A Slice of Orange


May/June Contest Deadlines

May 20, 2012 by in category Archives tagged as , ,

by Donna Caubarreaux and Pepper Phillips  

The Molly

Heart of Denver Romance Writers
Entry Deadline: May 25, 2012
First pages up to 30. Synopsis: Up to five pages max.

Emerald City Opener
Greater Seattle RWA
Deadline: May 31, 2012
First seven pages of your manuscript.


The Catherine
Toronto Romance Writers
Due by June 1, 2012 – 11:59 EST
Enter no more than thirty pages. Beginning + Synopsis.

Colorado Gold Writing Contest
Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers
Deadline: June 1, 2012 – 11:59pm
First twenty pages and eight page synopsis.

Minuet of Love Novella Contest
Music City Romance Writers
Deadline: before Midnight, June 1, 2012
First ten pages.

Lone Star Contest
Northwest Houston RWA
Received by Midnight, June 9, 2012
First twenty-five pages.

Maggie for Unpublished Authors Contest
Georgia Romance Writers
Received by June 10, 2012
Beginning and synopsis not to exceed thirty-five pages.

Aspen Gold for Published Authors
Heart of Denver Romance Writers
Received by June 15, 2012
Copyright of 2011

Heart of Excellence for Published Authors
Ancient City Romance Authors
Postmarked by June 15, 2012
Copyright of 2011

RWA Region 1 – Golden Leaf Contest for Published Authors
New Jersey Romance Romance Writers
Postmarked by June 20th, received by June 25, 2012
Copyright date of July 2011 – June 2012

Beacon Contest for Published Authors
First Coast Romance Writers
Postmarked by June 30, 2012
Copyright of 2011

Novel Contest: Great Beginnings
Maryland Writers’ Association
Ends June 30, 2012
First 7000 words of your novel and a 300-500 word synopsis of the novel.

The Rebecca

Land of Enchatement Romance Authors
Deadline June 30, 2012
Opening 5k words.

Check out Contests and Contest Winners on: http://contestdivas.blogspot.com/
Check out the Award Winning Romance Books on: http://awardwinningromances.blogspot.com/

Contest Alert-All the news on upcoming contests, plus Finalist & Winner listings, questions, etc. Sign up now!

Announcement only list: M

For Published Authors

If you’re a Contest Judge, join

Updated and all sites tested.
Compiled by Donna Caubarreaux and Pepper Phillips.
May be forwarded with credits.

Donna Caubarreaux is a member of Coeur de Louisiane, Scriptscene Chapter, NOLA Stars, Heart of Louisiana, ESPAN and EPIC. She received a RWA Service Award in 1997.
Pepper Phillips is the author of “The Devil Has Dimples”.
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PARTY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!

May 20, 2012 by in category Archives

Mona Karel, member at large

Yep, it’s time for the launch party for “Teach Me to Forget,” the second rose I received at the April meeting. Release was actually last Saturday, with Amazon jumping the gun by a couple of days. Since everyone I know was busy doing something else, I had a party by myself. Sort of.

I got a case of Black Opal wine.

My very prettiest wine goblet, and brought up Teach Me To Forget on the computer.

Didn’t actually open the wine, I’ll wait until some friends come over. But I did stage a wicked party, don’t you think???

“Teach Me To Forget” came from the first time we rented a motor home. Lying snuggled up in the top bunk, rain pattering on the roof just a few inches above our heads, was amazingly cozy and romantic. The story grew from that moment. Of course I made Jonathan and Bethany go through a long “getting to know you” span of time before they could really enjoy that bunk.

An abused child-bride of a dissolute jet setter, Bethany Acton has come a long way. Now divorced and single, she writes for a lifestyles magazine, lives out of her motor home, and answers only to her boss—when he can find her. She has overcome her horrendous past and taken control of her own life. But when she meets Jonathan Merritt, a wildlife photographer, she learns that control is a tenuous thing.
Thanks for joining the party, everyone.  And for all the love and support you have given me through the years.


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What A Dog!

May 15, 2012 by in category Archives tagged as , , , , , , , ,
My grand dog Tucker

Today a lady wrote to tell me she loved my book Hostile Witness* because I hadn’t killed Max. I’ve been traveling a lot in the last three weeks and it took me a minute to figure out who Max was and why it was so important to her that he was alive. Max, of course, is Josie Bates’ dog; Josie is the heroine of the witness series. I was touched by the reader’s concern for the fictional canine.

As an author and a reader I had to ask myself: Why is a book that includes animals richer, more entertaining, and more engaging than one without? The answer was simple: Animals bring out the best and the worst in a human character. This makes for great drama and provides an emotional touch point that is critical for an exciting read.

Max-the-Dog (his legal name) was originally created as a reflection of Josie, his mistress. Both had been abandoned, both had to fight for their lives, both were protective of others. But Max became so much more than Josie’s mirror as the series unfolded.

Here are four ways Max made a difference in the witness series:

HE ENHANCED HUMAN CHARACTERIZATION: Those who attack him were inherently more evil than a bad guy who ignored him. Those who love Max were more admirable because they cared for and protect him.

HE WAS AN ANIMATED SOUNDING BOARD: Internal dialogue can be tedious. Allow a character to speculate to an animal and the rhetorical questions or monologues sound natural.

HIS PRESENCE SET A TONE: A scene tone can be set by the way a human character speaks to or interacts with an animal counterpart. A whispered warning creates a much different tone than a screaming command; a languid pet conjures up different visions than a playful ruffling of fur.

