A Slice of Orange


A Fantasy Life by Janet Quinn Cornelow

February 28, 2012 by in category A Fantasy Life by Janet Cornelow tagged as ,

Writer’s block.

That is what I have been suffering from for the last three days while I tried to figure out what I was going to blog on. I still do not really have a topic. I think I have graded too many not so good essays for the classes I teach. It seems to be affecting my mind.

I have been doing well on my new book, A Chance For Love, which is a western time travel. I am over half way done, and when I have time to write, it is just flowing right along. I like books that know where they are going. The fantasy story I started last year is still stuck – more writer’s block.

I have the rights back as of Saturday to Dressed for Dying, my one mystery book. I forgot to order a new cover for it, so it probably will not go up at Kindle until the end of next week. I was bad about keeping track of when the rights came back to me. I have to do better on the next one.

I have spent part of the afternoon formatting Dressed for Dying to go up on Kindle and Nook. It isn’t difficult, but it is boring. I kept forgetting where I was, so I decided to blog instead. I can at least have the book ready to go when I do get the cover from Lex Valentine.

My big news is that I am going to be a grandmother again. For those who know my youngest son Robby, he is going to be a father in late September. They don’t know the sex yet, but they did get to hear the heart beat today, so they were excited.

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Contest Deadlines

February 20, 2012 by in category Archives tagged as

Updated and all sites tested…Compiled by Donna Caubarreaux and Pepper Phillips….May be forwarded with credits.


Fabulous Five
Received by 11:59pm, March 1, 2012
First 2500 words.

Great Beginnings Contest
Utah Chapter RWA
Deadline: March 1, 2012
First five pages.

Inspirational Readers Choice Award (P)
Faith, Hope & Love RWA Chapter
Deadline: Midnight, March 1, 2012
Copyright of 2011

More Than Magic Contest
Entry Deadline March 2, 2012 – Book received by March 7th.
Copyright of 2011

The Carol
American Christian Fiction Writers
Postmark Deadline: March 10, 2012
Copyright of 2011

CNW Contest
Postmarked by March 15, 2012
Max length of 5k words.

Dauphne du Maurier for Excellence – Published Division
RWA Mystery & Suspense Chapter
Received by Midnight – March 15, 2012
Copyright of 2011

Dauphne du Maurier for Excellence – Unpublished Division
RWA Mystery & Suspense Chapter
Received by Midnight – March 15, 2012
Enter first 5k words, plus synopsis of no more than 625 words.

Spring into Romance
RWA San Diego
Postmarked by March 16, 2012
First twenty-five pages.

Prism 2011 Contest for Published Authors
FF&P Chapter of RWA
Received by March 20, 2012
Copyright of 2011

Touch of Magic
Central Florida Romance Writers
Received by March 20, 2012
First twenty-five pages plus up to three page synopsis.


The Magic Moment Contest
Heart and Scroll RWA
Postmarked by April 1, 2012
Ten pages where the H/H first meet.

First Page Contest
Begins on April 2, 2012
Enter first paragraph on 4/2 – check details on website.

The Shelia Contest
Valley Forge Romance Writers
Deadline: April 7, 2012 – 11:59PM
Beginning of manuscript + synopsis (5 page max) total entry not to exceed 35 pages.

Orange Rose
Orange County RWA
Deadline: April 14, 2012
Beginning and synopsis not to exceed fifty pages.

Duel on the Delta
River City Romance Writers
Received by Midnight CST – April 15, 2012
First twenty pages plus one page optional synopsis.

Check out Contests and Contest Winners on: http://contestdivas.blogspot.com/
Check out the Award Winning Romance Books on: http://awardwinningromances.blogspot.com/

Contest Alert-All the news on upcoming contests, plus Finalist & Winner listings, questions, etc. Sign up now! ContestAlert-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

Announcement only list: ContestDeadlines-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

For Published Authors ContestAlertPublished-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

If you’re a Contest Judge, join ContestsJudges-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

Donna Caubarreaux is a member of Coeur de Louisiane, Scriptscene Chapter, NOLA Stars, Heart of Louisiana, ESPAN and EPIC. She received a RWA Service Award in 1997.

