A Slice of Orange


The Power of “Why?” by Kitty Bucholtz

April 9, 2011 by in category Archives tagged as

Today I met with my friend Betsy for hot chocolate and brainstorming. We’re both in our last semester of our Master of Arts in Creative Writing degrees, so we’re both working on our “final project” book. We’ve read a little of each other’s work over the last 14 months, but it’s not like being in the same critique group for years: we don’t know each other’s stories inside and out.

So it was with some trepidation thatI started trying to explain-slash-figure-out my story in the back room of a nearby cafe. Twice Betsy said, “But why?” Why does the story have to be set in the future? Why do you need to have destroyed the government before the story begins?

I was getting frustrated because I didn’t know how to answer the questions (hence the world building brainstorming). I was too nervous to explain some of the reasons in my head because they sounded silly out loud – like that the second protagonist/mentor is an undercover angel. But my not explaining things was confusing to Betsy.

She finally stopped and said, wait, what did you want to brainstorm about, I’ll stop interrupting. But I saw the opportunity to really dig into the story (only because now I’ve had years of experience in missed opportunities), so I said, no, let’s figure out the answers to your questions. Maybe we’ll think of something fresh and new.

And in less than an hour, my dystopian futuristic fantasy that I knew very little about was suddenly a Kitty story. Not dystopian, not futuristic, but a world I could totally see in my head. I really knew the location now that we’d re-set it in Philadelphia, and I really knew the world now that we’d made it “now.” I understood the ways children could go missing and no one could find them, and I had believable reasons for how a secret underground group could exist in this small world we’ve created with our technology.

The story began to have my voice again. And that, perhaps, was the thing that had made me most nervous when I woke up this morning – it was a really interesting story, but not a Kitty story.

So now I’m sitting here with a glass of Australian wine, some Green& Black’s 85% dark organic chocolate, and episode 1 of several TV shows we own that have characteristics I’m interested in for my story. Oh, and an open notebook with a lot of writing in it. Life is awesome again.

What are you struggling to brainstorm? Can you try discussing your idea with someone who knows nothing about it so you can be forced to answer the question, why?

Tell us what you’re doing and what has worked for you!

Kitty Bucholtz is a writer and speaker, and a member of Romance Writers of America and Romance Writers of Australia. She co-founded Routines for Writers (http://www.routinesforwriters.com/) a web site dedicated to helping writers write more. In 2011, Kitty will receive her Master of Arts in Creative Writing degree from University of Technology, Sydney.

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Let’s Get Physical!

April 7, 2011 by in category Archives tagged as , ,

Non-writers have no idea how physically demanding being a full-time writer can be.

What? Do I hear you laughing? Not so fast.

Give some thought to what happens to a body when it spends eight or ten or more hours per day in a sitting position. (Granted, I have writer friends who sit curled up in a big easy chair with a laptop all day, but that can’t be too swift on a body either.)

Wrist and elbow problems, and carpal tunnel, are as frequent as typos for writers.

The spine — all those discs and vertebra — can turn on their owner, resulting in serious orthopaedic problems.

Knees and hips are joints that are meant to move, not remain immobile for hours on end. (I assume you’ve heard of the condition called ‘piano player’s spread.’ Same problem for writers.)

And then there’s the foggy brain syndrome which is a result of hours of being sedentary and no blood reaching the brain.

Writers have to get up and MOVE! Deadline or not. MOVE!

Some folks have home gym equipment like a treadmill. (Please note: Treadmills are only effective if used regularly, not left sitting in a corner.)

Some writers take walks. That’s a great way to let your brain toy with your latest plot idea or characters.

I’m a member of Curves, the 30-minute women’s exercise program. I haven’t lost a lot of weight, and I’m a long way from being buff, but it does give me a chance to talk to ‘real’ people, in contrast to those talkative characters who inhabit my brain.

So, writers, let’s get moving!

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The Writing Life…

April 6, 2011 by in category Pets, Romance & Lots of Suspense by Linda O. Johnston tagged as , ,

… is busy!

And it’s not just book deadlines that are driving me nuts these days. I’ve taken on blog guest appearances in addition to my weekly post on Killer Hobbies and my monthly post here at A Slice of Orange.

Plus, I’ve thrown myself into pet rescue after all the research I’ve done and continue to do for my new Pet Rescue Mystery series, which started in March with BEAGLEMANIA. I volunteer weekly as a dog adoption counselor at a local private shelter, plus I’ve become the L.A. Pet Rescue Examiner. I have to admit that I haven’t been posting articles for the Examiner as often as I’d like, but I hope to remedy that–and in the meantime I’m collecting some good stuff to talk about there.

