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Writer on the Verge

December 18, 2008 by in category Writer on the Verge by Kate Carlisle tagged as ,
By Kate

I’m so worried about the economy!! Because, you know, who will buy my book if nobody has any money??? And I’m really nervous about all the bookstores closing! And what about Christmas? Should I spend any money?? How can I find the right present for my smart nephew? I’m not that smart!! And what about my mom? She’s such a pain in the—


AHEM! We interrupt this angsty blog …

and those economic woes …

and all those scary headlines …

and the deadline frenzy …

and the annoying hangover left over from the boring office party you were forced to attend …

and the soul-sucking insanity of scouring the earth for every last good place to promote your book …

and the perfectly reasonable fear of never selling another book, never, ever again in your entire life …

and the head-scratching confusion of finding the perfect gift for that way-too-intelligent fourteen-year-old on your list …

and the irrational need to spend more, more, more, just in case it’s not enough, because let’s face it, it will never be enough …

and the absolute knowledge that time will run out at the precise moment you remember something essential you forgot to buy …

We interrupt all that stuff …

… in order to take a deep breath … and wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas, a Happy Hanukkah, a delightful Kwanzaa, and a wonderful New Year!

And may 2009 bring you all the joy and happiness and health and book sales and promotional opportunities you can handle—and a soupcon more!

Kate Carlisle’s first mystery, Homicide in Hardcover, debuts February 3, 2009.

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The Write Way……….

December 17, 2008 by in category The Write Way by Maureen Child tagged as ,

So it’s Christmas time again–and where did the year go??
I’ve spent most of this year, head down, eyes on the screen, fingers tapping wildly. But now that Christmas is here, I’m slowing down, despite the deadline looming.
You know what? It’s important to step back. To give yourself time and permission to simply BE. To enjoy the holidays, no matter which one you’re celebrating.
To hug your family, to bake cookies, to play with your kids, to snuggle on the couch.
Yes, work is important and that’s why we’re all here, members of this chapter, because we love books. And writing. And I do believe I have the best job in the world.
But at the end of the day……..LIFE comes first. Don’t forget to enjoy yours!
Merry Christmas! And to those of you celebrating other, just as special holidays this year, I wish you joy, love and most of all, I wish us all peace.

Maureen Child is the award winning author of more than 100 romance novels…….And today, she’s baking Christmas cookies……..
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The Shopping Gene

December 15, 2008 by in category Java Plots by marianne h donley tagged as ,

By Marianne Donley

I don’t have The Shopping Gene.

I hate shopping.


I would rather iron wrinkled cotton pleated skirts.

I would rather have a tooth pulled without drugs.

All right. All right.

I would rather clean bathrooms than go shopping. Considering I live with men who think “close” counts in other things beside horseshoes and grenades, two toddlers who LOVE unrolling and splashing, and a dog who thinks bathroom rugs are alive and must stalked and then shaken bald for the safety of the family and good of all mankind, that’s saying a lot.

I know this is a character flaw because when I confessed to my Great-Aunt Alice she gasped, loud. Then she took my right hand in both of hers and said, “Marianne, you are not a Hebert.” Which in our family was akin to condemning someone to eternal damnation. In-laws in the Hebert family are “jokingly” referred to as out-laws, and we even made up tee-shirts that said so for the family reunion.

It didn’t escape my notice that this was only considered a female character flaw and not a male one. I can’t remember seeing my dad or one of my three brothers in a store. I’m pretty sure the words, “I’m going shopping.” have never been utter by any of them. None of them were told they weren’t Heberts.

My three sisters however are a different story. They love shopping. They plan shopping excursions with the cunning second only to Hannibal’s army scaling the Alps on the back of elephants. And they bring home spoils of the war. They expect me to admire their prowess at finding the last puce handbag at thirty percent off. They assure me that will go with the sweater they scored last year. I try to be suitably admiring, but I just don’t get it. I have four hand bags, a gold beaded job for wedding and things, a black one for winter, a white one for summer, and a red tote that the Alpha Smart will fit into for conference. I can’t imagine wanting a puce one, or using it either.

Occasionally they will invite me to go alone on their shopping safaris. It took me a while to realize that the occasions always coincided with Christmas and packed parking lots.

Not to brag or anything, but I excel at Competitive Parking. I honed my skills as a undergraduate at Cal Poly, where the administration sold a billion (more or less) parking passes for each and every marked parking space. If some little blonde coed communication major, with a belly button ring, a red Mazda Miata, and a giant boyfriend to carry her one paperback text book thought she was getting MY parking space when I had a thirty pound calculus book, a forty pound chemistry book and the entire works of Shakespear and ten seconds to get to class –well all I can say is HA! I can still spot a car backing out of a space close to the front of a building 8.3 miles away. I will get there first.

