A Slice of Orange


Gift Ideas for Writers by Kitty Bucholtz

December 10, 2010 by in category Archives tagged as

This is perhaps less a post for you, my writer friends, than for your friends and family. 🙂 Over the last several years of birthday, wedding anniversary, and Christmas gift-giving, I’ve asked for a few things not writing related. (John won Husband of the Year for giving me a Tiffany key necklace for our 20th wedding anniversary.) But for me, most of the things I’d like are things I think will help me tell better stories, or tell stories better.
Here is a list of possibilities for you to consider putting on your wish list:
Books – The obvious first choice. But there are all kinds to choose from – research books or journals for the period being written about; nonfiction how to books on character, emotion, plot, etc.; fiction in the genre being written – or something different. (I asked for three or four Jim Butcher books I don’t have because I love his work and because I write urban fantasy so it’s kind of research.)
DVDs – Movies can be great quick forms (2-3 hours instead of days or weeks) of studying story pieces like plot and structure and character and emotion. Of course, they’re also simply fun! (I asked for the first two seasons of the TV show Castle to study how to have a serious topic – in Castle’s case, murder – with a great deal of humor.)
Amazon or iTunes gift cards – Another obvious choice. Nice thing about both is that there are several choices in both of these online stores – music, books, ebooks, and more. Many writers like classical music, soundtracks, or certain kinds of bands based on the “sound” of their current book. (I asked for Creative Mind 2.0 a couple years ago. It’s supposed to help your brainwaves cycle at the most creative level. I have no proof that it works, but I think I write much better/faster when it’s playing.)
Office supplies – Most writers are a sucker for office supplies, and most have specific favorite pens and notebooks. Pocket or purse size notebooks are always good. Be careful not to overload a writer with too many cool journals – there’s a point at which you get so many you can’t use them all. Gift cards to the local office supply store are always useful. (I bought some more expensive but especially pretty notebooks with a matching bag to take to university when I started my master’s degree. John bought me a beautiful pen for my birthday simply because it was beautiful.)
Software – My two favorites this year are Scrivener and Freedom. Both are available for Windows and Mac. Scrivener ($45 USD) helps you organize your work. Freedom ($10 USD) turns off your Internet connection for a user-determined number of minutes so you can focus on your writing.
Online Classes – There are dozens of great classes available for as little as $20. Make up your own little “coupon” and give the writer in your life an extra boost. (I’m teaching an online class on goal setting and time management in January. I love Margie Lawson’s classes, and you can also purchase just the lecture packets.)
Speakers – There are so many kinds of speakers a writer might be interested in. I went to a presentation once given by a medical examiner. Among other crazy things I learned but don’t know if I’ll ever use is the temperature at which the human head explodes. You could buy a ticket now or you could create a homemade coupon for a specific event or a dollar amount. (John sent me to listen to Joss Whedon, and we went to Kevin Smith together at the Sydney Opera House – about $75 each. I know a couple of my friends want to go a weekend conference by Michael Hauge or Robert McKee – $200-700.)
Writer’s conferences and retreats – Conferences can be as short as one day up to a week or more, so prices can range from $50 to several thousand. Another option is giving a writer an opportunity to get away on a little retreat to focus on writing. It might be with a friend at a hotel or timeshare, renting a house together with a group of writers, or just going away alone for a day, a weekend, or a week. (I’ve rented a room at a TraveLodge for a few days because that chain includes free Internet and a continental breakfast, and has an in-room fridge and microwave. John and I decided that a great amount of gifting to me next year is going to be the cost of going to the RWA National Conference in New York City.)
Musical items – Music is supposed to be connected with math and the logical side of your brain, and it’s supposed to help the creative side of your brain work better. I don’t know the details of why, but it’s a good excuse to keep music on my to do list. (John gave me an electronic keyboard for an anniversary present, and guitar lessons for my birthday one year.)
Brain teasers and video games – Anything that works the muscle of my brain or relaxes me enough to refresh my creativity is a good thing, if you ask me. Ideas include word search and crossword puzzle books, jigsaw puzzles, those metal loop puzzles, Wii or Xbox games, Nintendo DS with Brain Age, and so much more. (John gave me Mystery Case Files: Huntsville for Christmas one year, and Bejeweled 2 during my semester break this year. I just have to discipline myself not to play them too often!)
Bubble bath, favorite wines and other relaxants – Even if you have a $10 limit on your Secret Santa, there is always something you can find. Some of my writer friends love the soaps and bubble bath products at a store called LUSH (and they have a $10 Secret Santa package). Last year a friend gave us a bottle of our favorite dessert wine. I’d be happy to be given a bar of Green & Black’s extra dark chocolate – less than $5.
This list has probably given you a few ideas that aren’t listed here. Feel free to share them with everyone in the comments section. What are some of your favorite gifts?
P.S. If you’re wondering about the photo, I couldn’t find a picture of a Christmas gift. I was at a friend’s wedding this weekend, so it was the latest gift I bought (a gift set of various teas), and I know I’ll never find another good reason to use this beautiful, romantic photograph! LOL!

