty can at the tentacle hovering in the window. She went to the window and watched the creature make a hasty retreat down the side of the brick of the house. Folding her arms across her chest, she stated softly. “Wow! People always said you could clear your house with cola.†She chuckled. “Now I know.â€
Returning to the desk, she noticed Gary’s eyes were opened. The scorn on his face was evident. “Demon?â€
Karen shrugged. “I’m not sure what it was.†She answered, returning to the desk and sank into the chair to examine her computer. “It had no place here.â€
Nodding, Gary smiled. Oh man! Karen felt her insides melt as she watched him. She knew that look. He reached out his hand and Karen rushed into his embrace. She surrendered to the touch of his lips on hers, enjoying his taste and texture. The air in the room became heavy with sexual tension. He pulled her down on the bed and began to caress her body through her clothes.
“Come to bed,†he asked.
She moaned, loving the feel of him near her. “I can’t.â€
Caressing her neck with his lips, he asked, “Why not?â€
“I have to finish the edits. They need to go in the mail tomorrow,†Karen explained as she disengaged herself from his embrace and eased from the bed. She returned to her computer and pulled the edits from the desk drawer.
“You’re going to miss out on something really special,†he promised, rubbing the spot where she’d just left.
Karen sighed regretfully. “Mm-hmm.†She remembered the last time she allowed him to sweet talk her into forgetting her work. She paid for it by working nonstop for the next two nights. She gazed at the bed longingly and then shook her head. No. She learned that lesson the hard way. It was better to do a little each day than to let the work pile up until the deadline.
So, if you read my craziness the moral of the story is if I had it to do again, I’d fight down self-doubt and allow my creative juices to flow. I wouldn’t rush to sign a contract. I’d give myself time to think it through and learn all the facts before I made that decision.
The monster that ate the promotion files is one that I believe is very important. I did not realize how important promotion is to your book life. There are many online resources and places to ask for reviews so that your novel receives maximum exposure.
And lastly, don’t let your family cause you to lose sight of your goal. Yes, you must be attentive to their needs, but your goals are important to you. Learn to balance the two part of your life and you’ll be happier.
Here’s a piece of advice. Don’t lose the love of writing. We do this because we love to write. Always remember that.
Thank you for reading this silly, crazy blog. Check out my website at, read the excerpts from my novels, and e-mail me at
I’d love to hear from you. Remember, don’t be a stranger.
You can learn more about Karen and I Can Make You Love Me at her Website at and her blog at Her book is available at your local bookstore as well as online from, Barnes & Noble, and Borders.
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