A Slice of Orange


From Stranger than Fiction and Home Improvement to #PleaseSayYes

February 10, 2018 by in category Charmed Writer by Tari Lynn Jewett tagged as , ,

#PleaseSayYes | Tari Lynn Jewett | A Slice of OrangeOne of my favorite movies is the 2008 comedy/fantasy Stranger than Fiction. In the story, Will Ferrell plays Harold Crick, an IRS agent who wakes up one morning and finds that a voice is narrating his life. Every swish of his toothbrush, every step that he takes, every experience he has is being narrated. Harold decides that he must be part of a story that’s still being written, he seeks help from Literature Professor Jules Hilbert (Dustin Hoffman) for help. After asking him several questions, Professor Hilbert informs Crick that “the last thing to determine conclusively is whether you’re in a comedy or a tragedy”. This line has stuck with me since I heard it.

Personally, I’d classify my own life as a romantic comedy. And often a television sitcom (think Home Improvement). So, I’m very excited that my first book to be published will be a romantic comedy.

#PleaseSayYes is a light, sweet and I hope fun little novella about how social media can influence the search for true love.

With 3 young sons, my oldest Gerrod just recently married, and the younger 2 Jayson and Joey (see I told you Home Improvement) still in the dating game. I’ve seen how social media has changed the way couples meet and interact. Sometimes it’s crazy, sometimes it’s scary…and sometimes it’s a comedy.Love Me Tender | Tari Lynn Jewett | A Slice of Orange

So, my Valentine’s offering this year is my first published fiction #PleaseSayYes. The story of a sweet school teacher who would rather read romance than look for love, and a young business owner who admirers her from afar. Until, family, friends and social media take matters out of their hands. I hope you’ll check it out and let me know what you think. It’s available for preorder right now and will release on February 13th in the Love Me Tender boxed set with a dozen other sweet romances for you to enjoy.

And if you haven’t seen Stranger than Fiction yet, you might want to buy it for Valentine’s. I’ll let you decide if it’s a tragedy or comedy, but it’s definitely a romance.

Happy Valentine’s!

Tari Lynn Jewett

Tari Lynn Jewett lives in Arizona just off Route 66 with her husband of more than thirty years (aka Hunky Hubby). They have 3 amazing sons, and 2 beautiful grandsons. For more than fifteen years Tari wrote freelance for magazines and newspapers, wrote television commercials, radio spots, numerous press releases, and many, MANY PTA newsletters. As much as she loved writing those things, she always wanted to write fiction…and now she is.

Tari writes light, fun romcoms, but she is also working on a historical women’s fiction series set in the Los Angeles area, spanning from the late 1920’s to the ‘50’s. These are darker, edgier full length novels.

A voracious reader, Tari’s favorite treat is to turn off her phone and computer and curl up with an un-put-downable book.

She also believes in happily-ever-afters,

…because she’s living hers.


Website: http://tarilynnjewett.com/

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/author/tarilynnjewett

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/tarilynnjewett

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/tari-lynn-jewett

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/tarilynnjewett/

Facebook Group Tari Lynn & Friends: https://www.facebook.com/groups/501972056849831

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tarilynnjewett/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TariLynnJewett


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Taking Notes on Your Kindle – and Finding Them Again by Kitty Bucholtz

February 9, 2018 by in category It's Worth It by Kitty Bucholtz, Writing tagged as , , , , ,

In November 2017, I wrote about how you can send nearly any kind of text-based document to your Kindle. A couple weeks ago, a friend told me she’s taking an overseas trip and she was considering printing out her current work-in-progress so she can at least get some editing done on the plane. I suggested she send her Word doc to her Kindle instead. She wouldn’t have to worry about losing pages, and her luggage would be a little lighter.

When she asked me how she would do edits, I realized I haven’t actually written an article about that yet! Here are my thoughts.

First, I use my Kindle to read. I don’t plan to make it my next editing tool. That being said, if I’m reading a friend’s book and see a typo, I want to tell them about it so they can make the correction and re-upload. In the same manner, reading my final manuscript on my Kindle can help me to see errors I missed because now I am reading the book as a reader. Errors aside, I also like to highlight my favorite bits in a novel sometimes, and helpful passages in nonfiction books so I can come back to them later.

I own a Kindle Paperwhite, so I’ll explain how to do everything on that or on the Kindle app on my iPhone. You’ll have to check how to do things differently if you own a different Kindle or use the Kindle app elsewhere. (I’d think it would all be very similar.)


