A Slice of Orange


The Extra Squeeze Book Club

March 1, 2021 by in category The Extra Squeeze by The Extra Squeeze Team tagged as , , ,

The Extra Squeeze Book Club

The Extra Squeeze Team loves book. We love to read them. We love to talk about them. We love to find new books or revisit old friends.

So, we’re going to hold a book club on A Slice of Orange, and we want to hear from you.

What books would you like to read and discuss in the book club. Do you have a favorite book? A book that made you laugh? A book that made you cry? A book that made you think?


Send us the title and author of by using the handy dandy form below. Maybe the book you love will be featured in our book club.

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    The Extra Squeeze Team Book Club

    February 28, 2021 by in category The Extra Squeeze by The Extra Squeeze Team tagged as , , ,

    The Extra Squeeze Book Club

    The Extra Squeeze Team loves book. We love to read them. We love to talk about them. We love to find new books or revisit old friends.

    So, we’re going to hold a book club on A Slice of Orange, and we want to hear from you.

    What books would you like to read and discuss in the book club. Do you have a favorite book? A book that made you laugh? A book that made you cry? A book that made you think?


    Send us the title and author of by using the handy dandy form below. Maybe the book you love will be featured in our book club.

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      Epiphany by Neetu

      February 26, 2021 by in category Poet's Day by Neetu Malik tagged as , , , ,


      into this moment
      I fall

      weightless in a space
      no ground
      no walls

      to past or future

      it is
      only here
      I remain

      undefined, imperishable

      though my skin
      may decay
      and my bones

      © Neetu Malik

      Previously published in The Writers and Readers Magazine, UK.

      Some of Neetu’s Books

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      Enter the Bethlehem Writers Roundtable 2021 Short Story Award

      February 25, 2021 by in category Writing Contest tagged as , , ,

      The Bethlehem Writers Roundtable
      2021 Short Story Award
      Is Open for Submissions

      A bird on a tree branch

      Our theme: An Element of Mystery (broadly interpreted)

      We are seeking never-published short stories of 2,000 words or fewer for a chance to win:

      First Place:
      $250 and publication in our upcoming anthology: An Element of Mystery: Sweet, Funny, and Strange Tales of Intrigue or in Bethlehem Writers Roundtable.

      Second Place:
      $100 and publication in An Element of Mystery or in Bethlehem Writers Roundtable

      Third Place:
      $50 and publication in An Element of Mystery or in Bethlehem Writers Roundtable

      The 2021 Guest Judge is Charlaine Harris

      Charlaine Harris is a true daughter of the South. She was born in Mississippi and has lived in Tennessee, South Carolina, Arkansas, and Texas. After years of dabbling with poetry, plays, and essays, her career as a novelist began when her husband invited her to write full time. Her first book, Sweet and Deadly, appeared in 1981. When Charlaine’s career as a mystery writer began to falter, she decided to write a cross-genre book that would appeal to fans of mystery, science fiction, romance, and suspense. She could not have anticipated the huge surge of reader interest in the adventures of a barmaid in Louisiana, or the fact that Alan Ball would come knocking at her door. Since  then, Charlaine’s novels have been adapted for several other television series, with two in development now. Charlaine is a voracious reader. She has one husband, three children, two grandchildren, and two rescue dogs. She leads a busy life. www.charlaineharris.com is her website.

      For more information and to submit a story please visit Bethlehem Writers Roundtable Short Story Award.

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      A Deadly Inside Scoop Book Tour and Excerpt

      February 24, 2021 by in category Apples & Oranges by Marianne H. Donley, Rabt Book Tours tagged as , , , ,



      Cozy Mystery


      Date Published: May 12, 2020



      Recent MBA grad Bronwyn Crewse has just taken over her family’s ice cream shop in Chagrin Falls, Ohio, and she’s going back to basics. Win is renovating Crewse Creamery to restore its former glory, and filling the menu with delicious, homemade ice cream flavors—many from her grandmother’s original recipes. But unexpected construction delays mean she misses the summer season, and the shop has a literal cold opening: the day she opens her doors an early first snow descends on the village and keeps the customers away.


      To make matters worse, that evening, Win finds a body in the snow, and it turns out the dead man was a grifter with an old feud with the Crewse family. Soon, Win’s father is implicated in his death. It’s not easy to juggle a new-to-her business while solving a crime, but Win is determined to do it. With the help of her quirky best friends and her tight-knit family, she’ll catch the ice cold killer before she has a meltdown…



      About the Author



      Abby L. Vandiver, also writing as Abby Collette, is a hybrid author who has penned more than twenty-five books and short stories. She has hit both the Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestseller list. Her latest cozy series, An Ice Cream Parlor Mystery, published by Penguin Berkley, is out now, with the second book, A Game of Thrones, coming in March 2021.




