A Slice of Orange


Man vs. Dog

June 7, 2017 by in category Eye on Hollywood by Bobbie Cimo tagged as ,

Man vs Dog | Bobbie Cimo | A Slice of Orange

Man vs DogDuring one of my Canadian vacations, I accidentally came upon a film crew shooting in the streets of Old Montreal. The movie was called  Heavenly Dog. The star of the flick was comedian Chevy Chase (known for the Caddyshacks and National Lampoon’s vacation movies) and co-starring with him was a cute little scruffy dog named Benji. The plot of the movie is about a detective who is slain in the middle of a murder investigation and is given the opportunity to come back to earth—not as himself, but as a dog, so he could solve, along with the original murder, who was behind his own demise. I think it’s pretty obvious who played which part.

With hardly any effort at all, I somehow managed to get some one-on-one time with Chevy Chase. We talked about Montreal, the entertainment business and the movie he was working on. Widely known for his comedic behavior, I was surprised how serious he was when it came to conversing in small chitchat. I guess we all have this image of how we expect someone we see on film to act when we meet them in person.

Because I was on vacation, I happen to have my camera with me. But truthfully, there’s a reason why my friends and family used to affectionately refer to me as the Kodak Kid. If there was ever an opportunity for a photo, I’d be there with my handy dandy Instamatic. ‘Cause nothing says it better than a Kodak Moment (or to help you remember those things that age has a way of making you forget).

As we were posing together, I could tell Chevy was either making funny faces or doing some kind of gesture behind my back. I told him several times to stop, because I wanted to have a nice picture of us together. Every time I told him, he would humbly agree to stop. And like a fool I believed him. I didn’t realize until after I had my pictures developed, that he had put rabbit ears over my head. At first I was annoyed, but I guess Chevy being Chevy, he couldn’t resist. And now when I look at the picture, it just makes me laugh.

Several yeas after the release of  Heavenly Dog I was at a CBS afternoon Affiliates party when I met Benji’s trainer, Frank Inn. Frank, a world renown animal trainer, got his start as an assistant trainer to Skippy, the dog who played Asta in all of those famed Thin Man movies.

Man vs Dog | Bobbie Cimo | A Slice of Orange

Besides Benji (whose real name was Higgins), Frank trained Orangey the cat, who played Cat in Breakfast at Tiffany’s and  Arnold the pig who was best known for his fictional character as Arnold Ziffel on TV’s Green Acres. Frank was so fond of these animals that when he died, all three of their ashes were buried with him.

When Higgins, the original Benji retired, he was replaced by his daughter, Benjean. She was smaller than the original Benji , but fluffier, and the tips of her ears had to be dyed to match her father’s. The older she got, her own ears turned as dark as her dad’s, and dyeing them was no longer necessary. I’m sure she was thrilled. And Benjean forever became known as Benji and went on to star in the most popular of the Benji movies, including  Heavenly Dog, and then on to the popular TV shows.

Not only was Frank kind enough to have Benji perform several tricks when we met, but he allowed me to take a picture with the adorable moppet-like star.

After posing with both Chevy and Benji—man and canine, it’s hands down for me who of the two followed directions better.

Man vs Dog




Bobbie Cimo has worked in Hollywood for years. She has ALL the best stories.

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June 6, 2017 by in category Pets, Romance & Lots of Suspense by Linda O. Johnston

Pets Romance & Lots of Suspense | Linda O. Johnston | A Slice of OrangeI became a writer because I love to write.  A side attraction is that writers can write for their whole lives and never have to retire.

I began to question that a bit, though, over the last few weeks after I broke my knee.

Hey, you say, what does that have to do with writing?

Exactly.  But my creativity seemed to take a break for a little while, too, probably thanks to the exhaustion of healing.

When I sat at the computer and told my mind to get going, to begin plotting the next book, it rebelled, telling me to go take a nap and forget that I thought I had any imagination.  Ugh.  That wasn’t me.  Or was it?

I worried.  I stewed.  I napped.  I read other people’s books.  And I kept arguing with my mind.

And guess what!  My mind finally decided I was right after all.  It may be taking me a bit longer, but I’m plotting once more.  And soon I hope to actually start writing that next book.

So my advice to other writers?  Keep at it.  Writers do write, even if we sometimes have rebellious minds.  But we’re in charge and can ultimately direct those minds to get busy, even under unusual circumstances.

Now I just hope my mind stays on course, for now… and forever!

Oh, and by the way, my 8th, and possibly last, Alpha Force paranormal romance for Harlequin Nocturne, PROTECTOR WOLF, is a June release.  Enjoy!



