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Writing for Two Publishers

June 23, 2011 by in category Archives tagged as , ,
Available now 

by Charlotte Carter

For a working author it’s often a good idea to write for two different publishers. In my case I write for Guideposts Books and Love Inspired Romance. That gives me an opportunity to write more books and earn more money per year than I might with one publisher, which is generally a good thing.
Here comes the ‘but’ —
Apparently there is some universal rule that when you’re writing for two different publishers, the two editors (who probably don’t even know each other) conspire to request revisions the same week. That’s right. All at once you’ve got two revision letters and week to revise two books. Ack!
To compound the problem, the two editors are now on the same schedule to send you the copy edited version of their respective manuscripts a couple of weeks later.
By the time you finish that double process, it’s a miracle if you haven’t accidently slipped Daniel, the hero from book A, into book B as the local pharmacist.
This phenomena closely resembles my husband’s frequent complaint that every time he starts to back the car out of the driveway, an entire parade of cars arrive to thwart his efforts.
I like writing cozy mystery continuities for Guideposts Books. (Watch for a new Secrets of Mary’s Bookshop series coming out in early 2012; I’m writing book #3, Reading the Clues.)
Writing for Love Inspired Romance gives me a chance to tell my own stories, and that’s important to me. (Big Sky Family is a November 2011 release.)
Now, if I could just manage to keep the editors on alternate schedules, I’d be all set.
Happy writing—
  books that leave you smiling 
 Big Sky Reunion, Love Inspired, available now
 Big Sky Family,  Love Inspired, 11/2011
 New Beginnings,  Guideposts Books, 9/2011
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July Contest Deadlines

June 20, 2011 by in category Archives tagged as

Updated and all sites tested…Compiled by Donna Caubarreaux….May be forwarded with credits.

EA = Electronic Format Available
EA/Non US = Electronic for Foreign Entries
EO = Electronic Only
MO = Members Only
U = Unpublished
P = Published
P/3 = Not published in three years
Pnr = Published, but not by RWA standards
PC = Not published in category selected


Put Your Heart In A Book
New Jersey Romance Writers
Deadline received Midnight July 1, 2011
Synopsis and First Chapter not to exceed thirty pages.

Dixie Kane Memorial Contest
South Louisiana Chapter of RWA
Deadline: July 15, 2011
First five pages plus one page single-spaced synopsis.

Heartbeat Romance Writing Contest (U – P)
Heart of Louisiana
Deadline: Snail Mail or Email – July 15, 2011
Query letter and first five pages

Heart of the West Contest
Utah RWA Chapter
EO Deadline: July 15, 2011
First twenty pages.

Indiana Golden Opportunity Contest
Indiana RWA
Received by July 15, 2011 – EO
Beginning and synopsis not to exceed thirty-five pages.


Four Seasons Contest
Windy City RWA Chapter
Deadline: August 1, 2011
Info not detailed on website

Golden Rose Contest (EO – U – P/3 – PNR)
Rose City Romance Writers
Deadline: August 1, 2011 – Midnight PST
Up to fifty pages max.

Where the Magic Begins Contest (EO – U – P/3)
Romance Writers Ink
Deadline: August 1, 2011
Entry consists of the first 25 pages of manuscript and a one-page single-spaced synopsis (unjudged).

Golden Pen Contest (EO)
Golden Network Chapter
Received by August 15, 2011
Entry shall include a synopsis (not to exceed ten pages) plus the first consecutive pages of the manuscript in one document, together totaling not more than fifty-five pages.

Laurel Wreath Contest (P)
Volusia County Romance Writers
Received no later than August 31, 2011
Copyright of 2010

Show Me the Spark!
Heartland Romance Writers
Deadline: August 31, 2011
Information is not on website as yet.


Reveal Your Inner Vixen
Maryland Romance Writers
Received by September 1, 2011
Up to 20 pages of any scene that showcases your use of sensual tension, plus an unjudged 1-page set-up (optional).


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Donna Caubarreaux is a member of Coeur de Louisiane, Scriptscene Chapter, NOLA Stars, Heart of Louisiana, and EPIC. She received a RWA Service Award in 1997

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Wordwide Book Launch Party for James Rollins’

June 17, 2011 by in category Archives tagged as , , , , , , , ,

by Jenny Hansen

Between now and next Tuesday, the Man of The Week over on my blog is James Rollins. Yesterday, we talked about the Worldwide Book Release Party for James’ new book, The Devil Colony.

