A Slice of Orange


“Mauled Men, Drowned Dames and Crispy Critters: a Body Disposal Primer for Writers” with Jeanne P. Adams

February 26, 2011 by in category Archives tagged as
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Hi everyone! Check out the exciting online classes offered by the
Orange County Chapter of RWA!

“Mauled Men, Drowned Dames and Crispy Critters: a Body Disposal Primer for Writers”
with Jeanne P. Adams
March 14 – April 9, 2011

You’ve axed, shot or otherwise knocked off a key character in your latest book, now what? You have to do SOMETHING with the body! Even if the forensics, murder, and/or death aren’t central to the story, there is that annoying dead guy to dispose of. So, decisions, decisions. Is an autopsy necessary? A funeral and burial? Lots of plot possibilities, but the details!
Find out everything you ever wanted to know about the pernicious particulars of body disposal and how to use minutiae of death to throw your characters together or drive them apart. Learn about embalming, vaults, cremation, reconstructive cosmetics, coroner’s reports, death certificates and more at this get-the-basics research track online class.

Jeanne P. Adams knows a thing or two about getting rid of a body, in reality as well as in books…her third book, Deadly Little Secrets (Zebra, Sept. 2010) is already being hailed as “One of the best Suspense Books of the Year!” by Romantic Times. It’s also a TOP PICK and garnered 4.5 stars, as did her second book Dark and Deadly. Her award winning debut, Dark and Dangerous, was also an RT TOP PICK.

In addition, Jeanne is a multi-published non-fiction writer and consultant with credits in magazines such as Forbes and Nature. She worked in the funeral business, both for a cemetery and several funeral homes, for twelve years. In her reading, she’s winced over a variety of mistakes dealing with the story’s dead guy (or gal) which led to this class!
COST: $20 for OCC members, $30 for non-members

“10 Commandments of Grammar for Fiction Writers”
with the Grammar Divas – Annie Oortman & Darlene Buchholz
April 11 – May 7, 2011

Love grammar? Hate grammar? Love to hate grammar?

Contrary to popular belief, grammar is not a sinister conspiracy plot designed by evil English teachers (the Grammar Gods) to ruin every writer in the free world’s fun by screwing with personal style. (Seriously, it’s not.)

From subject-verb agreement to passive voice, faulty construction to misplaced modifiers, word choice and usage to quotation marks and commas, the Grammar Divas (an English teacher and a professional copywriter) sort through the all the rules and share in a fun yet informative way the ten most important grammar issues every fiction writer should understand and practice.

COST: $20 for OCC members, $30 for non-members

http://www.occrwa.org/onlineclasses.html. Check out our full list of workshops.
Want to be notified personally two weeks before each class? Be sure you’re signed up for our Online Class Notices Yahoo Group!

Sign up at the bottom of http://www.occrwa.org/onlineclasses.html
or send a blank email to OCCRWAOnlineClassNotices-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

