A Slice of Orange


Janet Elizabeth Lynn and Will Zeilinger Featured Authors

May 21, 2022 by in category Apples & Oranges by Marianne H. Donley, Featured Author of the Month, Partners in Crime by Janet Elizabeth Lynn & Will Zeilinger tagged as , , , , ,

Janet Elizabeth Lynn was born in Queens and raised in Long Island, New York. She is the author of murder mysteries, cozy mysteries and with her husband Will Zeilinger, 1950s hard-boiled detective mysteries.

Will Zeilinger has lived and traveled the world and has been writing for over ten years. His novels range from mystery to romantic comedy and those 1950s hard-boiled detective mysteries with his wife Janet.

Partners in Crime

Together Janet and Will write the Skylar Drake Mystery Series. These hard-boiled tales are based in old Hollywood in 1955. They have an E-book How it Began: The Skylar Drake Mysteries available from Smashwords.

Their world travels have sparked several ideas for murder and crime stories. In their next adventure, they will team up using the penname E.J. Williams for a new mystery series set in the 1960s. Their first novel in the International Crime Files, Stone Pub is in the works.

Chatting With Authors

In addition to writing novels, Janet and Will have a YouTube Channel, Chatting with Authors featuring informal Zoom interviews with authors of various genres. We encourage readers to check out all their videos.

This creative couple lives in Southern California . . . and yes, they are still married, and they even blog together at The Married Authors.

The Skylar Drake Mystery Series


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STONE PUB: An Exercise in Deception
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Facebook for Writers

May 20, 2022 by in category Ages 2 Perfection Online Class, Online Classes tagged as , , ,

Presented by: Terri Main

Date: June 6 – 17, 2022 (two week)

Pricing: A2P Member fee: $10

Non-A2P Member fee: $25

About the Workshop:

With more than two billion members, any author who ignores Facebook, does so at their own peril. In this course, you will learn how to create a presence on Facebook using your personal profile, your professional page, and Facebook groups. You will learn how to create content, build networks, sell products, and make the Facebook algorithm work for you and not against you.

About the Presenter:

Terri Main sold her first piece of writing when she was just 18 years old. Since then, she has written hundreds of magazine and newspaper articles, thousands of pieces of marketing materials, more than sixty books, seven novels, video documentaries, and radio drama.

In addition to being an accomplished writer, she is also an experienced online educator. She helped pioneer online learning in the late 1990s and early 2000s. She has taught thousands of students both oral and written communication skills. Many of whom, now have careers in the media and freelance writing.

As one student put it, “If you want to get published, you have to take a course from Terri Main.”

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Nenderthal Seeks Duchess, Now in Kindle Unlimited

May 19, 2022 by in category Apples & Oranges by Marianne H. Donley, Spotlight tagged as , , ,

“Full of all the swoons, a dash of mystery, and punches of humor, you are going to fall head over heels with Neanderthal Seeks Duchess.” – Catherine Cowles, author of Tattered Stars

Neanderthal Seeks Duchess, an all-new charming historical romance from debut author Laney Hatcher, is available now in Kindle Unlimited! Laney introduces readers to Smartypants Romance’s new and exciting Out of This World imprint with her Penny Reid universe re-imagining.

There are three things you need to know about Lady Jane Morrison:

  1. She frequently finds herself the talk of the ton and for all the wrong reasons.
  2. A dashingly mysterious gentleman has caught her attention and even more dangerous…she has caught his. 
  3. She’s rubbish at embroidery. 

After scandalous events during the London season, Lady Jane is attracting the wrong kind of attention. Her reputation is at risk as well as all her carefully laid plans for the future. And for better or worse, a chance encounter with a mysterious lord sets forth a series of events that will change their lives forever.  

‘Neanderthal Seeks Duchess’, a Penny Reid Universe Reimagining, is a full-length historical romance, can be read as a standalone, and is book #1 in the London Ladies Embroidery series, Smartypants Romance Out of this World, Penny Reid Book Universe. 

Read for FREE in Kindle Unlimited!

Amazon US: https://amzn.to/3h0HoOb

Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3ByTl7t

Amazon CA: https://amzn.to/3I0hWo6

Amazon AU: https://amzn.to/3H4csre

Amazon Print: https://amzn.to/3FhHTi9

Audiobook: Coming this summer! 

Goodreads: https://bit.ly/33Yj8cQ


“You desire the life of a spy then?” I could tell he was teasing, but it didn’t seem the mean sort of mocking I was so often accustomed to.

