A Slice of Orange


It’s My Birthday . . . Again!

June 15, 2018 by in category The Write Life by Rebecca Forster, Writing tagged as , , , , , ,

My birthday is June 16. I only know it’s my birthday because my husband keeps reminding me of the date, asking me what I want, and telling me we should celebrate. He has to do this because, in my family, I am legendary for not remembering birthdays. I forget my sister’s birthday even though we were born on the same day but fourteen years apart. My birthday piggybacks Father’s Day, too. I remember Father’s Day because there are lots of TV commercials for steaks, tools and aftershave. Rebecca’s birthday? Not so much.

There is also the matter of age. After the shock of the first AARP envelope at forty, the assisted living brochures at fifty and the burial at sea pitches when I turned sixty, I started taking birthdays in stride. Seriously, there isn’t much that can surprise me anymore on the aging score.

Lest you think me a birthday Scrooge, let me share the one thing I love about birthdays. I love the memory of them. When I was a little girl my mom threw awesome birthday parties for my brothers and sisters and me. I was number two in a six-pack and birthdays were celebrated with the neighborhood kids, balloons and a big homemade cake. In the backyard, we played tag, hide-and-seek and pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey. There were prizes for the winners but everyone went home with a gift bag. Even at my own birthday party it was that little gift bag I treasured most.  I adored that there was always more than one thing: a couple pieces of candy, a silly toy that would break a day later, a paper crown. This bag was a treasure hunt, something unexpected, some thing that, in those lean days, mom would never buy just because. Those parties taught me that unexpected gifts can be the best things in the world.

So, in honor of my mother and the memories of those wonderful parties, I would like to give you a gift. Before Her Eyes is a thriller that will hopefully keep you up at night, but it’s also a very personal story, written when both my dad and my father-in-law were ill. It is a gift of my craft and a little bit of me thrown in to boot and it’s all wrapped up in the memory of a child’s party.

ClaimBefore Her Eyes here until July 1:






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Linda O. Johnston, Featured Author for June

June 14, 2018 by in category Featured Author of the Month tagged as , , , ,

Linda O Johnston | Featured Author | A Slice of Orange

Linda O. Johnston Featured Author for June


Linda O. Johnston started publishing fiction with a series of short stories for Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine. The first story, “Different Drummers” won the Robert L. Fish Memorial Award for best first mystery short story in 1988.

Her first novel published in 1995, A Glimpse of Forever was a time travel romance for Love Spell. Since then she has written over 40 novels . . . mysteries, paranormal romance, romantic suspense and more.

Pets and especially dogs frequently show up in Linda’s novels. She has written for Berkley Prime Crime, The Kendra Ballantyne Pet-Sitter Mysteries, which was a spin-off of the Pet Rescue Mysteries and for Midnight Ink The Superstition Mysteries.

She is currently writing three different series. Her most current releases are Pick and Chews, the fourth Barkery & Biscuits Mystery from Midnight Ink, Second Chance Soldier, in the K-9 Ranch Rescue series for Harlequin Romantic Suspense and Protector Wolf, a paranormal romance for Harlequin Nocturne.

In addition to blogging for A Slice of Orange on the 6th of every month, Linda blogs at Killer Hobbies, Killer Characters, the Midnight Ink authors blog, and Writerspace.

Linda enjoys hearing from readers. Visit her website at www.LindaOJohnston.com or friend her on Facebook.


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Part 2: Maximize Your Website SEO With Image File Names

June 12, 2018 by in category The Writing Journey by Denise Colby, Writing tagged as , ,

Main Header for Blog Post by Denise M. Colby on Maximizing SEO with Image File Name

Part 2: How to Maximize Your SEO with your Image File Names

In this post, I’m covering another element of metadata for your images, Image File Names, and how they too can increase your SEO.  In case you missed Part 1, I spoke specifically about Alt Text and how it increases the SEO on your website. It is the number one way to quickly add SEO.  Click What Is Alt Text? for that post. 

Please Note: There are several posts out there that touches on all the terms I’m talking about.  I’m focusing on giving guidance on what/how to use these features to increase your SEO.

Image File Names

Attachment Title:

Before you upload a photo into your website, rename it. One short keyword is best.  This keyword gets indexed by the search engines, thus adding to your SEO.

Note: Yes, there is a place to change the title in your media files.  However, I found it doesn’t change the file name attached to your media, it only helps in indexing it within your media folder.  It will not appear anywhere else. 

