A Slice of Orange


Isabel Swift’s Hyperbolic Coral Reef

July 29, 2010 by in category From Isabel Swift tagged as ,

You may, perhaps, be wondering just what the Hyperbolic Coral Reef is?

So glad you asked!

It’s a project started in Australia by two crocheting sisters seeking to call attention to the destruction of the Great Barrier Reef.  

Interestingly, there’s a mathematical angle to all this.  I will likely not get this entirely right, but basically for some time mathematicians denied there was a hyperbolic function until Mr Vincenzo Riccati and Johann Heinrich Lambert came up with it in 1760.  This despite the fact that many coral grow hyperbolically, so there were examples right under their nose (or toes).
And you can crochet a hyperbolic function by simply creating a chain and doubling it for every stitch–example below:

It starts to look like brain coral, doesn’t it?  And the pattern can be modified to create other coral (and mathematical) functions.

It was a powerful visual and experience to remind me you can start with something very simple–a single chain stitch.  Then do something very simple–double it.  And if you continue to add these simple building blocks, you can create something of amazing complexity–perhaps even beauty.  Just think about the single cell dividing and dividing and what remarkable organism it can come up with! 

I remember reading that Balzac (king of the door stopper novels) would start each one with a single page.  Then he’d keep adding bits and expanding bits, and thousands of pages later, you’d get Lost Illusions.

So the longest journey does indeed begin with the first step.  And whatever complex project you may have in mind that feels overwhelming, just make a single slip knot.  Add another.  You’ll be surprised how it can grow!

For those who want to learn more, I’ve grabbed a relevant paragraph from The Smithsonian Community Reef project:


The Smithsonian Community Reef is a satellite of the worldwide Hyperbolic Crochet Coral Reef Project created by Margaret and Christine Wertheim of the Institute For Figuring in Los Angeles.  It was made possible through the support of the Quiksilver Foundation, the Embassy of Australia, and the Coral Reef Alliance.  Find out more about Margaret and Christine Wertheim and the Institute For Figuring in Los Angeles here, and their Hyperbolic Crochet Coral Reef Project here.  Find out more about the upcoming exhibition of the Hyperbolic Crochet Coral Reef and Smithsonian Community Reef at the National Museum of Natural History on the Museum’s Smithsonian Community Reef Temporary Exhibitions Page.  To be included on this e-mail circulation list (or removed from it) please contact sicommunityreef@yahoo.com.

And for those of you may be wondering how this relates to hyperbole?  I figure it’s whatever it is, just double it!

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A Fantasy Life by Janet Quinn Cornelow

July 28, 2010 by in category Archives

Starting a new fantasy book always takes awhile with trying to set up the new universe. In my alternate universe story, there are several major issues to take care of such as what magical properties are in the new universe.

One of the problems I have had was trying to figure out what the evil wizard wanted. After multiple trips to plot group, lunch at an OCC meeting and discussing it with my critique partner, I still didn’t know what he wanted. I knew I wanted him to be killing people, but why? What was he getting out of it?

Then I got stuck with my son Rob in the drive-through at KFC, which is not an uncommon occurrence. He plays many different role-playing games and often has great ideas. We were discussing what the wizard wanted and I knew it had something to do with a crystal. Crystals are a good match to magic.

So the legend of the great crystal was born. A thousand years ago, there was a magic crystal that was so powerful, that someone found a way to crack it because the holder of the crystal held enormous magical power and could control everyone around him. The crystal has been hidden for years and most think it is but a legend. However, the wizard has found the crystal and now is trying to find a way to heal it. Certain energy, taken from living beings, can heal the crystal. Those energies are not found in the wizard’s world, the magical world. He has tried and the energy he has taken does nothing to the crystal.

Therefore he has to venture into another universe. There he finds people who have the correct energy. Taking the energy kills the person. He stores it in small crystals, then returns to his own universe where he uses the energy to heal the large crystal.

Pax, the hero, is chasing the wizard when the wizard returns to his own universe and pulls Pax with him and there starts the story.

On a person note, Rob is going to be a father in February.

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“Understanding Men” with Dr. Debra Holland

July 26, 2010 by in category Archives

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Hi everyone! Check out the exciting online classes offered by the
Orange County Chapter of RWA!

“Understanding Men”
with Dr Debra Holland
August 16 – September 18, 2010

Do you wish you had a better understanding of men? Now is your chance to improve your real-life relationships with men and enhance your male characters all through taking the same course.

Extended to include an extra week of information and lectures, during this five-week class you will learn how the male brain and hormones make a man think, feel, and behave, especially in relationships. New material will cover male sexuality and how that affects responses, attitudes, and behavior. We will also discuss how men are portrayed in romance novels versus how men are in real life.

About the Instructor:

Debra Holland, PhD is a popular psychotherapist, consultant, and speaker on the topics of communication skills, relationships, stress and trauma, and dealing with difficult people. In this class, Dr. Debra expands on the workshop she has given at the 2001 National RWA Conference and around the country at various RWA chapters and conferences. Just this year, she has added a new segment covering the anatomy and physiology of male sexuality, as well as male sexual responses, attitudes, and behavior.

Although geared to writers, non-writers will also find the class helpful in improving their relationships with men.