$5.75eBook: $4.99
Author: Linda O. Johnston
Series: Alpha Force
Genre: Paranormal
Tags: 2017, Paranormal

What Happens Under a Full Moon…

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Writers Write| Linda O. Johnston | A Slice of Orange

Linda O! Johnston

Linda first novel was the 1995 Love Spell time travel romance A Glimpse of Forever. Since then she has published over 40 novels—mysteries and romances, including paranormal romance and romantic suspense.

Linda has two new books out for 2017. May 8th will see the release of BAD TO THE BONE, the third book in the Barkery & Biscuits Mystery Series. On June 1st, her book PROTECTOR WOLF (Alpha Force) a part of the popular Harlequin Nocturne series of paranormal romances will be published.

Linda also blogs at Killer Hobbies, Killer Characters and Midnight Ink Author blog.  You can also find her on Facebook.

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Replay…Party In My Head

June 5, 2017 by in category Writing
Sorry about the delay in posting.  I’ve been a little distracted working on soft edits for my new book, “Unexpected Love”, which I’ll talk about next month.  So this month, I’m doing a replay from my blog [March 25, 2015].  See you next month.



How many people are at the party in your head?  Ask any writer this question and you may be surprised by the answer.

This is a question I’ve been asking myself this week.  I currently have standing room only at the party in my head.  I’m writing one book, editing two, promoting another, writing mental notes on three others and reading one for pleasure.

When I decided to become a writer, it was a different time in publishing.  If you put out three books a year, that was considered a lot.  As the indie writing market grew, so did the desire for fresh content.

I had a plan, four books max a year.  One every quarter…very old school thinking.  I’ve been following a few writers and have learned, I have to write more.  SHOCK!

I had it all planned.  I’d release my first book and take about three months and then release the next one.  I figured I’d release the follow up to GENERATIONAL CURSE early next year.  Then I increased my reading and understood why that wasn’t going to work.  When you become attached to characters and finish their story, you immediately want to know what happened next.  I wasn’t prepared for this.

I wrote GENERATIONAL CURSE, while waiting to hear from a potential publisher about a different book.  I figured once that series was sold, I’d have a little time before GENERATIONAL CURSE was ready to go.  So I focused all of me energy on the other series.  However, things changed and GENERATIONAL CURSE was released first.  Now I have people asking will there be a follow up?  Yes.  I’m working on it and it’s an eye opener.  You get to meet Kyla’s sister and she’s something else.

So how many characters are in my head?  Too many to list. Smile

Tracy Reed


Sophisticated Romance

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Kat Martin with an Excerpt from BEYOND REASON

June 4, 2017 by in category Guest Posts, Spotlight tagged as , , ,
Beyond Reason | Kat Martin | A Slice of OrangeAN EXCERPT



Kat Martin 


Carly pulled the pickup into her garage, saw the single headlight of Linc’s impressive black Harley coming down the street behind her.  He’d insisted on following her home.  She waved as she got out of the truck, hoping he would take the hint and leave, but instead he pulled his motorcycle into the driveway behind the truck and turned off the engine.

As she took the pistol out from under the seat, Linc walked up beside her.

He eased the gun out of her hand.  “Stay here till I make sure it’s safe.”

She didn’t argue.  Now that she was home, the whole terrifying chain of events came rushing back with stark clarity.  She followed Cain into the kitchen, thought of the Glock, and wished she’d had it in her hand when those men had attacked her.

She sank down in a kitchen chair to wait while Cain walked through the rest of the house.  Tears welled.  Dammit, she didn’t want to cry.  Joe had taught her to be tough.  He’d known he wouldn’t always be there for her.

But deep down inside, she was still the frightened ten-year old who had walked into the bathroom and found her mother on the floor, dead of a drug overdose.

She closed her eyes, bit back a sob.  She didn’t realize she was crying till she felt Cain drawing her out of the chair and into his arms.

For several seconds she let him hold her, let the tears come, just wrapped her arms around his thick neck and hung on.  Then she realized what she was doing and felt like a fool, eased back and turned away.

“I’m sorry, I’m not…not a cryer.  Not usually.  I’m sorry.”  She wiped her eyes, mortified that he had seen this side of her.

“Hey.  It’s been a helluva day.”  His mouth edged into a smile.  “Maybe I’m the one who needed a hug, okay?”

She managed a smile in return.  She wouldn’t have thought he could be sweet.  “Thanks for checking the house.”

“No problem.  You sure you’ll be okay?”

Her smile returned, more real this time.  “You’re bigger than I am, but I’ve got the gun.”  Now resting on the kitchen table.

He chuckled.  “All right, if you’re sure, I’ll see you in the morning.”

