A Slice of Orange


Janet Elizabeth Lynn and Will Zeilinger Featured Authors

January 21, 2021 by in category Apples & Oranges by Marianne H. Donley, Featured Author of the Month, Partners in Crime by Janet Elizabeth Lynn & Will Zeilinger tagged as , , , , ,

January Featured Authors

Janet Elizabeth Lynn was born in Queens and raised in Long Island, New York. She is the author of murder mysteries, cozy mysteries and with her husband Will Zeilinger, 1950s hard-boiled detective mysteries.

Will Zeilinger has lived and traveled the world and has been writing for over ten years. His novels range from mystery to romantic comedy and those 1950s hard-boiled detective mysteries with his wife Janet.

Partners in Crime

Together Janet and Will write the Skylar Drake Mystery Series. These hard-boiled tales are based in old Hollywood of 1955. They have a free E-book How it Began: The Skylar Drake Mysteries available from Smashwords.

Their world travels have sparked several ideas for murder and crime stories. In 2021, they will team up will a penname E.J. Williams for a new mystery series. The first novel in the International Crime Files, Stone Pub will be published in May.

Chatting With Authors

In addition to writing novels, Janet and Will have a YouTube Channel, Chatting with Authors featuring informal Zoom interviews with authors of various genres. Below is a sample of one of their chats, but we encourage readers to check out all their videos.

This creative couple lives in Southern California . . . and yes, they are still married, and they even blog together at The Married Authors.

Janet and Will’s Interview with Author Terry Sherpard

Terry Shepherd writes detective stories for elementary audiences and authored The Mystery Bug Collection, teaching youngsters how to protect themselves in the Covid19 era. He’s a thriller writer by trade. The second book in his Jessica Ramirez series is due out in early 2021.

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Writing The Dreaded Book Blurb by Jenny Jensen

January 19, 2021 by in category On writing . . . by Jenny Jensen tagged as , , , ,

From our Archives

The Dreaded Book Blurb | Jenny Jensen | A Slice of Orange

Cartoons by John Atkinson, www.wronghands1.com


Writing The Dreaded Book Blurb


Every author faces this last crucial challenge. You’ve already spent untold hours researching, writing and editing your book. Your title hits just the right poetic note. You’ve gone several tense rounds to find the perfect cover. All that remains is the book blurb, the opening salvo in the promotional war.  This is the first (and sometimes only) chance to grab a reader and compel them to buy the book. And so, like click bait, you need to lure your reader with an honest but irresistible snap shot.


It’s an Art


It’s an art, this writing of a synopsis that isn’t a synopsis, this sell copy that isn’t an ad. And for something that isn’t a science there are strict rules: you have to be honest – no misleading the reader. No spoilers or why bother to read it – which can be tough since the spoiler is often the most exciting part of the story.  Keep it at 200 words or less and don’t make it one run-on paragraph. Use the proper keywords for your genre. Reveal something about the antagonist – readers like to know if they can root for the hero. This isn’t the place to relate the entire plot but you have to provide the zeitgeist, the feel of the tale. No easy task.


A lot of the writers I work with find this daunting and ask for help, which I am happy to provide. I think it’s difficult for the writer to step far enough away from their work to pick out the enticing, salient points and present them with the tension and intrigue that make for a successful blurb. To the author, all story points are important. I get that, but as an avid reader I know what works for me in a blurb. It’s not how much is said, but how compellingly it’s said.


Bare Bones


I start with a deconstruction approach. It’s possible to distill any story down to bare bones. In his book Hit Lit – Cracking the Code of the Twentieth Century’s Biggest Bestsellers James W. Hall provided the most distilled example I’ve ever seen. This is a beloved tale that we all know intimately: “A young girl wakes in a surreal landscape and murders the first woman she sees. She teams with three strangers and does it again.”  It’s short, accurate and intriguing but would it sell the book?


I wouldn’t distill it down that far but it makes a great beginning. What if we knew something about the young girl – an orphan, a princess, a refugee? And what about the surreal landscape – gaping desert, oozing swamp, forbidding mountains? Then the three strangers – female, male, older, menacing, kindly?  Is all this murdering spurred by necessity, thrills, defense, the three strangers or is it unintended manslaughter? And finally, what is the young girl up to – revenge, enlightenment, finding a way out of the surreal landscape? Flesh out those points, add some genre keywords, reference any kudos and you could turn those original 24 spartan words into a 160 – 200 word blurb that would peak curiosity and entice the shopper to buy.


Primary Elements in a Provocative Way


If you can step away from the totality of your story and deconstruct the plot to the primary elements, then present those elements in a provocative way you can create an effective selling tool with your book blurb. BTW, that book Hall described? The Wizard of Oz.