Berkley Prime Crime

Linda O! Johnston

Visit Linda at LindaOJohnston.com
or http://killerhobbies.blogspot.com/

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April Submissions

April 1, 2011 by in category Archives tagged as , ,

This month brings a diverse set of calls, and information on a few new publishers, including Entangled Publishing. Hopefully, you’ll find some inspiration …

Entangled Publishing, a new exclusive boutique publisher, is seeking novels and novellas in the following subgenres of romantic fiction for publication in August 2011 and beyond: Paranormal and Urban Fantasy, Contemporary, Romantic Thrillers, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Upper “YA” (17 to 22-year-old protagonists) that will appeal to crossover audiences.

Guidelines: All submissions must have strong romantic elements. Novels should be 70k to 120k words in length, novellas should be 20k to 40k words in length. We consider all heat levels, however erotic elements should not be the focus of the story. Revised backlist titles will be considered on a case by case basis. For more information, visit http://entangledpublishing.com/.

Call for Submissions – DANGEROUS CURVES Erotic Romance Anthology. Editor Mira Paul is looking for original, unpublished erotic romance stories featuring curvy, voluptuous, full-figured women.  Think Cameyn Manheim, America Ferrera, Sara Ramirez, Christina Hendricks, Jennifer Hudson or Wynona Judd. All the stories must have enthralling characters, a strong plot, steaming sex and a happy ever after or happy for now ending.  This is not the anthology for your story centering on a woman who loathes the way that she looks.  All stories must feature a strong, sexy full-figured heroine who loves they way she looks and feels and who revels in her ample awesomeness.  I’d like to see stories about princesses, models, etc., all the glamour occupations that we would see in a “regular” romance anthology. All sexual orientations welcome.  Feel free to include kink, roleplay, paranormal and fantasy elements.  No historical romance or ménage-a-trois. 

Submission Guidelines: Story length is 2,500 to 5,000 words. Email submissions to mirapaul.editor at gmail dot com as a double-spaced Word or RTF attachment with “Dangerous Curves Submission” in the subject line.  Please include your name (and pseudonym if applicable), bio, mailing address, email, title of the piece and word count as part of your document.  The footer of each page should include your name and page number. Deadline: May 15, 2010.

: Ravenous Romance short story advance of $10, a copy of the anthology, plus a pro rata share of any revenue/subsidiary rights. 
New Dawning Bookfair is seeking clever, imaginative versions of all fairy tales. Do you have a favorite Fairy Tale? Have any ideas how to put a new slant on it? We’d like to see it. Pen your favorite fairy tale as an erotic, Frolicking Fairy Tale, a romantic, Fanciful
Fairy Tale or young adult, Frisky Fairy Tale in 6,000 to 25,000 words and submit it
by April 20. If we like it, New Dawning Bookfair will include it in their grand opening, May 20 or shortly thereafter.
Please send an email with the name of the fairy tale you plan to submit to avoid duplicates.  For more information, visit http://www.newdawningbookfair.com.
Rebel Ink Press is a small, independent publisher of romance related novels that run the gamut from young adult all the way to sizzling erotica. Since their official opening in September 2010, Rebel has signed both new and seasoned cutting edge authors from several genres. Rebel Ink Press has released information that they are now open for submissions in all genres of romance. If you are a writer looking for a quality press with a personal touch, Rebel Ink Press may be for you. Their submissions guidelines can be found at: http://www.rebelink press.com/submission-info.html.
Submissions call for Voluted Tales Magazine at www.volutedtales.com. Paying market. Six editions: General, Themes, Serials, Young Adult, Paranormal Romance and Noir Thriller. Speculative fiction of all genres and sub-genres, shorts from flash fiction and poetry up to novelettes at 40,000 words serialized. Artwork for covers and internal.

Compiled by Louisa Bacio
Coming Soon: The Vampire, The Witch & The Werewolf: A New Orleans Threesome

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A Fantasy Life by Janet Quinn Cornelow

March 27, 2011 by in category A Fantasy Life by Janet Cornelow tagged as ,

Writer’s Block!!

I think it started when I hurt my back last year. And, it seems to persist. Losing my job just seemed to make it worse.

I started a new fantasy romance this year. I wrote eight pages, which I somehow deleted along with the essays I was grading. It took me three weeks, but I finally managed to rewrite those eight pages, only it was more like six. I don’t know if it is better or just shorter. I got a bit further in the story, then I stopped.

It was February that I wrote those pages. The beginning of February and I am still at eight pages with no idea of what my characters are going to do next.

I have spent time building the universe. I know who my villain is and what he wants. I know why he does what he does. I know my hero and heroine and of course they have to stop the villain and fall in love. That is easy enough.

How they get to that point though, I have no idea. I was talking with Debra Young at lunch today about the problem. She often runs into this problem. My problem is that I always know what my characters are going to do next. Or at least they do. Now. Nothing.

It is very disconcerting. Someone better decided what has to happen next because all I am doing is grading papers and playing Mah Jong. There has to be a way to get this book moving forward.

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