A Slice of Orange


When Opportunity Knocks, Answer the Door

August 28, 2010 by in category Archives

“Everything comes to those who hustle while they wait.” –Thomas Edison

I got that quote in a writing workshop years ago and have it hanging on the wall above my desk. I think it really defines the business of being a writer.

Much of the writing business involves waiting. The wheels of publishing turn very slowly, and a writer who wants to be successful in publishing has to make the best of time while waiting for that response from the agent or editor or that contract or that check. Now you can hang out in front of the TV for the weeks it might take to get that call or that contract or that check—or you can use that time to make things happen in your career while you wait.

Becoming and staying published is partly about good writing, partly about determination, and partly about luck. Now a writer can learn her craft, and she can doggedly do her research about the market. That takes care of good writing and determination. But what about luck?

What some people call luck, I call opportunity. And opportunities abound for those who are watching for them. The trick is having the courage to jump on the chance when it comes around.

Chances to move your career forward happen every day, and I firmly believe that half of them come for the writer who does everything she can to make something happen. How do you do that? Put yourself in the way of potential opportunity whenever you can. Hustle while you wait!

Networking is one way to do this. Get to know people. The more contacts you make, the more chances you have of hearing the newest market news as soon as it hits the grapevine. Facebook, Twitter, writers meetings, email loops…there are tons of ways to network without going too far from home. Also, the more people you know, the more people you will get to meet as your friends introduce you to their friends.

Get involved with your chapter. Not only will you get to know other members, but holding a position on the board or a committee could put you in a position to meet visiting industry VIPs face-to-face. Great networking opportunity!

Enter contests. Contests are subjective, but there is always a chance that you might make the finals and have your manuscript end up in front of the agent or editor of your dreams. That’s the best case. Worst case scenario is that your work is read by two or more skilled judges who can provide valuable feedback. Sounds like a win-win situation to me!

Go to conferences. I can’t tell you how many people I have met at conferences over the years. My favorite thing to do is sit in the lobby at RWA and watch people go by. You’d be amazed how many people you can meet, or, in the case of a bestselling author or other industry professional, just get a look at. Recognizing someone’s face could prove valuable at a later time. I love meeting people!

A lot of writers attend conferences because of the editor/agent appointments. This is another kind of opportunity, one that you helped bring about because you paid the fee and went to the conference. At the appointment, you have about eight minutes to make the editor/agent fall in love with your concept and request to see the work. Here’s the thing about appointments: if your book isn’t done, don’t request an appointment.

The editors have a job to do filling their publishing schedules with the hottest works they can find, and the agents are looking for new clients whose work they think they can sell. So many times these people get excited about someone’s pitch and eagerly await the work, but it never arrives. Why? The book wasn’t done. Or the author got cold feet. Make sure when you request an appointment that you have something to sell, something that could be put in the mail as soon as you get home—something you intend to put in the mail when you get home. Be a professional and follow through with what you pitched.

Get involved in your own career. Go places, take classes, meet people. It’s the best way to make sure that when opportunity knocks, you’ll be waiting to open the door.

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A Fantasy Life by Janet Quinn Cornelow

August 28, 2010 by in category Archives

I have been trying to get myself motivated to write. It hasn’t been going very well. I went to plot group this morning and five of the members had stories that they needed help with. It is always a great time. We meet about every six weeks and have breakfast, then work, then have lunch. Lots of eating. Lots of working.

I wasn’t one of the five with something to plot. Then I’ve plotted two stories and haven’t started either one of them. I did finally finish the contest I had running on my website. Other than that, I have managed to accomplish nothing when it comes to writing.

Maybe tomorrow when I go to lunch with Debra Young, my critique partner, I will get more inspired. I am setting a goal to start writing in September and writing every week. I’ll see how that goes.

Then it hasn’t been the best month. Rob’s wife lost the baby and everyone was very upset. This too will pass, but for the moment things are a bit unsettled.

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September OCCRWA Online Class — Creating that Fatal (or Not So Fatal) Flaw with Laurie Schnebly Campbell

August 26, 2010 by in category Archives

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Hi everyone! Check out the exciting online classes offered by the
Orange County Chapter of RWA!

“Creating that Fatal (or Not So Fatal) Flaw”
with Laurie Schnebly Campbell
September 6 – October 2, 2010

Giving likable, plausible characters a truly compelling conflict is easier with Enneagrams. Counselors and HR managers use this tool to identify the nine distinctive personality types — known as the Perfectionist, the Nurturer, the Achiever, the Romantic, the Observer, the Skeptic, the Adventurer, the Leader and the Peacemaker.

Each one has its own uniquely heroic and appealing traits, as well as a troublesome (if not fatal) flaw that will naturally bring them into conflict with other people…AND with themselves. Find out which strengths and weaknesses will make your characters’ lives more rewarding as they reach their happily-ever-after, and more challenging along the way!

