A Slice of Orange


Loose Ends, Nuts & Bolts, Sticky Notes…and of course Love Actually!

April 24, 2012 by in category Archives
Jill Sorenson, Tessa Dare, DeAnna Cameron, & Dee J. Adams

Loose Ends, Nuts & Bolts, Sticky Notes…and of course Love Actually!
By Tari Lynn Jewett

The Festival of Books is a wonderful place for a writer to be, and a dangerous place for a book addict like me (no Dr. Seuss wasn’t there). Imagine the entire campus of USC, filled with publishers, stacks of books, and authors poised pen in hand…ready to sign. *sigh*

So anyway, my husband, Paul, chauffeured me to the Festival of Books, even missing Speed Merchants of Venice, the Shelby Cobra Mustang show, in Pomona to take me. I felt a little guilty that he missed his event, but just a little. It was fun walking around the college campus having him carry my books for me.

But what you really want to hear about is the writer’s right?

Saturday we started with a panel titled “Fiction: At Loose Ends”. I wasn’t sure where the discussion would lead, and apparently neither were the panel members, at first. It didn’t take them long to find a direction though, and they soon had me taking notes like a mad woman. Did I mention that I left my notebook at home, and ended up taking notes on the sticky pad that I keep in my purse??

The panel was an eclectic group of authors including author/moderator Rachel Resnick, and authors Eleanor Henderson, Seth Greenland, Josh Rolnick and Jervey Tervalon. The discussion was quick, witty, and intelligent, focusing on the idea that loose ends are what give us a story to tell. Clearly a plot must have loose ends that a character needs to tie together in order to resolve the issues in the story. The consensus was that if everything was ‘all neat and tidy’ it wouldn’t be worth reading.

We selected “Publishing: Nuts & Bolts” for our afternoon panel, new session, entirely different feel, and of course a different focus. We went from the craft of writing to the business of writing with moderator Patrick Brown of Good Reads, agent Betsy Amster, George Gibson, publishing director of Bloomsbury, John Tayman, founder and CEO of Byliner.com and Robert Weil executive editor of W. W. Norton. We all know how much turmoil there has been in the publishing industry the last few years, but the bottom line from these experts? Writer’s still need to write a good story, and to write a good story, we have to read.
No problem for me, as if I didn’t already have a pile of books on my desk and several downloaded onto my Kindle just waiting for me to turn to page one, I filled tote bags with…more books. Well, they kept giving me reusable bags, and I couldn’t leave them empty.

The highlight of the day for me was sitting in the beautiful Bovard Auditorium on the USC campus and listening to author Judy Blume talk about her life as a writer. Like so many women my age and younger. I read Blume’s, Are You There God? It’s Me Margaret, when I was twelve years old. I hid it beside my bed and read late at night under the sheets with a flashlight because I knew my mother wouldn’t approve. Years later I read the Fudge books and Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothingwith my boys. The auditorium was filled with adoring readers of all ages. When the lights came up for questions, fans flocked to the microphones placed in the aisles to tell Judy Blume how her books had motivated them to read, touched and even changed their lives. Now that’s inspiration!

Sunday, more tote bags, more books and more writers.

Once again we found ourselves seated in the lovely Bovard Auditorium, this time to hear Anne Rice speak about her writing career. It was fascinating to hear her speak after hearing Judy Blume. It’s fascinating to hear Anne Rice speak any day, but following Judy Blume was interesting. Both women began their writing careers in the 1970’s. Both women wrote stories that broke barriers and changed what made it to bookstore shelves and onto our bookshelves at home. Both women have multitudes of old fans lining up for their next story, new fans lining up for their backlist, all wanting their signature, all wanting to feel their magic. I was just one of many.

We attended only one panel Saturday, but it was, of course, the most important. The topic was “Fiction: Love Actually”. The panel members were author/moderator Dee J. Adams, authors Jill Sorenson, Tessa Dare and DeAnna Cameron. All RWA members, and Tessa and DeAnna are of course, OCCRWA members.  It was exciting to see these women that I know, real women…I hope they don’t mind me saying that…up on stage talking about the topic I love best. Writing romance. The ladies discussed their writing processes, unique research methods, first sales, and the changes in the industry. Although we were told we couldn’t take pictures, my hubby, Paul couldn’t resist sneaking a few pics of these talented ladies. He said they were ‘the best looking panel’ at the Festival. He was right, but they also gave a fabulous presentation.

