A Slice of Orange


Breaking Things Down Into Threes

June 26, 2011 by in category Archives tagged as , , , ,

With  Beth Daniels aka Beth Henderson, J.B. Dane

Date: July 11 – August 6, 2011 this is a four week class
Cost: $20 for OCC members, $30 for non-OCC members
Enrollment Deadline: July 9, 2011
If you have specific questions, email occrwaonlineclass@yahoo.com

About the Class:
Plots require organization – even those written by Pantsers. Why? Because all storytelling requires a flow, a smooth transition from one scene to the next. Getting it doesn’t require an outline though. All it requires is a system. A system of breaking everything down into thirds.

Three is a magic number. It’s used in art, music, interior design, and in literature. After all, doesn’t every story have a Beginning, a Middle, and an End? Three things.

But we need to go further. Need to section the various elements of our storylines into smaller and smaller divisions of three. Many have already have done this in writing essays at school, or in a public speaking class. Opening either a essay or a speech by telling the audience

  1. here’s what has occurred before and what we need to change, 
  2.  here is how we can change it or why we should change it, and
  3.  the problem is this because of this and that and we need to do this to correct it.

Storylines in fiction do exactly the same thing, they simply use characterization, action and reaction to move along. Scenes can be broken down into threes; chapters can; POVs can. And in thinking by threes to create each tale, each element of a tale, story flow results.

Participants should have a work in progress, but it can be in any state of development – thinking about, early chapters, middle, or heading toward the conclusion. Thinking by threes works at any level, including editing. It can also help identify things that aren’t really needed in the book, the sort of things editors delete.

This class is for writers at any point in their writing career from unpublished to midlist.

About the Instructor:

Beth Daniels currently writes as Beth Henderson and J.B. Dane, though she answered to Lisa Dane and Beth Cruise in the past as well. She has worked with editors at Berkley, Zebra, Leisure, Harlequin/Silhouette, and Simon and Schuster’s Aladdin Paperbacks, done e-books for a now defunct company (not her fault, she says), and began her writing life with hardcover books slated for library use with a publisher that got out of the romance business (again, not her fault). More recently she’s had a number of articles about writing picked up by e-zines, saw a short story published in a mystery and suspense magazine that turned up its toes the next year (really, really not her fault), and has a story in the MOTHER GOOSE IS DEAD anthology slated for publication by Dragon Moon Press in 2011.

For over a dozen years Beth taught college level composition, both in the classroom and online, and a credit course on Novel Writing. Twenty-six of Beth’s manuscripts have appeared in print or e-book format, and in 12 different languages in over 20 countries. At the moment she is working on various manuscripts, some fiction, some non-fiction but related to writing.

She is a member of Romance Writers of America, and an active member and volunteer with the Kiss of Death Online romantic suspense chapter, and a fixture at SavvyAuthors.com.

Website: www.RomanceAndMystery.com 

Breaking Things Down into Threes with  Beth Daniels aka Beth Henderson, J.B. Dane
Date: July 11 – August 6, 2011 this is a four week class
Cost: $20 for OCC members, $30 for non-OCC members
Enrollment Information: http://www.occrwa.org/onlineclassJuly11.html
Enrollment Deadline: July 9, 2011
If you have specific questions, email occrwaonlineclass@yahoo.com
Upcoming classes:

August 15 – August 28, 2011

Writing from the Male Point of View to Create Stronger Heroes with Sascha Illyvich

September 12 – October 8, 2011

Show and Tell: An Interactive Workshop with Shannon Donnelly

Check out our full list of workshops.  http://www.occrwa.org/onlineclasses.html

Want to be notified personally two weeks before each class? Be sure you’re
signed up for our Online Class Notices Yahoo Group!  Sign up at the bottom of http://www.occrwa.org/onlineclasses.html or send a blank email to OCCRWAOnlineClassNotices-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

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Drink Local – Thoughts on trends by Isabel Swift

June 24, 2011 by in category From Isabel Swift tagged as ,

Finally, I can be trendy!

When I’m at a restaurant and the waiter arrives and asks…”Would you prefer sparkling or still mineral water?” I no longer have to be branded as a plebian, one of the unwashed, uncultured and/or possibly just cheap types, as I have in the past (responding with the low-brow…”Actually, tap water is fine, thank you.”)

Now I can say, “Thank you, but I prefer local water.”

I can even give them the hairy eyeball for suggesting any right thinking human would insist on importing their water, complete with non-bio-degradable plastic or costly glass not to mention the diesel/gas costs for lugging the tonnage from whatever pure-sounding, exotic, or just plain expensively packaged product to my table.

I mean really! When fresh, local water is available (free of charge, I might add) bubbling from a tap RIGHT THERE in the restaurant. Their own private and locally grown pipe-fed spring. It doesn’t get much more local than that!

