A Slice of Orange


My Year To Be Steadfast

December 12, 2018 by in category The Writing Journey by Denise Colby tagged as ,

by Denise M. Colby

My Year to Be Steadfast | Denise M. Colby | A Slice of Orange



My word for 2018.

I loved choosing this word.  It truly was a word that fit my year, my writing, my life. 

Sure. Dependable. Reliable. Constant. Unwavering. Steady.

All the things I needed in order to see things through this year. I needed to be sure of myself to pursue my writing goals. I needed to be dependable and reliable, so I would keep writing. Constant, unwavering support from writing friends made things fun and encouraging. Steady. Something to tell myself whenever I found myself wavering.

I had created three quick messages which I kept close by to remind me throughout the year:

  • steadfast in one’s faith
  • do not look behind
  • stay focused on what’s ahead

When I took the Seriously Creative online class with Laura Gate-Lupton recently, we created process goals to support our outcome goal. I found my process goals were the steps I need to help me be steadfast.

When I keep my focus on these smaller actions, I’m able to make progress without overwhelming myself. By going slow and steady, I see actual progress. Steadfast!

I’m really going to miss this word next year. 

But with a new year, comes a new word. I wonder what my word for 2019 will be?

Choose a word to represent your year by Denise M. Colby
Time to choose a word for next year!
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Instagram and Me: 5 tips to a happy post by Jina Bacarr

December 11, 2018 by in category Jina’s Book Chat tagged as , ,

To Instagram or not to Instagram . . . that is the question these days.

It doesn’t have to be fancy, but it can be fun. I post photos, but I love making Instagram videos with graphics I have . . . or when I’m someplace that’s fun to record. 

My IG tips:

1 — practice taking pictures, find an interesting angle, make the shot tight rather than too far away so you can capture a “moment.”

2 — type at least one or two hashtags before you Share.

Then once you’ve shared, you can go back and “Comment” with additional hashtags on your PC. It’s easier to type a bunch on your keyboard. Hashtags are super important. Check out other Instagrammers who post similar topics and see what tags they use.

3 — Share across all platforms. Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr or whichever you have for maximum exposure.

4 — Post photos from your PC — yes, it can be done. I use Chrome. I go to my Instagram account, then to the upper right corner three dots … and click on More Tools; next click on Developer Tools. You’ll see coding on the left side of the screen. Refresh the page and you’ll see the PLUS sign + at the bottom of the screen. Left click on that and you can upload a photo from your computer.

5 — if you love to shoot videos like I do, when you start to Record, count at least 2-3 seconds before you start speaking or you might lose the beginning of what you say. Try to keep background noise down. You have a maximum of 60 seconds to record. I try to find a “core” message in what I want to say before I record and I have a sign-off I’ve used for years.

So, that’s it! Time for some Instagram goodies, so here are some examples of what I’ve posted.

Follow me on my Instagram page and I’ll follow back: https://www.instagram.com/jinabacarr/

Questions? Please ask!


PS — I’m hoping Santa will give me a tip re: holding my phone. I’m looking into mini-tripods. Here’s an Update: Meet Kandie the Elf!

Here’s a graphic I made for Pastry Day:

View this post on Instagram

Paris and #pastryday

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I was at my favorite market at the bakery counter — I love this princess cake!

I couldn’t resist these Cinderella shoes when I was at the Spectrum. (I’m waiting to hear back on the m/s I talk about in the video).

Check out my Civil War time travel romance LOVE ME FOREVER 

Also, my holiday stories:

  A Naughty Christmas Carol — erotic romance 

A Soldier’s Italian Christmas — sweet WW2 romance 

Come Fly with Me — a New Year’s Eve sexy romance at 30,000 feet:

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Carols, Cookies & Books

December 10, 2018 by in category Charmed Writer by Tari Lynn Jewett tagged as ,

I’m currently in holiday mode, which means All Christmas, All the Time. Everything else has become an ‘in-between’. Bill paying is in-between decorating the house. Chores are in-between gift-wrapping and last minute sewing, and writing is in-between baking thumb prints, cut-out cookies, and cranberry orange bread.

And all the while I have either Christmas music or holiday movies playing in the background. So, if you’re sick of hearing Andy Williams singing, It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year, or Bing Crosby’s version of Silver Bells, you might not want to hang out here , and if you don’t know who Andy Williams and BingCrosby are, come over for cookies, hot cocoa and some classic holiday sounds.

Our boys are grown and on their own, so we’re no longer cuddling up with warm cookies and a stack of Christmas books and reading them together. No Christmas story from my favorite Bible Storybook. No The Giving Tree, by Shel Silverstein. No Christmas in The Big Woods by Laura Ingles Wilder. It made me a little sad that I wouldn’t be sharing all of those special stories with my children.