Kitty Bucholtz is a writer and speaker, and a member of Romance Writers of America and Romance Writers of Australia. She co-founded Routines for Writers http://www.routinesforwriters.com/a web site dedicated to helping writers write more. In 2011, Kitty will receive her Master of Arts degree in Creative Writing from University of Technology, Sydney.

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Give Books for Christmas – what’s on your Santa list?

December 9, 2010 by in category Archives

I’m about to start my Christmas shopping, and as always, books are at the top of both my giving and receiving lists. Which makes this blog a great excuse to close my eyes and think about all the great books I’d love to own…

Okay, for me… I’m keen to read The Last Will of Moira Leahy, by Therese Walsh. There are a couple of Georgette Heyer books that I’ve read but don’t yet own – Venetia springs to mind. Karina Bliss has promised me a copy of her new book, Here Comes the Groom, yippee. And since, as someone pointed out to me recently, I never stop thinking about food, I also have a couple of cookbooks on my list: Kitchen, by Nigella Lawson, and Ottolenghi, by Yotam Ottolenghi.

But it’s more blessed to give than to receive, so I also have book lists for my nearest and dearest. My son has recently started to read Michael Connelly , so maybe The Lincoln Lawyer for him. Or a book by Marcus Zusak – he loved The Book Thief (of which I’ve ordered a couple more copies for gifts).

For the girls, the Fey series by Julie Kagawa, starting with The Iron King, looks fab. Saw an interesting new book, Matched by Allie Condle, on the HarperCollins website, available for pre-order now, but that might have to wait for a paperback edition. Anything from the House of Night series by P.C. Cast and Kristen Cast will be elevate me to supermom status. The latest Wimpy Kid is an auto-buy.

For hubby and others… having read and loved Salmon Fishing in the Yemen, another book by Paul Torday is in order. Maybe a Carl Hiaasen… Maybe the new JoAnn Ross series (not for hubby!)…

So many books, so few shopping days until Christmas! I’d love to hear your Christmas wishlist – do tell!

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It’s Shapeshifter Time!

December 6, 2010 by in category Pets, Romance & Lots of Suspense by Linda O. Johnston tagged as , ,

By Linda O. Johnston

As people who know me are aware, I love to write about animals–both the real and fictional sort. This month, my focus is on shapeshifters. Werewolves. They’re characters in my new Harlequin Nocturne, ALASKAN WOLF, which is a December release!

Would you like to be one? If so… what would you change into?  

ALASKAN WOLF, another in the Alpha Force series from Harlequin Nocturne, is a December 2010 release.

Be sure to watch for the new Lauren Vancouver, Pet Rescuer series! The first book BEAGLE MANIA will be out in March 2011. It’s a spin-off from the Kendra series, and Lauren is introduced in HOWL DEADLY.

Linda O. Johnston

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Heck Yeah! Meeting Men on the Internet

December 2, 2010 by in category The Write Life by Rebecca Forster tagged as , , , ,
I have been meeting a lot of men online lately and they all want one thing – to talk about books.


Not what you were expecting? Well, I gotta tell you this is a new experience for me, too. Not meeting men, of course. I’ve known a couple in my life, I just don’t remember them very well since I’ve been married like forever (think Romy and Michelle’s High School Reunion and if you haven’t seen it, stop reading this and get thee right now to Netflix).

Since marrying I’ve also met some neat guys. They repair my car, my plumbing and take care of my yard.

