A Slice of Orange


emaginings: Romance Boxed Sets

October 17, 2013 by in category The Romance Journey by Linda Mclaughlin tagged as , , , , , , , , , , ,

Life has been pretty hectic since I started down the self-published road.  I am so impressed at the energy and innovation I’m seeing in the indie author community. But now that I’m a publisher as well as a writer, it seems there’s always something to do and not enough time for everything.

My latest project was to get involved in one of the popular e-book boxed sets we see popping up at Amazon and other online retailers. I was fortunate to team up with a bunch of knowledgeable and savvy indie writers, and we published the Romance Super Bundle in late September. Our fearless leader, Amy Gamet, has been the driving force behind the project. She also created the gorgeous 3-D cover.

My contribution to the bundle is my historical romance, Rogue’s Hostage. We priced the boxed set at $5.99, but it’s currently on sale for 99 cents. We still hope it will hit one of the big lists like USA Today.

On Oct. 7, we had a dynamite Facebook Launch Party guided by the dynamic and extremely organized Wendy Ely. It was attended by a lively bunch of readers, and the messages were flying fast at times. (It was all this old broad could do to keep up.) The event page is still available if anyone wants to see what we did.

Today, one of the authors, Lois Winston, is at Inkspot where she discusses this new way I’m thinking outside the promotional box, and does it more coherently than I can. I like her analogy of promotion being like “shouting into a tsunami” though I tend to think of it more as a lone voice crying in the wilderness.

At the same time, I’m still working on re-issuing my back list. In the last week, my werewolf novella, Ilona’s Wolf: A Fairy Tale Romance, was published at Amazon and Barnes and Noble, just in time for Halloween.


Imagine a world filled with magic, a tormented knight, a damsel in distress, an evil sorcerer…

While picking herbs in the woods, Princess Ilona is rescued from a woodsman by a wolf. When the creature licks her wounds, it is suddenly transformed into a man. A very handsome, very naked man who makes passionate love to her in a glade. She has dreamed of a handsome knight to aid her cause, but a werewolf?

Cursed by an evil wizard, Rolf was trapped in wolf form until he tasted the blood of a royal. Now he must escort the princess on a hazardous journey back to the castle to stop an ill-fated wedding and face the evil wizard who placed the evil curse on Rolf.

Passion flares between them, but both know there is no future for a princess and a werewolf. Or is there? In a world where magic and passion combine, anything may be possible.

(Previously published by Amber Quill Press)

The beautiful cover was designed by Carey Abbott of Safari Heat.

What is keeping you busy and energized these days?

Linda McLaughlin / Lyndi Lamont

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Smart Alec (Syndrome)

October 15, 2013 by in category Archives tagged as , , ,

Ingrid Bergman/Gaslight

“Are you trying to gaslight me?”
I asked a friend that when she swore I had never delivered the book I promised to loan her.  Instead of laughing, she looked at me like I was speaking another language and in a way I was. My friend had never seen the movie Gaslight in which the dashing Charles Boyer attempts to drive the vulnerable Ingrid Bergman mad by lowering the gaslights and insisting the change in lighting is all in her imagination. The plot is a bit more intricate than that, but the point is that my frame of reference was completely foreign to my friend’s and the joke fell flat.
As authors we often write with abandon when we’re in the zone. We research all sorts of things that we believe will give our work legitimacy. To us this information is perfectly sound and critical to the integrity of our novel; to the reader that same information can be confusing or, worse, interpreted as arrogant.  The last thing an author wants to do is take her reader out of the story. The other last thing an author wants is to have the story suffer because she doesn’t include critical information.
How do you walk the fine line between being a smart author or a smart Alec? Take a deep breath, recognize the pitfalls, and apply your talent to finding new ways to communicate even the most intricate information.
Genres that are most susceptible to the Smart Alec Syndrome include :
  • ·      Procedural (police, medical, legal, etc.)
  • ·      Historical
  • ·      Literary

Symptoms of the Smart Alec Syndrome are the use of:
  • ·      Foreign words and phrases
  • ·      Insider references
  • ·      Acronyms
  • ·      Historical, legal, medical references
  • ·      Rare, anachronistic, and/or exotic words

Cures for SAS (Smart Alec Syndrome) can include but are not limited to:
  • ·      Use opposing dialogue for explanation and definition. This may be accomplished  through agreement, amusement, derision, etc.
  • ·      Use the omniscient voice to explain and explore a concept
  • ·      Find another way to explain the word or references that retains the integrity of your work
  • ·      Choose the vernacular but craft a sentence that reflects the tonal uniqueness of the original choice
     Analyze and adjust your work and you will be a Smart Author not a Smart Alec.

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Why I wrote Naked Sushi by Jina Bacarr

October 11, 2013 by in category Archives tagged as , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

I’ve always been a geek.

I got my first computer when the screen was black and the print orange. I was a member of an infamous BBS (bulletin board system) back in the day when I wrote a column for a computer magazine called “Sweet Savage Byte.”

I did podcasts on a video camera with a floppy disk that only allowed you to record a minute of time. I remember setting this up in a Borders bookstore in Hollywood. Yes, those were the days…

I’m also a huge James Bond fan.

And I love Covert Affairs with the fab heroine Annie Walker.

You put all that together and you get…Naked Sushi.