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Calls for Submissions

February 26, 2011 by in category Archives

Looking for some inspiration? The coming months offer a wealth of anthologies and publishing houses seeking submissions on a variety of themes. Writers can not only gain publication credits, but also benefit from working with stellar writer-editors such as Francesca Lia Block, who is accepting submissions for an anthology titled Love Magick, and Lucy Felthouse, who is rocking a mythology anthology.
Get those creative minds thinking, and those fingers typing!
Mythology Anthology: Erotic writer/editor Lucy Felthouse has put out a call for submissions for a new anthology she’s compiling. Here’s are some details: “I’m looking for stories involving mythology. I want myths and legends from all over the world, and from different periods of time. You can set the stories in the past or the present. That’s pretty much it! Just send me erotic stories from the depths of your imagination.” Felthouse is looking for 25 stories, and the deadline is April 30. For more information, visit: http://lucyfelthouse.co.uk
LOVE MAGICK: Liz Dubelman (www.vidlit.com) and author Francesca Lia Block are looking for fiction and poetry submissions that deal with the magical aspects of love and the love-aspects of magic. Magical-realism, surrealism, dream-realism, fantasy, urban fantasy, contemporary fairy tale, fairy tale and even erotica, sci-fi and horror. “We are looking for powerful, romantic, sexy, magical, strange, original perhaps somewhat unsettling pieces that come from the heart and stir the imagination.” Stories are due by May 14, with a publication date of Valentine’s Day 2012. Submissions can be sent to francescaliablock @ sbcglobal. net (spaces removed).
Anger & Revenge: Creative Nonfiction is seeking new essays about anger and revenge, true tales of frustration and retribution, long-buried memories of outrage and reprisal–or the absence of either. We’re looking for stories that explore the lost art of the thoughtful diatribe, illustrate the beauty of the lyrical barb, invent elaborate secret plots, and generally don’t play well with others.
Essays must be vivid and dramatic; they should combine a strong and compelling narrative with a significant element of research or information, and reach for some universal or deeper meaning in personal experiences. We’re looking for well-written prose, rich with detail and a distinctive voice. Since it’s a contest, there’s a $20 reading fee, and submissions must be postmarked by March 16. For more information, visit http://www.creativenonfiction.org
MuseItUp Publishing continues to seek submissions in romance, paranormal, fantasy, mystery, young adult, horror and dark fiction, and sci-fi. The MuseItHOT! imprint is looking for erotica submissions: “whether naughty but nice, naughty and sizzling, or naughty and sizzling HOT (…) We would like to see well-developed stories and characters we can easily connect with. We’ll acquire erotic romance in all subgenres: Contemporary, suspense, paranormal, fantasy, historical, f/f, m/m, ménage (with people please, no animals!!). The publisher accepts stories from 3,000 words and up, but prefers novella lengths ranging from 15,000 to 25,000 words. For more information, visit https://museituppublishing.com
SHAPELESS LOVE: Ravenous Romance is hungry for erotic romance stories abound of werefolk… wolves and tigers that are also human, and very, very hungry between the sheets. In SHAPELESS LOVE, we’re seeking new stories of the other shifters: the dragons, the snakes, the birds and the bears, as they deal with their human – and not-so-human – appetites for love and sex.
The publisher would like to see stories between 2,000 to 5,000 words. Ravenous Romance pays $10 up front and a pro-rata share of the royalties. The editor asks for writers to let him know ASAP if you’re interested in submitting. Send your story with the subject line “Shapeless Love – Submission” to russell@ravenousromance.com. Accepting submissions until March 30, 2011. For more information on RR calls, watch http://ravenousromance.blogspot.com/
Father’s Day Theme: Fathers need love too! At least Silver Publishing thinks so. Do you have a story where your one main character (M/F or M/M) has a child. What a better way to celebrate Father’s Day but with the present of a new love for a Dad that needs it?
Silver Publishing is looking for quality sensual or erotic romance stories of Dad finding a new love, complete with all the accompanying complications of being Dad. When submitting, please clearly state that you’re submitting for the Father’s Day Submission Call. Word length of 15,001+. Deadline is May 7, 2011. For more information, visit http://silverpublishing.info.
— Compiled by Louisa Bacio

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Travel Tip from Isabel Swift

February 24, 2011 by in category From Isabel Swift tagged as ,

Frequent air travelers may already have figured this one out, but this has proved helpful to me. I hope it will be helpful to you.

Advice on what to do when you are at the airport and discover your flight has been delayed:

It has been my experience that airlines representatives will avoid direct lying, but may not always tell the truth (exactly) and often not the whole truth (especially not in announcements). So the challenge is to figure out what are the right questions to ask. Questions that will compel them to deliver real information (Vs whatever they need to do to keep everyone calm).

So if there’s a delay, start with the question:

– Is the equipment in? (that is, is the plane assigned to fly you out actually here). This is especially important when there are weather issues.

If it is not, where is it coming from? Has it taken off? If not, why not, are planes taking off from that airport? How long does it take to get here from there? Have there been delays landing at your airport.

If it is in, why is there a delay?

– Is it mechanical (what is wrong, what is happening, any time estimate? is there an alternative plane available if it doesn’t get fixed? Is there an alternative flight available if it doesn’t get fixed?)

If it is not mechanical, what is it? Are all the crew here? If not, where are they coming from? When will they likely arrive? This usually doesn’t come into play unless a plan is delayed a long time & at a late hour, but crews can “expire” or time out. They are legally mandated not to work for more than a certain number of hours. Once thunderstorms kept all planes grounded for hours until quite late at night. Planes had to wait for a certain amount of time after any lightning event and there came a point that a couple of members of the crew would simply time out. There were no replacements available at that point, so the flight would be cancelled & we’d all have to go home & come back the next day. We squeaked in, but it’s worth asking about the crew if you’ve had a long delay & need to get a clearer picture of the variables to make plans.

My eye opening experience was once when I was flying out of Toronto, and the plane was delayed.

Airline: board indicates flight is 1/2 hour delayed. It’s winter and there is “weather.”

– Me to airline representative behind gate: why is it delayed? Is the equipment in?