If I want to highlight a passage on a Paperwhite or using the Kindle app on my phone, I press and hold on the first word I want to highlight until it lights up then drag my finger to the last word I want to highlight. On my phone, it automatically highlights. On my Paperwhite, it highlights but brings up a menu asking me if I want to just highlight, or add a note, or sometimes you can look things up in Wikipedia if your Kindle is connected to the Internet, and other menu items may also be available. (If you highlight a single word, the Kindle assumes you want to look that word up in the onboard dictionary.)

To get rid of that highlighting using the phone app, tap on the highlighted portion again, then tap on the highlight color with the X in it. That will delete your highlighting. If you tap on a different color, it just turns your highlighted color (yellow by default) to the other color.

To get rid of the highlighting using the Paperwhite, tap on the highlighted portion again, then tap on “Delete” in the little menu that pops up.


Once you’ve highlighted something, you can add notes pertaining to the highlighted bit. On the phone, tap the highlighted portion, then when you see the little menu, tap on the square with the pencil (supposed to look like paper and pencil). A new screen opens that says “Create Note” at the top. Type in whatever you want, then hit Save. Now at the end of the highlighted portion is a tiny little page. That’s your reminder that you have a note there.

On the Paperwhite, it’s similar. You can add the note as soon as you add the highlighting by choosing “Note” from the menu after you press and drag to highlight. A “Note” screen pops up where you can type what you want. Tap Save, and you’ll see a little superscript number at the end of the highlighted portion kind of like what you see for footnotes in textbooks.

To read these notes, tap on the highlighted portion, tap on the Note in the menu, and you can read what you wrote. You can also delete or change the note at this time.

But Why?

If you send your manuscript to your Kindle in a .doc or other text file, highlighting and making notes about things you want to fix or change can be very helpful. As I mentioned, I also like to tell my friends about any typos they’ll want to fix. And when reading nonfiction, I highlight and make notes for the same reasons I would in a paper book – to remind myself of how to do something, or remember to come back to this passage later.

How Do I Get My Notes Back?

Obviously, hitting the page-forward button over and over through a 400-page book would be way too annoying to find all of your marks. But Kindle created a “My Clippings” text file for you and it saves everything you highlight or notate from any book on your Kindle. Yay!

For any ebook that the Kindle recognizes as such (I don’t know if you have to have purchased it from Amazon or not), your notes and highlights show up at https://read.amazon.com/notebook

Unfortunately, the manuscript you sent to your Kindle (possibly using the Send to Kindle app 😉 ) does not show up in your online notebook. (At least, I don’t see mine.) So you have to download your My Clippings file from your Kindle to your computer.

To do this, connect your Kindle power cord with the USB plug on the end to a USB port on your computer. Once it’s connected, your computer will see the Kindle like it would a flash drive. Click on Kindle, then Documents, then scroll down to My Clippings.txt and double-click to open. In that text file, you will find everything you’ve highlighted (probably since you purchased your Kindle). You can now save that file on your computer.

My Clippings.txt from my Kindle

Sending Your Notes to Your Friend

Using my friend Debra Mullins’ book Kerrigan’s Law as an example, this is what I do when I find any typos in a friend’s book. I open My Clippings, then cut and paste the notes that refer to that book into a new document.

Each highlight is listed in My Clippings by location number. If it also has a note, it is listed again at that location number with the note you typed. For instance, I highlighted a typo, then wrote “typo” in the note section. Here is what it looks like in My Clippings:

Kerrigan’s Law: Welcome to Burr: Book 3 (Debra Mullins)
– Your Highlight on Location 434-434 | Added on Sunday, December 3, 2017 10:33:42 PM

How to we make that happen?”
Kerrigan’s Law: Welcome to Burr: Book 3 (Debra Mullins)
– Your Note on Location 434 | Added on Sunday, December 3, 2017 10:34:07 PM


Now I can cut and paste my highlights and notes into a new document or an email and send it to Deb. I try to highlight enough text so she can search for it and find it fairly easily. The location number will only give her a vague idea of where it is, but it helps. For instance, location 434 is very early on in the book.

Since I’d found a typo and knew I’d send it to Deb, I couldn’t help but highlight a portion that made me laugh out loud to send to her, too. 😉

Kerrigan’s Law: Welcome to Burr: Book 3 (Debra Mullins)
– Your Highlight on Location 1383-1384 | Added on Wednesday, December 6, 2017 1:18:20 PM

our old sheriff, Charlie Norris,
Kerrigan’s Law: Welcome to Burr: Book 3 (Debra Mullins)
– Your Note on Location 1383 | Added on Wednesday, December 6, 2017 1:18:34 PM


(You get it – Chuck Norris? LOL! 😀 )

Using the Kindle Notebook Website

I only discovered the notes showing up on your own “notebook” page today when researching a question I had for this article. (Here’s the 2015 article I found mentioning it.) I couldn’t find Deb’s book in my “notebook,” so I played around with another book I had on my Kindle, Only a Hero Will Do by Alanna Lucas.

