A Slice of Orange


Hop aboard The Magic Christmas Train — nominate my book & get a Free copy from Amazon if it’s selected for publication by Jina Bacarr

September 11, 2017 by in category Jina’s Book Chat tagged as , , , , , , , , , , ,

The Magic Christmas Train from Jina Bacarr on Vimeo.

Ever since I could hold a microphone, I haven’t stopped telling stories. I used to record fairy tales on an old tape recorder when I was a kid . . . then later I went on to radio doing live commercials, news, voiceovers, interviews, talk radio, etc.

I love to tell stories and add pictures and music.

Which is why I couldn’t resist putting together this 2:00 video about my Kindle Scout book “The Magic Christmas Tree.” Imagine if you could go back to a special Christmas, see family and friends you miss, and change the course of your life . . . and save the man you love from being killed overseas during World War 2.

If you ever wanted to go home again . . . this is the story for you!

A hot, sexy hero, a spunky heroine who tries to save him, and the magic of a small town Christmas . . . and plenty of good food!

So hop aboard the Magic Christmas Train and meet the Arden Family doing their best to support the troops during that Christmas of 1943.

I’d really appreciate your nomination . . . part of the process is getting your book “Hot” and it’s not easy! So any help is much appreciated. Thank you!

You can check out The Magic Christmas Train HERE =



Facebook: http://facebook.com/JinaBacarr.author

Twitter: http://twitter.com/JinaBacarr

Once Upon a Story blog: http://jinabacarr.wordpress.com

Videos: https://vimeo.com/user216350

Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/jbacarr


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Autumn Delicious Cake

September 10, 2017 by in category Charmed Writer by Tari Lynn Jewett tagged as , , ,

When the calendar changes to September, the days begin to quickly change. The neighborhood kids walk to school with brand new backpacks and shiny lunch-boxes, and I can hear the morning announcements from the elementary school one block from my house. The leaves will soon turn oranges, golds and browns and slowly drift from the trees, and the air will turn brisk and nippy… okay, well maybe not here in Los Angeles, but it’s happening somewhere besides my imagination. Autumn is a time of renewal, exciting and fresh with lots of possibilities.

Passing Labor Day for me still means putting away my white clothes…although here in Southern California we never really put away our summer clothes… working on holiday projects and planning new menus.

I re-evaluate and update my goals for the year, and I remind myself to count my blessings, as we head toward the end of the year.

So now that Labor Day has passed and the days are moving quickly toward autumn, have you paused to take stock of your goals and count your blessings and do you put away your white clothes for another year (or is that just me)?


Before I began writing fiction I was a food writer. I thought I’d share one of my favorite autumn recipes with you.


Autumn Delicious Cake



1 spice cake mix

1 small box instant vanilla pudding

4 eggs

1 cup canned pumpkin

½ cup water

½ cup vegetable oil



1/2 cup sugar

1-2 T cinnamon

Preheat oven to 350°. Spray a Bundt pan with cooking spray.

Combine cinnamon and sugar and set aside.

Put cake mix, pudding mix, eggs, pumpkin water and oil into a large mixing bowl and beat on low speed until combined, then on high speed for 2 minutes. Spread half of batter in the prepared pan. Sprinkle with ½ of the cinnamon sugar, then top with the remaining batter spreading it evenly over the sugared layer, reserve half of the cinnamon sugar.

Bake at 350° for 45 minutes or until a fork or skewer inserted into the cake comes out clean.

Cool for 10 minutes, then flip onto a serving platter, sprinkle with remaining cinnamon sugar and cool completely.  Serve with whipped cream or ice cream.

Taste autumn!

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Moving Right Along

September 6, 2017 by in category Pets, Romance & Lots of Suspense by Linda O. Johnston tagged as , , ,

Pets Romance & Lots of Suspence

Moving Right Along


The September OCC meeting is coming up soon, and I hope to attend.  It’ll be my first one since May, when I injured my knee.  But I’m moving right along now and have been able to drive, although this will be my longest driving venture since then.

I’m looking forward to attending the meeting and seeing everyone again!



