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Don’t forget to SHOW

March 12, 2011 by in category Archives

OCC/RWA Meeting Reminder: We’ll be getting schooled in the art of “Show Don’t Tell” and “Humor Techniques that Work” with Anne Frazier Walradt. Special guest editor and writer Sascha Illyvich will discuss WRITE Sex.

Saturday, March 12. Doors open at 9 a.m.

Visit if you need directions.

Hope to see you there!

Louisa Bacio

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Job Interview Questions for Your Romance Novel Heroine

March 11, 2011 by in category Archives tagged as , , , , , , , , ,

by Evelyn Q. Darling

Romance Reporter At Large

Is your romance novel heroine qualified for the job?

Did you interview her before you started writing? I don’t mean where she went to school, what her favorite color is, etc. but whether or not she’s qualified for the job as a romance novel heroine.

For example, does she have the skills needed to perform her job: Can she shoot a Glock if you’re writing an FBI agent? Lace up a corset if she’s interviewing for the job as a Victorian lady’s maid?

Or she may be overqualified for the job. For example, she can type faster than you or she has aspirations to leave the romance novel field and get a literary gig.

How long has she been out of work?

Romance novel jobs are hard to get and if it’s been decades since she slipped between the pages of a novel, you might want to reconsider. On the other hand, experience between the sheets is important for every romance heroine.

A typical interview could go like this:

Miss Jones, I’m writing a novel that takes place during the Regency Period. Are you a fan of Jane Austen?

Miss Jones: Jane who? I’m so into Lady Gaga. Love her sunglasses.


Miss Smith, my next novel is about an FBI agent who’s very physically active to catch the bad guys. Can you drop and do twenty?

Miss Smith: the only thing I dropped was twenty pounds to get this interview.

Let’s try again.

Miss von Rittenhaus, I need a romance novel heroine who sleeps all day and bites all night. Can you list your qualifications to be the vamp queen in my new urban fantasy novel?

Miss von Rittenhaus: Honey, I can snooze and cruise with the best of them. I’ve hit every vamp bar from here to Tampa and let me tell you, no one gets her fangs on better than Lulu.

When can you start?

Miss von Rittenhaus: Tonight. As soon as the sun goes down. (Pause). You haven’t mentioned a benefits package.

What do you mean?

Miss von Rittenhaus: Do I get overtime pay for all this night work? And how about a 401K? I’m not getting any younger and in this economy a girl, I mean vamp, has to look out for herself. What about my e-rights? And health benefits? What if I chip a fang and I have to see a dentist between chapters?

Jeez…Romance heroines…you can’t write with them and you can’t write without them.

This is Evelyn Q. Darling. Till next time when we’ll interview the romance novel hero and see if he’s up for the job.

The Blonde Samurai: “She embraced the way of the warrior. Two swords. Two loves.”

Jina Bacarr is also the author of The Blonde Geisha ,Cleopatra’s Perfume, Naughty Paris, Tokyo Rendezvous, a Spice Brief, and Spies, Lies & Naked Thighs

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Favorite Author Crush Moments by Kitty Bucholtz

March 9, 2011 by in category Archives tagged as

At Routines for Writers, February is always Author Crush Month. It’s our Valentine to writers. Last year Shonna and Stephanie and I talked about how much we learned from all of our Author Crush guests, but I never really wrote down the things that struck me. I just thought about them for a while…until something else used up that space in my brain. (My trip to beautiful Wellington, New Zealand, last week took up all the space for a few days! See my picture at left.) This year we decided we’d really think about it and write it up to share with you. Here is what I learned during Author Crush month this year.

Andrea Nasfell, February 2 – There is no time for indecision. I like that. I think I’m going to spend a little more time brainstorming before I begin writing and then be confident with the decisions I made and keep writing. I’ve spent far too much time the last few years second-guessing myself and my writing. (Being in school again has also emphasized this point for me.)

Janice Hardy, February 4 – Spend time make your first line great! I love first lines myself, and I love working and working on mine until I just love my final choice. It’s a good way to spend your driving time or waiting time.

Larry Brooks, February 7 – His #1 tip is Every Scene Should Have a Succinct Mission. That’s another way to say something I’ve read before, but the way Larry explains it made my entire book rush through my head as I considered whether I’d accomplished this. I know what I want to go change tomorrow! (Remember, Larry will be our guest for the next four Tuesdays in March!)

Janice Cantore, February 9 – What an encouraging story that books you’ve written and had rejected still may get picked up!