So I left The Festival of Books with tote bags filled with reading material and a sticky pad filled with notes…yes, I forgot to grab my notebook Sunday as well. I also left with a renewed motivation and plenty of inspiration. I’ve already marked the date for the 2013 Festival of Books on my calendar….fourth weekend in April. Hope to see you there!!
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April 20, 2012 by in category Archives tagged as , ,

Updated and all sites tested…Compiled by Donna Caubarreaux and Pepper Phillips….May be forwarded with credits.

Break-Up Contest

Alaska RWA
Entry Deadline: May 1, 2012
Enter your best break-up or darkest moment scene. Entry must not exceed 10 pages.

TARA Contest

Tampa Area Romance Authors
Received by May 1, 2012
The first chapter, 4,000 words max (actual word count), including prologue if applicable.

Maggie Awards for Published Authors

Georgia Romance Writers
Deadline for entries is May 10, 2012
Copyright of 2011

Ignite the Flame

Central Ohio Fiction Writers
Received by May 20, 2012
First meet of your h/h – one page set-up + fifteen pages max.

Emerald City Opener

Greater Seattle RWA
Deadline: May 31, 2012
First seven pages of your manuscript.


Maggie for Unpublished Authors Contest

Georgia Romance Writers
Received by June 10, 2012
Beginning and synopsis not to exceed thirty-five pages.
Check out Contests and Contest Winners on: http://contestdivas.blogspot.com/
Check out the Award Winning Romance Books on: http://awardwinningromances.blogspot.com/

Contest Alert-All the news on upcoming contests, plus Finalist & Winner listings, questions, etc. Sign up now!

Announcement only list:

For Published Authors

If you’re a Contest Judge, join

Donna Caubarreaux is a member of Coeur de Louisiane, Scriptscene Chapter, NOLA Stars, Heart of Louisiana, ESPAN and EPIC. She received a RWA Service Award in 1997.

Pepper Phillips is the author of “The Devil Has Dimples“.

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Jenny’s Top 10 Tips for Microsoft OneNote

April 18, 2012 by in category Archives tagged as , , , ,
by Jenny Hansen

I’m a software trainer by day so I have several “true loves” in the software realm. But as a writer, my hands down favorite lately is OneNote 2010.

I. Heart. OneNote.

What is it, and where do I find it?
OneNote is a planner and note taking software. Capture text, images, video and audio notes, and keep important information readily available. If you’re the organized type, it’s likely that you have a binder with all of the research information and pictures for your book. You’ll find OneNote in your START menu (Start\Programs\Microsoft Office\OneNote 2010).

OneNote allows you to keep this information in the same format electronically so it’s searchable.
I could do several posts on the topic (and I probably will) but when I stopped to think about what I use the MOST in the program, it was pretty easy to come up with my Top Ten fave features.
#10 – ToDo Lists

OneNote allows you to insert handy checklists. You just check off the item when you’re done and you can keep it for posterity or edit the list as you move to a new day.

How to do a check list:
Click to type in your OneNote notebooks page (top tabs are sections, right side tabs are pages) and type “Ctrl+1”
  1. In the top middle of your Home ribbon in OneNote, there is a “To Do” button
  2. Type your To Do
  3. Hit Enter
  4. Use the Ctrl+1 shortcut key again to add more checkboxes

Note: You’ll see lots of keyboard shortcuts through this document and for once, the Mac users are out of luck. OneNote is a PC only product. Incidentally, my favorite shortcut is Ctrl +PageDown to “flip thru” the pages in any section of your notebook.

Some bigger gurus than I have recommended that Mac users try using Office Web Apps as a OneNote solution: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/web-apps/

#9 – Tag and Find Important Items
Why is this exciting? One Note has a series of Tags that you can add to any page that are easy to search by with the “Find Tags” button on the ribbon. I’m copying and pasting a screen shot of the Tags drop down to the right but there are even more than are listed. This feature makes me SQUEE!

