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Australian Romance Readers ready to party like it’s 2009

October 11, 2008 by in category Archives tagged as

by Jina Bacarr

My favorite Podcasting rule: Expect the unexpected and make the most of it.

I was hanging out in the downstairs lobby of the San Francisco Marriott during last summer’s RWA conference when I started talking to a gal sitting next to me. When I found out she was Juleigh Start, the author liaison for ARRC (Australian Romance Readers Convention), I convinced her to do a podcast promo with me for her event.

Juleigh was fabulous! We shot this in one take, but I updated it when I put together the podcast. I added a voiceover letting the viewer know Registration for the convention was open. It’s important to put enough information in your video description as well as in the credits so the viewer can find your website, event, etc.

Want to know more about ARRC? Here’s the info from their website:

“Celebrate romance fiction at the inaugural Australian Romance Readers Convention.

Meet your favourite authors, discuss your preferred romance sub-genres, buy books, get them signed and party. The inaugural Australian Romance Readers Convention will be held at the beautiful Jasper Hotel in Melbourne, Australia from February 20 – 22, 2009. Australian Romance Readers Convention is a not-for-profit event and is being organised and run by a group of hard working, dedicated, romance-reading volunteers!”


Enjoy the video!

Jina Bacarr is the author of The Blonde Geisha , Naughty Paris, Tokyo Rendezvous, a Spice Brief, and Spies, Lies & Naked Thighs, featuring a female Indiana Jones.

Coming in April 2009: Cleopatra’s Perfume

“One whiff and every man was her slave.”

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It’s Worth It

October 9, 2008 by in category Archives tagged as


by Kitty Bucholtz

When my Internet browser opens, I have it set so that several web pages come up at once. Several – like the Slice of Orange here – are industry blogs that I’m keeping up with. I often find myself nodding and agreeing with the writer, or I’ll think of something about the topic I want to share. But I usually don’t have time to read and comment.

That made me think about my own blogs and how few comments there often are. I realized that a lot of times people are probably thinking what I’m thinking – I either don’t have time, or I don’t want to write “I liked that” or “I agree” because the comment seems so inane.

Keep that in mind when you’re writing. I’ve had dozens of magazine articles and devotionals published and – with the exception of my recent RWR article – I’ve only received one note from a reader. (Thank you, friends, for your outpouring of electronic high-fives on that RWR article!) People will like what we write and be nodding their heads, or shaking their heads, or thinking about it for a while, and we’ll never know. While sometimes my words may not affect a single person, a lot of times they will, if only one. We need to keep writing. Don’t stop. It’s worth it.

Kitty Bucholtz writes light urban fantasy novels with a romantic comedy spin. She is a co-founder of Routines For Writers, a new web site to help writers write more. Read her article ORANGE YOU GLAD YOU THOUGHT OF THAT? in September’s RWR magazine. Even though she loves talking about, writing about, and teaching about writing, she’s pretty sure she knows at least three people who aren’t writers.

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Young at heart – best books for teens

October 8, 2008 by in category Archives

One of the joys of having kids is introducing them to the delights of reading. All three of my offspring happily immerse themselves in a book for hours at a time (including after lights-out, using a flashlight!), and it warms my heart to see such devotion.

As they get older—my son is 13, and my daughters 12 and 10—I increasingly enjoy reading their books myself. Not because I have to, but because there’s so much quality fiction around for Young Adults. The question becomes one of what’s suitable for what age kids. I’m on the conservative side of that debate, so sometimes I hold on to books for my kids to read in a year or two’s time. Here are some that I’ve read or that are on my TBR pile.

Meg Cabot – I loved How to Be Popular, what a great read! I now have The Princess Diaries on my TBR pile (yes, I know I’m miles behind the rest of the world on this, but better late than never). I also read an excerpt of Ms. Cabot’s new book on her website a few months back, and that looked great.

Stephenie Meyer – I read Twilight, again long after the rest of the world, and thought it was an amazingly written book. Vampire stories aren’t my thing, and I feel it’s too old for my 12-y-o, but hats off to Ms. Meyer for such a compelling story.

Sarah Dessen – I read Lock & Key – a very nice read about a troubled girl who has a happy ending. I’ll probably wait until my 12-y-o turns 13 before I pass it on to her. I have The Truth about Forever on my TBR pile.

Tina Ferraro (sp?) – I gave my 12-y-o Top Ten Uses for an Unworn Prom Dress, and she loved it. I haven’t read it yet myself, but I plan to do so. I have another Ferraro book (blue cover, I don’t remember the title) stashed away for my daughter’s Christmas stocking.

Alyson Noel – I met Alyson as we both left a party at the San Francisco RWA conference. She seemed so nice that I went out and bought one of her books the next day, Kiss and Blog. My daughter really enjoyed it, but again, I haven’t read it yet.