HE HELPED MOVE THE PLOT FORWARD: An animal’s needs can put a human in a place they might not have been in. For instance, in Privileged Witness, Josie took Max out for his evening constitutional and ran into her fugitive client who was hiding outside. Without Max, Josie would have no reason to go outside and never would have discovered her client. An animal’s heightened senses can also assist a human to warn of danger or alert a human to a change in their surroundings.

From The Hound of the Baskervilles to Lassie and Blue Dog, My Friend Flicka and The Black Stallion, The Cheshire Cat and Puss-in-Boots, animals have frolicked as humans, served to reflect human frailties and strengths, and just plain worked their way into reader’s hearts because of who they are.

So, to the kind lady who was concerned about Max, have no fear. He will never come to a violent end. No matter what happens to him, his presence or lack thereof, will be a decision motivated by story and plot and, of course, love, because Max is as real to me as if he sat at my feet while I wrote my stories.

*Hostile Witness is free for all e-readers and is also available in print.

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Spending Time with Mom

May 9, 2012 by in category Archives tagged as

Hi friends! No writerly news for you this week. I’m spending time with my mom as she approaches perhaps her last days in the hospital. We’ll see what God’s plan is for her. This past week has been more of a blessing to me than I ever expected, and I can see it’s been a blessing for Mom, too. I’ve written a bit more personal note on my Kitty Bucholtz, Author web site if you want to take a look. I’ll write more about this journey over there in the next few weeks. 

Meanwhile, I’ll see how much of the Self-Publishers Online Conference (which started yesterday) that I can attend from the hospital and give you the highlights next month. I can’t say I’m all too worried about my productivity as a writer this week. But I do wonder if the words will start pouring out geyser-style when this is over.
I try to be professional here and not push people’s buttons by talking too much about God and how very much He impacts my life. But I’m breaking that rule now. I’ve never felt so surrounded by love and mercy the way I have this last week. And that’s why I know God isn’t a figment of our imagination, or an all-powerful but distant higher power. How can people love like this on their own? How can perfect strangers be so full of compassion and mercy by themselves without it coming from somewhere? I don’t believe it’s possible. Even if you don’t believe in God, you can still feel Him all around you if you have felt the love and care of other people for you. Pay attention this week and see if you agree.
All I know is that no matter how great an imagination I have as a novelist, I can’t make up the kind of peace I feel, even as I approach saying goodbye to my mother. It’s coming from outside of myself. And I don’t believe “the world” is capable of giving people this kind of deep peace. It’s God, and the only reason I can imagine He would do it is because He must love us. And that is really, really good news.
I hope you have good news this week. I’ll talk to you again soon!
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Things That Make Me Go Mmmruh!

May 8, 2012 by in category Things That Make Me Go Mmmrrh . . . by Geralyn Corcillo tagged as , , , , , , ,

I Like to Watch 

by Geralyn Ruane

As gardener Chance innocently notes in 1979’s Being There, written by Jerzy Kosinski, “I like to watch.” Like me, he is referring to watching TV. 

Specifically, I like to watch romance. A few days ago, Barb and Jann blogged about what writers read while working on works in progress. For me, it’s more about what I’m watching. And I know I am not alone. 

Take, for instance, ABC’s Castle, created by Andrew W. Marlowe. I hear romance writers refer to this Nathan Fillion treat pretty frequently. The show reminds me of one of my eighties favorites, Remington Steele, co-created by Robert Butler and Michael Gleason,  with its by-the-book crime fighter and charming rascal of a sidekick motif. Despite Castle‘s silliness, or maybe because of it, the light cop drama keeps me hooked. So, don’t miss tonight’s Season Finale. As they do at the end of every season, the writers bring up Kate’s mother’s murder. But I’m really hoping that this year, Kate and Castle finally get together. And on screen, if you don’t mind! I cannot stand it when a show builds sexual and romantic tension all year or over several years, only to have the two characters finally unite during summer hiatus! (See The Office and the second time around for Doug and Carol on ER.)

This week is also the premiere of Masterpiece Mysteries Season Two of Sherlock, the tales of the adventures of Holmes and Watson in 2012 London. An alternate title could be Sherlock Holmes Meets The Internet.The show fascinates, galvanizes, and positively tickles. And, as February Afternoon Speaker Jennifer Ashley pointed out, Sherlock is an amazing creation to watch for tips on how to make a character unforgettable. And yes, Jennifer Ashley specifically referred to this modern Sherlock, recreated by Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat and played by Benedict Cumberbatch. Martin Freeman’s Watson is equally awesome. This week’s episode, A Scandal in Belgravia, is fraught with sexual tension and unequalled in the series for its sheer brilliance.

For a more classic romance, Masterpiece Classic recently aired Birdsong, based on the novel by Sebastian Faulks and written for the screen by Sebastian Faulks and Abi Morgan. While in the trenches, a British soldier in World War I remembers his pre-war affair, and one day while on leave in a small town in France, he catches up with the life he left behind. What begins as a lush tale of romance juxtaposed with the heart-searing agony of warfare evolves into a profound story about life, death, love, camaraderie, and hope.

And if you are ever in the mood to “watch a contemporary romance novel,” one both delightful and satisfying, check out Chad Hodge’s I Want to Marry Ryan Banks, a television movie gem starring Jason Priestly, Emma Caulfield, and Bradley Cooper. A down to earth bookstore owner gets pushed into starring on a reality show that will determine which lucky contestant is to be the bride of gorgeous movie star Ryan Banks. The movie is light, romantic, sexy (but no sex), and fun, as our girl-next-door heroine finds answers and true love in the most unexpected places. 

Watching romance delights me, inspires me, and makes me consider options.

What have you watched lately? And what does it do for you?

Geralyn Ruane has been avidly watching television since she was very young.


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