A Slice of Orange


When Life Builds A Wall Between You and the Muse

August 28, 2011 by in category Archives

I recently made a discovery: Writing is an emotional thing. If our emotions are locked up because of something going on in our lives outside our pages, it can, quite literally, build a wall between you and your writing muse.

I know a bunch of you are saying, “Well…duh.”

Okay, so after twenty years of writing and fourteen published books, I should know this. But when it comes to life stuff, I’ve always had a bit of a rose-colored glasses view of life. This is probably why I’m taken by surprise when Life rips off those glasses and makes me see things in cold, stark, black-and-white reality.

Over the past couple of years, things have gotten rocky in my world, creating more and more obstacles. But I’ve been through tough times before, and I always worked through them. Nothing stopped me. I held down my full time job, raised my children and wrote my books on deadline. I think Life was getting frustrated with me when I refused to falter, so this time around it threw me a curveball, a thing that stopped me cold in my tracks.

My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer.

My mom had always been a healthy, active woman, and no one in our family had ever had cancer. It made no sense. How could this happen? My sisters turned to me, the eldest, for answers—answers I didn’t have. I had no idea how or why. If this were a book, I certainly wouldn’t write it like this! No one would believe it. And so Life shoved the last brick in place in the wall between me and my muse, laughing maniacally all the way.

I could not write. My publisher was very understanding while I struggled to support my family emotionally from the opposite side of the country during this difficult time. I flew back east in the dead of winter to be there while my mom had her surgery and to stand with my sisters while we awaited the results. We had to be strong for Mom.

This story does have a happy ending. Mom’s surgery was a success, and she is completely cancer-free. But the emotional hit to me has lingered. I thought I could just go back to my book, but the words have proven elusive. I have been chipping away at that wall brick by brick, and sometimes the muse can whisper to me through the cracks. But sometimes I can’t hear her at all.

When I wasn’t able to just pick up where I left off, the frustration just added more bricks to the wall. A chance comment from my very wise agent turned on the lights for me. She told me that it made sense I was having trouble writing, since my emotions were—quite properly—engaged elsewhere.

Oh. Well…duh.

Recognizing that simple fact made all the difference. I started to treat myself more kindly. Gave myself some slack. I’d been knocked down by this unexpected twist, and now it was time to get back up again, dust off my big girl pants and get back to work.

In the past few months, I’ve made strides towards breaking down the wall between me and my muse. Writing this blog post, for one thing. Going to chapter meetings. Speaking at a writer’s retreat. Talking things out with friends. Strangely, when I reach for it, all my writing mojo is still there: the craft, the years of experience, the instincts of storytelling. It hasn’t gone away. Little by little, I am starting to remember how to be an author.

We’re born to write. Nothing can stop us. So no matter what Life throws at you or what dark tunnel it drives you into, the joy of the page still awaits on the other side.

Even if you have to bulldoze a brick wall to get there.

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A Fantasy Life by Janet Quinn Cornelow

August 28, 2011 by in category A Fantasy Life by Janet Cornelow tagged as ,

I have added A Moment In Time to my backlist that is self-published on Kindle. This is a time-travel romance with pirates. Felicity is the captain of a pirate gang who lives on one of the small islands that makes up the Florida Keys. Eric is a present day Park Avenue attorney, who manages to fall off his father’s yacht and land on Felicity’s pirate ship. Eric falls for Felicity, but she doesn’t want to give up her captaincy for any man. However, there are those who would steal her captaincy and her life.

I have discovered that the first few weeks any book is up on Kindle, it sells few, but over time it picks up. Wild Honey has started to sell much better, though not as well as Debra Holland’s books.

I also put my children’s middle reader chapter book up on Kindle. I never could sell it, so I figured it was sitting here so I might as well see if it will sell on Kindle. The thing I find funny about children’s books is they are categorized as chapter books. Like books don’t have chapters. I actually had a student once ask me if I wrote chapter books or no chapter books. I’m not sure if children in elementary school realize adult books automatically come with chapters. To them it is a big deal to read a “chapter book.”

My children’s book is called A Tea Party and is a historical time-travel about the Boston Tea Party. There are the two children, one in sixth grade and one in fifth grade, and the Theodora, the magic black cat who takes them to Boston. The problem with Theodora is that she is a cat and not really a proper supervisor for children. Her needs often come first and she forgets to tell the children certain important things. This leads to an adventure in one of the poorer parts of Boston and the children telling people information they shouldn’t. Theodora leaves them on their own more than once to go home and get some of Mom’s chocolate chip cookies. It is a fun book that hopefully makes history fun for the reader.

The thing I didn’t realize when I start the book was the Boston Tea Party was one of the most boring incidences in history. The colonists dressed up like Indians, boarded the ships while the soldiers watched, threw the tea into the sea, got out the brooms and cleaned up after themselves, then went off to the local pub for a brew. Try and make a book out of that. Linda Mac tells me it was a fun book and so did my sister’s granddaughter.

I had to have covers for both books. I didn’t own the cover for A Moment In Time and A Tea Party never had one. I had one of OCC’s new members make the covers for me. Lex Valentine does a really nice job and several members of my plot group have also hired her.

I hope to put more of my back list up on Kindle over the next couple of months. I look at it as “found” money. I have even put up some of my short stories. Even a little money is better than what the books and short stories were making.

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Night Walker

August 25, 2011 by in category Archives

by Lisa Kessler
He gave up his soul for a second chance to love her…

Two and a half centuries ago, Calisto Terana lost everything when a zealous priest murdered the woman he loved. Now, desperate for another chance to love her, he wants redemption for the mistake that cost her life.

She’s haunted by dreams of her own death…

After catching her fiance with another woman, Kate Bradley returns to San Diego to clear her head. The last thing she needs is romance, but after meeting Calisto she’s drawn to him in ways she doesn’t understand.