Then, last night, my critique partners and I had a little pre-party getting ready for the launch over at Writers In The Storm later today.

In order to really play hard on The Devil’s Playground over at More Cowbell, you need ALL the details!

  • The theme for this party is Devil: devil-mania, Devil Dogs, Devil-ish. You name it, if it’s got Devil in it (in a good way) we want to know about it.
  • How do I tell people about my devilish delights, you might ask….Come party on Twitter at #DevilColony. Go set up your TweetDeck column right now! It’s fine, I’ll hold on. *whistling*
  • OK, now that you’re set up to follow the #DevilColony stream, it’s time to plan the party snacks for Tuesday’s launch.
    We’re gonna be at it for 24 hours, so you’ll want to lay in some supplies. Deviled eggs, Devil Dogs, deviled ham… On second thought, deviled ham is a little gross. Just have enough of your favorite munchies on hand to stay close to your computer…you never know who might pop in.
  • Oh, you have to work?What, you could play hooky for the #RoyalWedding and not for James’ #DevilColony Launch? Where’s the LOVE???
  • What are we gonna do at #DevilColony?
    Have a blast, of course! Socialize, hang out with James, our favorite tweeps and all the literary luminaries who happen to stop in. You know, the best-selling authors, agents, editors who want to visit with James (and gush about the book). Forget your other Tuesday plans — #DevilColony on Twitter is the social event to be seen at!
  • What else is happening on #DevilColony besides “hanging out?”Prizes! Not only are you there to meet, greet and Follow, you are encouraged to upload pictures of your party in progress. People will randomly be chosen for prizes, but the MOST CREATIVE pictures will make their way to a Wall of Fame over on James’ site, and can also win the big Mystery Prize.

Where else is the party breaking out today??

And of course, it’s all James, all the time over at my site, More Cowbell. 🙂

I’m thinking a picture of my Little Devil will be in order…something with her Elmo chair, since it’s red…. Hmmm, I DEFINITELY want to be on that wall!

What about you? Are you a James Rollins’ fan? Do you plan to come play with the rest of us on #DevilColony?

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June 13, 2011 by in category Archives tagged as ,

by Bobbie Cimo

Back in the day, long before the word terrorist became part of our everyday vocabulary, and the term stalker was only used in jest, because you wanted to see someone famous up close, things were a lot safer and a heck of a lot simpler.

In the early years, when I first started at CBS, there were no identification badges, no guard houses, except for the rear guard shack, and definitely no surveillance cameras. And instead of a security guard inside the main entrance, you’d be greeted by a receptionist. She would question you, only if you looked like you were lost, or if you needed to be announced to the person that you were there to see. In which case she would happily make a call for you. But if you just walked past her desk, the most you would get would be a welcoming smile. The trick to getting inside CBS back then, was just to pretend you belonged and act like you knew where you were going. But like everything else in this world, things have changed.

Today, all employees must wear a picture ID badge. You can only gain entry into the building, either by using your badge that has a built-in sensor to unlock doors, or to go through an entrance that is manned by a guard from an outside security company. Even then you’ll be asked to display your badge. Once the guard is satisfied you’re okay, he unlocks the doors, using the controls under his desk. We call it being buzzed in. But even before you can drive on the lot, you must use your ID badge to open the guard gate or else have someone working for the company give you clearance. As far as surveillance cameras, they’re now all over the place.

If a family member or friend wanted to visit you at CBS in order to catch a peek of their favorite celebrity and get an autograph or two, you didn’t need permission to bring them in the studio. If anything, you could get them through with a hand printed paper pass pinned to their lapel. But for most instances you didn’t even need that. When I did bring someone in the studio, the only instructions I gave them was, “Act like you belong and be careful where you walk.” You never wanted production to be stopped because your mother walked in front of a camera during taping. How embarrassing would that be? But putting a visitor on set, was like putting a baby in a stroller. It kept them entertained and out of trouble for the entire day.

As for myself, there’s only been a handful of times when I’ve either been asked not to go on a stage or to leave the studio. Once was while they were doing a revision of the old “Playhouse 90” TV show. A play called “The Lie”. The stage manager stopped me just as I was about to open the door, and said, “Honey, you don’t want to go in there.” “Yes, I do,” I answered. He said, “No, you don’t…they’re shooting a nude scene.” He was right, I didn’t want to go in, and I didn’t. By the way, it was okay to call someone honey, back then, too.