He’d see her in the morning?  Dammit, she’d forgotten he was coming to the office tomorrow for the call to his private investigator.  “Good night.”

Cain left the house through the garage, swung a long leg over the seat of his Harley and fired up the engine.  The biceps in his huge arms bulged as he grabbed the handlebars.  Carly pushed the button on the garage door as he started backing away, turned the bike and roared off down the block.

Exhaustion swamped her.  Dragging herself into the bedroom, she stripped off her clothes, pulled on an XXL navy blue Drake Trucking T-shirt she liked to sleep in and crawled beneath the covers.  The pistol rested on the nightstand.  She should have been able to sleep.

But she couldn’t.


Linc got up Sunday morning at the crack of dawn, loaded his fishing gear onto the back of an ATV and took off to one of the two lakes on Blackland Ranch.  He’d called Townsend way too late last night and told him what had happened at the roadhouse.  He’d instructed the investigator to set up security on Carly Drake twenty-four/seven and find out everything he could about a guy who called himself El Jefe.

Linc had slept a little after that, not much.  He’d awoken early and decided he needed to clear his head.  Tossing a line in the water, kicking back and waiting to get a bite, worked almost as well as morning sex.

Well, almost.  Hell, he hadn’t been with a women in nearly a month, too damned long as far as he was concerned.  He needed to make a phone call, talk to Renee or maybe Melissa, see if one of his friends with benefits was up for a good time when he got back to Dallas.

Something stirred deep and hot inside him. Unfortunately, it wasn’t an image of Renee or Melissa.  It was Carly Drake who fired his blood.

As he leaned back against the trunk of a tree, the end of his line jerked.  He waited for another tug, set the hook, and started reeling.  Dammit to hell, whenever he thought of Carly, he felt like the fish on the end of that line.  How had the little blonde managed to sink her hooks into him?  How had she managed to snag his interest so quickly?

In fairness, she wasn’t even trying.  He knew women, knew she was attracted to him.  He also knew she wasn’t interested in climbing into bed for a couple of nights of fun.

BEYOND REASON is available at the following retailers:
Buy from Amazon
Buy from Barnes and Noble
Buy from IndieBound
Buy from GoodReads

Kat Martin | A Slice of Orange


Bestselling author Kat Martin is a graduate of the University of California at Santa Barbara where she majored in Anthropology and also studied History. Currently residing with her Western-author husband, L. J. Martin, in Missoula, Montana, Kat has written sixty eight Historical and Contemporary Romantic Suspense novels.  More than sixteen million copies of her books are in print and she has been published in twenty foreign countries. Her last novel, INTO THE FIRESTORM, took the #7 spot on the New York Times Bestseller list.  This will be the 15th novel in a row to be included on that prestigious list.  Kat is currently at work on her next Romantic Suspense.

You can find out more about Kat on her website or follow her on social media: Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

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June 3, 2017 by in category Partners in Crime by Janet Elizabeth Lynn & Will Zeilinger tagged as , , , ,

HE SAID, SHE SAIDMy wife, Janet Elizabeth Lynn, and I have been crime writing fiction for several years. In the beginning, Janet was the first to take a of couple classes and workshops. That was after we discovered we didn’t know what we were doing. I was a bit reluctant because the whole writing thing was foreign to me.  But she came home with tools and information that opened my eyes.

When Janet was writing solo, she would often ask me to read some of her work. I’d make comments like, “A guy wouldn’t care what brand of shoes a woman was wearing” or “A guy wouldn’t say/think that.” It got to the point where one day Janet was writing and said to me—“Will, if you were a guy…” to which I replied, “What?”

Thus began our co-writing partnership. I would tweak many of the male characters’ voice styles while Janet handled the female roles.  We’d brainstorm the plots, discuss our characters’ quirks and make sure the characters’ voices sounded different enough while maintaining the voice of the story. Next, we read aloud to each other. Sometimes one of us would fall asleep during the reading, but that just meant we had to fix that part. If it bored us, it would surely bore our readers.

The result is that our writing had become a true partnership in authorship and our stories sparkled (in our eyes.) We now take turns polishing and refining our work before handing the manuscript over to our editor.

And after all that… we’re still married.




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The Pacific breezes blow many things in from the ocean, this time its power, greed, and murder.

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Authors Janet and Will



Janet Elizabeth Lynn and Will Zeilinger

Published authors Will Zeilinger and Janet Lynn had been writing individually until they got together and wrote the Skylar Drake Mystery Series. These hard-boiled tales are based in old Hollywood of 1955. Janet has published seven mystery novels and Will has three plus a couple of short stories. Their world travels have sparked several ideas for murder and crime stories. This creative couple is married and live in Southern California.




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