When I was studying the art of kimono and Japanese dance, I remember asking my sensei, teacher, how long a geisha could work at her profession of song and dance.
‘For as long as she wishes,’ she said. ‘I know a geisha in her nineties.’
‘There’s no work discrimination because of her age?’
‘Because a geisha is ageless.’
Yes… ageless. I thought of that often when I was writing THE LOST GIRL IN PARIS. My heroine is a famed parfumier who is eighty when we open in New York City in 2003. It’s a world when cellphones weren’t the norm, texting was in its infancy, the Concorde made flights from New York to Paris… and memories of the Holocaust were still vivid in the minds of many survivors.
Like Madame de Cadieux.
A woman who survived both Auschwitz and Dachau, but never spoke about it until she meets a young reporter named Emma Keane who touches a nerve in her that now is the time to speak about those times. Her memories are as vivid to this eighty-year-old as if she were the seventeen-year-old girl who ran away to Paris to become a parfumier after losing her mother to the Nazi war machine.
I wrote THE LOST GIRL IN PARIS to pay tribute to the strong women who survived the Holocaust and willingly shared their stories with us. The horror of Nazi brutality, the loss of family, their dignity… but also about their strength just to ‘survive another day’. And the strong bonds with their sisters-in-arms they formed with fellow prisoners. How they learned to trust each other and stood up against the enemy to save each other.
Like the geisha, these women are ageless.
We must never forget.
Here is a short excerpt from THE LOST GIRL IN PARIS:
Love Forties Fiction?
A girl from a controversial upbringing becomes a famous perfumer during the war when she comes to Paris in 1940 to escape the Gestapo. Then how she uses perfume to do her part to win the war…
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THE LAST GOODNIGHT is Kade Logan’s story, the first book in my new Blood Ties series. The story, set on Kade’s Diamond Bar ranch in Colorado, revolves around the unsolved murder eight years ago of his estranged wife. Now Heather’s car has been hauled out of a nearby lake and Kade is determined to track down the man who killed her.
To handle the job, Kade hires Eleanor Bowman, a private investigator who works for Nighthawk Security in Denver. Unfortunately, their efforts to solve the murder lead them into far greater peril than either of them are prepared to handle.
Kade Logan, our hero, is a throwback to another place and time. He is a real-life cowboy who owns and runs a nineteen-thousand acre cattle ranch a three-hour drive northwest of Denver.
From the day he was born, Kade was meant to be a rancher. Raising cattle, spending most of his time out of doors, it’s everything he loves—unlike his two brothers, Gage and Edge, who want nothing to do with the ranching way of life.
At six-foot-two, with sun-streaked mink brown hair and a wide-shouldered, vee-shaped body, hard-muscled from his work on the ranch, Kade has no trouble attracting women.
Unfortunately, after years of his late wife’s infidelities, there is no way he is getting trapped by a beautiful woman again. Learning to trust is Kade’s biggest issue, not one easily resolved. That and the guilt and rage he feels for not bringing Heather’s killer to justice.
Enter our heroine, Eleanor Bowman. Ellie stands five feet-four-inches tall, with thick dark auburn hair and a spectacularly sexy figure.
Ellie, a private investigator, specializes in going undercover, being able to blend in with different types of people and their surroundings. She’s been hired for everything from catching a cheating husband to finding employees who have been stealing for years.
Though she prefers not to carry a weapon, Ellie owns a Glock 9, semi-automatic pistol and is a very good shot.
Raised on a small ranch in Wyoming, which the family lost when the bank foreclosed, Ellie hasn’t had it easy, but even after a failed marriage, she’s managed to do a good job of taking care of herself. With her background in ranching, Ellie is the perfect person to go undercover on Kade’s ranch.
Of course, being distrustful of women, Kade is completely against the idea. Especially when he feels an instant attraction to Ellie. Though he’d like to take her to bed, having her snooping around the ranch is a whole different matter. Forced to make a decision and determined to find Heather’s killer, Kade finally agrees to hire her.
