A Slice of Orange


Starting Fresh by Kitty Bucholtz

January 9, 2011 by in category Archives tagged as

My awesome husband gave me several books for Christmas. Yay! One of them is Becoming a Writer by Dorothea Brande. I can’t remember who turned me on to this book (something I read online in the last six months), but I am so glad. Normally, I wouldn’t be interested in a how-to book on writing that was published in 1934. I have the modern tendency to believe we have better ideas “now” than “then.”

But this book is great! The chapters on “Harnessing the Unconscious” and “Writing on Schedule” made me feel like an undisciplined child being scolded by an auntie. I started the two exercises in those chapters today. Tomorrow’s reading is the chapter “The Source of Originality.” I’m very excited about this because of my work in my master’s degree. I’ve found that some of my work appears to be exciting and interesting and original, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to expand it enough to make an entire novel of exciting, interesting, original characters and ideas.

That sort of (normal) fear is part of the reason I love mornings, the first of the month, and January: they are all opportunities to start again. Or – to better express what I want to do with my writing – to start fresh.

What do you want to do this year that is new or fresh? What do you want to do that you’ve been wanting to do every year but still haven’t managed yet? Do you have a fresh approach you want to try?

Since this is a time to think about what’s working and what’s not working, I’ve been thinking about myself at other ages. As long as I can remember, I’ve been a “wait till the last minute” person with homework and things that were required of me, like chores. But things that I loved, that seemed more like fun than work, those things I did quickly, easily, eagerly. (I spent countless hours playing my saxophone in high school, usually without being told to go practice by my mother.)

I used to think I waited till the last minute to do homework because I was so smart that I could still get an A without spending more time. Now that I’m older I tend to believe that if I can do a good or great job quickly and easily, how much better can I do if I spend some time at it? But in my past experience, I only spend time on things I think are fun.

So you can see my conundrum if I tell myself that writing is my job and I must do it or go back to accounting. My writing tends to be more sporadic rather than disciplined – if I have to write, I don’t want to, but if I’m having fun, I think I should be doing something more important. This uneven approach yields writing quality that’s good, sometimes very good, but it’s not brilliant as often as I want it to be for a career novelist.

That is why I decided to read this book, Becoming a Writer. I know the technical aspects to writing, and I know the craft. What I don’t seem to know as well as I’d like is – me. What is going on in my unconscious? How can I relax and trust myself and find both self-discipline and self-confidence? I don’t know if Dorothea has the answers, but the chapters I have left to read suggest in their titles that there are some awesome “ah-ha” moments ahead. I’ll let you know what I find out. Or go buy or borrow the book yourself. (It’s got a $12.95 cover price, and is currently $5.95 on Amazon.)

I decided that I wanted to see if there are some things I can learn about myself that will help me in creating goals and plans that work better for me this year than in years past. With my usual optimism, I believe 2011 is going to be the best writing year yet! And I believe that believing it is half the battle. But I need to see if there are better ways to go about the work, ways that work better for me personally, ways to work with my natural self and not against myself. It’s a combination of faith and works together that will see me reach my goals.

If you’re interested in some new ways to plan out your work and your year, check out the online class I’m teaching starting next week – Going the Distance: Goal Setting and Time Management for Writers. We’ll be working through our own personal lists of what we want to get done and what needs to be done, and writing out a schedule of sorts to accomplish it with more peace and less stress. If you think this could help you start your new year off right, sign up now. Class starts Monday.

However you decide to make plans for 2011, make them now. You’ll accomplish more if you get even half of your goals accomplished than if you give yourself no goals at all.

Kitty Bucholtz is a writer and speaker, and a member of Romance Writers of America and Romance Writers of Australia. She co-founded Routines for Writers http://www.routinesforwriters.com/ a web site dedicated to helping writers write more. In 2011, Kitty will receive her Master of Arts degree in Creative Writing from University of Technology, Sydney.

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Reading Resolutions

January 9, 2011 by in category Archives

I’m giving up on all those resolutions about losing a few pounds, keeping in touch with people better, tidying my office / bedroom / kitchen, and instead sticking with resolutions that I might actually be able to keep. The one think I can guarantee I’ll do this year is read books. Lots of them. So I’m resolving in 2011 to read some of those books and authors I’ve always meant to but never got around to, and to re-read some whose delights I’ve all but forgotten.