– Airline: Equipment coming in was delayed, but is due in shortly & we’ll turn it around quickly.

– Me: Where is it coming from?

– Airline: (pause) I’ll have to check….. Chicago.

– Me: Thanks–but isn’t the weather coming from Chicago? Has it taken off yet?

– Airline: (pause) I’ll have to check….. No it is still on the runway.

– Me: Oh. Thanks. Are any flights taking off from Chicago right now?

– Airline: (pause) I’ll have to check….yes, they have just started flying out of Chicago.

– Me: Do you know where it is in line for take off?

– Airline: I don’t know, but it’s on the runway, not at the gate, so it’s in line (a bit long-suffering at this point).

– Me: Great! Once it takes off, how long a flight is it from Chicago?

– Airline: A little over an hour.

– Me: And then it’s about 1/2 hour to turn the plane around, right?

– Airline: Yes (a bit terse).

– Me: So with waiting for take off, travel time and turnaround time, it doesn’t look like the 1/2 hour late on the board is likely to happen, more like 2 hours if we’re lucky, right?

– Airline: (surly) Yes.

– Me: Thanks. Guess I’ll go get something to eat….

And remember, don’t kill the messenger. They are a key player in helping you, so alienating them by venting is not only not fair, it is not in your best interest.

So the moral of this story (and so many others) is:

What questions should you be asking?

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Contest Deadlines

February 21, 2011 by in category Archives tagged as ,

Updated and all sites tested…Compiled by Donna Caubarreaux….May be forwarded with credits.
EA = Electronic Format Available
EA/Non US = Electronic for Foreign Entries
EO = Electronic Only
MO = Members Only
U = Unpublished
P = Published
P/3 = Not published in three years
Pnr = Published, but not by RWA standards
PC = Not published in category selected
Dixie First Chapter Contest (U – EO)
Magnolia State Romance Writers
Deadline: March 1, 2011
First twenty-five pages.
Fabulous Five Contest
Wisconsin RWA Chapter
Received: 11:59pm – March 1, 2011
First ten pages. 2500 words max.
Great Beginnings Contest (U – EO – PC – P/3)
Utah Chapter RWA
Deadline: March 1, 2011
Enter first five pages.
Inspirational Reader’s Choice Awards (U)
Faith, Hope and Love RWA
Deadline: Midnight, March 1, 2011
2010 Copyright
More Than Magic (P)
Romance Writers Ink
Entry Deadline: March 1, 2011
Copyright of 2010
Query Quandry Contest (EO – U)
New Hampshire Romance RWA
Received by Midnight March 1, 2011
One page query letter. Optional 1-2 pg. synopsis.
Genesis (U – Members Only)
American Christian Fiction Writers
Received by March 4, 2011 (Recommend 2/21/11 date.)
First fifteen pages plus one page single spaced synopsis.
CNW Contest
Writers-Editors Network
Postmarked by March 15, 2011
Enter 5K.
Daphne du Maurier Award for Excellence for Published Authors
Kiss of Death Chapter
Received by March 15, 2011
Copyright Date of 2010
Daphne du Maurier Award for Unpublished Authors (U – EO)
Kiss of Death Chapter
Received by 11:59pm MT – March 15, 2011
First 5k words, Synopsis up to 675 words.
20th Annual Duel on the Delta Contest (U – EO)
River City Romance Writers
Deadline: March 15, 2011
First twenty pages plus optional one page unjudged synopsis.
Carol Awards
American Fiction Christian Writers
Received by March 18, 2011
Copyright of 2010 from approved Christian Publishing Houses.
Spring Into Romance
San Diego RWA
Postmarked by March 18, 2011
First twenty-five pages.
Fantasy. Futuristic and Paranormal Chapter
Deadline: March 19, 2011
Publication date of 2010
Touch of Magic (U – P/5 – EO)
Central Florida Romance Writers
Deadline: March 20, 2011
First 25 pages + up to three page synopsis.
Check out Contests and Contest Winners on: http://contestdivas.blogspot.com/
Check out the Award Winning Romance Books on:
Contest Alert-All the news on upcoming contests, plus Finalist and Winner
listings, questions, etc. Sign up now!
Announcement only list:
For Published Authors
If you’re a Contest Judge, join
Donna Caubarreaux is a member of Coeur de Louisiane, Scriptscene Chapter, NOLA Stars, Heart of Louisiana, and Kiss of Death. She received a RWA Service Award in 1997

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POKING DEAD THINGS: Confessions of a Romantically Challenged Author

February 15, 2011 by in category The Write Life by Rebecca Forster tagged as , , , , , ,

Rebecca Forster

A dear friend sent me a T-shirt for Christmas that declares, “I love poetry, long walks on the beach and poking dead things with a stick”.