It doesn’t take long for him to admit he is damned glad he did.
The tiny town of Coffee Springs not far from the ranch is a character in the novel. There is Rocky Mountain Supply, a big metal building that’s the only mercantile for miles around. Murray’s Grocery is just down from the Coffee Springs Bed and Breakfast, which is close to the post office. Across the street, you’ll find Fred’s Gunshop and Dentistry, and just down the block, the hub of town, the Coffee Springs Café.
The place wouldn’t be a Colorado cow town without the Elkhorn Bar and Grill and its Friday night dances, with music by the local country western band.
Some of the locals include the town gossip, Frances Tilman, the stout, gray-haired manager of the mercantile; handsome, dark-haired, blue-eyed Jonas Murray, the local ladies’ man; and Sheriff Glen Carver, an attractive blond man who, like the good-looking bartender at the Elkhorn, may or may not have been involved with Kade’s late wife. Speculation is that one of her lovers killed her.
It’s Ellie’s job to find out which one. The trouble is, to do it, she needs to leash her unwanted attraction to Kade and keep both of them safe as problems erupt on the ranch and the danger escalates from an investigation to matters of life and death.
I hope you’ll watch for THE LAST GOODNIGHT and that you enjoy it.
Till next time, all best wishes and happy reading, Kat.
Dianna is a contributing author in the last two anthologies from The Bethlehem Writers Group, Fur, Feathers, and Scales, Sweet, Funny and Strange Animal Tales and Untethered, Sweet, Funny & Strange Tales of the Paranormal. She has also contributed stories for the Bethlehem Writers Roundtable ezine, including “In the Delivery.”
Born and raised in the Midwest, Dianna has also lived in three other quadrants of the U.S. She writes short stories and poetry, and is working on a full-length novel about a young woman in search of her long-lost brother.
She is a member of Sisters in Crime, Horror Writers Association, The American Medical Writers Association, and The Bethlehem Writers Group, LLC.
Dianna also has a regular column here on A Slice of Orange, titled Quill and Moss, in which she frequently includes short fiction.
Below, you can also listen to Dianna read her short story, “Cold Front” from the GLVWG Writes Stuff anthology.
Can I catch up with the months I haven’t posted here? Probably not. But I missed it—and hope you missed me!
In any case, I’ve been busy. With writing? Sure! And I still write in multiple genres, although that’s changed a little. But romantic suspense and mystery? Oh, yes.
As always, I keep on plotting. I’ve had two new books out this year, both for Harlequin Romantic Suspense. In August came Her Undercover Refuge, the first HRS book in my new Shelter of Secrets series. And yes, it includes dogs.
The Shelter of Secrets series is a spin-off from my K-9 Ranch Rescue series, since both take place in the fictional town of Chance, California. And I just received copies of a new edition of what had been the second in the K-9 Ranch Rescue series, Trained to Protect. Why is there a new edition? Harlequin is republishing some books that have dogs on the cover!
Then came Uncovering Colton’s Family Secret, the tenth in the Coltons of Grave Gulch series, which was published this month. No dogs, but I really enjoy all the intrigue and romance the wide-reaching Colton family gets into.
What’s next? Well, in May 2022 my next mystery, Bear Witness, an Alaska Untamed Mystery, will be published by Crooked Lane . . . under a pseudonym. I’ll be Lark O. Jensen then. It does include a dog as well as Alaskan wildlife, including—what else?—bears!
Also in May comes my next Shelter of Secrets romantic suspense story, Guardian K-9 On Call. Yes, a K-9 is involved.
I’ve been reading a lot, too. And I want to mention here one of the books I most recently read and really enjoyed, the first in Diane Kelly’s new cozy mystery series that starts this month: Getaway with Murder, from the Mountain Lodge Mysteries. You won’t be surprised that I’d already loved Diane’s work, especially her Paw Enforcement series, because it involved . . . what else? Dogs! And this new series is also really enjoyable, revolving around a mountain lodge that has just been taken over by the protagonist who’s gotten it refurbished and turned into a delightful place for people to visit, including special groups like yoga retreats. But who thought murders would occur there? Well, readers of Diane’s work, maybe…! A really entertaining read. And it features a cat… and includes a dog.
