Happy February. It’s hard to believe we are 36 days into a new decade. Let’s get started.
Last month I invited you to follow me on my planning journey. One month down and I am in love with planning. Full disclosure, I have not settled on a system, yet. Once I do, I’ll share it with you.
In the past, at this time of the year, I would still be looking for a calendar I liked. I am a huge Kate Spade fan and have been using KS planners for a few years. It’s not to say they aren’t good because they are.
What have I learned from my first month of organized planning? I learned to focus and not beat myself up when I don’t get everything done on my daily to do list.
I’ve been watching a lot of YouTube channels on planning and it’s fascinating. I’m so excited to find channels on writing and planning. I watched another Sarra Cannon video about “Kanban Boards.” I didn’t have a clue what she was talking about. In fact, I thought she was saying something else. But when I watched the video, I knew it was exactly what I needed to help me organize my writing life.
A Kanban Board forces you to focus on a few goals and all the tasks required to complete them. To be specific, here’s the Wikipedia definition: A Kanban board is one of the tools that can be used to implement Kanban to manage work at a personal or organizational level.
The way Sarra set hers up was on a board into three months. I like the idea of focusing on three goals. Here are my three: 1] Publish and promote both new and backlist titles to increase average income; 2] Increase fan engagement across social media, blog, BookBub, Amazon and newsletter 10%, 15%, 30% and 3] Complete Unexpected Love #2 and start a KDP Select book. [For privacy reasons, I didn’t disclose the financial aspects of the first goal.]
The goals and their tasks are broken down by 30, 60 and 90 days. My head went into a tailspin and I immediately understood why Sarra suggested limiting the goals to three or maybe two. I chose three. If you’re inclined, you can also add a personal goal. Each month has a different color to help keep things in order. If you’re interested, check out her video [https://heartbreathings.com/how-to-achieve-your-goals-when-youre-busy/].
How did I do the first 30 days? I missed the mark on a few things. Seeing all of the tasks on a board made me face my new work reality. I sort of mixed up my stickie notes…something I’ll correct in the next quarter. This first thirty days, I planned to rebrand a series. I made a set of covers late last year, but when I went back to them, I started having second thoughts and made another set. I’m not satisfied with the new set and will start on another set this month. This indecisiveness, has caused all the tasks attached to that series, to be pushed back. A few of the other tasks for January which I’m carrying over include some minor admin things.
This new plan allowed me to write again. I hadn’t written much the last quarter. I signed up for NANO, but didn’t complete the book. I would like to blame it on the business of life, but after NANO finished, I realized it wasn’t time to complete that book. If I’d stayed with it, it would have meant I wouldn’t get a book out until summer and I felt that was too long of a gap between releases. My last release was in October.
Instead, on January 13th, I know this because I wrote it in my planner, I went back to working on The Good Girl Trois [I had written 2653 words and put it aside]. I made it a point to be consistent. I set a daily goal of 1000 words per day. That first week was hard. There were a few days where I barely wrote 500+ words. And days when I did 2000+. As of today, I made my goal for January, 15,000. My new goal is to complete this book by the end of February. I’m not pressuring myself, but if I stay on track, I’ll make it.
My social media has been up and down, but that’s my fault. I have a plan, which I need to implement.
This year, I really want to put all of the things I’ve learned from courses and conferences into play and develop a marketing plan that’s right for me. This could mean limiting conference attendance and author signings. My goal this year is to publish four books and build up my readership. I hear you saying, “Author events will help with readership.” That is true, but I really want to advance and or complete two of my series.
The biggest lesson I’ve learned so far, is planning is no joke. I also see why, planner girls start working on their plans in October. I don’t like playing catch up, but I am a lot further along this year than I have been in the past. I’m excited to see how I do this month.
See you next month.
0 0 Read moreBefore I get into my post, I have to apologize for not posting last month. I completely forgot. I took a much-needed break and my mind was elsewhere. I think it must have been the 111 degree temperature I was sitting in. Here’s the funny part, I took my iPad and laptop on holiday with the intention of writing. I figured, with the few days away from everything, I’d write a novella. That never happened. I take that back. I did write a couple of pages, but can’t find them. No biggie. I had started this book a while back, but couldn’t find it. When I returned home, I dug deep into my hard drive and found the original pages. I was able to recall some of what I’d written on holiday and included it in the new book.
Now to this month’s post.
I mentioned in my last post that I was working on my upcoming release, A Southern Gentleman Vol 2. I was going to hire a publicist to help with the release, but changed my mind. I’m not saying I’ll never use a publicist, but right now isn’t the time. I paid a lot of money on a course to teach me to market my books and I need to make sure I’ve given it a fair chance to work. I tried the techniques twice. Once with some success and the second with very little success. I need to make sure I can do this before I can tell someone what I want them to do.