Another time I found out that John Lennon and Yoko were going to be doing an interview on Stage 43. And even though the sign said “Close Set-Stage Crew Only,” silly me thought, that certainly can’t applied to me. (Side note: I was working in the credit union at the time and had nothing to do with production.)

Sitting in the audience of the close set, I sat eying John and Yoko as they prepared themselves for their upcoming interview. When a stagehand asked me what was I doing there, I panicked and I blurted out the first name I could think of. I said, “I’m looking for Ben Hill.” Ben was a director of news. Little did I know this helpful stage tech would buy into my lie and go tell Ben that I was there. But as soon as he saw me, it was obvious to Ben what I was really there for. He nodded, greeted me by simply saying my name and then turned away and headed back towards the director’s booth. Neither one of us ever mentioned the incident, again.

As far as John and Yoko, to this day I can’t tell you what the interview was about. I was too in awe of being in the presence of one of the Beatles. But I do remember that John was not the same playful character as I had been used to seeing when he was part of the Beatles. Now he seemed much more serious. And it was unmistakably clear the way he talked to Yoko and included her in conversation that she was regarded as his equal in every aspect of his life-personally and professionally.

Unfortunately, there was one Beatle I wanted to see, but never did, and that was Paul McCartney. However, I did get to see his ex-wife…Heather Mills, when she was coming out of her trailer while doing “Dancing With The Stars” (DWTS is filmed on the CBS lot). She smiled and said hello. That’s as close as I ever came to seeing Sir Paul.

Although, I did get to see Ringo. It was one of the rare days when I threw caution to the wind and instead of packing a healthy lunch, I made myself a peanut butter and banana sandwich. My favorite. And you might be asking, so what does a peanut butter and banana sandwich have to do with Ringo. Nothing really. Except that I thought about that sandwich all morning long…but before eating lunch, I wanted to check out the “Late, Late Show with Craig Kilborn”. This was before Craig Ferguson took it over. It was rumored that Ringo would be rehearsing about the time I was suppose to be eating my lunch. And because Kilborn normally did have great musical guests, I was sure the rumor was true.

I wasn’t crazy about Kilborn’s frat boy humor, but I definitely loved the musical guests that he brought to the show. Where else can you sit and watch Harry Connick playing the piano, while singing some of your favorite songs? I think I fell a little more in love with him when he improvised by added the word “Sug’ar” to the lyrics of one of his songs, singing it in a slow, southern drawl. Besides being cute and witty, he was downright sexy.

Another time, I sat a few feet away from the great Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli, as he powerfully belted out several of his classic hits. It was like having my own personal Bocelli concert. And at the end of each of his songs, his Italian entourage which consisted of about five or six people would yell out “Bravo, bravo…” and you know what, so did I.

So, yes, when I heard Ringo was going to be on Stage 56, I believed it. And apparently, so did about thirty or so other people in the building.

When Ringo arrived on stage, it seemed like it took forever for his band to set up, but once they did, he started to sing right away. No longer wearing the mop-top Beatle hairstyle, his hair was cut short, and he was now sporting a beard. And he was still wearing some bling–a gold earring and those infamous rings on his fingers. Some people get better with age, and I believe he’s one of them. I was also surprised to hear how well he sounded vocalizing, since most of the attention in the heyday of the Beatles was focused on John’s and Paul’s singing.

Just as he was about to begin his second song, there was a technical problem with the lighting, which meant more delays. Finally, everything and everybody was ready to go. And that’s when the stage managers and several of the ushers went around, asking everybody who wasn’t with the show to leave. Again in denial, I couldn’t believe that meant me, too. But it did. According to the stage managers, they were just following the producer’s orders. So reluctantly, I left. Only when I was outside in the hallway did I realized I had left my treasured lunch behind.

It took some effort on my part to convince a stage hand, who I didn’t even know, to go inside and search around the bleachers for my brown paper bag containing my peanut butter and banana sandwich.

Success! Within a matter of moments I was sitting outside on the patio, basking in the sunshine, enjoying my P&B and satisfied that I had managed to see Ringo and got to hear him sing at least one of his songs. Yeah…Yeah…Yeah.

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