Do you get the impression I’m obsessed with dogs? Could be… I’m particularly obsessed with Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and always love it when my Cavalier Cari hangs out with me when I’m writing, or lies on my lap when I’m watching TV. We recently lost her big sister, Mystie, and I’ve started looking for a Cavalier puppy, so Cari will have canine company again.
So—how about you? Do you like to read, or write, or both, in multiple genres?
Do you like dogs?
Do you like A Slice of Orange? Must be, since you’re here. I certainly enjoy it, and appreciate the ability to blog at you!
Happy November…Happy Thanksgiving.
The past two years have been challenging for everyone. I talked about this before, but I missed my writing goal for this year. But last month I was faced with the reality that I wasn’t going to meet my deadline and release date. Let me clarify. I could have put the book out, The Good Girl Part Four, but I would have been shooting myself in the foot because it would have been rushed.
Part of my release process is do a simple read through when my editor returns the manuscript to me. Then I wrestle with some of her edits. I step away a couple of days, then return to the story and review the edits. It’s usually during this process that more words are written and I do another mini edit. This process can take a couple of weeks. Then, if I can I’ll send out ARCs. To do this step right, I need to factor in another month at the least. Confession…I haven’t done ARCs on my last two books. Reason, I was rushed and didn’t want to disappoint my readers by missing the release date I promised. As it is, I’d already broken my promise not to end it with a cliffhanger. I forgot, I’m an Indie Author and I control my production schedule.
Now I was faced with breaking a few promises. Missing the release date. I have pushed the release date back several times and finally settling for a more realistic date of January 18, 2022. The other promise I broke which my readers don’t know yet is Part Four in The Good Girl Series ends on a cliffhanger.
It was never my intention to do that, but the book was getting way too big. When I split the book in half, the first half was at 62,000+. The book I sent to my editor was 74,000+ words. After tweaking and pre-editing, I had added an additional 12,000+ words. This lets me know that if I had kept the story as one book, it would have been HUGE. I felt that would have been too large for a romance.
The other reasons I pushed my release date back was personal. My mother had double eye surgery and she needed my help. Then I had an allergy attack which had me on a lot of meds. (If you’re on my mailing list then you read the email and know what happened.) My family and health come first. For these reasons, I had to do the hardest thing I have had to do this year, announce the pushed back release date of a book I promised would be out this year and that wouldn’t have a cliffhanger.
What made me feel better about sending that email was that I had received one from a best selling romance author explaining why she pushed her release date back. As writers we have to remember our health and family are the priorities. Self-care is one of the new buzz words, but it’s also a necessity if we want to continue doing what we love.
I really wrestled with sending out such a personal email, but I felt it was necessary to explain why I had pushed the release date back. When I sent the email I was prepared to refund any pre-orders for the book. Thank God, only one person cancelled their pre-order and I’m fine with that. I believe God will restore that one sale with many more. I was surprised to receive emails from readers sending their prayers and blessings to me and my family and fully understanding why I pushed the release date back.
So where does that leave my book now? My editor has it and the cancelled pre-order was restored. It was only on pre-order at Apple Books and D2D, but now it’s also at Amazon and Kobo. And as soon as I figure out Google Play I’ll load it there as well as Eden books. FYI, I just received my first Eden Books pay out. Adding more books to the site is on my To Do List.
I’m also going to be bold and put Part Five in the series up for pre-order as well. I’m doing a little experiment. I’ve never had a pre-order for more than a month at Amazon. I’ve read posts where writers said they really benefited financially and rank wise with a longer pre-order. We’ll see what happens.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and stay safe. See you next month.
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Guess what I did on my vacation…eloped with my boss.
More info →The hunt is on . . .
More info →Three friends, each survivors of a brutal childhood, grew up together in foster care. Now as women, they’re fighting for their lives again.
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