Well many moons ago, I was young, silly and in love with being in
love, don’tcha know!
Love of my life and I where planning a romantic trip away for
Valentine’s Day a few years ago.
He said he would take care of everything, booking and planning of
said trip, and I like the egjet I am, let him.
I told all my friends about it, raved about said love-of-my-life,
the ohhed and ahhed and said how lucky I was.
I brought sexy underwear and sexy pj’s, packed a few little toys
and the like and away we went.
He was very cagey about where we where going, but did let slip
that no passport was needed…………..bummer.
On the day itself was so excited and was up at the crack of dawn,
ready, eagerly awaiting my romantic trip………….I was so loved
up and worshipped my man and off we went.
We went to Brighton, okay not what I was expecting but what the
heck……………….. nice hotel, romantic dinner, walks on the beach, dancing and of course room service, what more does any girl need.
Imagine my surprise when we didn’t stop at the seafront, ahh I
thought the countryside, maybe a little cottage, hmm, very nice I
Finally we turned into a field,
( you can see where this is going can’t you?) There at the other end of the field was a clapped out old caravan, very small and dingy looking.
He was beaming and grinning like a loon, so very happy for himself!
When we got out of the car, I sank straight down into the mud and
ruined my second fave pair of shoes!
Still I gritted my teeth and said nothing, ( he thought i was
overcome with emotion , well I was but not like he was thinking, I
can tell you!).
He said that his friends’ dad had offer it to him for the weekend
and he thought it was too good an offer not to miss!).
It now began to rain and he couldn’t get the key to turn in the lock
of the door, really was going well so far!
When we finally got inside, I could have cried!
It was musty and stale smelling not to mention or to put too fine
a point on it………………filthy!
Now he was beginning to see for himself, this might not have been
such a good idea after all.
We had no food, no water, no heat and no electricity and no bloody
All this time I had been very quiet and now I could see he was
beginning to get worried!
I asked him what he had packed for the trip and he said “his
fishing gear, some beer and a change of clothes”,
then asked him “what was I going to be doing, while he drank and
fished the weekend away?” are you ready for this………..yes?
Well because he had been offered the caravan for free, his
friend’s dad thought that in return he could clean and tidy it up and get
it all nicely spic and span, so he thought I being the “little lady”
could do that while he relaxed!
So there I where in the middle of the field, in a mangy caravan,
with a lunatic.
He looked at me and said, “you don’t mind do you?”.
I knew there and then he had a death wish!
Well I said we will have to go back to town and get some cleaning
When we got back to town, he gave me some money we split up to go
to various shops, and were to meet back up an hour later.
I booked into a very nice hotel, had a lovely bubble-bath,
changed and went to dinner and left the next day to go home by
Where he is I don’t know, but if he knows what is good for him he will never darken my door again EVER!
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Desperate times call for drastic measures…
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thank you Catt,
i’m over the hurt now and can look back on this as “surreal”,
but i am so lucky i have the love of family and some great friends too!
ohhh, good one on your part! take his money and run!! good job. i know it probably hurt but atleast you didnt stick with the jerk!
o woe is me when it comes to men!
Sorry that the so called man was such a jerk! So glad that you were able to have a wonderful night, even though it was by yourself. I can guarnatee that you were better off that way!
What a great way to handle the awful situation, Emma! I’d either have laughed or screamed in his face – neither of which would have been half so poetic 🙂
Wonderful story!
thank you everyone,
Yes, i think i should have done some “real” damage myself, but i probably would have regretted it, and been annoyed with myself for going “down” to that level,
part of me really, really wished that i did though!.
So Yes i had a bad beginning of the day, but in the end i was glad i found out how un-romantic, the then love of my life was.
i love to e spontanious, and doing silly small romantic things, whereever and whenever the mood strikes………..
a happy ole chickie from ole London Town
This is some of your best work. In some places, not only would he not darken your door, he would never be heard from again, by anyone.
This is some of your best work. In some places, not only would he not darken your door, he would never be heard from again, by anyone.
Wow Emma – you showed a LOT more restraint than I would have. I’m afraid I’d have taken his car & left him laying in the mud “singing soprano”.
Emma. I love your writing because you can turn a terrible story into a smile
That is without a shadow of a doubt one of the funniest, and yet most horrendous, things I’ve ever read. I’m impressed with your sense of self control. To think this was for VALENTINE’S DAY…. Best Worst Valentine’s Day story I’ve ever read!
Oh Emma! How terrible! I think you made me laugh so hard just because you made out okay in the end. I think you were much nicer than I would have been. He’d have learned all about the value of a good mud bath!
Hands down that is the worst Valentine’s Day I’ve ever heard of.
That is too funny Emma! Great story!
I would have hired some good ole boys to use him for a paintball target while I soaked in the bubbles. LoL
I’m so glad you took the money and ran. I think you handled it very well… if it were me, he might have my foot wedged up his…
You know.
What a story…
I’m so glad you took the money and ran. I think you handled it very well… if it were me, he might have my foot wedged up his…
You know.
What a story…
umm.That..was a tragedy of skakespearian proportions!
Well written!
Yes. Glad you did the right thing!
You are such a sweetie, I’d have done something to the jerk. At the very least I’d have let the air out of his tires…So I’m glad you had a nice bubble bath and a stay in a hotel at his expense.
I’d say that qualifies as the worst Valentines Day ever, hands down! Good for you, for leaving the jerk!
WOW this has got to be the worst Valentine Days disaster. I love the idea of your using his money to get the luxury hotel, but it is too bad that you could not have done him some other kind of damage as well.
Best rid of the SOB…….what a thing to expect.
This tops any Valentines Day disaster story I’ve ever heard.
OMG! that is truly the most horrible thing to happen on a Valentine’s Day. I hope you never have to endure that again Emma.
Yeah, I would call this a winning worse Valentine story ever. Men like that should be shot.
Sorry to hear you had to suffer through that Valentine’s Day ordeal. I’m so proud of you for not killing him with your bare hands. Using his money for a hotel and then leaving was the best way to get back at him and make yourself feel better.
WOW!!! That has got to be the winner. That WAS the worst Valentine’s Day ever! I can’t believe that guy even tried to pull something like that!!!!
He should be dragged into the street and shot!!!
And then…oh…never mind. To graphic! LOL
That’s got to be a winning story!