As I fingered a tattered copy of Dr. Seuss’s, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, I realized that just because I might not have a child on my lap (or three) that it didn’t mean that I couldn’t share these stories with other kids. So, I decided that this year when I donate toys to our local Sheriff’s Department, I’m also going to donate brand new copies of some of our favorite books. I hope that reading them will become a holiday tradition for someone else. Something that they can do together in-between all of the bill paying, chores and other things that have to be done.

What are your favorite holiday books, classic or new? Children’s books or adult? We all need something that brings back the wonder and the magic of this special season. So put on some Christmas music (here’s a link to Billboards Holiday 100 to get you started), put some cookies on a plate and curl up with a good holiday book. And don’t forget to tell us what you’re reading!

Oh, and the photo is Hunky Hubby in his holiday finery!

Happy Holidays everyone, see you next year!

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Hallmark Needs Sweet Stories

December 9, 2018 by in category It's Worth It by Kitty Bucholtz tagged as , , , ,

Did you know that Hallmark has opened a new company, Hallmark Publishing? The sweet romances and cozy mysteries that are literally the hallmark of the TV movies (sorry, I couldn’t resist) are now available as books!

In this interview with Stacey Donovan, Director of Hallmark Publishing and the acquisitions editor, Stacey tells us more about the company, how they got started, and what she is looking for in submissions. Take notes because there is another open submission period coming up in February 2019!

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Featuring Bethlehem Writers Group, LLC

December 7, 2018 by in category Featured Author of the Month tagged as , , , ,

For December We’re Featuring Bethlehem Writers Group, LLC

The Bethlehem Writers Group, LLC (BWG), founded in 2006, is a community of mutually supportive, fiction and nonfiction authors based in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. The members are as different from each other as their stories, spanning a range of genres including: children’s, fantasy, humor, inspiration, literary, memoir, mystery, paranormal, romance, science fiction, women’s fiction, and young adult.

BWG has published five anthologies. Each anthology has an overall theme—broadly interpreted—but includes a variety of genres, and all but the first anthology include stories from the winner(s) of The Bethlehem Writers Short Story Award.

Their latest anthology, Untethered, a collection of 27 paranormal tales, was released October 14th. 


About Untethered

Stoke the campfire and get ready for some chills and goosebumps when you open this paranormal addition to the award-winning Bethlehem Writers Group’s “Sweet, Funny, and Strange” anthologies. Among our twenty-seven stories, we bring you Jeff Baird’s “Bailey’s Mountain” which shows a romp with man’s best friend through Mother Nature morph into a visit to the supernatural. Dianna Sinovic’s “Point of View” describes a mysterious shifting painting and its sinister effects on its new owner. Jodi Bogert brings us “Old Man Omar,” and shows us that sometimes those we consider crazy might just know some things we don’t. In DT Krippene’s “Hell of a Deal,” a man buys a house for a price that’s too good to be true—until he discovers the bizarre strings attached. Kidd Wadsworth’s “The Beast” brings a ghost story to life—but can her characters escape with theirs?

In addition, we have new stories of the unexplained from favorite authors Courtney Annicchiarico, Walter Bego, A. E. Decker, Marianne H. Donley, Headley Hauser, Ralph Hieb, Jerome W. McFadden, Stanley W. McFarland, Emily P. W. Murphy, Christopher D. Ochs, Paul Weidknecht, and Carol L. Wright. Also included are the winning stories from the 2017 and 2018 Bethlehem Writers Roundtable Short Story Award by Suzanne Purvis and Christine Eskilson respectively.

So sit back to enjoy a drift through the paranormal—but don’t let the fire go out!

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Next up for BWG

BWG is currently working on their sixth anthology, Fur, Feathers, & Scales: Sweet, Funny, and Strange Animal Tales. 

In connection with this anthology, they are hosting The Bethlehem Writers 2019 Short Story Award. The 2019 Short Story Award will open on January 1, 2019 the theme will be Animal Stories,broadly interpreted. Stories of 2,000 words or fewer about WILD ANIMALSPETS, or IMAGINARY BEASTS will be welcome (so long as an animal is an important character or element of the story). The winner will receive $200 and may be offered publication in the above mentioned upcoming anthology. The 2019 guest judge will be John Grogan, best-selling author of Marley & Me.

In addition to anthologies and yearly writing contests, the group publishes a quarterly literary journal, The Bethlehem Writers Roundtable, and hosts twice monthly writing workshops and a critique groups for local members.  You can see the schedule of BWG meetings and events, including author signings  here.

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