Example from my “Notebook”

You can see that I highlighted part of a sentence, then added a note, “Here is a note on that highlighted passage.”

I went through the books showing up in my My Clippings document and compared them to what showed up in my online “notebook.” I could be wrong, but it looks like Amazon only recognizes books I purchased from them. Anything I “side loaded” or used Send to Kindle to get onto my Kindle seems to not show up in the Notebook. Just a little FYI. So to get your notes for those books, you’ll have to download the file from your Kindle to your computer as I mentioned above.

Editing Your Own Books on Your Kindle

Bringing this around full circle, I told my friend Janice that she can load her current WIP onto her Kindle and take it with her on the plane. She won’t be able to make changes to the document, but she can highlight bits and write notes like, “Need more tension here” or “Potentially better ending could be…”

Loading your final manuscript to your Kindle and reading it through before you upload it to publish can also be one of your last proofreads. You can highlight a section and add the note “is should be it,” etc. One note on this – highlight enough, even a whole sentence, so that you can find it again in your document by doing a search.

I hope you found this information useful. I’ve really loved opening My Clippings occasionally to remind myself of all the cool stuff I wanted to remember from nonfiction ebooks I own. Learn from my mistake, though: when you trade in an old Kindle and get a new one, download the My Clippings file from the old Kindle first! Once you no longer have access to the Kindle, you no longer have access to the file. Darn!

Kitty Bucholtz author photoKitty Bucholtz decided to combine her undergraduate degree in business, her years of experience in accounting and finance, and her graduate degree in creative writing to become a writer-turned-independent-publisher. She writes romantic comedy and superhero urban fantasy, often with an inspirational element woven in. She loves to teach and offer advice to writers through her WRITE NOW! Workshop courses and the new WRITE NOW! Workshop Podcast.

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Featured Author of the Month: Tari Lynn Jewett

February 7, 2018 by in category Featured Author of the Month tagged as , , ,

Featuring Tari Lynn Jewett

Tari Lynn Jewett

Tari Lynn Jewett lives in Arizona just off Route 66 with her husband of more than thirty years (aka Hunky Hubby). They have 3 amazing sons, and 2 beautiful grandsons. For more than fifteen years Tari wrote freelance for magazines and newspapers, wrote television commercials, radio spots, numerous press releases, and many, MANY PTA newsletters. As much as she loved writing those things, she always wanted to write fiction…and now she is.

Tari writes light, fun romcoms, but she is also working on a historical women’s fiction series set in the Los Angeles area, spanning from the late 1920’s to the ‘50’s. These are darker, edgier full length novels.

A voracious reader, Tari’s favorite treat is to turn off her phone and computer and curl up with an un-put-downable book.

She also believes in happily-ever-afters,

…because she’s living hers.


Website: http://tarilynnjewett.com/

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/author/tarilynnjewett

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/tarilynnjewett

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/tari-lynn-jewett

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/tarilynnjewett/

Facebook Group Tari Lynn & Friends: https://www.facebook.com/groups/501972056849831

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tarilynnjewett/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TariLynnJewett


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Looking Forward to This Year by Linda O. Johnston

February 6, 2018 by in category Pets, Romance & Lots of Suspense by Linda O. Johnston, Writing tagged as , ,

Pets Romance & Lots of Suspense | Linda O. JohnstonNext weekend is the February OCC meeting–and after missing so many lately I’m delighted to say I’m planning to attend it.

Never mind that my husband will have to take our younger dog Cari to her obedience class that’s at the same time, though that’s currently my job.  He knows the drill–and Cari’s more inclined to train us than vice versa.

This will be my first visit to the new OCC meeting location.  I think it’s even farther from my home in the Hollywood Hills than the Brea Community Center was, but hopefully it won’t take much longer to get there.

I look forward to attending more OCC meetings this year, too.  It’s a busy year for me.  I’m having four books traditionally published–and the first one, SECOND CHANCE SOLDIER, will be a March release.  It’s the first in my new K-9 Ranch Rescue miniseries for Harlequin Romantic Suspense.  In case you can’t tell, it has dogs in it.  So do my other books coming out this year, and most of what I write these days.  More about the upcoming books in future posts…

Anyway, I’m looking forward to the meeting and to seeing friends in person.  Hope to see you there!