And filled with locally grown minerals and other nutrients, each local water has its own individual and unique bouquet. That’s what local is all about, isn’t it?

(Add in as much of the rest of the pro-local verbiage as you choose).

Take my word for it, you are definitely on the moral high ground here.

Drink up!

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Writing for Two Publishers

June 23, 2011 by in category Archives tagged as , ,
Available now 

by Charlotte Carter

For a working author it’s often a good idea to write for two different publishers. In my case I write for Guideposts Books and Love Inspired Romance. That gives me an opportunity to write more books and earn more money per year than I might with one publisher, which is generally a good thing.
Here comes the ‘but’ —
Apparently there is some universal rule that when you’re writing for two different publishers, the two editors (who probably don’t even know each other) conspire to request revisions the same week. That’s right. All at once you’ve got two revision letters and week to revise two books. Ack!
To compound the problem, the two editors are now on the same schedule to send you the copy edited version of their respective manuscripts a couple of weeks later.
By the time you finish that double process, it’s a miracle if you haven’t accidently slipped Daniel, the hero from book A, into book B as the local pharmacist.
This phenomena closely resembles my husband’s frequent complaint that every time he starts to back the car out of the driveway, an entire parade of cars arrive to thwart his efforts.
I like writing cozy mystery continuities for Guideposts Books. (Watch for a new Secrets of Mary’s Bookshop series coming out in early 2012; I’m writing book #3, Reading the Clues.)
Writing for Love Inspired Romance gives me a chance to tell my own stories, and that’s important to me. (Big Sky Family is a November 2011 release.)
Now, if I could just manage to keep the editors on alternate schedules, I’d be all set.
Happy writing—
  books that leave you smiling 
 Big Sky Reunion, Love Inspired, available now
 Big Sky Family,  Love Inspired, 11/2011
 New Beginnings,  Guideposts Books, 9/2011
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July Contest Deadlines

June 20, 2011 by in category Archives tagged as

Updated and all sites tested…Compiled by Donna Caubarreaux….May be forwarded with credits.

EA = Electronic Format Available
EA/Non US = Electronic for Foreign Entries
EO = Electronic Only
MO = Members Only
U = Unpublished
P = Published
P/3 = Not published in three years
Pnr = Published, but not by RWA standards
PC = Not published in category selected


Put Your Heart In A Book
New Jersey Romance Writers
Deadline received Midnight July 1, 2011
Synopsis and First Chapter not to exceed thirty pages.

Dixie Kane Memorial Contest
South Louisiana Chapter of RWA
Deadline: July 15, 2011
First five pages plus one page single-spaced synopsis.

Heartbeat Romance Writing Contest (U – P)
Heart of Louisiana
Deadline: Snail Mail or Email – July 15, 2011
Query letter and first five pages

Heart of the West Contest
Utah RWA Chapter
EO Deadline: July 15, 2011
First twenty pages.

Indiana Golden Opportunity Contest
Indiana RWA
Received by July 15, 2011 – EO
Beginning and synopsis not to exceed thirty-five pages.


Four Seasons Contest
Windy City RWA Chapter
Deadline: August 1, 2011
Info not detailed on website

Golden Rose Contest (EO – U – P/3 – PNR)
Rose City Romance Writers
Deadline: August 1, 2011 – Midnight PST
Up to fifty pages max.

Where the Magic Begins Contest (EO – U – P/3)
Romance Writers Ink
Deadline: August 1, 2011
Entry consists of the first 25 pages of manuscript and a one-page single-spaced synopsis (unjudged).

Golden Pen Contest (EO)
Golden Network Chapter
Received by August 15, 2011
Entry shall include a synopsis (not to exceed ten pages) plus the first consecutive pages of the manuscript in one document, together totaling not more than fifty-five pages.

Laurel Wreath Contest (P)
Volusia County Romance Writers
Received no later than August 31, 2011
Copyright of 2010

Show Me the Spark!
Heartland Romance Writers
Deadline: August 31, 2011
Information is not on website as yet.


Reveal Your Inner Vixen
Maryland Romance Writers
Received by September 1, 2011
Up to 20 pages of any scene that showcases your use of sensual tension, plus an unjudged 1-page set-up (optional).


Check out Contests and Contest Winners on: http://contestdivas.blogspot.com/
Check out the Award Winning Romance Books on: http://awardwinningromances.blogspot.com/
Contest Alert-All the news on upcoming contests, plus Finalist & Winner listings, questions, etc. Sign up now!  ContestAlert-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
Announcement only list: ContestDeadlines-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
For Published Authors: ContestAlertPublished-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
If you’re a Contest Judge, join: ContestsJudges-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

Donna Caubarreaux is a member of Coeur de Louisiane, Scriptscene Chapter, NOLA Stars, Heart of Louisiana, and EPIC. She received a RWA Service Award in 1997

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