#8 – Sync up OneNote between your phone and computer
Yes, you heard me! If you have a smart phone, it can synchronize with the OneNote on your computer. Sign me up!!Note: You need to first set up the app on your smart phone and you must also set up your SkyDrive, which is helpful to do anyway.
Note: SkyDrive is only available with OneNote 2010! It will not work with the older versions.Tips on setting up your SkyDrive in OneNote and getting the iPhone app are here (along with a ton of other amazing OneNote answers).

#7 – Tables and Charts (which can be sent to Word or Outlook!)
Who doesn’t love a good table…perhaps you need one listing scene elements? You can create tables and charts directly on a OneNote page and then:
  • Copy and paste it to Word
  • Email it.
  • Right click on your OneNote table and choose “Copy Link to Paragraph” to embed it in a document anywhere else on your computer. (If you haven’t set up SkyDrive, the One Note file and the file where you pasted the link must be on the same computer!)
#6 – Hyperlinks to anywhere
You can copy or create hyperlinks from any page, anywhere, and put it in your notebook page. I’m thinking of keeping an active writing notebook with tabs for each topic to store the amazing links that I run across in my web surfing. My bookmarks tend to get lost because there’s so many.

#5 – Print to OneNote
When researching, you can send a whole page or part of a page directly to OneNote. Click Ctrl +P on your keyboard (or you can choose File –> Print) and your page is sent to an unfiled note in OneNote, which can be moved to any section or page.
Note: You’ll see your “Unfiled Notes” tab at the top of your OneNote screen.

#4 – Send whole or part of any page to OneNote
When researching, as I said in #5, you can send a whole page or part of a page directly to OneNote. Ctl +P and your page is sent to an unfiled note in OneNote, which you can move to any section or page.
Imagine surfing the web and pulling up a side note by either pressing the Windows logo button + N or clicking the N(OneNote) icon button in the task bar (down by the time) and being able to jot down your notes to keep in your book’s OneNote binder.

Again, this shortcut automatically files it in the Unfiled Tab in OneNote, which you can move around.

#3 – Audio and Video Files
OneNote will also add audio or video files to your notebook pages. It can even record the same right into a page! Now that we’re in conference season, I’ve made the goal of adding my meeting and class notes into OneNote, and then recording those extras things that I didn’t get down in my notes.

#2 – You can attach files to any page in OneNote.
Can you writers say character charts? Photos? I thought of moving this higher on the list, it’s so sublimely amazing.

From your Windows Explorer, click and drag any file onto a OneNote Page. You will get the following dialog box:

You can insert a hyperlink, or choose the second option to have an icon on your page that you double-click on to open the file. But the last choice (to insert the file as a printout)? LOVE IT! I used this with a chapter meeting handout to make my notes next to the speakers content. It saved me a ton of time.

And my #1 FAVORITE thing in OneNote is:

OneNote doesn’t have a Save button. OneNote automatically saves your work on an almost constant basis in the background. This means I don’t lose work, even if forget to save.
p.s. If you want to save your notebook with a new name you can use the Save As feature located under the File menu. Also, if you’re using the SkyDrive sync feature, you need to be sure to sync before you go on the road. OneNote auto-saves, but it doesn’t auto-sync!

Helpful Links:
Does OneNote sound like it would be helpful to you? Do you have questions, or shortcuts you’d like to share? I’d love to chat with you in the comments!


About Jenny Hansen
Jenny fills her nights with humor: writing memoir, women’s fiction, chick lit, short stories (and chasing after her toddler Baby Girl). By day, she provides training and social media marketing for an accounting firm. After 15 years as a corporate software trainer, she’s digging this sit down and write thing.

When she’s not at her blog, More Cowbell, Jenny can be found on Twitter at jhansenwrites and at her group blog, Writers In The Storm. Every Saturday, she writes the Risky Baby Business posts at More Cowbell, a series that focuses on babies, new parents and high-risk pregnancy.
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First Signing

April 18, 2012 by in category Archives tagged as , , , ,
Monica Stoner, Member at Large

Orange County Chapter of Romance Writers of America gives their authors roses for each sale. As a member many years ago, I dreamed of the day I’d stand up at the front to receive my rose, and my acceptance speech. Eventually I decided those would only be dreams. Until I saw an e-mail stating: “Black Opal Books is actively looking for new and special manuscripts.” What the heck, I thought. Might as well be rejected by a new press as an established press. I did a final polish, had a few critical friends beta read, and sent it off. There were dog shows in Phoenix, and I actively avoided looking for computer connections to check while we were gone.

