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October Online Class- “Muse Therapy” with D.D. Scott

September 26, 2009 by in category Archives

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Hi everyone! Check out the exciting online classes offered by the
Orange County Chapter of RWA!

“Muse Therapy” with D.D. Scott

October 12 to November 7, 2009

Enrollment Information at

COST: $20 for OCC members, $30 for non-members

If you have specific questions, email


Could you use a romance writer’s go-to-gal for muse disorders? If so, stop looking ’cause you found her. I’m D. D. Scott, an agented, romantic comedy writer and a muse therapist in the making.

Muse Therapy – D. D. Scott style – is all about injecting life into tired and/or stressed out muses. I’ll give writers fun and fabulous tools to analyze their muses’ funks, reign in their creative divas and up their page counts.

Discover what makes your muses tick. What ticks them off. And what makes them dance like nobody’s watching.

We’ll name your muses and host a very special meet-and-greet just for them, then dig deep into their psyches by examining “muse disorders” such as:

** Unleashing Your Inner Sybil
** Writing Bi-Polar: I Suck vs. I’m a Genius
** What Do You Mean I’m Neurotic? No, I’m Not. Well, Not Exactly. But Okay…There Are Times When. Like You Need To Know That. Anyway, I Was Thinking, My Jeep Is Red
** Rorschach For Writers: I See Dead Lines
** Stimulants: When Coffee, Chocolate, and Martinis Aren’t Enough

Once we recognize, acknowledge and accept your muses’ afflictions, we’ll find terrific tricks and “trips” to treat our word witches.

So if your muse is in need of a tune-up, grab a comfy couch or chair and put up your feet. You’re in the right session. We’ll be “in therapy” together for four weeks. I’ll provide fabulous hand-outs and super-cool tchotchkes for all participants. You’ll have a terrific time conquering your creative divas and taking back the crown of your personal Muse-ville kingdom.


D. D. Scott’s romantic comedies are all about sexy, sassy, smart, career-driven women and the men who complete them. They’re a bit chick lit with a gone-country twist. She’s agented, and her series BOOTSCOOTIN’ BLAHNIKS – think Sex and The City meets Urban Cowboy – is under consideration by several NY publishers.

She writes stories with big hearts and a bunch of sass. Once a small town newspaper crime reporter and now a HarperCollins Publishing Returns Center Executive Assistant, she’s learned great fiction comes from the street as well as which jacket covers meet early deaths.

She’s a member of Indiana RWA as well as RWA’s Chick Lit Writers of the World Chapter and ScriptScene RWA. She’s been featured in both Indiana RWA’s and ScriptScene’s chapter newsletters and been a guest blogger on Romance Writers on the Journey. She is linked to on Romancing the Blog and also has an active blog of her own on her website at

Currently, she’s driving her darling hubby nuts waiting to hear whether or not she’ll be providing Muse Therapy for the 2010 RT BookLovers’ Convention in Columbus OH and for RWR in an article-based Muse Therapy series.

For updates on her books, her sexy, sassy, smart neurotic writer’s life blog, and for a schedule of future muse therapy sessions, visit her website While there, sign-up for her mailing list for chances to win fabulous tchotchkes.

Enrollment Information at
COST: $20 for OCC members, $30 for non-members

Coming in November–

“Heightening Conflict Through the Fatal Flaw and Shadow” with Connie Flynn

This class will help you: – Identify your character’s surface traits, find the corresponding shadows, match those plausible fatal flaws, add natural traits that build tension, increase internal and external conflict, and use plot points to ignite character change.
. Check out our full 2009 list of workshops.

Want to be notified personally two weeks before each class? Be sure
you’re signed up for our Online Class Notices Yahoo Group! Sign up at
the bottom of or send a blank
email to

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Have you see Julie and Julia?

September 24, 2009 by in category Archives tagged as , ,

Turns out there’s a story behind the story (OK, when isn’t there?).

Apparently Streep had encountered Childs some years ago when seeking Childs’ endorsement and support to back one of Streep’s ‘we are being poisoned by food’ agendas, which Julia (who seems to feel that most anything in moderation is fine ) was utterly uninterested in.

Childs was also vehemently against the scare tactics and fear mongering utilized by purveyors of these agendas. That seems to have annoyed Streep, who made some accusations in a recent UK Telegraph article about Julia and the American Council for Science and Health.

So then the ACSH had to weigh in. You’ll find Dr. Whelan’s response to the Meryl Streep interview here.