They’ve waited in the shadows for centuries…

Calisto has no doubt Kate is the reincarnation of his lost love, but the Fraternidad Del Fuego Santo has a new watcher with dark ambitions of his own. As old enemies reemerge and a new threat arises, the betrayal that enslaved Calisto to the night might destroy the only woman he’s ever loved again.

Hi everyone –
I know some of you already, but in case we haven’t met, I’m just about an hour and a half down the 5 in the San Diego RWA.  If you aren’t from Southern California, “the 5” is the main interstate connecting San Diego and Orange County. My first novel, Night Walker, was just released this month, and when Marianne Donley invited me to blog here, I jumped at the chance.
When I set out to write a vampire novel, I really wanted to set it in Southern California.  Although most of the American historical sites are on the east coast, California has its own historical treasures in the Spanish Missions, and that’s where my research started.
While researching, I found an interesting unsolved mystery.  The Kumeyaay tribes were native to the area we now call San Diego.  They were known as a very peaceful people.  There is only one act of violence on record.
On November 4th 1775 in the cover of night, over 600 men from nearby tribes united together, burned the Mission de Alcala to the ground, and bludgeoned the head priest to death, mutilating his body until he could only be identified by the rings on his hands.
There are a few theories behind the attack, but we will probably never know what really incited the peaceful Kumeyaay to band together that night.  And although the Catholic Church named Father Jayme the first Catholic martyr in the New World, I had to wonder… 
What did that man do to inspire a peaceful people to kill him so viciously?
That’s when Calisto’s story started to take shape.  I realized at that point that the attack could have been led by a betrayed man.  A man wishing to avenge the death of his one true love. 
I used as many real historical facts as I could to make the paranormal become more believable and real.  Until it seemed like a vampire really could live on the beach in La Jolla. LOL  The end result is a dark paranormal romance with roots in Southern California.  Who says the West Coast doesn’t have history?
So have you uncovered any other historical unsolved mysteries in California?  I’d love to hear from you!
Thanks for letting me have a spot on the OCC RWA blog today!

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Ask a Busy Person…from Isabel Swift

August 24, 2011 by in category From Isabel Swift tagged as

You know the aphorism: “if you want to get something done, ask a busy person.” ?

Well, I am here to say: “So True!”


“Let me explain!”

Because why is it true? Why is asking a not-busy person–a seemingly obvious choice–so challenging and problematic?

Well, let me walk you through it. Let’s just say you have nothing to do and someone (a spouse with a full time job, perhaps) approaches you with a task: a request to pick up some dry-cleaning. Because hey, you’re not doing anything, right?

“Honey, could you pick up the dry-cleaning? I have a million things I have to do & don’t have the time,” they’d ask.

What has just happened?

Well, your workload has just increased…one hundred percent (100%) !

You’re laughing, but that is exactly what it feels like.

Because what is not appreciated is that in addition to a massive workload increase, by taking on that task, numerous other tasks will have to join it. It can be overwhelming.

Because now you have to…

– get up, take off your pajamas, take a shower
– dry off, select and put on clothes, do makeup, brush hair
– find the laundry ticket, money, the dry cleaner’s address
– figure out how to get there: drive, walk, bus, etc., figure out when to leave
– research the route, or figure to park,
– mentally prepare yourself to encounter numerous strangers and unpredictable people, respond to questions
– gather articles, transact business, carry everything back & put everything away

It’s exhausting to think about.

Whereas if you had a hundred things to do, one more is only 1/100th. Often, that’s what it feels like.

And while everyone has an upper limit, usually one more thing is nothing. You’re already up, showered, shaved and out the door. Depending on location, there are a number of slots that picking up the dry cleaning would fit into–on the way to work, at lunch, on the way back; it’s just a brief detour, no trouble at all, really!

Somewhat frighteningly, often the less you do, the less you can do. And the more you do, the more you can do.

So lighten your load with care, or nothing will get done.

Isabel Swift

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August 20, 2011 by in category Archives tagged as , ,

Updated and all sites tested…Compiled by Donna Caubarreaux….May be forwarded with credits.

  • EA = Electronic Format Available
  • EA/Non US = Electronic for Foreign Entries
  • EO = Electronic Only
  • MO = Members Only
  • U = Unpublished
  • P = Published
  • P/3 = Not published in three years
  • Pnr = Published, but not by RWA standards
  • PC = Not published in category selected

Hot Prospects Contest

Valley of the Sun Romance Writers
Deadline: September 1, 2011
Enter: 3-5-page synopsis and up to 25 pages of story (30 pages max). Entry or synopsis may be shorter, but neither may be longer than specified.

Melody of Love

Music City Romance Writers
Received by September 1, 2011
First twenty-five pages.

Reveal Your Inner Vixen

Maryland Romance Writers
Received by September 1, 2011
Up to 20 pages of any scene that showcases your use of sensual tension, plus an unjudged 1-page set-up (optional).

Finally a Bride

Oklahoma RWA
Deadline: September 2, 2011
First thirty pages.

Get Your Stiletto In the Door

Chick Lit Writers of the World
Received by midnight: September 6, 2011
No more than five thousand words.

Gateway to the Best

Missouri RWA
Received by September 9, 2011
Writer must submit up to the first 7000 words (approx 25-28 pages) of manuscript.

Love and Laughter Contest

RWA New York City
Midnight: September 12, 2011
Fifteen pages maximum, brief synopsis (two pages maximum, not judged)


Donna Caubarreaux is a member of Coeur de Louisiane, Scriptscene Chapter, NOLA Stars, Heart of Louisiana, and EPIC. She received a RWA Service Award in 1997

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