A Slice of Orange


e-maginings: New Orleans Dreaming

February 16, 2010 by in category Archives tagged as , , ,

Today is Mardi Gras, “fat Tuesday” in French, the last day to feast before Lent. Mardi Gras is the cumulation of the Carnival season which begins in early January. The date of Mardi Gras fluctuates since it’s tied to Easter.

When Americans think of Mardi Gras, we think of New Orleans, which is on my mind lately since I’m planning a trip there for EPICon2006. New Orleans is one of my favorite cities, and this will be my fifth trip, and the first since the devastation of Hurricane Katrina. Some day I’ll set a book or short story in New Orleans; it’s such a great location, romantic and sensual, but with a seamy side. This is a photo of a painting of antebellum New Orleans painted by Orry-Kelly, fabled head of the wardrobe department for Warner Brothers. It’s a little hard to see, but it shows a carriage moving toward Jackson Square. Orry-Kelly dressed Betty Davis in Jezebel (1938) and may have gotten his inspiration for this painting at that time. There’s more about him here.

Here are a few links about New Orleans history that you might find interesting:




I hope to have a trip report for you next month. In the meantime, Happy Fat Tuesday!

Linda McLaughlin
aka Lyndi Lamont

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The Faces of a Romance Writer by Jina Bacarr

February 11, 2010 by in category Archives tagged as , , , ,

I write sensual romance. Spine-tingling fiction where the discovery of her bridegroom’s secret life signals a most unusual wedding night for the heroine in my new Spice novel, The Blonde Samurai.

Not exactly what every blushing bride has in mind, but then again, what we sensual romance (especially historical) writers write doesn’t always reflect reality.

You might say we’re Eve White by day and Eve Black at our computers.

Eve who? you ask.

Those are the names of the characters played by Joanne Woodward in the classic black and white film, “The Three Faces of Eve.” It’s based on the true story of a conservative southern housewife in Augusta, Georgia and the psychiatrist who tries to help her integrate her split personalities.

How easy is it for us writers to switch from one personality to another? Does Eve Black whisper in our ear when we’re writing those hot scenes then go back inside us when we head off to soccer practice or do the laundry?

What part of our personality is Eve White?

We all have moments when the story’s not working or we get a rejection or we doubt ourselves. That’s when we have to work hard to put Eve White back in her place and keep going.

Which brings me to the third persona in the film: Jane. She’s the normal one. The personality who keeps us sane, does our editing, helps us with the plotting and cuts “-ly” words when they get in the way of our story.

But let’s go back to Eve Black…There’s a scene in the film with two psychiatrists and Eve where the more experienced doctor thinks she’s faking it until he sees a remarkable transformation as Eve changes from her dark personality to her naïve persona–her voice, body posture, mannerisms, thoughts and objectives.
That’s what we writers do. We become our sexy selves on paper, wearing those black stockings, pink garter belts and full of mischief…

And if you’re wondering who wrote this blog post–Eve White or Eve Black…

I’ll let you guess.

Now it’s your turn. Do you have an Eve Black personality who helps you write those hot scenes?

The Blonde Samurai: “She embraced the way of the warrior. Two swords. Two loves.”

Jina Bacarr is also the author of The Blonde Geisha ,

Cleopatra’s Perfume, Naughty Paris, Tokyo Rendezvous, a Spice Brief,

and Spies, Lies & Naked Thighs

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Birth Order and Character

February 8, 2010 by in category Archives

This month, I’m blogging around the blogosphere on various aspects of the science of birth order, looking at how a person’s position in their family – oldest, middle child, youngest, or only child – affects their personality, decision-making, education, career and even their marriage.

I’ve read a few books on the subject, but my favorite is The New Birth Order Book, by Kevin Leman. I bought the book because I was interested in understanding my kids better…and along the way I gained some insights into myself and my husband. I’m an oldest child; he’s a psychological oldest (meaning, in this case, there was a big age gap between him and the next kid up the line) with a heavy dose of middle child thrown in.

How does this affect our personalities, and our relationship? We’re both fairly strong-minded…oh, okay, I’ll come right out and say it. We’re both bossy control freaks! As you can imagine, that leads to sparks. But I can console myself with the fact I’d rather have a healthy discussion with someone as opinionated as I am, rather than deal with one of those complex, brooding middle children, or an undisciplined, never-serious youngest child. Of course, I’m probably the worst nightmare of those other birth orders, too!