“Oh, of course. I am definitely spy material. I’m sure the War Office will come calling any day now,” I managed to tease back, indulging in a mirthful laugh. Were we having a flirtation? I wondered if I was doing it right.

I was suddenly struck with a bout of nerves. I didn’t know how to carry on a flirtation with a man. Being with John didn’t require flirting on my part. We simply conversed. I never made a concentrated effort to amuse John and be amused in return. Coy and coquettish were more in line with Cassandra and her interactions in a ballroom. She laughed loudly and often, usually flapping her eyelashes in a pleasing manner. Lords were simply drawn to her. Now that I considered it, it was likely just her outgoing personality. I was… not like that.

This bantering, the back-and-forth with Q in the garden, was multifaceted. I warred between self-consciousness and butterflies erupting behind my sternum.

His eyebrows remained amused and my pulse leaped once more. “Well, I hope the crown doesn’t steal you away just yet.” Warmth pooled low in my belly at Q’s admiring look. Those butterflies were approaching maximum velocity.

In a show of sheer survival instinct, I straightened on the bench. “I should probably get back to work.”

Q’s gaze was questioning. Perhaps signs of self-preservation weren’t evident in my expression, but I felt certain he could read some inner turmoil there. Q stood slowly and held out an arm. “I’ll escort you back to the library, if that’s all right?”

I nodded and felt grateful I hadn’t ruined our time together with my abrupt decision to depart. These feelings were so new and utterly overwhelming.

We made our way along the gravel path, through the kitchens, and up the service staircase in quiet contemplation before emerging in the long hallway of the third floor. His heat and nearness were addicting. The simple act of walking by his side was fraught with tension—the good kind. The best kind.

“Perhaps you could enjoy a picnic in the gardens another day. I could let Betty know in advance and she could pack a few items for you. So you wouldn’t feel like an imposition,” Q said as he slowed our progress outside the library doorway.

I appreciated his consideration for my concerns and for Mrs. Hooper’s time and energy. “If it’s not too much trouble, that sounds lovely. Thank you.” Genuine pleasure sufficed my demeanor, chasing away my previous doubts.

“And perhaps I could join you.” At these quietly uttered words, my head snapped up abruptly to meet Lord Dashing’s patented intense stare. “If that’s agreeable, that is,” he murmured, seemingly unsure of his welcome.

I smiled then. Full and wide. I often had difficulty interpreting the reactions of others, their hidden smiles and secretive expressions. Conversing with nobility was often an exercise in subterfuge and subtlety. Both elements I struggled with and didn’t see the need for. I preferred honesty and directness. Therefore, I wanted Q to read the authenticity in my smile when I replied, “I’d like that very much.”

Lord Dashing escorted me the remaining distance to the library before lifting my hand from his arm. I assumed he’d simply deposit me at my desk and be on his way, but he lingered. Twining our fingers together, Q raised my hand to his lips. Slowly and quite deliberately, he rotated my hand and placed a kiss on the inside of my wrist just beyond the fabric of my kid gloves. The heat from his mouth was deliciously obscene and I felt my breath stutter on an inhale. I should have been shocked by his behavior and scandalized by his forwardness. And yet… All I could muster was a sense of regret that I’d cut our afternoon short in a moment of weakness.

Eyes locked, Q pulled away from my skin. Lowering my hand to my side, he retreated a pace before turning slowly and exiting the room. I stood frozen in place, staring after his departed form. With my opposite hand covering my inner wrist, I could feel the heat from his scandalous touch and sought to trap it within.

What was happening?

I spent the afternoon mostly absorbed by the ledgers lining my desk, but couldn’t help but allow my attention to stray to the gardens a time or two, remembering the sun on my face, the man at my side, and the butterflies wreaking havoc on my carefully laid plans.

About Laney Hatcher

Laney Hatcher is a firm believer that there is a spreadsheet for every occasion and pie is always the answer. She is an author of stories that have a past, in a language of love that’s universal. Often too practical for her own good, Laney enjoys her life in the southern United States with her husband, children, and incredibly entitled cat.

