Do writers ever go on vacation? Physically, sure. Mentally? Probably not.
I certainly don’t. I recently was on a family trip to Cancun. I brought my small computer along but didn’t take the time to get on it much.
But I certainly took mental note of the warm Mexican environment—both weather-wise and the warmth of the staff at the resort where we stayed.
I also observed the environment—the large buildings comprising the hotel, the blue sky, the even bluer part of the water beyond the beach where tourists could swim, as well as the multiple swimming pools for guests.
I enjoyed the entertainment the resort provided, some outside every evening, with different kinds of shows that suggested follow-up ideas. I even saw some animals, some in good environments where they were being rescued, and others in situations that made me concerned.
Was I inspired to write something about that vacation, the location, my experiences? Oh, yes, but I’m busy enough that I’m not sure when or if I’ll actually be able to use it.
And you writers who are reading this. Have you taken trips, gone on vacations, visited other environments that do inspire you to write? Have some of those trips been specifically for research for whatever you are writing?
Have they been to locations not far from you, or to other countries—nearby ones, or on the other side of the world? Everywhere can be fun to visit.
Anywhere can be inspirational.
By the way, this subject is so vital to me that I’m incorporating it into the three blogs I’m posting on the same day this month. I’m addressing it somewhat differently, but it’s definitely on my mind. Along with my writing.
I’m writing. I’m always writing, and I’m committed to write several more books that I’m working on, both mystery and romantic suspense, which is a good thing.
Even so, my mind is always churning around new ideas. Yours too? If you’re an author, that’s undoubtedly the case.
So what are some of my oddest inspirations these days? Well, for one thing, someone was attacked on my very nice residential street recently. I learned a little of what it was about, thanks to neighbors and others, and looked it up on the internet. The information wasn’t complete, but it did get my mind considering what I could do to fix that in a fictional story. But not yet.
Then there’s a neighbor who has an affiliation with the Ukraine. No, though I feel highly sympathetic and concerned about the Ukranian people, I don’t think I want to write about that. But still—I’m a writer, so my mind churns about that too.
I’ve already mentioned how I’ve wondered about writing something including the pandemic—or not. Yes, in a way that could also be an inspiration.
Inspirations that are fun instead? Well, we’re awaiting a new puppy to be a companion to our dog Cari. We lost her former companion Mystie last year. Not sure how Cari will feel about not being an only dog again when the time comes—and my mind churns about writing something in anticipation.
Then there was the fact that we were babysitting our grandsons recently in Indiana, in the snow—leaving warm California behind. Delightful to be with them, and even dealing with the snow. Is there a story in that?
How about you? What in your life or neighborhood inspires you to write? Anything? Everything?
Linda O. Johnston
Yes, we’re now more than a month into a new year.
Did you finish 2021 the way you wanted?
Have you begun 2022 in a way that you’re happy looking into the future?
How is your writing going?
I can answer those questions positively. I’ve been busy with my writing, working on several Harlequin Romantic Suspense books at a time, with deadlines ranging into 2024. I’ll have two HRS books published this year, including GUARDIAN K-9 ON CALL, one of my Shelter of Secrets series, plus SHIELDING COLTON’S WITNESS, one in the Coltons of Colorado series, part of the long-running HRS Colton books.
Also, my first Alaska Untamed mystery, BEAR WITNESS, will be published by Crooked Lane, only you won’t necessarily know it’s mine, since I’m using my first pseudonym, Lark O. Jensen.
Plus, I’m spending time with family and doing some traveling despite the continuation of Covid concerns. I’m of course being careful.
And you? I certainly hope all is going the way you want, and it continues!
Yes, it’s December, the last month of the year. Where did the rest of the year go?
Have any of you started looking back? It’s early in December, yes, but it won’t be long before the new year starts.
What have you worked on this year? What have you accomplished? What haven’t you finished that you want to work on next year?
If you’re a writer, did you write what you set out to do? Did you come up with new ideas, and if so did you accomplish them, or at least start them?
If you’re a reader, did you read all the books you intended? Did you learn about new books or new authors you’d like to read, and if so have you read any of them?
In the rest of your life, did you have fun with family? Do you have more plans for the holiday season? Any ideas about next year?
Me? Well, I haven’t finished all I intended, but it’s been a good year for me. I had two new books published and have more to come in the next few years, some of which I’ve started writing and others I completed and am just waiting till their publication dates. I have a manuscript almost ready to send, and another one in which I’m part way through the first draft.
I had a good year in things besides writing. I saw family, had a fun Thanksgiving, made plans for some trips next year, and had fun with my husband and dog. We also lost one of our dogs, which is always so sad, but she was having health issues.
Next year? Well, I’ve started to consider it. How about you?
Can I catch up with the months I haven’t posted here? Probably not. But I missed it—and hope you missed me!
In any case, I’ve been busy. With writing? Sure! And I still write in multiple genres, although that’s changed a little. But romantic suspense and mystery? Oh, yes.
As always, I keep on plotting. I’ve had two new books out this year, both for Harlequin Romantic Suspense. In August came Her Undercover Refuge, the first HRS book in my new Shelter of Secrets series. And yes, it includes dogs.
The Shelter of Secrets series is a spin-off from my K-9 Ranch Rescue series, since both take place in the fictional town of Chance, California. And I just received copies of a new edition of what had been the second in the K-9 Ranch Rescue series, Trained to Protect. Why is there a new edition? Harlequin is republishing some books that have dogs on the cover!
Then came Uncovering Colton’s Family Secret, the tenth in the Coltons of Grave Gulch series, which was published this month. No dogs, but I really enjoy all the intrigue and romance the wide-reaching Colton family gets into.
What’s next? Well, in May 2022 my next mystery, Bear Witness, an Alaska Untamed Mystery, will be published by Crooked Lane . . . under a pseudonym. I’ll be Lark O. Jensen then. It does include a dog as well as Alaskan wildlife, including—what else?—bears!
Also in May comes my next Shelter of Secrets romantic suspense story, Guardian K-9 On Call. Yes, a K-9 is involved.
I’ve been reading a lot, too. And I want to mention here one of the books I most recently read and really enjoyed, the first in Diane Kelly’s new cozy mystery series that starts this month: Getaway with Murder, from the Mountain Lodge Mysteries. You won’t be surprised that I’d already loved Diane’s work, especially her Paw Enforcement series, because it involved . . . what else? Dogs! And this new series is also really enjoyable, revolving around a mountain lodge that has just been taken over by the protagonist who’s gotten it refurbished and turned into a delightful place for people to visit, including special groups like yoga retreats. But who thought murders would occur there? Well, readers of Diane’s work, maybe…! A really entertaining read. And it features a cat… and includes a dog.
Do you get the impression I’m obsessed with dogs? Could be… I’m particularly obsessed with Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and always love it when my Cavalier Cari hangs out with me when I’m writing, or lies on my lap when I’m watching TV. We recently lost her big sister, Mystie, and I’ve started looking for a Cavalier puppy, so Cari will have canine company again.
So—how about you? Do you like to read, or write, or both, in multiple genres?
Do you like dogs?
Do you like A Slice of Orange? Must be, since you’re here. I certainly enjoy it, and appreciate the ability to blog at you!
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A touch of witchcraft around every corner.
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