Erin Bow, February 11 – No one had me laughing out loud as much as I did when I read Erin’s office is in a pole-dancing studio! That is awesome! Just the thought of it makes my imagination take flight.

Justine Toh, February 16 – For someone who writes as funny as Justine, it cracks me up that she spends so much time avoiding writing. But it also makes me feel better about my own procrastination issues. 🙂

Brad Zockoll, February 18 – I loved his “what if” examples! And I totally get that feeling – When I write, I feel God’s pleasure. It’s a good reminder to get me sitting down writing every day – just remember how good it can feel once you get into it each day.

Mitchell Bonds, February 21 – Take control of your work space. Yes, I need to do that. I share an office with my husband right now, but this weekend I told him that our next home needs to have a space that is only for my writing. Meanwhile, I need to work harder at keeping my desk clear. I don’t know why but it makes me feel more free in my writing. A cluttered surface makes my thoughts feel cluttered. Weird? True.

Kathleen Wright, February 22 – I love the G-shells as expressions of what God’s grace can do in our lives. What a fun example! And what an encouraging story about giving up and finding out God and your writing haven’t given up on you.

Shanna Swendson, February 24 – We’re always reminded to protect our writing time, but Shanna hit my nail on the head when she said we also need to protect it from ourselves! This week I’ve been closer to protecting my writing time (inasmuch as I actually tried). Starting tomorrow, I’m going to succeed in protecting my writing time from ME.

Jackina Stark, February 25 – When Jackina said she didn’t really have a writing routine, but she managed to write 4-5 hours a day when she worked full-time, I was shocked. What else can I let go of and stop spending my time on so that I can free up more time for writing? Or to make it work for me – how can I look at my writing as more appealing than the other things I spend my time on (like watching what I consider to be awesome TV, or trying to respond to every single email I get, or reading all the interesting articles and blogs that don’t actually help me get words down on paper)?

Kathy Tyers, February 28 – I’ve become a fan of written goals, but I love Kathy’s attitude that they can be written in pencil. Awesome. I’m a big fan of flexibility in all areas of life. I think it lends a more relaxed tone to life. And I like relaxed better than stressed out. 🙂

There’s my take on what I learned this month. It’s a lot to think about…until Author Crush Month next year.

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“Mauled Men, Drowned Dames and Crispy Critters: a Body Disposal Primer for Writers” with Jeanne P. Adams

February 26, 2011 by in category Archives tagged as
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Hi everyone! Check out the exciting online classes offered by the
Orange County Chapter of RWA!

“Mauled Men, Drowned Dames and Crispy Critters: a Body Disposal Primer for Writers”
with Jeanne P. Adams
March 14 – April 9, 2011

You’ve axed, shot or otherwise knocked off a key character in your latest book, now what? You have to do SOMETHING with the body! Even if the forensics, murder, and/or death aren’t central to the story, there is that annoying dead guy to dispose of. So, decisions, decisions. Is an autopsy necessary? A funeral and burial? Lots of plot possibilities, but the details!
Find out everything you ever wanted to know about the pernicious particulars of body disposal and how to use minutiae of death to throw your characters together or drive them apart. Learn about embalming, vaults, cremation, reconstructive cosmetics, coroner’s reports, death certificates and more at this get-the-basics research track online class.

Jeanne P. Adams knows a thing or two about getting rid of a body, in reality as well as in books…her third book, Deadly Little Secrets (Zebra, Sept. 2010) is already being hailed as “One of the best Suspense Books of the Year!” by Romantic Times. It’s also a TOP PICK and garnered 4.5 stars, as did her second book Dark and Deadly. Her award winning debut, Dark and Dangerous, was also an RT TOP PICK.

In addition, Jeanne is a multi-published non-fiction writer and consultant with credits in magazines such as Forbes and Nature. She worked in the funeral business, both for a cemetery and several funeral homes, for twelve years. In her reading, she’s winced over a variety of mistakes dealing with the story’s dead guy (or gal) which led to this class!
COST: $20 for OCC members, $30 for non-members

“10 Commandments of Grammar for Fiction Writers”
with the Grammar Divas – Annie Oortman & Darlene Buchholz
April 11 – May 7, 2011

Love grammar? Hate grammar? Love to hate grammar?

Contrary to popular belief, grammar is not a sinister conspiracy plot designed by evil English teachers (the Grammar Gods) to ruin every writer in the free world’s fun by screwing with personal style. (Seriously, it’s not.)