Find Laney online

Facebook: https://bit.ly/3HkhbFE

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/laney.hatcher/

Website: https://laneyhatcher.com/

Goodreads: https://bit.ly/3EHkQeN

Pinterest: https://bit.ly/32G5BG8

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/author/laneyhatcher

Connect with Smartypants Romance

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Putting Conflict on the Page

May 18, 2022 by in category Ages 2 Perfection Online Class, Online Classes tagged as , ,

Presented by: Melinda Curtis

Date: June 1 – 30, 2022 (one month)

Pricing: A2P Member fee: $15

Non-A2P Member fee: $30 

About the Workshop:

Conflict is what keeps someone reading or watching your work from start to finish. But how do you set up conflict throughout your script or story pages without slowing the pace or being repetitive? Join this interactive class where you’ll explore internal and external conflict, and:

  • Sharpen your awareness of conflict in the work of others (if you see it, you can do it!);
  • Diagnose “flat” scenes;
  • Strengthen your understanding of the changing layers of conflict in the three act structure (conflict isn’t the same on page 1 as page 50); 
  • Which can be used to develop conceptual conflict journeys for your characters; 
  • Create a mini-draft of your story. 

About the Presenter:

Prior to writing romance, award-winning, USA Today Bestseller Melinda Curtis was a junior manager for a Fortune 500 company, which meant when she flew on the private jet she was relegated to the jump seat—otherwise known as the potty. After grabbing her pen (and a parachute) she made the jump to full-time writer. A hybrid author, Melinda has written for Harlequin, Grand Central Forever and Caezik Romance, mostly sweet romance and sweet romantic comedies. One of her Harlequin books – Dandelion Wishes – was made into a 2020 TV movie – Love in Harmony Valley. She recently came to grips with the fact that she’s an empty nester and a grandma, concepts easier to grasp than movies made from her books or jet-setting on a potty.

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A Review of Neanderthal Seeks Duchess by Laney Hatcher

May 16, 2022 by in category Apples & Oranges by Marianne H. Donley, Book Reviews tagged as , , , , ,

Neanderthal Seeks Duchess

Laney Hatcher


Released wide May 3, 2022, and to Kindle Unlimited May 5, 2022.

Goodreads: https://bit.ly/33Yj8cQ

Neanderthal Seeks Duchess A Review by Marianne H. Donley

Holly cow. What could be better than Neanderthal Seeks Human but set in Regency England?

Three things you need to know about me:

  1. I may have squealed with delight when I heard about this book.
  2. 2. I one clicked bought it way back in March.
  3. 3. I still signed up for a digital ARC so I could review it before its release. (Yes, I will have two copies of this book.)

If you enjoyed Penny Reid’s Knitting in the City series, you’re going to love reading Laney Hatcher’s Neanderthal Seeks Duchess.

Neanderthal Seeks Duchess absolutely lived up to my expectations. While the heroine and hero, Lady Jane and Q, are similar to Janie and Quinn, they are very much their own quirky characters.

Lady Jane is smart and a wizard with numbers, but not so great with people or social situations. She sometimes panics and gets herself into even more trouble—all the while trying to avoid gossip.

The enigmatic Q, also called Lord Dashing by Lady Jane’s friends, is direct but worried his identity will send Lady Jane running. Not an unreasonable fear. Associating with Lord Dashing will invite all manners of gossip.

So, what could be better than Neanderthal Seeks Human but set in Regency England?

Turns out—not much. This book was great fun, with a bit of a mystery, some nefarious characters, and a wonderful group of friends. I’m happily looking forward to the release of London Ladies Embroidery series, Book #2—Eliza’s story.

I received an ARC from the publisher for an honest review, but I bought the book, anyway.

About the book

“Full of all the swoons, a dash of mystery, and punches of humor, you are going to fall head over heels with Neanderthal Seeks Duchess.” – Catherine Cowles, author of Tattered Stars

Neanderthal Seeks Duchess, an all-new charming historical romance from debut author Laney Hatcher, is coming May 5th to Kindle Unlimited! Laney introduces readers to Smartypants Romance’s new and exciting Out of This World imprint.

There are three things you need to know about Lady Jane Morrison:

1. She frequently finds herself the talk of the ton and for all the wrong reasons.
2. A dashingly mysterious gentleman has caught her attention and even more dangerous…she has caught his. 
3. She’s rubbish at embroidery. 

After scandalous events during the London season, Lady Jane is attracting the wrong kind of attention. Her reputation is at risk as well as all her carefully laid plans for the future. And for better or worse, a chance encounter with a mysterious lord sets forth a series of events that will change their lives forever.  

‘Neanderthal Seeks Duchess’, a Penny Reid Universe Reimagining, is a full-length historical romance, can be read as a standalone, and is book #1 in the London Ladies Embroidery series, Smartypants Romance Out of this World, Penny Reid Book Universe. 

Grab your copy today!

Amazon US: https://amzn.to/3h0HoOb

Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3ByTl7t

Amazon CA: https://amzn.to/3I0hWo6

Amazon AU: https://amzn.to/3H4csre

Goodreads: https://bit.ly/33Yj8cQ

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