Come Monday, I turned on the computer, connected to my e-mail, and began to scroll messages. And–what? A message from “editor” at “blackopalbooks.” Wow, this would be the fastest rejection I’d ever had. Oh well, might as well get it over with.

“We like your book, and would like to publish it.” I stared at the screen. Turned off the e-mail program. Started it again. “We like your book and would like to publish it.” Still the same words. So I printed it out, just in case it was a computer glitch. Yep, it said the same thing. So I called my husband into the room. He looked at the screen, looked at me, and said, “Cool.” Just to be sure, I sent the excerpt to my friends, whom I see once or twice a year, and stay in touch electronically. They concurred, and sent virtual high fives.

It took twenty four hours to decide if I would accept the offer. Actually it took ten seconds, but I pretended to need to think about it. Yeah, right. I was valiantly attempting to follow the advice given in so many lectures and on line discussions. In actual fact I intended to grab for the brass ring and enjoy the ride. Which I did.
The day “My Killer My Love”came out was the day my husband was admitted to the hospital and the next eight months were a challenge on all levels. He lost the battle with cancer and diabetes in January of the next year, and in the months since then I’ve learned to readjust and rebuild. Come April of this year, events combined to bring me to Southern California, including a Saluki specialty held in Tom’s honor, a gathering of our dog friends after the show, and another gathering for his family, non dog friends, and former students. This would help close many of the connections he had made throughout his life.

And, yes, it was the same weekend as the Orange County meeting. I could have my first book signing among the people who had the greatest effect on my life as a writer. What would be better? Too bad it was the same weekend as the RT Convention in Chicago, but so many of those I remembered from before were still in California.

The roses came home with me and are in a Mikasa vase one of the dogs won years ago. One rose for “My Killer My Love,” the book I signed in April. One for “Teach Me To Forget,” coming out in May, just a few weeks from now. Life does go on.

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e-magings: Show Don’t Hide: The Necessary Pilcrow

April 16, 2012 by in category Archives tagged as , , , , ,
Last year, when my writing partner, Anne Farrell, and I decided to reissue our Precious Gem as an e-book, I knew I had my work cut out for me. I had to convert our messy, oft-changed, WordPerfect manuscript into a clean Word document. I’d always preferred WordPerfect, suing Word only when absolutely necessary, and knew very little about the program. Thanks to the useful Smashwords Style Guide by Mark Coker, I learned how to format paragraphs that automatically indent and I became acquainted with the Show/Hide feature in Word that reveals the document formatting.

I figured I was the only dummy in the writing game who didn’t know that, but it turns out, I wasn’t. Like a lot of older writers, I grew up in the typewriter era. So for any other Luddites out there, this is how you turn on Show/Hide. Click on the pilcrow (the little paragraph symbol at the left of the image) to reveal your formatting.

Another thing I learned is to never use tabs to begin a paragraph. In the example below I added a Tab before the second sentence, as shown by the little right-facing arrow. To remove all Tabs from a doc file, click in Find, type in ^t and Replace them all with nothing. In a blink of an eye, all your Tabs will disappear.

There’s a lot more to formatting a book for self-publishing, and I do recommend the free Smashwords Syle Guide to anyone who is thinking of doing so. Anne and I were able to get our book uploaded and Lex Valentine made us a fabulous cover, which I’d like to share. Isn’t it gorgeous?

Children’s librarian Amanda Lloyd values privacy above all else. Three years ago her wedding ended in disaster when her groom was arrested at the altar and the story of the ‘Embezzler’s Bride’ appeared in the supermarket tabloids. The experience has left her determined to avoid being caught in the public eye again. Until she meets a sexy single dad with a scandalous past.

Ex-racer Mitch Delaney is a public figure whose life has been plastered across the tabloids more than once. But he believes that anything worth doing is worth a risk, and he wants Amanda in his life. But when they draw the attention of the tabloids, his custody of his son is threatened. Amanda has waited twenty-eight years for the right man. But will happiness come at too high a price?

(Previously published as Private Affair, Kensington Precious Gem #121 by Lyn O’Farrell)

There’s more about Worth The Risk at my website, including an excerpt.

Linda Mac aka Lyndi Lamont

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