I adore that shirt beyond reason because it so totally captures my outlook on romance. Poetry is okay if it rhythms, beach walks are good if it’s not too hot, but poking dead things with a stick rocks. Please do not take this literally*; realize this is a metaphor for my romantic soul.

All this brings me to the question of the (Valentine’s) day: why am I not romantic? More specifically, why the thought of poking things with a stick accompanied by the person I love is more romantic to me than walking on the beach in the moonlight with a poetry loving guy? Or even more precisely, as an author, why don’t I love writing about – well – love?

I began my career writing category romances. There were many things I liked about the genre – a clearly defined format, brilliant marketing, loyal and supportive readers – yet, when I tried to write sex scenes, I embarrassed myself (not to mention my mother). Worse, I agonized over whether I was doing it right. Good lord, I’d been married for years and had two children, you’d think I would know how to write about ‘IT’.

I tried writing more delicately about romance only to find myself disinterested. I never cared for whispered sweet nothings. I have a wee bit of trouble hearing and there’s nothing worse then asking to have a sweet nothing repeated. Longing looks make me nervous. I once dated a guy who liked to stare into my eyes and all I could think of was that game ‘blink’. I remember that guy didn’t blink and it freaked me out. Long walks are fine but inevitably I find myself hungry and cranky if the walk lasts too long.
How, I wondered, could my incredibly talented romance author friends pen multiple books a year, revel in the challenge of making characters fall in love again and again while I struggled to get my characters to their first kiss? Romances did not come trippingly off my tongue, I had no idea how to build delicious tension, my heart was challenged and therein was the problem. As much as I admired true romance writers, as much as I wanted to be one of them, my heart was different.
The final blow came when I was fired from romance writing by an editor who suggested I was cut out for something different. “You cannot,” he told me, “kill everyone before you get them into bed.”
He was right. I preferred a good murder, a fabulous stalking, an excellent mystery, an angst filled story. But did that preclude writing about romance? I think not. I believe every story needs to have a compelling relationship as part of the mix. So how could I satisfy my romantic heart and my thriller soul? The answer was simple. Romance writers had defined their romanticism; I had not defined mine.

For me, fictional romantic relationships were a means to an end and not an end in and of themselves. My characters fell in love so that the plot stakes would be higher. If you love someone and had to choose their life or yours then that made for great suspense but it also was the ultimate in romance.**
What turns me on as a reader is the same thing that excites me as a writer and intrigues me as a woman. I want to be invested in people with a sense of purpose, people who show their mettle in situations bigger than themselves. That kind of story sets my romantic nerves atinglin’. This take on romantic entanglements wasn’t bad it was just different than my romance-writing counterparts.
Once I gave myself permission to side-step the bedroom, I became a more fluid writer, character relationships grew from the plot and my storytelling took on a new spark. Now, when my characters fall in love it is because they have poked and prodded one another, talked through problems, worked together and, yes, poked dead things with a stick together. It is their inquisitiveness about the world around them, not their exclusive curiosity about one another that define my romantic parameters. Strangely, I find I write more realistic relationships now that I am comfortable with my own rules.

So, I confess, I will always find a body on the beach more exciting than a walk in the moonlight. I will always appreciate the quirky gift over a dozen roses; I will anticipate with bated breath the first kiss of two people who are caught in the crossfire more than two people headed for the bedroom.
The nice thing is that I know there are others out there who think like I do. There are honest-to-God-stick-carrying- dead-thing-poking- curiosity-seeking folk who will fall in love with the way I see love. When we pass our poetry-spouting- hand-holding- dreamy-eyed romantic counterparts on the beach they will smile, we will raise our sticks in greeting and all of us will be romantically satisfied in our own, very special, very unique way.
So, to all you writers, musicians, artists, husbands, wives, girlfriends and boyfriends this Valentine’s day, poke something, walk somewhere, kiss the one you love or watch their back. However you decide to romance that someone special it will be perfect.
*Okay, literally. I do poke dead things with sticks when I find them but I don’t find them very often.

**Currently I am reviewing my romance and women’s fiction novels and find that, indeed, I had a glimmer of a romance writer in me. Dreams, Seasons, and my mother’s favorite, Rainbow’s End even brought a tear to my eye and I think a good cry is always romantic.
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