Pepper Phillips is the author of “The Devil Has Dimples”.

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Love Notes: Hitting the Right Ones

February 15, 2012 by in category Archives tagged as , , , ,

It’s Valentine’s Day once again. Time to express our love, admiration and/or adoration with candy, flowers, and cards in colorful envelopes.
It is the card in a colorful envelope that makes me sweat. Over the course of thirty-five Valentine’s Days with my husband, I have penned every permutation of ‘I Love You’ that I can think of. Sitting with the yearly card in front of me, wishing it was already in the envelope, I was stumped. My mind wandered to the words we choose as authors to express love between our characters.
To that end, I took my favorite passage from Hostile Witness and analyzed why I found it sexy, deep and real. Every author is different, but here is here is how I believe I hit the right love notes between Josie and Archer in the Witness Series.*


Introduction of my characters’ relationship

Josie got out of bed and searched for her clothes. She found her muscle shirt and panties but the sweats and sports bra were missing in action. (Sure I could have said ‘naked’, but I liked that the action implied that. This passage felt sexy to me) She shimmied into what she had, glanced at the picture of Lexi, Archer’s dead wife, and then went looking for the man they shared. (This note creates an instant characterization of Archer as unafraid of commitment and Josie as a woman who honors his first love). She found him on the rooftop balcony, a perk of owning the building.

“Morning,” Josie walked up behind him and wound her arms around his waist. He was a big man; made her feel downright dainty. She loved the smell of his shirt. Starched and pressed by the man who wore it. (Archer is a guy who can fend for himself, something an independent woman would love. Josie’s note about his size making her feel dainty, tells us that she is not a small woman and that she doesn’t mind feeling feminine.)

“Don’t move,” he commanded.

Josie didn’t but only because she didn’t want to. (Josie chooses to do what her lover asks.) She held her breath, loving the feel of him when he was excited by what he saw through his lens. His gut tightened beneath her hands. A solitary muscle rippled. Quick like a snake. A click. He sighed with satisfaction and stood up slowly, surveying the beach once more before turning around to kiss Josie. (To me, a detail is very telling. Her notice of the one muscle rippling speaks to how familiar Josie is with her lover’s body.) She kissed him back just long enough for them both to be happy. (She cares about his needs). When she slipped out of his arms, he let her go. (He understands her.) No nonsense. No jealousy. No neediness. Respect. Affection. Comfort. Chemistry. It was the kind of relationship people who could take care of themselves did well. (Deep love in a nutshell).

Writing love scenes is as challenging as writing sex scenes. Sometimes they are one and the same, sometimes they aren’t. The way to create successful, believable relationships between characters is to ‘show’ their reality and shade a your character’s lives with the extra notes that provide a background to the more prominent melody.

The end result of communicating a fabulous fictional relationship should seem effortless despite all your hand work – just like real life love.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

*Josie and Archer’s love has lived on for 4 books, the fifth is being written. I love lasting relationships!