Now, I know this is generalizing. But there are lots of insights in Dr. Leman’s book that provide food for thought about how we recognize and deal with our own flaws, plus how we deal with conflict with others.

The book also gave me insight into the characters in my novels. When I read it a few years ago, I realized that in most of the romance novels I’d read, and all of the ones I’d written, the heroes were oldest or only children, or psychological oldest children. Not surprising – romance novel heroes are usually successful, commanding, often bossy, and those are often traits of the oldest or only child.

I found I shook up my writing when I considered other birth orders for my characters, both heroes and heroines. I’ve recently completed two trilogies – Those Merritt Girls is a Harlequin Superromance trilogy about three sisters which ended in January with Her Surprise Hero, and for Harlequin NASCAR I wrote three books about the Matheson brothers. The last in the series, The Comeback, is out this month. It was a lot of fun creating a realistic family dynamic for those series, based on the mindsets of different birth orders. The characters’ goals and conflicts rose naturally out of their birth orders, and that made it easier to develop each story.

Got any comments about birth order – yours, your siblings’ or your significant other’s?

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Blogging About What I Love by Linda O. Johnston

February 8, 2010 by in category Pets, Romance & Lots of Suspense by Linda O. Johnston tagged as , , ,

Blog = web log. That’s elementary. And what’s a log? It can be a kind of journal. That’s how I look at it, anyway.

I always enjoy blogging on A Slice of Orange. As you may know, I also blog weekly at killerhobbies.blogspot.com. I was invited to join a long time ago because Killer Hobbies’ focus is on hobbies that are featured in mysteries. My Kendra Ballantyne, Pet-Sitter mystery series features pets, and I’ve always maintained that pets are family, not hobbies. Even so, I usually try to mention pet-related things on my posts there. Of course I love writing about pets, so that works out well.

Other times, I focus largely on writing, its fun and frustrations. Since writing is so important to me, that’s fun, too. It’s often when I get the most comments. Same appears to go for my blog sisters, too.

This week, I blogged about writing short stories, and I was pleased at the number of comments that came up early in the day–faster than usual. Not a huge amount, as some other blog sites get, but a bunch just the same.

So… since A Slice of Orange is the blog of OCC, it’s natural for me to focus on writing here, at least more than pets. I love writing. I do it all the time, and I’m always looking for more! I can always talk about what I’m working on, and that’s a lot of what I’ve done here so far. But I’d still love to hear more about what YOU are interested in hearing. Feel free to ask me to reveal secrets. If I know the answers, I’ll have to gauge whether I want to make them public, but you’ll never know how much I’ll give up till you ask.

By the way, I’m going to be giving a class soon at the new online school, Story Stew University. It’ll be on Blending Romance and Suspense. Check it out, along with other classes at: storystewuniversity.com

Linda O. Johnston

Linda O. Johnston is the author of 15 romance novels and several novellas, including a current Nocturne Bites, with 2 more Nocturnes upcoming. She also writes the Kendra Ballantyne, Pet-Sitter mystery series from Berkley Prime Crime. HOWL DEADLY, the newest title in the series has just been released.

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Wishes Do Come True by Autumn Jordon, 2009 Golden Heart Finalist

January 29, 2010 by in category Archives tagged as , ,

“You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it true.” Richard Bach

A friend gave me a plague with the above quote inscribed on it many years ago. The plague still remains hung on my office wall and that quote has inspired me to take steps in my life that I might not have taken otherwise.

One path I started on was to strive to write for publication and years later, I’m finally seeing my dreams come true. My first release, OBSSESED BY WILDFIRE, hit the cyber-shelf this past Wednesday, January 27, 2010! I’m so excited.

OBSESSED BY WILDFIRE is not my first completed novel, it’s not even my second or third. Does its ranking, among my completed works, diminish the excitement which tingles my entire soul today? Ah, NO!

OBSESSED BY WILDFIRE is rated HOT! I didn’t know I could write HOT.

Finally, I hope you’ll visit my website http://www.autumnjordon.com/   and check my next release, Evil’s Witness, my Golden Heart entry.

Autunm Jordon
2009 Golden Heart Finalist
Obsessed By Wildfire January 27, 2010 The Wild Rose Press
& Evil’s Witness June 18, 2010

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