      Contact Links







      Purchase Links


      a Rafflecopter giveaway

      RABT Book Tours & PR


      A Deadly Inside Scoop

      Abby L. Vandiver

      Flashing red and blue lights lit up the dark, dreary corner where North  Main and Bell streets met. Yellow crime scene tape draped around trees cordoned off the perimeter of the wooden overlook. Floodlights invaded the stillness that surround the falls and voices bombarded my eardrums. I was numb, but not from the cold.

      I had panicked once I realized I’d tripped over a body. Not a panic borne from fear, it was because I didn’t know how I could help. What to do. Blowing out a breath, I had to calm myself so I could figure it out.

      It was dark and I hadn’t been able to see clearly enough to make a decision. Had the person still been alive? Should I try to start some life saving measures?

      Not that I knew any . . .

      Should I go get help?

      The body hadn’t moved, even after me falling over it.

      Not a grunt. Not a moan. Not a whimper.

      Feeling with my hands in the dark, I found a face. I leaned in, my face close, to see if I could feel a breath.


      I laid my head on its chest to listen for a heartbeat.

      Still nothing.

      I should call for help.

      Crap. I’d left my cellphone in my knapsack, sitting on the prep table in the ice cream shop. All I had was my aluminum bowl and scoop, so I started banging them together.

      “Help!” I yelled out and hit the scoop on the side of the bowl. “Hey! I need help! Anybody! Somebody help me!”

      But all my noise making hadn’t gotten one response. I looked down at the silhouette of Dead Guy and back up to the street. No lights from passing cars. No footsteps crunching in the snow.

      I needed to get up the hill to get help.

      But the snow was thick and cumbersome, I trudged up at a slow crawl. My foot sinking into the snow with each step forward, my gloves wet and covered with the powder. It seemed to be deeper and heavier the more I tried to get up to the sidewalk. Bent over, hands clawing in the snow up the incline, I was out of breath with heavy legs by the time I made it to the top. Once my feet were planted on the sidewalk, I had to place my hands on my knees to catch my breath and slow my heart before I could go any further. 

      With what I knew lay at the bottom of the falls, it made the night more ominous. The streets more deserted. The lights more dim.

      I looked one way down Bell Street then the other. Not quite sure where I should go to get help. I just knew that I wanted to tell what I knew. Get someone else there with me. Then my eye caught sight of the woven scarf I’d seen on the kid who’d been down the hill with me. With Dead Guy.

      I started to grab the scarf but thought better of it. People always come back to where they’d lost their things to find them. The little boy might return. Maybe I’d report the lost item to the police.

      The police . . .

      I had to call the police. Or an ambulance.

      I scurried around the block, past the front of the ice cream shop to the side door and unlocked it. I hastily dumped the contents of my knapsack and had to catch Grandma Kay’s tin recipe box as it tumbled out before it dropped onto the floor. Hands slightly shaky, still breathing hard, I found my phone and pushed in the three numbers.

      “911. What’s your emergency?”

      I had to make a restroom pit stop to try to collect myself.

      I shook my head. There hadn’t been anything I could have done. He hadn’t moved. He hadn’t made a sound. He wasn’t breathing and I didn’t know how long it would be before someone came along to help.

      I ran warm water over my hands at the sink, dried them off and started to head back into the kitchen to get my knapsack, and ran right into Felice.

      “Hello there, Muffintop, I said and stooped down, running my fingers through her white coat. “How did you get down here?” She looked up at me, fluffed out the end of her tail, then eyes half-closed, she blinked slowly. I picked her up. “You want some kisses, Sweetie?” I said knowing it was me that needed comforting. She rubbed her cheek up against mine. “Thank you.”

      Holding her, I walked around to the back area where the stairs led to Rivkah’s apartment, and called up. No answer. “She must still be at the restaurant.” I looked at Felice. “Did you just come down for me? To make me feel better?”

      “Mrra,” she said.

       I met her forehead with mine, but only for a moment, she didn’t have to be gracious. She jumped out of arms and ran up the steps. I watched as she strutted up, I didn’t know how she’d gotten out. Rivkah never left the door unlocked.

      Tonight I was glad she had.

      I went over to the prep table and stuffed everything back into my bag, grabbed the bowl and scooper and headed back outside. By the time I got out there, a police cruiser was pulling up in front of the store. The officer got out of the car and walked over to me.

      “Are you the person who called 911?” he asked.

      “I am,” I said.

      “What’s going on?”

      I pointed toward the falls. “There’s a guy down there. I think he’s dead.”

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