So, on the first-time read list for this year are Moby Dick (yes, I know I should have read it!), a couple of Herman Wouk titles, since I so loved The Winds of War in 2010, anything by Deanne Gist, some more Jennifer Weiner… The new Susan Elizabeth Phillips book. I’m halfway through Freedom, by Jonathan Franzen, so that’s solid progress on my resolution already. The Last Will of Moira Leahy, by Therese Walsh. At least one YA novel by Julie Kagawa. I like to buy authors’ debut novels, so in 2011, that’ll mean buying books by Michelle Diener, Soraya Lane and Kylie Griffin. Skinny Dip, by Carl Hiaasen, and maybe his new book, Star Island, as well.

On the re-read list are Jane Eyre, Persuasion, Sense and Sensibility. Maybe War and Peace if I’m not overly daunted by the size of the thing.

Tell me what you’re planning to read this year – I’m always keen to hear your recommendations!

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But as I do every year, I’ve started 2011 optimistically. It’ll be a good one. Things won’t always go perfectly, but they’ll generally be fine.

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January 8th Meeting – Wendy Corsi Staub and HelenKay Dimon

January 4, 2011 by in category Archives
Get your writing year off to a great start with OCCRWA’s January meeting.

Starting in January 2011, OCC meetings will begin at 10:00 AM, rather than 10:30, and doors will open at 9:00.

The 2011 BBB (Book Buyer’s Best) Contest deadline is January 8th! Published authors, don’t miss this chance to get your books in front of a first-round panel of librarians, booksellers, and readers, and possibly final judge Sue Grimshaw of Borders Group, Inc.! General Information, Rules and Entry Form are available on the OCC website.


OCC’s next monthly meeting will be Saturday, January 8th, at the Brea Community Center, at 695 E. Madison Way, on the corner of Randolph Ave. and Madison Way.

In the morning, New York Times-bestselling author Wendy Corsi Staub presents “Ask Me Anything!”

Wendy is the NYT-bestselling, RITA-award-winning author of over seventy published novels–but her professional experience touches every corner of the publishing map. She worked in two independent bookstores during college, then moved alone to New York City to work as a book editor for a Manhattan publishing house and an account coordinator for a major advertising agency, while launching her own writing career. She has published in various genres including suspense, horror, historical and contemporary romance, women’s fiction (as Wendy Markham), television and movie tie-in, and biography. Her latest book, SCARED TO DEATH (Avon Books, January 2011), is part of an all-new suspense trilogy.

In her interactive presentation, Wendy will discuss her wealth of varied experience in the publishing world and invite questions on everything from writing, to editing, to bookselling. She invites OCC members and guests to “Ask anything!”

In the afternoon, author HelenKay Dimon presents “How Not to Forrest Gump Your Way Through Your Writing Career.”

Bestselling and award-winning author HelenKay spent twelve years in the most unromantic career ever – divorce lawyer. After dedicating all that time and effort to helping people terminate relationships, she is thrilled to write romance novels full time. Her debut novella appeared in the April 2006 Brava anthology release, WHEN GOOD THINGS HAPPEN TO BAD BOYS with Lori Foster and Erin McCarthy. Since then she has sold more than twenty-five books to Kensington, Berkley, Harlequin and Samhain. Her books have been featured at E! Online and in the Chicago Tribune, and she has had two books featured as “Red-Hot Reads” in Cosmopolitan Magazine. When not writing, she teaches fiction and romance writing at MiraCosta College and UCSD and generally wastes a lot of time watching bad SyFy channel movies.

Doors open at 9:00 AM for Ask-an-Author with Susan Squires.

See you there!
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A Fantasy Life by Janet Quinn Cornelow

December 28, 2010 by in category A Fantasy Life by Janet Cornelow tagged as ,

It is that time of year again. Time to take stock of what happened in the previous year and set goals for the New Year.

Last year seemed to fly by and I didn’t get much done. My writing stalled for most of the year. The last part of the year I was busy helping to shut down the Sylvan Learning that I had worked for over the last 12 ½ years. We were trying to cause as little disruption to the students as possible. I didn’t really feel like writing during that time and pretty much didn’t.

Now the new year is about to start and it is time to go back to writing as well as looking for employment. I am going to write the three books I had planned to write this year. One is a new one in my mystery series. One is an alternate universe romance. The third is fantasy book that will have a monster bounty hunter and the guard of the first monster. This will not really be a romance.

Seeing as I have two online schools that I am teaching for starting in January, I should have plenty of time to write.

I hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday and I wish everyone a Happy New Year.

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