So, what’s my plan. PRAY. Smile. Okay, I need to do a little more. I’ve learned a lot about marketing since I released my first book five years ago. My very first release, consisted of me accidentally pushing the Publish Button and hoping. I didn’t know about Facebook or newsletter ads. I did book a blog tour, which earned me a few reviews, but few sales. I decided to go wide, so I burned or used a lot of ISBNs because I thought you needed one for every platform. I sold quite a few print copies to family and friends. Unfortunately, those are one-time sales, which I’m grateful. However, I need and want fans, avid readers and followers of my stories.
I have a plan. Now I sound like a politician. SMILE.
I am going to take what I learned in the course, plus what I’ve learned from the various Facebook groups, blog posts and authors I’ve met and formulate a strategy. Will it be my road map from here on out? Maybe, maybe not. Every book is different and what works for one book, may not work for another. Now I should a little confused. Let me clarify. I’m building a basic plan which I will tweak with each release as needed.
Here we go. I’ve given myself approximately 30 days in the Pre-Order period. During this time, I’ll send the book out to my ARC Readers and people in my various groups to read and post reviews on release day. Next, Take Overs. I’ve been doing a few of these for other authors with pretty good results. So now it’s my turn. ADS. I’ve made a list of sites and a posting schedule. Not only do I need ads for release day, I need them for afterwards as well. I’m considering doing ads prior to the release day for A Southern Gentleman Vol 1 in order to draw attention the duet with new readers.
Where it gets a little tricky is Facebook. FB ads can be tricky, so I’m going to start testing graphics a couple of weeks prior to release. I know I’m going to do BookBub Ads, I would love to do a feature ad, but I think I waited too late to apply for one. I am going to try for a paid new release ad, but it might be a little late for that one as well.
All of that will be moot if I don’t do one thing…select a cover. I hear you cringing now, but let me explain. I had a cover, then I went into rebranding mode and it didn’t work. I have two covers and have done a soft test. Before I commit to a cover, I need to do a little more testing. So far, the one I like is winning. However, I don’t need the cover to do pre-marketing, although it would help, a lot. Right now, I’m as busy as a one-legged man in an ass kicking contest. [That statement reminds me of one of the characters in A Southern Gentleman Vol 2]. But it’s the truth. There’s quite a bit to do prior to release. Grant it, I could do nothing or the minimum and see what happens, but I want to make this my best release to date.
So here’s the plan:
I almost forgot. I have a new release date, October 8th, which means I have a few days before the plan goes into play.
I’ll update you next month.
Happy end of summer. Tracy.
0 0 Read moreOMG! I almost forgot I needed to post. I was watching the Hallmark Channel and recouping from Fourth of July eating.
Before I start with this month’s topic, I want to share something with you that will be revealed in the next few days. If you’re in my facebook group, Tracy’s Reeders, then you’ve seen the revised cover for A Southern Gentleman Vol One. I love it and the test results were very favorable. I’m excited to see how it performs.
The new cover is bold, sexy and tells a different story. I was about to upload the cover and decided to change the blurb. The original blurb just didn’t work. This entire rebranding process is sort of like that stray thread you try to pull, but it unravels and causes more anxiety. I’m patient because I know this is all going to work out.
I pushed the release date back a month because I want to hire a publicist to help with the launch. She needs three weeks of prep and I just finished cleaning up the final draft.
So here’s the cover:
Earlier this year, Skye Warren posted the Romance Author Roadmap on RWA earlier this year. When I finished reading it, I had a plan for the year. In creating the plan, I discovered, I had left a lot of money on the table in the form of boxsets.
I have one boxset, which is compilation of novellas centering around romance at different stages. It never occurred to me to create boxsets within my series. I started doing a little research and found quite a few authors had created boxsets out of some of their series. By that I mean, combining the first two or three books in a series.
When I finished, going through my books, I came up with four boxsets.
Falling For Her Boss: The Good Girl Part One and Part Two
Loving Her: What MY Friends Need To Know and Love Notes
Real Love : Generational Curse and Intentional Curse
Secret Love: Girlfriends & Secrets and What My Friends Don’t Know
I think this new packaging will appeal to readers not connecting with the original titles. I’m very curious and excited to see how this works. I’m still working on the pricing. I have to be careful not to overcharge and work within the pricing allowed by Amazon.
I’m also not sure if I should release the boxsets all at once or one at a time. I do know initially they will only be in ebook format with print only available on my site, eventually.
Time will tell how these are received.
See you next month.
0 0 Read moreI hope you are enjoying the last days of spring and are excited about summer. I love both. I’m a little reticent in my excitement, because I am so behind. As I have mentioned in previous posts. I had no idea this rebrand would take so long.
I am finally about to release a new book, the first since first quarter of 2018. The book I’m about to release, A SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN Vol Two [ASGV2], I finished in summer of 2018. I received it from my editor late September or early October. I don’t remember exactly when. I elected not to release it until after I returned from the RAM conference. I knew I’d learn some things I could use, but still release the book at my projected time of December 2018. This would have been the anniversary of volume one in the series. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen, because underestimate of the rebrand.