There’ll be lectures and Q&A every weekday, as well as homework assignments every day or two. Homework, of course, is always optional — but people from previous sessions have said that Laurie’s comments on their work make this class unusually helpful in shaping believable characters as well as intriguing plots.

About the Instructor:

Laurie Schnebly Campbell loves speaking to writers about psychology issues that draw on her background as a counseling therapist AND a romance novelist who beat out Nora Roberts for Best Special Edition of the Year. She’s taught workshops, live and online, for writers from New York to New Zealand and Los Angeles to London. In fact, she likes teaching so much that she chose her website (BookLaurie.com) so people would remember to Book Laurie for workshops.

Along with romance and how-to books for writers, Laurie writes scripts for videos and commercials at a Phoenix ad agency. She also enjoys teaching a catechism class, playing with her husband and son, vacationing in Sedona (the red-rock town named for her great-grandmother, Sedona Schnebly), narrating for Talking Books, and working with other writers. Laurie says, “People ask how I find time to do all that, and I tell them it’s easy. I never clean my house!”

Enrollment Information at http://www.occrwa.org/onlineclassSept10.html

COST: $20 for OCC members, $30 for non-members

Coming in October 2010–

“Mauled Men, Drowned Dames and Crispy Critters; a Body Disposal Primer for Writers”
with Jeanne Adams
October 11 – November 6, 2010

You’ve axed, shot or otherwise knocked off a key character in your latest book, now what? You have to do SOMETHING with the body! Find out everything you ever wanted to know about the pernicious particulars of body disposal and how to use minutiae of death to throw your characters together or drive them apart.

Jeanne P. Adams knows a thing or two about getting rid of a body, in reality as well as in books…her third book, Deadly Little Secrets (Zebra, Sept. 2010) is already being hailed as “One of the best Suspense Books of the Year!” by Romantic Times. She also is a multi-published non-fiction writer and consultant with twelve years of funeral business experience working both for a cemetery and several funeral homes. In her reading, she’s winced over a variety of mistakes dealing with the story’s dead guy (or gal), which led to this class!

COST: $20 for OCC members, $30 for non-members

Check out our full list of workshops. http://www.occrwa.org/onlineclasses.html

Want to be notified personally two weeks before each class? Be sure you’re signed up for our Online Class Notices Yahoo Group! Sign up at the bottom of http://www.occrwa.org/onlineclasses.html or send a blank email to OCCRWAOnlineClassNotices-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

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Isabel Swift comments on Summer Reading

August 24, 2010 by in category From Isabel Swift tagged as ,

I was listening to my itunes podcast from The New Yorker

(Side note: many free podcasts can be downloaded and enjoyed @ iTunes. I just add it to my iPod, but if you have a smartphone with MP3 player, think you can download them there. All kinds of free content–learn about music, cooking, manners, philosophy, comedy, news, whatever).

…and one of the stories was about this out-of-work kid who told everyone that he was reading great books over the summer & was delighted to find everyone was very impressed. No, he wasn’t actually reading any, but I decided this was a worthy goal and I should start filling in the chinks and read stuff I had never gotten around to reading.

I thought I’d start with one classic, one recent literary type bestseller. My first toe in the water: PORTRAIT OF A LADY/Henry James & A HEARTBREAKING WORK OF STAGGERING GENIUS/Dave Eggers.

My rules are that you can have an opinion about a book you’ve read, but can’t have an opinion about the author unless you’ve read at least 3 of their books. It seems fair.

So I found AHWOSG a bit tedious–perhaps colored by having seen Eggers on panels at conferences. And Henry James, who I had never read (yes, watched Wings of the Dove, though my enjoyment was colored by the uncanny resemblance of Daniel Day Lewis in that role to my older brother). Portrait seemed a good start–one of his more well known novels, and the heroine’s name was Isabel. Can’t get more relevant than that!

OMG. It was a fairly hard slog. Then I realized I couldn’t complain about Henry James because I hadn’t read my requisite 3 books. Back to the Library. Wings of the Dove was just too long, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to sit through that story again. So I went with Washington Square–short, but as the introduction notes, not one of his more popular stories. And for good reason. I was one book away from an opinion. Luckily, there was Turn of the Screw–famous (I’d even seen the opera) and a novella! They even had to toss in a couple of short stories to fill the book out.

I was off an running. Well, if you’ve ever read James (I can now say that) “running” is not a word one would associate with his prose!

Despite some very active ghosts, TOTS (cute, eh?) was fairly tough going. But I needed to be able to have an author opinion! I even read the short stories. Also a good bit of the various scholarly preambles. Holy Toledo, if they don’t turn you off reading the book, nothing will. In fairness, I actually really like getting a sense of context, a quick cliff notes on the writer, the history, the critical thought. But obviously, there’s a similarity between the writer’s style and his or her academic fans, so prefaces were a bit of a slog too.