However, as I write this I’m fairly sure I’ll just be there for lunch and the afternoon meeting.  Why?  Dogs!  My pups rule my life, and my actual puppy, Cari, has an obedience lesson in the morning.  My husband has been trainer in chief since my injury, but I want to go and learn and try to work more with Cari at home, too.

What did I miss at RWA 17?


But the afternoon OCC session should be just fine with me.  For one thing, the topic will be The Best of RWA17, which should help answer the main question I asked here in this blog last month:  What did I miss by not attending the RWA National Conference this year?

So even though I’ll miss PAW, I’m sure I’ll have a great time.  And attending what I can this month should also help me decide if I can make it to the Birthday Bash next month!

As long as my knee, and my dogs, will let me…

 Linda O. Johnston

Linda O! JohnstonMoving Right Along | Linda O. Johnston | A Slice of Orange

Linda first novel was the 1995 Love Spell time travel romance A Glimpse of Forever. Since then she has published over 40 novels—mysteries and romances, including paranormal romance and romantic suspense.

Linda has two new books out for 2017. May 8th will see the release of BAD TO THE BONE, the third book in the Barkery & Biscuits Mystery Series. On June 1st, her book PROTECTOR WOLF (Alpha Force) a part of the popular Harlequin Nocturne series of paranormal romances will be published.

Linda also blogs at Killer HobbiesKiller Characters and Midnight Ink Author blog. You can also find her on Facebook.

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How I Set Up My First ARGroup

September 5, 2017 by in category Pink Pad by Tracy Reed tagged as , ,

Tracy Reed | A Slice of Orange

I am finally doing something I should have done a while ago…set up an Advance Reader Group.

I made a poor first attempt at this about a year ago.  I say poor, because only one person responded.  I’m not sure why the response was so poor, but it was.

This time, I’m attacking ARGroup recruitment a lot differently. Instead of a small mention in my newsletter, I did a mass mailing to my entire mailing list.  I reviewed ARGroup requests from other authors and came up with one that worked for my brand. [See below]


Wanna Join My AR Group?

Advance Reader Group Request

Do you love my books and want more?

You can join my advance team and read them FREE. ARC reviewers play a huge role in the success of an author’s books and I hope you’ll be part of that success by joining the team.

What is an Advance Reader Copy (ARC) and why is it so important to authors?

Prior to publication, select readers will receive an early copy of my work — Advance Reading Copy (ARC) — before it is available for mass distribution. These ARCs are sent out for free in exchange for an honest review of the book.

Publishers and authors know that reviews are the best way to spread the word about a book. After all, you tend to trust the opinions of fellow book lovers.

When reviews are posted to Amazon in the first week of a book’s release, it’s an amazing thing for an author. It’ s like finding that perfect pair of black pumps.

What does it mean to join my Advance Review Group?

It means you get to read my books for FREE before I release them to the world.

Group Rules:

  • •Honesty before ratings.
  • •Read the books by the deadline. You are not signing up for free books that you’ll eventually read.
  • •Members who fail to post in a timely fashion will forfeit their access to the group.
  • •Members must email links to their reviews to maintain their access to the group.
  • •Members…please follow me on social media.
  • •You must know how to open .mobi, .epub, or .pdf files.
  • •You must join my mailing list.

Sounds good.  How do I join?

There’s just two steps to join my Advance Reader Team.

1. To qualify, if you haven’t already done so, you must read one of my books and post the review on Amazon.com and Goodreads. (I can’t give out unlimited ARCs, so I need to know I can count on you to give thoughtful, honest reviews).

2. Send me a message [tracyreedwriter@icloud.com] to let me know you want to join my Advance Review Team and include the links to your reviews on Amazon.com (Do this by clicking on your name under the star rating of your review. This will take you to all your Amazon reviews. Click on the review of my book and send me that specific link). I’ll follow up with you from there.

Here’s a little incentive. If you respond by August 31st, you can read my upcoming release “Unexpected Love” before everyone else.

Hope to hear from you,



I sent this email out twice.  I’d like to say everyone signed up, but they didn’t.  Instead, 33 people unsubscribed from my list.  I got twenty recruits to my ARGroup.  YEAH!  I’m so excited.  Another great thing that happened, reviews.  I picked up a few reviews.  Another reason to cheer.