I’ve made this mistake myself when I’ve uploaded screen shots or graphics made from WordSwag from my phone with basic plain numbers that make them difficult to differentiate what they are without opening them.  Not to mention there are no references to my brand or post that would help someone find more information about the photo.

To give an example, I did a test on my own website. And even though WordPress allowed me to change my title after I uploaded it, I found the file name used when uploading is the one that carries forward with the image. 

My example:

Image of File Names by Denise Colby for Blog Post How to Maximize SEO with Image File NamesI took an image and made two files.  One I did not rename –  IMG_3829 copy.jpg when I uploaded it and one I renamed BEFORE I uploaded it – Psalm136.jpg.  

Even though I changed the Title to Psalm 136 after I uploaded the image, IMG_3829 copy.jpg is what is indexed/attached to the file. 

If you go to my post Why The M? and right click to save either file you will see what the file name will be when you download it. 


So why is your Image File Name important?


Think through what you want the image to do for you.


Why did I choose to name the above file Psalm136.jpg?

That’s the bible verse I have on the meme I created.  If someone is looking up that verse, ideally I would like my photo to appear in the search, Image File Name Search for Psalm 136 by Denise M. Colby, maximize SEO with Image File Namesand because I have my website on the bottom right, it’s just one more way for someone to find me. (My focus on this post is SEO on websites, social media is a completely different topic and one I hope to touch on in later posts.)

Keep in mind, and I’m not doing this one consistently well yet, one word file names work best.  I’ve also read to use all lowercase and only letters and numerical numbers. 

Also remember, once the file is uploaded, the file name is public, so nicknames and funny references only you would understand might not be what you want attached to the file out on the internet.


Use Both Image File Names and Alt Text to Increase Your SEO

I did a search on my author name, Denise M. Colby and this is what I found under images.Example of SEO Search for Denise M. Colby Blog Post on Attachment Title for Image File Names

The far right one was just in the post a month ago and because I uploaded set Image File Names and added Alt Text, it didn’t take long to get indexed and show in a Search Engine Results Page.

Another note: I’m noticing my earlier posts don’t show up as I do not have any alt text in the photos, so I will need to go back and update them at a later date. As I stated in the Part 1 post – you have to delete the photo and add back in the updated version with the Alt Text in it. Changing it in the media files alone will not work.

Let’s continue on with this example;

If I were to click on the image I see a description like this:

Using Image File Names to Maximize your SEO with your website Images example by Denise M. Colby

As you can see, the alt text I used appears below my name and the website this image is from.  Interestingly, If I were to right-click on this image here, the image name only says download.jpg. But if I were to click on it and go to the actual post, then download the file, here is what comes up:

Using Image File Names to Maximize your SEO on your website by Denise M. Colby

This is the file name that I had used when I uploaded the image.  If someone is downloading your book cover image, you would want it to have a file name that references your book. More importantly, you would want that image to appear in a search engines results page when someone types in your name or the name of your book. Create your Image File Name before you upload and put your author name and book name in the Alt Text and your image should appear when anyone searches under either one.

File Extensions

Since the file extension is part of your Image File Name, I wanted to cover the two common types – .png or .jpg.

Use .jpg with photographs.  It actually compacts the file size better than a .png and since photographs have an abundance of color in them, .jpg is the better choice.

Use .png when using designs, images with text in them, infographics or logos.  PNG files handle large areas of color better and the lines are crisper even when someone zooms in.  Just the file size can get large if you save a photo this way.

File Size

My website won’t allow file sizes larger than 2MB, but if yours does, keep in mind that the larger the file size, the longer it will take for your photos to load on someones computer or mobile phone and in our digital world, load time matters.

There is a thing called Site Speed and Page Speed (also called Load Time).  Google uses that information in their algorithm to rank pages.  Hence, why file size is important.

What to do next?

  • Any new content make sure to create purposeful Image File Names and Alt Text.
  • Update past photos in previous posts. 

I have read that one of the best things you can do is go back and update your current files to add SEO substance immediately to your website.  Search Engines look at ALL the pages, so pay attention to your existing content even before you create new content.

I hope that this information has been helpful.  Let me know if you would like more of these in the future.  I’m enjoying testing different theories and creating examples. You can’t see it, but I’m testing another theory out within this post as well. And, if you go to my Why The M? post on my website, I touch on another SEO feature I recently learned about.  






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Once upon a manuscript…by Jina Bacarr

June 11, 2018 by in category Jina’s Book Chat, Writing tagged as , , , , , ,


















You know the drill. You write a wonderful story, pour your heart into it, and send it off.

Then you wait.