Linda O Johnston

Nothing Found


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Replay: Is There A Difference

February 5, 2018 by in category Pink Pad by Tracy Reed tagged as , , , ,

Happy Valentine’s Day.  And if you’re flying solo, Happy Galentine’s Day.

Let’s do a little replay.  I wrote this blog post back in 2015 and thought the subject was worth revisiting.  Enjoy the month.


Is There a Difference | Tracy Reed | A Slice of Orange




I want to talk about the preconceived notions people have about Christian, Inspirational or Faith based books.  When someone hears a story has one of the three aforementioned tones, they immediately shut down thinking the story is going to be sweeter than cotton candy dipped in chocolate and covered with gum drops.

There’s CIF [Christian, Inspirational, Faith] fiction that falls into that description and there’s nothing wrong with it.  It’s written extremely well and packs a message for the reader.  However, it’s the misconception that all CIF books are like that which provokes a closed mind to experiencing some really great stories.  [I swear I’m not preaching.]

When I decided to start writing, I’d dabbled a little in high school and college.  Even so far as to writing a couple of plays.  I found them later and felt they’d be a good base for a barbecue fire.  When I read them again, I realized, although they were poorly written, they had a few things in common.  The characters were all Christians but in real life situations.  Let me explain.  In a lot of CIF books, the story centers around the church with conflict between the pastor, the board, the choir director, pastor’s family and some evil person not affiliated with the church.  There’s nothing wrong with those books.  I’ve read a few and like them, however, they weren’t the kinds of stories I wanted to tell.

I have always loved God, fashion and cute guys.  I liked “The Devil Wears Prada,” “Bergdorf Blondes,” “Elements of Style” and “The Debutante Divorcee.”  These were characters I could relate to.   The books are filled with the most incredible fashion and very handsome men.   The only thing they didn’t have was a faith based theme.  It was reading these books that it occurred to me, why not write a book with similar content, but add a little CIF to it.

My first attempt at writing a book sounded very much like ChickLit.  I was fine with it until my beta readers ripped it to shreds.  After a lot of re-writes, I finally had a book I was pleased with. Problem was, it wasn’t considered acceptable.  Why not?  Response, Christians don’t act like that, Christians don’t care about designer clothes, Christians are happy being upper middle class at best, Christians don’t get challenged, tempted, have racy dreams or wicked thoughts, Christians only have sex for procreation and on special occasions.  And there is no way a Christian would get divorced, commit adultery, fornicate, swear, drink wine or dance.

Needless to say, I was stunned at the comments because I know a lot of Christians that have experienced and or faced a few of those things.   So I set out to write books for “my people.”

It ticks me off when I hear people say no one will read books about Christians [or people of other religious beliefs] in real life situations.  I want to read about “my people” dating, regretting, marrying, divorcing, falling in love, wearing designer clothes, traveling and being pursued by wealthy men.  I don’t want my heroine to be naive and deceived by an evil protagonist whose only objective is to steal her virginity or corrupt her.  What about the sexy, fun Christian girl who works hard and falls for her boss, or divorces her cheating husband or  who used to be a little slutty and is now in love with God struggling not to slip back into her old ways.  These are great stories and if they’re written well, you can take the CIF elements out and they’ll still be great stories.

My next book is a take on Sex And The City.  It’s five successful women all searching for love while wearing amazing clothes.  I hear you saying that’s not possible because that book was all about sex.  Not really, the core of that book was friendship.  Sex was just one of the supporting characters, much like the clothes, men and New York.

I think it’s a little more challenging to write a CIF book because you have to determine how far is too far.  Although I want my books to have a little heat, I’m very careful about crossing the line.   I want my kissing scenes to be as passionate as those found in traditional romance.  Although most of my characters are Christians, I don’t want their passion or desire to be watered down.  I have chosen to share my characters thoughts. If my heroine finds the protagonist hot, she’s going to say so.   And if he’s having a lustful thought, I want you to read it.  These little nuances make the characters feel real…just like in traditional romance.

So back to the original question, IS THERE A DIFFERENCE?  Not really, just different levels of intensity.

Tracy Reed

A California native, novelist Tracy Reed pushes the boundaries of her Christian foundation with her sometimes racy and often fiery tales.

After years of living in the Big Apple, this self proclaimed New Yorker draws from the city’s imagination, intrigue, and inspiration to cultivate characters and plot lines who breathe life to the words on every page.

Tracy’s passion for beautiful fashion and beautiful men direct her vivid creative power towards not only novels, but short stories, poetry, and podcasts. With something for every attention span.

Tracy Reed’s ability to capture an audience is unmatched. Her body of work has been described as a host of stimulating adventures and invigorating expression.








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