From subject-verb agreement to passive voice, faulty construction to misplaced modifiers, word choice and usage to quotation marks and commas, the Grammar Divas (an English teacher and a professional copywriter) sort through the all the rules and share in a fun yet informative way the ten most important grammar issues every fiction writer should understand and practice.

COST: $20 for OCC members, $30 for non-members Check out our full list of workshops.
Want to be notified personally two weeks before each class? Be sure you’re signed up for our Online Class Notices Yahoo Group!

Sign up at the bottom of
or send a blank email to

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Calls for Submissions

February 26, 2011 by in category Archives

Looking for some inspiration? The coming months offer a wealth of anthologies and publishing houses seeking submissions on a variety of themes. Writers can not only gain publication credits, but also benefit from working with stellar writer-editors such as Francesca Lia Block, who is accepting submissions for an anthology titled Love Magick, and Lucy Felthouse, who is rocking a mythology anthology.
Get those creative minds thinking, and those fingers typing!
Mythology Anthology: Erotic writer/editor Lucy Felthouse has put out a call for submissions for a new anthology she’s compiling. Here’s are some details: “I’m looking for stories involving mythology. I want myths and legends from all over the world, and from different periods of time. You can set the stories in the past or the present. That’s pretty much it! Just send me erotic stories from the depths of your imagination.” Felthouse is looking for 25 stories, and the deadline is April 30. For more information, visit:
LOVE MAGICK: Liz Dubelman ( and author Francesca Lia Block are looking for fiction and poetry submissions that deal with the magical aspects of love and the love-aspects of magic. Magical-realism, surrealism, dream-realism, fantasy, urban fantasy, contemporary fairy tale, fairy tale and even erotica, sci-fi and horror. “We are looking for powerful, romantic, sexy, magical, strange, original perhaps somewhat unsettling pieces that come from the heart and stir the imagination.” Stories are due by May 14, with a publication date of Valentine’s Day 2012. Submissions can be sent to francescaliablock @ sbcglobal. net (spaces removed).
Anger & Revenge: Creative Nonfiction is seeking new essays about anger and revenge, true tales of frustration and retribution, long-buried memories of outrage and reprisal–or the absence of either. We’re looking for stories that explore the lost art of the thoughtful diatribe, illustrate the beauty of the lyrical barb, invent elaborate secret plots, and generally don’t play well with others.
Essays must be vivid and dramatic; they should combine a strong and compelling narrative with a significant element of research or information, and reach for some universal or deeper meaning in personal experiences. We’re looking for well-written prose, rich with detail and a distinctive voice. Since it’s a contest, there’s a $20 reading fee, and submissions must be postmarked by March 16. For more information, visit
MuseItUp Publishing continues to seek submissions in romance, paranormal, fantasy, mystery, young adult, horror and dark fiction, and sci-fi. The MuseItHOT! imprint is looking for erotica submissions: “whether naughty but nice, naughty and sizzling, or naughty and sizzling HOT (…) We would like to see well-developed stories and characters we can easily connect with. We’ll acquire erotic romance in all subgenres: Contemporary, suspense, paranormal, fantasy, historical, f/f, m/m, ménage (with people please, no animals!!). The publisher accepts stories from 3,000 words and up, but prefers novella lengths ranging from 15,000 to 25,000 words. For more information, visit
SHAPELESS LOVE: Ravenous Romance is hungry for erotic romance stories abound of werefolk… wolves and tigers that are also human, and very, very hungry between the sheets. In SHAPELESS LOVE, we’re seeking new stories of the other shifters: the dragons, the snakes, the birds and the bears, as they deal with their human – and not-so-human – appetites for love and sex.
The publisher would like to see stories between 2,000 to 5,000 words. Ravenous Romance pays $10 up front and a pro-rata share of the royalties. The editor asks for writers to let him know ASAP if you’re interested in submitting. Send your story with the subject line “Shapeless Love – Submission” to Accepting submissions until March 30, 2011. For more information on RR calls, watch
Father’s Day Theme: Fathers need love too! At least Silver Publishing thinks so. Do you have a story where your one main character (M/F or M/M) has a child. What a better way to celebrate Father’s Day but with the present of a new love for a Dad that needs it?
Silver Publishing is looking for quality sensual or erotic romance stories of Dad finding a new love, complete with all the accompanying complications of being Dad. When submitting, please clearly state that you’re submitting for the Father’s Day Submission Call. Word length of 15,001+. Deadline is May 7, 2011. For more information, visit
— Compiled by Louisa Bacio

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