New Year . . . New Word by Denise M. Colby

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New Year . . . New Word | Denise M. Colby | A Slice of Orange

Happy New Year and Welcome 2018

I love choosing a new word to focus on each year.  It’s amazing how one word can communicate so much. My word fits exactly where I am both in my personal and professional life and I love to explore the word in depth, as well as find verses and quotes to encourage me throughout the year.

This year will be my fourth time selecting a word as a theme of focus.  Usually, I make a list, pray about it, mull it over and see which ones I’m drawn to continuously.  But this year?  It came up while I was reading the Story of With by Allen Arnold, and as much as I wanted to keep thinking of other words, it stuck to me like glue.  Lodged itself inside my heart and left no room for discussing any other option, no matter how hard I tried.

What is the word?



Isn’t that a great word?

Just to be sure, I looked up the definition and did a quick search for bible verses and sure enough it encompasses everything I feel going into 2018.

Sure. Dependable. Reliable. Constant. Unwavering. Steady. 

See, I don’t want to look back.  I want to focus on what’s ahead.  In both my writing and my faith in God. It may be slow going at times, but it will be steady.  What’s that phrase we’ve all heard before?

Slow and steady wins the race.

I’m not going to rush, hurry, stress myself out over the fact I’ve been working on my novel for over four years.  It isn’t ready yet and only continuous steady work is what will make it better.  I will do what I can and when it’s time, it will be time.  That’s the idea, anyway.  I have an entire year to keep reminding myself of this.

To help, I always select a few bible verses with my word in it.  Last year’s word, strength, had an amazing amount of verses to give me encouragement throughout the year.  Steadfast only has five in my NIV adaptation.  And two really stood out to me:

Psalm 57:7 – My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast.  I will sing and make music (and write words—my addition).

Psalm 112:7 – He will have no fear of bad news; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord.

Encouraging, aren’t they?

I’m super excited for exploring my word further.  Just now, I typed in the phrase slow and steady wins the race and a whole bunch of other quotes popped up.  I’ll have to go through them at a later time, but one grabbed my attention and I wanted to share:

Slow, steady progress is better than fast, daily excuses. 

I think I might print that one out for my entire family to see.

Oh, this year will be fun exploring #myword2018 #steadfast! You’ll see me post things to my social media related to my word, because I like to encourage others and it will help keep me on task.  To be steadfast in my writing. Continuously and sure.

For no matter what happens, I’m moving forward. Learning. Growing.

Have you ever considered choosing a word for 2018?  I would encourage you to think about it and try it out if you haven’t.  And if you have, I would love to hear in the comments what your word is for 2018.



Denise M. Colby

Denise Colby |The Writing Journey


Although new to the writing fiction world, Denise Colby has over 20+ years experience in marketing, creating different forms of content and copy for promotional materials. Taking the lessons learned from creating her own author brand Denise M. Colby, Denise enjoys sharing her combined knowledge with other authors.

If you are interested in a marketing evaluation and would like help in developing a strategy for your author brand you can find out more here

Author Bio
Author Bio
Passionate about all types of stories—whether they are from songs, theatre, movies, or novels—Denise M. Colby loves history and constantly finds herself contemplating how it was to live in the 1800’s. Combining her love of learning about history, and reading, Denise writes Historical Romance Sweetened with Faith, Hope, & Love. Her first novel, When Plans Go Awry, is the first novel in her Best-laid Plans series. A mother to three boys and soon to be daughter-in-love, Denise loves to read, watch movies with her family, sing 80’s and musical songs, tap dance, and spend date nights with her husband at Disneyland. Sign up for her newsletter or follow Denise on her social media. Newsletter: Website: Blog: Facebook: Instagram:
  • Featured Author: Denise M. Colby

    Denise M. Colby loves to write words that encourage, enrich, and engage whether it’s in her blog, social media, magazine articles, or devotions.

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    Happy New Year and Welcome 2018 I love choosing a new word to focus on each year.  It’s amazing how one word can communicate so much. My word fits exactly where I am both in my personal and professional life and I love to explore the word in depth, as well as find verses and […]
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Passionate about all types of stories—whether they are from songs, theatre, movies, or novels—Denise M. Colby loves history and constantly finds herself contemplating how it was to live in the 1800’s. Combining her love of learning about history, and reading, Denise writes Historical Romance Sweetened with Faith, Hope, & Love. Her first novel, When Plans Go Awry, is the first novel in her Best-laid Plans series. A mother to three boys and soon to be daughter-in-love, Denise loves to read, watch movies with her family, sing 80’s and musical songs, tap dance, and spend date nights with her husband at Disneyland. Sign up for her newsletter or follow Denise on her social media. Newsletter: Website: Blog: Facebook: Instagram:
  • Steadfast is a beautiful word. I can understand why you chose it. I keep reading about how our times are so turbulent- but God is just the same. Happy New Year

    • Veronica Jorge says:

      Hi Jena, Yes, God is the same and He is in control no matter how turbulent the times. All we have to do is make sure we’re in the boat together with Him who is able to calm the storms and the seas. May 2018 be wonderful for you!

    • Thank you Jena! Happy New Year to you too.

  • Veronica Jorge says:

    Beautiful and uplifting post, Denise. I will choose your word, steadfast, as my own too. That in 2018 I remain faithful and steadfast in my trust in God regardless of bad news, events, or circumstances.

    • Thanks Veronica! Yay on choosing the word Steadfast. I already had the word Steady show up on a tea bag quote. It showed up in the dictionary as an extension of the word Steadfast, so I’m counting it. Have a great 2018.

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