Don’t you love getting a glimpse of the complexities of human relationships, the occasional myopia of personal agendas, and general (IMHO) lack of common sense? It does make me appreciate and strive for a measured assessment of information.

Despite her personal differences, Streep offered a lovely redition of Julia, a woman with a delightful joi de vivre. I really enjoyed the film, and if you have a chance next time you’re in Washington, D.C. go to the Smithsonian’s Museum of American History and visit Julia Childs’ kitchen.

Bon Appetit!

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September 13, 2009 by in category Archives tagged as ,

by Bobbie Cimo

While most of you got a visual of your heroes from books, I got mine, at an early age, through movies and TV. Perhaps that’s the reason I wanted to work for a studio in the first place. I wanted to meet my heroes in person or at least the actors who portrayed them, hoping I’d find a trace of the characters that they had played. Most of the time I wasn’t disappointed, if anything, it was just the opposite. There was always some special thing they would do or say to make our meeting memorable. Like the time I met Paul Newman and the only thing he had to say to me was, “Sorry, Ma’am, I don’t give out autographs.” Okay, that’s not the memorable thing I was hoping for–nor was I thrilled to be called “Ma’am”, when I was barely sixteen years old…but at least I got to look into those magnificent, electrifying blue eyes of his. Oh, y-e-a-h, they were something to behold.

There once was a mini series on television called “The Gangster Chronicles” which was based on real life gangsters of the thirties and forties. And just like they do with all shows, they embellished on both the storyline and characters. Playing the lead was actor Michael Nouri, who went on to play “Nick Hurley”, the hunky blue-collar boyfriend of Jennifer Beal in “Flashdance”.

In much the same way this year, as I was drawn to Johnny Depp’s characterization of “John Dillinger,”–back then, I was drawn to Michael Nouri’s depiction of “Lucky Luciano” in “The Gangster Chronicles”. Supposedly, Lucky didn’t believe in violence, disliked drug trafficking, was loyal to his friends and above all, respectful of women. Who couldn’t like a guy like this? Apparently I wasn’t alone in my feelings, because the network got tons of fan mail praising the likeability of Michael and his two co-stars ( Joe Penny and Brian Benben). Not exactly the reaction the studio was looking for, since they wanted to show the downside of crime and not the making of the next American idols.

After “Chronicles”, Michael went on to appear in numerous movies and TV shows. Eventually, he ended up landing himself another series called “Bay City Blues”. As luck would have it, the filming of the show was done at Studio Center, CBS’s sister studio, which was over the hill from where I worked at Television City.

When I walked on the set, I was hit with a double whammy. Not only had the shooting schedule been delayed by hours, but Michael’s call time had been pushed back until much later in the day. As much as I wanted to stay, it was impossible. I was needed back at my office. So reluctantly, I headed for the parking lot. The one pleasant thing about my visit was the warm welcome I got from all of the crew members. A few even asked me if I was going to the wrap party that night–okay, not even the best of crews are this friendly.

It wasn’t until I was stopped by the Stage Manager, did I realized why all the cheerful hellos. Looking over his schedule, he confessed to not knowing I’d had a call for that day. He became doubly embarrassed when he realized I wasn’t the person he thought I was. As it turns out, I bore a strong resemblance to the actress who occasionally played Michael Nouri’s ex-wife on the show. To this day I don’t know who the actress was, nor do I care to find out. I like to think she was some beautiful, thin and talented actress. And I’m sticking with that thought.

To say my visit was a disappointment would be putting it mildly. This was the final taping of the season and the ratings were low. Which could only add up to one thing. The show most likely would be canceled, which meant I’d never get another opportunity like this again. But just as I was about to cross the road for my car, a brand new shiny black Porsche passed in front of me. Sitting behind the wheel, wearing a pair of dark sunglasses and looking every bit the part of the proverbial hunk, was Michael Nouri.

As soon as he got out of his car, I greeted him with a handshake and introduced myself. I think what surprised him the most, wasn’t that he was being stopped by a fan, but that someone who was in the “business” was complimenting him on his work.

“I’m so flattered you came here to see me,” he said several times. But more than his words, it was the sincerity I saw on his face that made me believe he meant it. Alright, I was a little distracted by his big black olive eyes, and his full sensual lips…but I did believe him.

We talked about “The Gangster Chronicles”, his present show and then somehow he started to talk about his family and his grandfather. Being a fan, I whipped out my camera and asked if I could have a picture taken with him. Of course, wouldn’t you know it, there was no one around to be found. I can be at home in my pajamas and run five feet to the trash bin and twelve neighbors and their friends will come out of nowhere and spot me. But now when I was looking for someone to snap our picture, there was nobody.