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News You Can Use – A Mashup

February 9, 2012 by in category Archives tagged as ,

This month, I decided to share with you some of the interesting things I’ve been finding on the Internet lately. Some of this, you may already know. Some of it may be new and interesting to you.
You know that we have a cool class coming up next week here at OCC. Linda O. Johnston is teaching a class on writing cozy mysteries. I am totally signed up! 
Another writer friend told me about this class, More than Word: Getting the Most from Scrivener for Mac. My friend took it last year and she just raved about it. I’m signing up for this one, too! And if you’re a Windows user, it says that you can sign up, with instructor approval. 
If you missed our November class on talking back to your brain, the instructors wrote a great blog post about it at Writers in the Storm. Trust me, you need to read this article if you haven’t yet. 
I personally love learning about how the brain works, and my husband sent me this link about how storytellers and their listeners begin to sync their brains.  Even though this is a study with a verbal storyteller, I bet there is something to the rhythms in our writing that could be studied in a similar way.
Speaking of writing, I found this checklist for your scenes interesting. 
If you prefer questions to ask yourself about your writing, or if you like writing prompts, the Donald Maass Agency has this list on their web site. It’s on the page that says, “what we’re looking for this month.” Nothing is listed there right now, but if you want to know what agent Nicole Resciniti is looking for right now, here is an interview with her on Honestly YA
You probably already heard about Harlequin buying the Heartsong Presents line from Barbour Books. I read about it on Steve Laube’s blog. Even though I know Steve, I’ve never gotten around to reading his blog before. (Sorry Steve!) But I noticed there is all kinds of great stuff on it, including a series on creativity by author and former agent Karen Ball
You’ve probably also heard the rumors about Amazon opening a bricks and mortar store. Here is an article confirming a store opening in Seattle later this year
And finally, the most fun item comes from my friend Shonna at Routines for Writers. Here is a blog post with a whole list of fun writer gifts! I totally want a bag with my book cover on it! LOL!
I hope you find one or more of these topics of interest to you. Enjoy!
Kitty Bucholtz decided to combine her undergraduate degree in business, her years of experience in accounting and finance, and her graduate degree in creative writing to become a writer-turned-independent-publisher. Her first novel, Little Miss Lovesick, was released in September 2011 as an ebook and will be available soon in print format. Kitty has also written magazine articles, devotionals, and worked as a magazine editor. She is the co-founder of Routines for Writers where she blogs every Monday. Her next novel, Love at the Fluff N Fold, will be released in Spring 2012.

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Cooler Than the Other Side of the Pillow

February 7, 2012 by in category Archives tagged as , , ,

How’s this for a hero:
He strides into the story, ripped and ready, but with an understated calm reminiscent of Humphrey Bogart, Mr. Darcy, or Aragorn. He makes things happen with a mere flick of his eyes and remains in control of all he surveys. But this hero is a flesh and soul man – capable of making mistakes, but even more adept at shaking them off and getting on with it. He’s got a backstory of royalty, yet he’s worked like a coal miner to get everything he has. As the story surges towards its climax, he gets sweatier and dirtier, but the eyes remain steady. The battle he’s fighting makes your heart stutter and your breath catch – he makes you gasp and scream – both in ecstasy and in terror. You’ve thought about leaving him – maybe you should have! – but you never could. The promise of the next time was always too deliciously inviting. And there is always a next time – he never lets you down. When he finally vanquishes the demons and sweeps you away on a gush of euphoria, you love him with all your heart: the challenges, the heartbreak, the agony of the past make every moment in the afterglow unbearably sweet. You want it all again and again, and so rich is his potential that you’ll be plumbing the depths of his character for sequels to come.
“That’s Eli, man, cooler than the other side of the pillow.”
So said New York Giants wide receiver Mario Manningham about his quarterback Eli Manning just moments after their Superbowl victory Sunday night.
And for those of you who don’t like football, I get it. I spent 30 years of my life resenting televised sports. In my family, guys watched sports as they shooed girls out of the room. Lucky for me, I grew up and married a guy who loves football so much that he loves explaining it to me, teaching me, sharing it with me. Football is smart, complicated and chock full of amazing history. To get a sense of this, just check out Don Cheadle’s NFL Playoffs commercials on YouTube. (My favorite is the one titled “Joe.”)
And if you missed the Superbowl, NFL Network is replaying the game Wednesday at 8. And the replay is better than the televised broadcast. NFL films gives amazing shots and angles of the action, sound bytes from players and coaches who were miked up throughout the game, and best of all, they cut out all the downtime between plays so all you get is sixty minutes of rocking action that will leave you breathless. 
Check it out. You just might find yourself inspired.

-Geralyn Ruane
Ten year New York Giants fan and lifelong fan of men in general
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