Maureen Johnson – Girl at Sea. I bought this after it was highly recommended, but I haven’t read it yet.

Michael Morpurgo – what a great writer of fiction that appeals equally to boys and girls. You can’t go wrong with his books – try Kensuke’s Kingdom, War Horse, Adolphus Tips, Alone on a Wide Wide Sea, etc, etc.

Jeff Kinney – I recently bought Diary of Wimpy Kid (again, long after everyone else) and all the kids laughed their way through it (as did I). More middle grade than YA, but a lot of fun anyway.

Okay, those are my latest recommendations on the YA front. Anyone got any other ideas?

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Writer-Person Digs Deep

October 3, 2008 by in category Archives tagged as , ,

by Cait London

We all have life-lint, memories/incidents/visual scenes that attach to us while we travel through our lives. Bits of our lives remain quietly attached to the writer, waiting to be tapped and used in a unique story.

Question: Are there really unique stories?
Answer: While certain underlying elements can be common, each writer’s style and life experiences create a unique story. Repeat: We are each unique with our own stories.

IMHO, the best stories are built from scratch, from digging around within our collection of life experiences. To start from a pre-made story line (i.e. Secret Baby) is not digging deep, not exploring the who/what/why layers, though the final story may fall within that pre-made category. For instance, in developing my psychic triplet trilogy, (FOR HER EYES ONLY* is an Oct 2008 release) I basically understood how a mother relates to her daughters, and how those daughters relate to each other (well, not in the psychic sense J). Or as Kathleen Eagle says, “I’m selling them off in pieces.”

Sponge-like, the writer absorbs everything around him. My best story lines came while sitting in waiting rooms. Or traveling. The feel of the story locations came from actually visiting Montana, Lake Michigan, and Lexington, KY, the psychic triplets’ homes. Since I am basically artistic (a trait common to many writers), the handbags, sculptures, and jewelry designs were fun to fictionally create. I love Celtic jewelry and an ancient brooch is spotlighted in the psychic triplets’ story arc. Runes and Vikings have long intrigued me, as have psychic-seer elements. In short, much of Me is chocked within my novels.

Our own life experiences can be fictionalized. Just for fun, let’s bump them up, taking them to another dimension. Here’s mine (these can make a fun bio):
Landscape Designer (I’ve planted a few roses in my day.)
Interior Decorator (I’ve painted walls, shoved furniture around.)
CEO (I run my household.)
Technical Engineer (I can use a television remote.)
Chef (Pots and pans manager.)
Lighting Engineer (I change light bulbs.)
Director of Security (I lock the house doors.)
Director of Finances (I pay bills and budget.)

While that’s fun, it’s also a serious examination. When you actually make a list of what you do throughout the day, it’s quite long and filled with great story-fodder. Tap into yourself. Use You.

Cait London’s OCC writer series began last month. Visit for more on craft. FOR HER EYES ONLY, the conclusion of her psychic trilogy is an October 2008 release.
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Ignorance IS bliss

September 28, 2008 by in category Archives

By Laura Drake

Many writers I know began writing at an early age. They’ll tell you about a story they wrote about their dog in the third grade. I’m not one of them. I came into writing “butt first”(as I’ve found I do a lot of things in life.) I’ve always been an avid reader, but have only begun writing in the last few years. It’s given me a different perspective on the whole experience.

When I started writing my first novel (no short story practice for me, I jumped into the deep end – something else I’m known for) I’d never read a book on craft – plot, characterization, POV, or any of the millions of details you need to know. Funny though – because I’ve read so much, I knew a lot of this inherently, but didn’t know that I knew it. I was following rules that I wasn’t even aware of, because I know what works in a good story, and what doesn’t.

My method has been a negative in several ways:

Trust me – the “blind squirrel finds an acorn” is not the fastest way to write a novel. I started on page one with only a vague idea of where I was headed with the plot. Working my way through was like being in a pipe clogged with mud…I’d move forward a bit, then have to wait for everything to settle before I could move again.

And don’t even get me started on editing! Luckily I’m a good speller, but I could only edit with the rules I knew; I kept discovering new ones as I went along, and would have to start over – like fifteen times! Can you imagine, not knowing rules for POV? What “telling” is? Passive voice? Looking back, I laugh (as I’m sure I’ll laugh at my current writing in a few years.)

But this perspective has also been good in several ways:

I was too ignorant to be afraid.
I also didn’t know how long the road I’d started on was going to be.
Or how much editing lie ahead.
How many rejections
Since I didn’t know how to go about writing a novel, I had no expectations…of my writing or myself.

I guess ignorance can be bliss, because I have never felt so fulfilled or proud as when I typed the last word.

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