It’s also a story about facing the fear of rejection. We’ve all been there. Often that’s the reason we don’t finish a manuscript because we’re afraid of rejection. In Naked Sushi, Pepper O’Malley realizes with the help of the hero that’s what is keeping her from achieving her dream of becoming a spy. She poses as a naked sushi model to get the goods on her sleazy ex-boss with the hero FBI hottie getting in on the action in this excerpt from Naked Sushi.

Six days days until Naked Sushi, my Cosmo Red-Hot Read from Harlequin, is released! So here are two videos with an excerpt from my story. What’s wild is that we’ve gone from 60 seconds max in the early days of video to 6 seconds on Vine and 16 seconds on Instagram


What’s fun is that the Vine video loops forever and you can take your time reading the sexy snippet. I found some hot music that adds to the fun atmos. 

The Instagram video is longer, but it doesn’t loop.

 I enjoy experimenting with new ways to present excerpts and since Pepper is a video programmer at a computer game company, this is a fun way to showcase her story.

I had a blast writing this story and I’m thrilled that here is an opportunity for all girls who consider themselves tech-heads to show they’re fun, fearless females!

Pepper hits the digital stores on October 15th.


PS — the silky border that I used as a frame around my videos is a remnant from ornate kimono designed by a designer I met when I was taking kimono lessons from a Japanese sensei

Coming on October 15, 2013 from Cosmo Red-Hot Reads from Harlequin:

NAKED SUSHI is available for pre-order on Amazon!
Text Copyright © 2013 by Jina Bacarr

Cover Art Copyright © 2013 by Harlequin Enterprises Limited
Permission to reproduce text granted by Harlequin Books S.A. Cover art used by arrangement with Harlequin Enterprises Limited. All rights reserved.
® and â„¢ are trademarks owned by Harlequin Enterprises Limited or its affiliated companies,  used under license. by Harlequin Enterprises Limited or its affiliated companies, used under license.”

He’s So Sexy
Dream Valley Music
Composer: Michael Stephen Decker Publisher: Shockwave-Sound.Com
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Continuity Counts – Updating a Short Story to Match a Novel by Kitty Bucholtz

October 9, 2013 by in category Archives tagged as , , , , , ,

When I worked in the film industry, I once had the happy job of assisting the script supervisor for a few days. As a writer, I found it fun and interesting to see what went into making sure we ended up with hundreds of little pieces of film that could be edited into a continuous story that made sense. Especially fascinating when you consider that you shoot scenes completely out of order.

With that in mind, I tried to make sure that my novel Unexpected Superhero (published in May) didn’t contradict anything I wrote in the short story “Hero in Disguise” (published last September in our Romancing the Pages anthology). Even with all of my notes and highlights, it seemed to me that there were still a few things that wouldn’t make quite as much sense as I intended (grin!) if you read the two stories back to back.

I’m publishing the short story myself next Tuesday (Oct 15) as an ebook. When I read it over again, I knew I wanted to make some changes. For one thing, I’d decided that all of the titles for the stories in the Adventures of Lewis and Clarke series would have the word “superhero” in them. So the new title is “Superhero in Disguise.”

But more than that, I wanted the tone to match better. We put together Romancing the Pages as a romance anthology, and my short story matched that tone when I wrote it. But the overarching series story in my head is definitely more humorous urban fantasy. So I went through the short and made changes with that in mind.

As I did so, I was pretty sure I was finding some inconsistencies in how Tori, the main character, perceived her unusual abilities. The short is going to be permanently free as a promotion for the series, so I was hypersensitive to the fact that someone could conceivably read the short and immediately buy and read the novel.

It took a few days and a lot of sticky notes, but I think I managed to smooth it all out. (I hope so! LOL!)  I’m trying out a new cover style to see how readers react. It may take some time to find the best way to present this series in terms of book covers, but I’m finally beginning to relax about that.

One of the things I’m beginning to appreciate about self-publishing is not only how I can learn to be flexible and make changes when things don’t seem to be working as well as I’d expect, but also how that mindset is influencing the rest of my life. While I’m in an incredibly stressful situation in life right now, I’m noticing that I’m calmer and looking for alternative solutions every time something doesn’t work out.

It’s nice when you can find that growing in one area of your life can provoke growth in other areas, too!

Kitty Bucholtz decided to combine her undergraduate degree in business, her years of experience in accounting and finance, and her graduate degree in creative writing to become a writer-turned-independent-publisher. Her first novel, Little Miss Lovesick, came out in 2011. Her new novel, Unexpected Superhero, book one in The Adventures of Lewis & Clarke humorous urban fantasy series, is now available in print and ebook format. Love at the Fluff and Fold, book one in The Strays of Loon Lake romantic comedy series, will be released later this year. Her short stories can be found in the anthologies Romancing the Pages and Moonlit Encounters, available in both print and ebook formats.

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OCC’s Birthday Bash

October 6, 2013 by in category Pets, Romance & Lots of Suspense by Linda O. Johnston tagged as ,

Next weekend is OCC’s Birthday Bash! 

I’ll be there, although only on Saturday.  Because of other time commitments, I can’t attend the pajama party or stay overnight.  But I’m really looking forward to it. 

The speakers and guests this year sound absolutely great!  You can see some of the info on the post below this one.  Plus, getting together with OCC members is always fun. 

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