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Tips and Tricks for Shining Online An Aged 2 Perfection Online Workshop

January 18, 2021 by in category Online Classes tagged as , , ,

Tips and Tricks for Shining Online

Presented by: Brenda Clotildes

Date: February 6 – 19, 2021 – includes 2 live sessions!

Pricing: A2P Member fee: $10

                Non-A2P Member fee: $20

Registration: Aged to Perfection Workshop

About the Workshop:

We’re all spending more time on screen these days. Whether it’s a Zoom meeting, Instagram interview or Facebook launch party, we all want to look our best. This workshop will provide a checklist of things to do—and NOT to do—to help you be prepared, no matter where you’re virtually appearing. No special equipment necessary!

About the Presenter:

Brenda Clotildes spent more than thirty years as a television writer/producer. She’s helped everyone from mechanics to politicians look natural yet professional on camera. As Brenda Margriet, she writes savvy, slow burn, contemporary romances with ordinarily amazing characters. Readers have called her stories “poignant,” “explicit and steamy,” “interesting, intriguing and entertaining,” and “unlike any romance you’ve read before” (she assumes the latter was meant in a good way).

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Help! I’ve Lost My Muse! An Aged 2 Perfection Online Class

January 18, 2021 by in category Online Classes tagged as ,

Help! I’ve Lost My Muse!

Presented by: Lois Winston

Date: February 1 – 28, 2021

Pricing: A2P Member fee: $15

               Non-A2P Member fee: $30

Registration: Aged 2 Perfection Workshops

About the Workshop:

What do you do when Maizy Muse takes off for parts unknown and leaves you staring at a blank computer screen? In this workshop, Lois Winston, a USA Today and Amazon bestselling and award-winning author and retired literary agent, will offer some unorthodox tips for recapturing that AWOL muse, banishing writer’s block and stimulating creativity. The workshop will employ everything from Madison Avenue advertising to Dear Abby, from Bruce Springsteen to standing in line at the supermarket checkout counter, and more. Attendees will be encouraged to participate in the various assignments (sometimes bizarre, always fun) that accompany each lesson. The workshop will end with the “Help, I’ve Lost My Muse Challenge” which, if completed, will result in the creation of captivating characters and a dynamic plot for your next manuscript.

About the Presenter:

USA Today and Amazon bestselling and award-winning author Lois Winston writes mystery, romance, romantic suspense, chick lit, women’s fiction, children’s chapter books, and nonfiction under her own name and her Emma Carlyle pen name. Kirkus Reviews dubbed her critically acclaimed Anastasia Pollack Crafting Mystery series, “North Jersey’s more mature answer to Stephanie Plum.” In addition, Lois is a former literary agent and an award-winning craft and needlework designer who often draws much of her source material for both her characters and plots from her experiences in the crafts industry.

Website: www.loiswinston.com

Newsletter sign-up: https://app.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/z1z1u5

Killer Crafts & Crafty Killers blog: www.anastasiapollack.blogspot.com

Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/anasleuth

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Anasleuth

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/722763.Lois_Winston

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/lois-winston

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Not Just Stretch Marks and Hot Flashes: Writing the Seasoned Romance

January 18, 2021 by in category Events, Online Classes tagged as , , , ,

Not Just Stretch Marks and Hot Flashes: Writing the Seasoned Romance

Presented by: Jeannie Moon

Date: January 23, 2021, Saturday, 9AM PT

Pricing: A2P Member fee: No Charge

                Non-A2P Member fee: $10

Registration: Aged to Perfection Workshops

About the Workshop:

Romance readers are growing older and so are the heroes and heroines in the genre they love. This workshop will take you through the ins and outs of writing a seasoned romance from the physical realities of age to the subtleties of the older mindset. See how publishers are starting to embrace romances with more mature characters.

Topics covered will include both craft and marketing, so authors can explore issues surrounding age, including:

  • The concept of love being ageless
  • How intimacy between older characters can be sexy and fun
  • The myth of eternal youth (and why we don’t need it)
  • Tropes that work well with seasoned romance
  • How to envision and pitch your book in a changing market
  • Fighting ageism in the industry

About the Presenter:

USA Today bestselling author Jeannie Moon has always been a romantic. When she’s not spinning tales of her own, Jeannie works as a school librarian, thankful she has a job that allows her to immerse herself in books and call it work. The author of sixteen contemporary romances for Tule Publishing and Penguin Random House, Jeannie is married to her high school sweetheart, has three grown kids, three lovable dogs and is a lifelong resident of Long Island. If she’s more than ten miles away from salt water for any longer than a week she gets twitchy.

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