OK, here’s my assessment. After really not getting it for 3 novels (what is the big deal with this guy, etc.), the penny finally dropped thanks to the very last short story I read, “The Jolly Corner.” Whew! I could have an opinion that wasn’t just HUH?

So what’s the big deal? I haven’t done research beyond the above fairly pathetic efforts, but here are my insights.

First, he seems to be one of the first writers to deeply explore a sense of the character’s conscious, their emotional makeup and the psychological causes behind their actions. Freud was born 13 year after James & lived over 20 years longer, but there’s a strong connection with the birth of psychology. That seems pretty big as a new writing vision.

He also straddled the 19th and 20th centuries and offers a well rendered vision of the sense of past graciousness, limitations and social norms and proprieties that were being broken down, but still were powerful forces in an aristocratic or wealthy life. “The Jolly Corner” really presents a vivid metaphor of a man caught between two worlds, trying to find himself. Finishing it, I actually felt warmly towards James, though he definitely read as being a bit mysongenistic, which can be irritating.

So now that I’ve explained James, what’s on your summer reading list?

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e-maginings: Choosing an e-reader

August 16, 2010 by in category Archives tagged as , , , , , , ,

At the OCC meeting on Saturday, a friend asked me for advice on which e-readers to request from Santa. I jokingly said, “If Santa’s rich, ask for iPad. But if Santa isn’t, any of the e-ink readers should do nicely.”

Apple’s iPad, of course, is much more than a dedicated e-reader, and it’s quite a bit more costly. I’d sure love to have one, but I’ll wait. More companies are coming out with table computers and I’m figuring they’ll be cheaper than the iPad. (Sheesh, I had just published this post when I read an email about the Pandigital Novel, a “7-inch Color Multimedia eReader” which looks like an inexpensive iPad. It’s connected to B&N’s e-book store.) Apparently Bed, Bath and Beyond is carrying them, so I know where I’m going this week.)

At the moment, three companies dominate the dedicated e-book reader market: Amazon, Sony and Barnes & Noble. All make good devices, so how to decide which one is right for you? First, go look at them. I didn’t have that option when I bought my Kindle in December 2007. At the time, the only choice was the Kindle or the Sony reader and I chose the Kindle because I wanted the wireless delivery.

You can see and sample the nook at any Barnes & Noble bookstore. Last time I was in, I asked one of the sales clerks to show me and my husband how they work. He wanted to try out the internet browser function of the nook, but not being used to e-ink, he found it sluggish. That didn’t bother me, since I’ve been using a first-generation Kindle since 2007 and I know it takes a while for the little e-ink pixels to reorganize themselves into a new page. I have a couple of friends who have recently bought nooks and love it. If you want a reader that can also substitute as an internet browser, this is your best choice.

The Amzaon Kindle can be viewed at Target though the demos will be Kindle 2. The Kindle 3 has just been announced and Amazon is taking orders now for delivery in mid-September. The new Kindle offers a choice of wi-fi or wi-fi + 3G. If you buy a lot from Amazon anyway and don’t object to their proprietary format, this is a good choice. I have an Amazon Rewards card, so I can apply rewards certificates to e-books. The Kindle will also read unsecure Mobipocket, so I can buy directly from my publisher and other e-book houses. The later Kindles also have PDF readers, which my old one does not.

The Sony Readers can be seen at Target, Best Buy and Borders bookstores. If you can get into a Borders, you’ll get a better feel for the device as theirs seem to be fully functional, unlike the ones at Best Buy that flip between two advertising pages. I like the Sony Touch, with its touch screen and the ability to rotate the screen from portrait to landscape. I found it to have a more user-friendly interface than the nook, and this is currently my top contender for a new reading device. In addition to the company’s proprietary format BBeB, the Sony devices support PDF, ePub, MS Word and other text formats.

So how to choose one reader over the others? It depends somewhat on your reason for buying an e-reader and what you intend to do with it. One friend chose the Sony Touch over the Kindle because she wanted to be able to buy from the eHarlequin store instead of Amazon. She made a very wise choice for her.

Also think about whether or not you want a wi-fi or 3G (cell phone) connection. If not, you can probably save Santa a few bucks. But I warn you, once you’re tried a reader with the 3G connection, you’ll be hooked. I love that feature on my Kindle and I’ve updated my blogs and even bought books while riding in the car. But if you don’t mind transferring files the old-fashioned way, via USB cable, then look at the Sony models.

There are other e-book readers on the market: COOL-ER, the JetBook, and the Aluratek Libre eBook Reader, sold at Micro-Center. I don’t have any hand-on experience with these devices, so I won’t make any recommendations.

Which e-book reader do you recommend?

Linda McLaughlin
w/a Lyndi Lamont

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