Once I received the initial sign ups, I sent out a Thank you email.  I wanted my readers to know  how much I appreciate them and their participation. [See below]  As you can see,  I gave them an option to bow out.


Welcome To My ARGroup

I’m so excited to have you on this ride with me. Thank you for posting your reviews. I really appreciate your honesty. Which leads me to a little review about the group rules.

Group Rules:

  • •Honesty before ratings.
  • •Read the books by the deadline. You are not signing up for free books that you’ll eventually read.
  • •Members who fail to post in a timely fashion will forfeit their access to the group.
  • •Members must email links to their reviews to maintain their access to the group.
  • •Members…please follow me on social media.
  • •You must know how to open .mobi, .epub, or .pdf files.
  • •You must join my mailing list.
  • •Do not share Advance Copies.

Please confirm your acceptance to the group with an email to: tracyreedwriter@icloud.com. This step is just in case you’ve changed your mind about joining the group and don’t want to participate. If I don’t get a confirmation email, I’ll assume you’ve changed your mind about joining the group.



See you next month.

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Melody of Love Contest

September 4, 2017 by in category Writing Contest tagged as , ,

Melody of Love Novel Contest

THE 2017 MELODY OF LOVE: A Contest for Unpublished Romance Novels


Sponsor: Music City Romance Writers, Nashville, TN
Fee: $20–35; critique of optional blurb for additional $10.
Deadline: Contest Opens August 15, 2017 with a deadline of September 15, 2017.
Official Rules: http://musiccityrwa.blogspot.com/2017/08/2017-melody-of-love-rules.html


Eligibility: The MOL Contest is open to unpublished writers and published authors of novel-length fiction. The author does not have to be a member of Romance Writers of America® (RWA) to enter the MOL Contest; however, the entry must be the author’s original work of novel length, unpublished, and not contracted at the time of the contest deadline.

Entry: All electronic. Must be the first 15 pages of a full-length novel with (minimum length 50,000 words). No novellas or short stories. All heat levels are accepted across all categories. A short blurb (optional/non-judged unless critique requested for additional fee) of no more than 200 words may be included.

Categories: Contemporary, Historical, Paranormal, and Young Adult Romance; “Wild Card” Category for Novels with Romantic Elements

Preliminary Judges: Published, PAN/PRO and unpublished authors. All entries will be read and judged by three trained judges, at least one of whom will be a published author or a member of RWA PRO. Lowest score will be dropped.

Final Judges: Editors and Agents.
Contemporary—Jennie Conway (Editor, St. Martin’s Press), Janna Bonikowski (Agent, the Knight Agency);
Historical—Jennie Conway (Editor, St. Martin’s Press), Amanda Jain (Agent, Inklings Literary);
Paranormal—Sarah Blumenstock (Editor, Penguin Random House), Victoria Lea (Agent/Editor, Aponte Literary/Aponte-Burns Publishing);
Young Adult—Annette Pollert -Morgan (Editor, Sourcebooks), Elizabeth Poteet (Agent, The Seymour Agency);
“Wild Card”—Victoria Lea (Agent/Editor, Aponte Literary/Aponte-Burns Publishing), Latoya Smith (Agent, L. Perkins Agency)

Finalists will be announced around November 1, 2017. Projected announcement of winners December 1, 2017.

Top Prize: Finalists in each category will receive a certificate and announcement in RWR and the MCRW website. #1 Finalist in each category will also receive a $25 cash prize. Each entry has a chance to win a 50 page professional critique. Winner selected by random drawing.

Entries capped at 60. Enter soon for your chance to win, because we fill up fast!

For more information, the official rules are now available and the contest coordinator DB Sieders can be emailed at contest@mcrw.com

Sponsor: Music City Romance Writers, Nashville, TN
Fee: $20–35; critique of optional blurb for additional $10.
Deadline: Contest Opens August 15, 2017 with a deadline of September 15, 2017.
Official Rules: http://musiccityrwa.blogspot.com/2017/08/2017-melody-of-love-rules.html


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