You drink coffee, refuse to let anyone come between you and your phone so you can check your email 24/7, you obsess, eat chocolate, exercise to work off said chocolate so you can eat more, then give up eating altogether because your throat is so tight from the stress, you binge watch everything you can on TV so you can forget the horror of waiting and wish you’d fall into a hundred years’ sleep so the pain will go away.

A major run-on sentence. But that’s life in the “waiting to hear back from the publisher who requested the full” in the manuscript world.

Okay, so what do you do?

Write another book.

You’ve heard it before and I agree, but it’s also important to take some “me” time. After all, you’ve been taking care of your characters, who can be quite demanding, keep you up at nights, make you cry and drink coffee nonstop, so now it’s time to put your feet up and relax.

Then work on another book.

Writers are not machines.

We need nurturing, healthy food, exercise, fresh air, and social interaction. So as I sit here writing this and waiting to hear back on my manuscript, I’m going to do just that.

I’m going for a walk to the nearby coffee shack, have a mocha coffee and, God help me, a warm croissant oozing with raspberries and melting chocolate chips.

And just breathe.

And yes, I’m bringing my phone with me.

Just in case the editor calls…


PS – I’ll update my post when I hear anything on my m/s – an Italian billionaire prince story and his Cinderella. 

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Finding Violet

June 10, 2018 by in category Charmed Writer by Tari Lynn Jewett tagged as , , , , , , ,


The start of the library I dreamed of as a little girl, doll and all. 

As a little girl I dreamed of having my own library, a room filled from floor to ceiling with books just for me. And to go along with it, of course…unlimited time to read. I suppose that right now I have most of that. As my boys moved out I made one bedroom into a sewing room, and the other into a library filled with books.

Of course, as kids do, my youngest son moved back home last summer to go back to college. He’s sleeping in my library. Rather than pack up all of my books, he moved in another full bookshelf. Now, I worry that my son will be covered in an avalanche of books if we have an earthquake!

So, I have the books, and that doesn’t include what’s on my Kindle, and because my boys are all adults, and I’m no longer working, I have time. I can read all day long if I want. Or I can write.

I’m writing full time, well between loads of laundry, loads of dishes, and feeding my guys. Most of the reading I do is for friends, and while I enjoy working with friends, and it’s important for us to help each other out…I have good friends they reciprocate. There’s nothing like reading a book just to read, just to get lost in a really good story.

But I’m editing a historical novel and writing some novellas, romantic comedies right now, and I’m trying to focus, so there’s been little reading for the pure pleasure of it. I’ve learned so much in the last few years, and editing my historical novel has been exciting, educational and sometimes overwhelming. At one point my editor made notes that I needed to dig deeper to show Violet, my heroine’s growth, I needed to share more with my reader. I thought I knew what she meant, but I wasn’t sure. I poured through my manuscript. I could see places that could use more emotion, partially because Jenny had made notations by many them out, and partially because now that she’d pointed some out, I could see more. I sat at my desk digging into Violet’s soul. I could feel her hurt, her frustration and her fear, but I was having a hard time getting into the page. So, I walked away.

I loaded the washer, unloaded the dishwasher, found other chores that needed done. Eventually, I had to come back to my desk. I played a game of solitaire, then checked in on my friends on facebook. My friend, Author Nikki Prince (who is moving out of state, and I wish her the best, but will miss her terribly) had asked for suggestions for new books to read. Author Beth Yarnall and several others had recommended Sierra Simone’s book, Priest. Now this book may not be for everyone, it’s pretty steamy, and I’d consider it controversial. (Aunt Gloria if you’re reading this, this is not a book suggestion for you!)

So, I downloaded the book to my Kindle…I wasn’t getting much work done anyway.

From the very first words I was hooked. I devoured three hundred and forty-eight pages in one sitting. It had been a long time since I’d done that. I could feel Father Tyler’s compassion, his desire, his struggle with self-restraint, his suffering.

And when I finished the book, I felt renewed, and ready to write. I wanted my readers to feel as though they’d lived Violet’s life when they closed the book and I knew what I needed to do to get more from Violet. I went back to my manuscript, back to page one.

Now, I haven’t finished my edits, and I don’t know if Editor Jenny will be satisfied with what I’ve done, but I feel Violet’s frustration, her desire, her guilt and her fear. I feel Violet, and I hope that my readers will too.

The point of this is, that I’ve realized I need to read. I need to pick up a book just to hear a new voice, to live someone else’s life, to remember why I want to write.

So, make your suggestions now! What books have changed your writing? What books have left you wrung out, energized or in awe. What should be next on my reading list?



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