A Slice of Orange


OCC/RWA in the Raw… Video, that is by Jina Bacarr

July 11, 2012 by in category Archives tagged as , , , , , , , , , , ,
Here we are in July and RWA Anaheim is two weeks away. No airports, no shuttles, no time change for OCC members this year. Yay! Whether you’re commuting to the conference or staying at a hotel, I thought it would be fun to bring back the “good old days when…
The plane was late taking off.
Late arriving.
Where the heck is the shuttle?
A cab costs how much?
My God, I’ll never get those three hours back.
Breakfast is at 7:30 a.m. but my watch says 4:30 a.m.
I haven’t slept n three days.
You did what at the _________ (fill in the blanks) party?
Can I have late check out, please? Pretty please?
So as an ode to those days of yore when OCC members didn’t have the RWA conference in their backyard, here is a short video of several of us from OCC at John Wayne Airportback in 2007 waiting to fly out to Dallas. No music, no editing,just OCC in the raw!
And I’ll see you at the RWA 2012 Conference in Anaheim!
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RWA National 2012

July 6, 2012 by in category Events, Pets, Romance & Lots of Suspense by Linda O. Johnston tagged as , , , ,

RWA National 2012

It’s July–and my first Harlequin Romantic Suspense novel, UNDERCOVER SOLDIER, is available this month.

Also, it’s almost time for the Romance Writers of America National Conference!

This year, OCC members, it’s in our backyard. I’d imagine that most of you plan to attend.
As I do every year, I’ve been keeping track of all my upcoming meetings and parties at National on my online calendar, since it can be updated easily. I’ve unfortunately started running into conflicts, but I’ll do all I can to squeeze everything in.

That includes the panel I’m on, on Friday, July 27, at 2 PM. It’s on Writing a Series You’re Passionate About, and among the participants are OCC member Pat Wright (writing as Patricia Thayer) and our agent Paige Wheeler of Folio Literary Management. Come hear us–and bring questions!

I’ll also be at the Literacy Signing on Wednesday evening, so if you’re there come and say hi. I believe I’ll additionally be at the Berkley signing on Friday morning.

I hope to see you all there!
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Twenty-Five Meaninful Words

July 2, 2012 by in category Archives tagged as , ,

When I was ten I entered Toronto’s “I love my daddy because . . .” Contest. The catch? Write it in twenty-five words or less. Actually, only twenty by the time you count that opening phrase of the contest’s title. When the call came that I’d won, you’d have thought it was the Pulitzer. The prize I did win was a shiny new two-wheeler.

I’ve been trying to write twenty-five meaningful words ever since. I’ve had some success, some – practice (I won’t call it failure). When I decided to write my first novel in ninth grade, a historical western romance, I felt free, unrestrained by the petty word count dictated by high school English teachers. Whee!! The words flowed, and flowed . . . And flowed. I had great fun.

Much later, I joined RWA and the Orange County Chapter. My, uh, practice continued and I thought I learned everything there was to know about writing through the chapter’s fabulous meetings, workshops, on-line classes, contests and networking. And hey, I was still having fun, even though I had to tame that unrestrained flow of words. It was not until the chapter announced its first anthology of short stories Romancing the Pages that I gave serious thought to not only counting each word, but making each word count. My story, “The Guy with the Dragon Tattoo,” started out at 2,500 words. After many edits, it came in around 2,000. Gone are most of the dialogue tags, unnecessary description and background information, and a whole lot of narrative. I had a blast writing it, too.

The experience of writing and editing that short story got me thinking about my novel-length WIP. I’m still on my first draft, but you can bet as I edit I’ll be analyzing each scene, paragraph, sentence and word to make them count. That’s what powerful writing is all about. Yes, you can write sparingly and still convey powerful emotion. Hemingway can attest to that in his book consisting of only these six words: “For sale. Baby shoes. Never worn.” My eyes tear, my heart breaks every time I read them.

I challenge Hemingway! I will now sum up the most important thing you need to know about writing in one word: WRITE!!

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A Fantasy Life by Janet Quinn Cornelow

June 28, 2012 by in category A Fantasy Life by Janet Cornelow tagged as ,

My newest book up at Kindle and Nook is Yesteryear’s Love with a new cover by Lex Valentine. It is a western time-travel.
Following clues in her great-grandmother’s diary, lovely Sarah Martin left the big city for Moose creek, Wyoming, hoping to trace her family history. As she stands in the town’s church, Sarah has a strange feeling that the figure in the stained glass window is calling to her. She turns away…
…and finds herself over a hundred hears in the past! It’s 1870, and suddenly Sarah must adjust to frontier life-and meet her great-grandparents. Then their friend, the handsome bachelor Joshua Campbell, arrives. He’s looking for a bride-and thinks it should be her. Sarah knows a dark secret about Joshua’s future and does not want to give her heart where there is no future. But this stubborn pioneer captures her heart before she can refuse him. Can they hope for lasting happiness-when the force that brought Sarah to Moose creek begins to call her back home?
My newest book, A Chance for Love, is also a western time-travel. It is coming along and I am down to the last 50 pages. There just hasn’t been much time to write, but the current term at school ends next week, so I should have time again. I would like to have the first draft done in August.
The sales for the self-published books has not been as good this spring, but seem to be picking up some. I am actually selling more at Nook than  I am at Kindle. I have no idea why the sales go the way they do and why some books sell more than others.
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“The Ins and Outs of Pitching” with Julie Hurwitz

June 27, 2012 by in category Archives tagged as

OCCRWA Online Class

July 9 – July 22, 2012

This is a two week class

Enrollment Information at http://www.occrwa.org/onlineclassJuly12.html
COST: $10 for OCCRWA members, $15 for non-members
If you have specific questions, email occrwaonlineclass@yahoo.com


Want to learn how to throw a strike when pitching your novel or novella to an editor or agent?  Learn the basics of pitching your story at a conference – whether it’s in a formal pitching session or a chance meeting in the elevator.

Class instructor, Julie Hurwitz, who served at the RWA national level as an Editor/Agent Appointment Chair and the Regional 6 director, will discuss the elements that an editor or agent looks for when evaluating a story pitch, how to narrow your story down to a single logline and how to follow up on a request to see your material from an editor or agent.  And, participants will learn some invaluable techniques to help relax and ensure a positive outcome. 


With her degree from Indiana University, Julie has worked in the television industry for over 20 years on such series as “Midnight Caller”, “Reasonable Doubts”, “Silk Stalkings”, “Pacific Blue” and “North Shore.”  She combines a unique blending of television experience with her own writing.  Writing as Chloe Devlin, she has sold several short erotic stories to Xcite Books/Accent Press and is currently writing an erotic romance.

Enrollment Information

COST: $10 for OCCRWA members, $15 for non-members

Coming in August 2012

Make ‘Em Laugh
with Charlotte Lobb w/a Charlotte Carter

Workshop participants  will learn the difference between male and female humor, the basic types of humor and how to use the tools that will bring the reader a smile and add a spark to your writing..  (NOTE:  This is a four-week class.  Cost is $20 for OCCRWA members and $30 for non-members.)

Check out our full list of workshop at http://www.occrwa.org/onlineclasses.html

Want to be notified personally two weeks before each class? Be sure you’re signed up for our Online Class Notices Yahoo Group! Sign up at the bottom of http://www.occrwa.org/onlineclasses.html or send a blank email to OCCRWAOnlineClassNotices-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
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