But once I parked the car for them, I was quickly abandoned at the nearest Nordstrom’s with a cup of coffee, a thick paperback and the instructions not to wander too close to the shoe section, because everyone knows buy shoes is NOT really shopping and my closet is sort of full. (Okay, so the sentence, “You can’t buy another pair of shoes unless you throw out a pair first.” has been spoken a time or two at my house. I just think the person saying that should fork over his closet as well because those three pairs of shoes and the flip-flops he owns are lonely.)

My sisters even buy their own gas. I can’t figure out why they don’t have gas fairies living at their houses, but they don’t. It’s sad. Gas fairies are pretty handy. When I need gas I just sort of casually mention it during dinner. Then the next morning “magic” my car has a full tank of gas. The gas fairy sometime grouses about the fact the tank was a third full when this conversation usually takes place. Excuse me, a third full is the same as saying two-thirds empty which means that tank is more empty than it is full.

None of my children inherited the shopping gene. My daughter, Steph, didn’t carry a handbag until she was twenty-five. She even pales at the mention of new shoes. She borrowed my car one time but immediately brought it back because it was making this weird pinging noise. The gas fairy had to explain it was the car signaling it need gas. (Who knew?)

But her daughter, Maddie, who is only two years old, loves shopping.

Steph, Maddie and I do video conferences a few times a week. When I ask Maddie what she’s going to do that day, she always makes her eyes go wide and squeals, “Shopping.”

Then she runs around in circles clapping her hands.

It’s a little scary.

Steph looks at Maddie running in circles and says, “That is NOT my fault.”

Mine either.

But we know who to blame.

Maddie got more than her big blue eyes from the gas fairy.

Marianne Donley writes quirky murder mysteries fueled by her life as a mom and a teacher. She makes her home in Pennsylvania with her supportive husband Dennis and two loveable but bad dogs. Her grown children have respectfully asked her to use a pen name which she declined on the grounds that even if some of their more colorful misdeeds make it into her plots, who would know the books are fiction. Besides they weren’t exactly worried about publicly humiliating her while growing up.

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Writing Through the Holidays

December 6, 2008 by in category Pets, Romance & Lots of Suspense by Linda O. Johnston, Writing tagged as , ,

by Linda O. Johnston

Where will you be during this holiday season? What will you be doing?

I’ll be writing. Why? Well, it’s what I do. Plus, I have two different deadlines in January. Yes, I’m a glutton for punishment, and I also find it fun to change voices at different times of the day.

I’m also going away for a week to be with extended family. Thank heavens for laptop computers! Plus, I hope to have enough done to be able to hide in a corner and nod my head at conversations now and then as I edit.

I wish all of you an excellent holiday season, full of happiness and warmth with family… and, yes, also full of writing!

Linda O. Johnston is the author of 14 romance novels as well as the Kendra Ballantyne, Pet-Sitter mystery series from Berkley Prime Crime–and has 3 Silhouette Nocturnes and a Nocturne Bites upcoming!

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A Fantasy Life

November 27, 2008 by in category A Fantasy Life by Janet Cornelow tagged as ,

By Janet Quinn Cornelow

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I hope all of you are enjoying the day with family and/or friends. This year my household is up to seven. My sister, my daughter-in-law and my youngest son’s girlfriend will be joining my sons and I. I get to cook the turkey. The two youngest cook most of the rest. I have been having holidays at my house forever and do not see someone else taking over, ever.

The picture is from my Augeas short story series. This one is titled “Berry Cake” and is part of Whiskey Shots Vol. 19 from Whiskey Creek Press. I have a new artist, so the pictures are a little different. In this picture, Lord Culain is asking the mouse for berry cake. As with all artists, she took some liberties because there wasn’t a mouse in the story, but Lord Culain did ask often for berry cake.

There has been no fantasy in my life lately. I suffered burnout judging the EPPIEs. It all seemed too much to do in such a short time with everything else in life. I laid on the couch weekend after weekend until I didn’t think I could read another word. In fact, I have hardly read anything since I finished the seven books. Reading for a contest is just not the same as reading for fun. The fact that you can’t stop because you aren’t going to get done in time, seems to make it into an ordeal. Especially when you have to read books you would never pick to read yourself. I did discover one new author that I will find her other books. As Linda Mac said, “Thank goodness for cable TV.” Now I find myself laying on the couch watching TV. It takes so little effort.

After Thanksgiving is over, I will have to force myself back into the chair and into the writing. Poor Sam is still in bed with Jubilee, though I haven’t heard any complaints from them.

Art work by Loki –

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