I thought the rebrand would be simple. I’d change a few things on the website, hold the new covers until 2019 and update the cover on volume one. All of which I thought wouldn’t still allow me to stick to my scheduled release date. That didn’t happen.
I could have released the book without the rebranding being complete, but I decided not to. Looking back, I think I made the right choice. I went through several covers for ASGV1. I knew changing that cover was going to set the tone for volume two. What I didn’t count on was a change in the story.
I like writing cliff hangers. However, some of my readers don’t. ASGV2, had a cliffhanger. I liked it. In fact, I thought it was a good way to sell books, but not in all cases. FOR ME, I think it works when the next book is ready. In my case, I knew the next book, was going to be at least eight to ten months out. I was in a Facebook seminar and had the chance to ask a bestselling author her thoughts on cliffhangers. She was not a fan and said most readers aren’t either. She said readers want a HEA. I was a little dejected.
What convinced me was my manicurist. She asked how the book was coming and we got into a discussion about cliffhangers. She told me she didn’t like them and most readers don’t unless the next book is available. I was deflated. Not satisfied with those answers, I did more research and was surprised how many agreed with them.
I went back to my book, deleted the cliffhanger and all the things associated with it. When I finished, I was left with a few wholes that needed to be filled. I really thought it would have been a piece of cake. Instead, it was almost a rewrite. When I finished, I had deleted A LOT, added two characters, revealed more of my protagonist personality and added approximately 5000 words. There is a cliffhanger, sort of with another character. She has a secret, but if I choose to give her a story, I have something to work with.
Now that I’ve finished, I’m having second thoughts about the proposed cover. It doesn’t feel right. It’s missing something. So it’s back to looking at hundreds of shirtless men. I guess I have to take one for the team. [Smile]
So what did I learn from this step in my rebranding process? Don’t get attached to your story or cover. I liked the ending and the cover I selected for ASGV2. However, after making a few changes to the story, I like it better. I haven’t selected a new cover yet, but I’m sure it will be more reflective of the story.
Target release day for A SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN Vol Two, July 30th. I’ll keep you posted.
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It’s hard to believe we are five days into the second quarter. I don’t know about you, but the first quarter didn’t quite go as I planned. However, I think if I didn’t have a production schedule and new daily agenda, I would not be as far along as I am in my rebranding journey.
Yes, I missed the deadline I set to release my book, but I had a very good reason. I didn’t like the ending. Let me back up. I like my book. I even feel secure in saying I love the story. However, in the back of my mind it felt like there was something missing. I sent it to a beta reader and she loved it. It’s one thing for a reader to say they like or even love your work. But if you get that gnawing feeling, then you need to address it.
The other reason I changed the ending, was because I asked an established romance writer and a reader how they felt about cliffhangers. Both had the same answer, “Don’t like them.” I’ve been called out via review by readers not liking my cliffhangers. One of them was my cousin. I didn’t know she was reading my books until she’d read quite a few and posted her dislike of the cliffhanger.
I thought using a cliffhanger at the end of a book was a clever marketing tool to get the reader to buy the next book. Apparently, I missed the mark and pissed off a few readers.
So on the eve or a few weeks before sharing my book, I decided to make a pretty drastic decision to re-write the ending.
I had written what I thought was a nice little cliff hanger, but even I had to admit it was lacking something. know what’s going to happen in the next book and wrote the end based on that. But I forgot, the reader isn’t in my head. Those words and plots are all mine.
Now I’m starting out the second quarter with a minor re-write. If I don’t call it major, it won’t overwhelm me. I think the ending is better and still sets up another book if I choose to continue with these characters or pick another pair from the story.
Let’s do a quick recap.
First quarter goals:
Release updated covers…6 out of 7 released [Cover seven ties into the new website and my upcoming release.]
Update website….Tweaking…launching this month
Update newsletter…Done
Bonus goals…format ebook interiors with paired down back matter [I sort of over did it on the excerpts.}
I also reformatted the ebook lay out pushing the acknowledgements, dedication and a few other things to the back. This gives the reader more story to sample.]
New Tagline and color theme
Graphics for new book…done
Did you make your goals last quarter? If not, ask yourself why and what can you do to complete them this quarter.
Next month, I’ll share the new website. It’s different, but very me.
To everyone attending Cal Dreamin’ enjoy this time hanging with your friends. I hope you get everything out of it you were hoping for.
See you next month.
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Only an unfair universe makes a guy who’s that gorgeous so damned obnoxious.
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A Slice of Orange is an affiliate with some of the booksellers listed on this website, including Barnes & Nobel, Books A Million, iBooks, Kobo, and Smashwords. This means A Slice of Orange may earn a small advertising fee from sales made through the links used on this website. There are reminders of these affiliate links on the pages for individual books.
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