At the end, I took a picture of him standing alone, next to his Porsche. As I was about to leave, I mumbled something about this being the best birthday treat I could have given myself. He asked when my birthday was and I told him that it was in a few days. And then he asked if he could give me a birthday kiss. Like I was going to say no? He pulled me near and gave me a full kiss on the lips. It’s hard to remember what I said after that…I vaguely remember trying to be coy and saying something like, “Oh, that was nice.” (Probably a line I remembered from some old movie).

After getting inside my car which was only steps away from his, I started the engine. He waited for me to drive away, and as I passed him, we waved good-bye to each other.

Outwardly I seemed to be cool and in control…inwardly I was falling apart. My heart was pounding and my legs were wobbly. Once I was out of sight , I parked my car in an isolated area on the studio lot. With no one around to see me, I punched the steering wheel with my fists, as I let out a loud girlie shrill. Which confirms what I have feared all along…deep down inside of me I’m a little bit of a groupie. Da ya think?

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September 11, 2009 by in category Archives tagged as

by Jina Bacarr

9/11. It’s a number that resonates with anyone who reads this blog, picks up a newspaper or checks out a news website. A day no one will ever forget where they were when they heard the news.

In one morning our world changed forever.

What can I say about 9/11 that hasn’t already been said?

I shall leave that to the pundits and reporters on this eighth anniversary and instead ask you a question: how has your writing changed since 9/11?

I don’t mean what you write, but how you submit what you write.

Before 9/11, few agents, editors and publishing houses accepted queries, proposals and manuscripts by email. Many still don’t, but back in 2001 it was a novelty to send material as an email attachment. The Anthrax scare contributed to that change since snail mail could be dangerous to your health. Since then, we’ve all discovered that email has its own dangers (is your anti-virus software up to date?).

It seems like it all started with 9/11. Something changed in us that day. We weren’t as safe as we thought we were in our own backyard. We never expected that. If you traveled abroad, you understood the risks.

But 9/11 happened here, on American soil.

An urgency was born in us that day to know instantly what was going on as the horrific scene of the Twin Towers coming down unfolded before our eyes. I believe that same urgency has carried over to our daily lives, and that includes our writing.

We want to know without delay if our editor or agent loves our latest work, what our Amazon numbers are by the hour (admit it, you check more than you should), how many hits we have on our blog that day. E-books and Kindle have made it easier for us to transport reading material with us everywhere we go.

The submitting process may have changed since 9/11, but writing your manuscript hasn’t. You still put your butt in the chair with a cup of your favorite java nearby and write from the heart.

I believe that will never change.

Jina Bacarr is also the author of The Blonde Geisha , Naughty Paris, Tokyo Rendezvous, a Spice Brief, and Spies, Lies & Naked Thighs, and Cleopatra’s Perfume.

Coming in February 2010: The Blonde Samurai
“She embraced the way of the samurai. Two swords. Two loves.”

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A Lapful of Booklovers

September 10, 2009 by in category Archives tagged as

by Nancy Farrier

Some of my favorite memories are sitting in the rocking chair with two or three children piled on my lap as we read from a favorite story book. My kids loved looking at the pictures as they heard about llamas looking for their mamas, or what to do if a mouse wants something. We would laugh, or exclaim with wonder as we shared this experience.

All of my daughters grew up with a love of books. They often sleep with books beside their beds or in bed with them. They enjoy the experience of visiting new lands, learning about an historical event, or seeing something through someone else’s eyes. We often delight in the same stories, and can talk for hours about characters and plots.

When I read this week about a school in Massachusetts that decided to expunge their library of all hardcopy books, I couldn’t help but feel sad and angry. They replaced the books with online versions and computer access, along with many amenities that might appeal to a younger generation. Their excuse had to do with offering their students the opportunity to search through many more books than traditional shelves would hold.

While e-books have their place, and I’m not opposed to them, I myself have trouble reading on the computer. I like to curl up in a comfy chair, or relax on the floor as I read. That’s harder to do when your book is an e-book. I like having a book to hold in my hand. My daughters and I enjoy going to the library and perusing the shelves so we can find a new series, or a new author that we want to read, something that is more difficult to do online. I can’t imagine those early years with my children if we only had an e-reader. How would we have snuggled up? I just can’t picture that.

Nancy’s new book PAINTED DESERT was released September 1st. You can find out more about both Nancy and her books at
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