What makes these new guys so amazing is that they are (get ready) readers of fiction. Before the internet, I didn’t believe they existed. I assumed all men were like my husband and read history (tons and tons of history) or magazines and newspapers and owner’s manuals. Of course, there were always the aberrations like the men who read Tom Clancy or David Morrell. But I’m a little suspect of those readers. I have it on good authority that the publisher lays down a thin layer of testosterone on each page during the printing process. That’s tantamount to carrying a ham hock in your pocket to make a dog love you.

The men I’m talking about read MY fiction – and I’m a woman author. I think my books are pretty thrilling considering I write legal thrillers. There’s always a good murder (and I’m talking really good). There are fight or flight scenes. There are sex scenes (okay, maybe not real sex scenes. My mom reads my books, after all. She loves a creative murder but sex? Not so much). There are bare-knuckled-intellectual smack downs in my fictional courtrooms that men would love. I could see how some of this would attract male readers but my books also feature women leads and emotional entanglements. I figured that took me and a whole lot of other authors off their radar.

The cool thing about all this is that these guys not only love to read fiction, they are like book mechanics now that I’m E-publishing. Not only do they point out a problem with a file, they happily help me fix it. I’m assuming they are happy to help since the dialogue between us continues over weeks and months and, in some cases, years. I know about their children and grandchildren, we swap travel stories and suggestions for good reads. I get a little jealous when they don’t add ‘but your work is so much better’ to their recommendations but I get over it.

So, here’s a big heck yeah! to all the guys who read fiction – my books and yours. Knowing they’re out there on the internet has sort of changed the way I write. Now I swipe a little more testosterone on those pages just to say thanks.

Rebecca Forster

As an advertising executive I marketed a world-class spa when it was still called a gym, did business in China before there were western toilettes and mucked around with sheep to find out how my client’s fine wool was made. Then I wrote my first book. . .visit me at http://www.rebeccaforster.com/

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OCCRWA January 2011 Online Class — “Going the Distance: Goal Setting and Time Management for the Writer” with Kitty Bucholtz

November 26, 2010 by in category Archives tagged as

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It’s Black Friday…and the Best Bargain You Can Buy for Yourself is Writing Time!
Add to your Shopping List the following from the Orange County Chapter of RWA!

“Going the Distance: Goal Setting and Time Management for the Writer”with Kitty Bucholtz
January 10 to February 5, 2011

Enrollment Information at http://www.occrwa.org/onlineclassJan11.html
COST: $20 for OCC members, $30 for non-members
If you have specific questions, email occrwaonlineclass@yahoo.com


Wherever you are in your career, time management is often one of the biggest challenges. Every New Year’s Eve, as the fireworks explode, we try to figure out how to make our goals into our reality. But what will work for you?

In this class, you will be presented with a variety of ways to look at goal setting and time management specifically designed for the writer. Whether you are a plotter or a pantster, this interactive course will help you design a game plan that will work for you.

You will be encouraged to share your personal time management frustrations as well as your tips and tricks for achieving your writing goals. Everyone will take away a printed personalized plan for the year, and you will know how and when to make adjustments. Though class interaction will be most helpful, this is a class that can be taken and saved for later as long as you take the time to download the many forms provided on the group website.

Start the New Year right! Forget the mistakes of the past and focus on what you can do to change your future!


Kitty Bucholtz is a writer and speaker, and a member of Romance Writers of America and Romance Writers of Australia. She co-founded Routines for Writers (http://www.routinesforwriters.com\ a web site dedicated to helping writers write more. In 2011, Kitty will receive her Master of Arts degree in Creative Writing from University of Technology, Sydney.

Enrollment Information at http://www.occrwa.org/onlineclassJan11.html
COST: $20 for OCC members, $30 for non-members

Coming in February 2011–

“OMG I &#9829 it: Writing the YA teens want to read “
with Suzanne Lazear
Find out what Teens expect out of a YA novel and how to write the YA story you want to tell in a way that appeals to today’s teens.

Check out our full list of workshop at http://www.occrwa.org/onlineclasses.html

Want to be notified personally two weeks before each class? Be sureyou’re signed up for our Online Class Notices Yahoo Group! Sign up at the bottom of http://www.occrwa.org/onlineclasses.html or send a blank email to OCCRWAOnlineClassNotices-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

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