As a multi-faceted author, Debra’s first historical romance, Wild Montana Sky, won the 2001 Romance Writers of America’s Golden Heart award. Subsequent books in the series, Wild Montana Sky and Starry Montana Sky both earned finalist honors in the OCCRWA Orange Rose contest. Her fantasy romance, Withea’s Way (retitled Sower of Dreams) was a 2003 Golden Heart finalist. Her science fiction/fantasy novel, Lywin’s Quest, was a 2005 GH finalist.

In 2008, she sold a nonfiction book, Back On Track, to Transformations, and is currently finishing a book on boundary setting with difficult people. Her column, “Ask Dr. Debra” can be found on her website: www.drdebraholland.com

Enrollment Information at http://www.occrwa.org/onlineclassAug10.html
COST: $20 for OCC members, $30 for non-members

Coming in September 2010–

“Creating that Fatal (or Not So Fatal) Flaw”
with Laurie Schnebly Campbell
September 6 – October 2, 2010

Giving likable, plausible characters a truly compelling conflict is easier with Enneagrams. Counselors and HR managers use this tool to identify the nine distinctive personality types. Each one has its own uniquely heroic and appealing traits, as well as a troublesome (if not fatal) flaw that will naturally bring them into conflict with other people…AND with themselves.

Laurie Schnebly Campbell draws on her background as a counseling therapist AND as a romance novelist who beat out Nora Roberts for Best Special Edition of the Year to help you find out which strengths and weaknesses will make your characters’ lives more rewarding as they reach their happily-ever-after, and more challenging along the way!

COST: $20 for OCC members, $30 for non-members

http://www.occrwa.org/onlineclasses.html . Check out our full list of workshops.

Want to be notified personally two weeks before each class? Be sure
you’re signed up for our Online Class Notices Yahoo Group! Sign up at
the bottom of http://www.occrwa.org/onlineclasses.html or send a blank
email to OCCRWAOnlineClassNotices-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

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2010 Orange Rose Contest Finalists

July 12, 2010 by in category Archives tagged as , , , ,

[Correction, 7-15-10: Our apologies to finalist Deborah O’Neill Cordes for misspelling her name, now corrected below. – Linda and Lynn]

The Orange County Chapter of RWA is proud to announce the 27th Annual Orange Rose Contest top ten finalists. These top ten finalists were selected by overall score, independent of category.

Historical & Regency

Seducing Charlotte by Dora Mekouar, VA

Mainstream with Romantic Elements

Deadly Blessings by Kathy Bennett, CA

Girl Three by Tracy Mastaler, VA

Oak Moon by Laura Templeton, GA

The Miser Who Bought the Farm by Kendel Flaum , SC

The Other Side of Heaven by Deborah O’Neill Cordes & Cary Morgan Frates, WA

Tressed to Kill by Beth Yarnall, CA

Paranormal/Time Travel/Fantasy

Assassin in Love by Amy Raby, WA

Hearts of Darkness by Ciara Stewart , WA

Romantic Suspense

Piercing Velvet by Aimee Carper, MO

Second round scoring is underway and contest winners will be announced in October.

Congratulations to our top ten finalists on their top scoring entries!

Lynn Nissen
2010 Orange Rose Contest Coordinator

Linda McLaughlin
2010 Orange Rose Electronic Entry Coordinator

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Romance Writers of America 2006 Conference in Atlanta with Jina Bacarr

July 11, 2010 by in category Archives tagged as , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Yes, you read the title correctly. That’s the RWA Conference in Atlanta back in 2006.

Where did the time go? Several SPICE books, blogs, videos, Tweets and Facebook friends later, I’ve been thinking about all the wonderful things RWA and OCC/RWA offer its members.

Especially the annual conference. It’s always an exciting time. Here’s the official information about this year’s conference:

“RWA is proud to host its 30th Annual Conference in Orlando, Florida, at the Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin Resort, July 28 – 31, 2010.

“Be sure to join us to enhance your writing and knowledge of the ins and outs of publishing at more than 100 workshops; get the inside track at panels and round-tables featuring publishing professionals; schedule a one-on-one pitch meeting with an acquiring editor or literary agent; attend parties and network with the stars of romance fiction; and be a part of RWA’s massive, 500-author strong “Readers for Life” charity book signing. And let’s not forget the 2010 RITA and Golden Heart Awards.” For more information go to the RWA website.

To everyone who is going, have a great time!

I’ll never forget my first RWA conference. (What girl ever forgets her first?)

So here is a video I made taking you back to July 2006 and the Romance Writers of America Conference in Atlanta.

From the Literacy Signing to the Spice Books workshop to the Harlequin party and the RITA Awards, re-live the conference in this fun video podcast.

As you can see in the photo above, I signed copies of The Blonde Geisha that year at the RWA Conference in Atlanta.

Hard to believe that since then, The Blonde Geisha has been translated into French, German, Italian, Spanish, Polish and two weeks ago it came out in the Czech Republic as “The Geisha with the Emerald Eyes.”

So sit back and relax and come with me as we go back to the RWA Conference in Atlanta in 2006!


The Blonde Samurai: “She embraced the way of the warrior. Two swords. Two loves.”

Jina Bacarr is also the author of The Blonde Geisha ,Cleopatra’s Perfume, Naughty Paris, Tokyo Rendezvous, a Spice Brief, and Spies, Lies & Naked Thighsvisit my website: http://www.jinabacarr.com/

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